Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C900 future müller

C900 future müller

4Yang Feng looked at the falling golden lotuses that were formed from the golden light of Heaven's Path Merit Gold and felt that it was somewhat inconceivable. He looked at the golden lotuses that were falling towards him in a daze, unable to understand what was going on. In the previous four times, Yang Feng could still think of a reason, but this time, he did not understand why.    


Even Yang Feng started to suspect if the Heavenly Dao was overeating and had nothing to do, all he had to do was spread the golden light of Merit! But even if it was the Heaven's Path Sending Merit Golden Light, it couldn't just be given to Yang Feng alone! Why didn't the other six The Great Saint exist?!    


Every time he sprinkled the gold light, there would always be a reason behind it. It was just like how, this time, the reason why the heaven sent merit to Yang Feng was because Yang Feng had created the statues of the six The Great Saint s. This allowed the six The Great Saint s to enjoy the incense fire force s of the tens of billions of human citizens on two continents!    


However, by doing so, Yang Feng had eased the conflict between the six The Great Saint s to a large extent, as well as between the six The Great Saint s and Yang Feng. This would make the number of battles between The Great Saint s become fewer and fewer, and it would also reduce the number of conflicts between The Great Saint s, which was a great achievement for the The Great Saint s to reduce the number of struggles!    


It was precisely because of this that the Heaven Dao gave the gold light to Yang Feng, and it was not because the Heaven Dao gave it too much support! Although it was hard for Yang Feng to understand what was happening, facing those golden lotuses that were falling down from the golden light, Yang Feng did not hesitate to absorb them.    


The golden light of the Heaven's Path Merit was the key for Yang Feng to develop his own origin soul, so the more, the better. Therefore, no matter what the reason for the golden light of the Heaven's Path Merit was, Yang Feng would not hesitate to accept it! He sent his consciousness into the void of his brain, anxiously watching the changes on the soul planet.    


A little bit of the Merit Golden Light was absorbed into the soul planet, and Yang Feng's soul planet once again started to beat like a heart, but this time, it was much more violently than last time. The spirit star violently throbbed. Yang Feng urgently hoped that his own primordial spirit could be born as soon as possible!    


However, what still made Yang Feng somewhat regretful was that although Yang Feng's spirit planet's beating more and more violently, in the end, it was still unable to develop its primordial spirit. Although it was a pity, Yang Feng believed that as long as he continued to absorb the incense fire force, his own primordial spirit would be born soon.    


As he looked at the gradually calming spirit star, Yang Feng withdrew his mind and slowly opened his eyes. Looking at the seven divine statues that were emitting seven colored rays of light, the corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled into a smile. He didn't expect that after hearing the words of the Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng, the divine statues that had refined six The Great Saint would actually have such benefits.    


Although he had set up six The Great Saint's Divine Statues, Yang Feng realized that this Divine Statue had absorbed more incense fire force than the other six The Great Saint's Divine Statues. Yang Feng also understood that this was because of the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune in his body.    


In the past, whenever Yang Feng stood in front of a statue of a god, all the people there would be connected to the line of confidence s that the statue of a god sent out, forcibly absorbing the incense fire force s. Now that the nine cauldrons had become one, the s, this ability was even stronger, so now, absorbing the incense fire force s was even more tyrannical!    


Although they were both standing there, the tens of billions of human incense fire force from the two continents of the East Victory and Nanshan Province were mostly absorbed by Yang Feng's statue, while the other six continent's idols did not have that many.    


Yang Feng had no choice in this kind of situation, who asked Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune to be so tyrannical, furthermore, he currently needed incense fire force s, so he would naturally not think that there were too many of them. As for how many the other The Great Saint s absorbed, that was not Yang Feng's concern.    


In any case, Yang Feng had refined a Divine Statue for the six The Great Saint s, so the next thing to do would depend on their own abilities. Whoever had the ability to absorb more incense fire force would receive more benefits, and on matters like these, Yang Feng would not go and help the other The Great Saint s.    


Looking at the seven colored light being emitted from the divine portrait, Yang Feng's figure flashed and flew in the direction of Flowerfruit Mountain. Now that he had settled the matters of the two continent's incense fire force, Yang Feng naturally needed to return to comprehend the Heaven Opening Seal and absorb the profound essence of the fortune jade plate.    


Inside the Spiritual Mountain of the Western Paradise world, the Buddha Dobao Tathagata was sitting on a golden lotus throne. Guan Yin, the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva Wenshu, and the Pushan Bodhisattva were standing below the Buddha Dobao Tathagata, and on the left and right of the Buddha Dobao Tathagata, there were two golden lotus seats; the one on the lotus seat was the future Infinite Buddha Maitreya, while the one on the left was empty.    


If it was a normal day, the one sitting on the left of the Buddha Dobao Tathagata was naturally the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp, and now that the news of the destruction of the Southern Tang Nation had arrived, the news of Yang Feng exterminating the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp with a single palm had spread to the Spirit Mountain hall, causing the entire Spirit Mountain hall to sink into a gloomy atmosphere!    


In the Sedan Buddhism, the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp was a true Buddha who had 24 levels of power, his strength was just below the Buddha Dobao Tathagata, and the power of the future Immeasurable Buddha was only around the same. However, that power was extinguished by Yang Feng's one palm strike, which caused all of the Buddha and Bodhisattva to feel threatened.    


He never thought that Yang Feng could actually reach such a terrifying realm in such a short amount of time. Even someone like the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp, who owned twenty-four worlds, had been annihilated by a single palm from Yang Feng, wouldn't it be even easier for Yang Feng to take care of him?!    


Even the Buddha Dobao Tathagata had a gloomy expression. Although last time when he was fighting the chaotic clock, because he had suffered heavy injuries, he did not truly fight with Yang Feng, and did not know Yang Feng's true strength, but after dozens of years, when he had just recovered, he suddenly realised that Yang Feng's strength had long surpassed his own!    


Even though Buddha Dobao Tathagata had already predicted that Yang Feng would be the seventh The Great Saint, he didn't expect that Daofather Hongjun would actually accept Yang Feng as an official disciple, and his status was even above the two sect masters of the Buddhist Sect.    


Of course, what caused the Buddha Dobao Tathagata to be even more shocked was that Yang Feng had actually exterminated the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp with a single palm. Although the Buddha Dobao Tathagata possessed three thousand buddhist worlds, it was still impossible for him to exterminate the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp with a single palm. This made Buddha Dobao Tathagata a little afraid of Yang Feng's strength!    


The only one with a smile on his face was Buddha Maitreya of the future, his chubby body was sitting on a golden lotus throne, his wide cassock was draped over his body, but it was still difficult to conceal his big belly, his face was covered with a smile, as if he was very happy to see anything.    


However, the people in the palace, including Buddha Dobao Tathagata, did not dare to underestimate this smiling fat monk. Don't look at Maitreya's harmless appearance, he was actually the second strongest person besides Buddha Dobao Tathagata! Furthermore, he was currently the second person on the Divine Seal Decree. This was because the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp that he was on the same level as had already made it onto the Divine Seal Decree!    


Although Maitreya always looked like he was full of smiles, in reality, he was also a scheming person, and had coveted the position of Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp for a long time! Now that the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp had been destroyed with just one palm from Yang Feng, everyone in the hall felt that it was not good, but it fulfilled Maitreya's wish!    


Although the Maitreya Buddha was the future Infinite Buddha and its status was the same as the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp, the future was illusory, ethereal, and unstable. Although the Maitreya Buddha was in charge of the future world of Buddha, it seemed to be controlling an ethereal mass of air, which was not real!    


In the past, the current Buddha Buddha Dobao Tathagata, the future Buddha, the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp who was in charge of the Buddha world and the Buddha Dobao Tathagata who was in charge of the present Buddhist world were both real existences, but the Maitreya Buddha who was in charge of the future Buddhist world was an unreal existence that could never be truly grasped!    


When the Sedan Buddhism was established, he became a future Infinite Buddha, and the Buddha Maitreya had been in this position for tens of millions of years, had long grown tired of it, and had always wanted to sit in the position of the past Buddha Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp. This was because the past had really happened, and only by grasping the past could he control the present and the future!    


This was because if one could master the Buddhist world in the past, then as long as one thing changed in the past, it could affect the changes in the current Buddhist world as well as the direction of the future Buddhist world. Thus, mastering the Buddhist world in the past was equivalent to controlling the entire Buddhist Sedan Buddhism!    


It was precisely because of this that in the future, Buddha Maitreya would covet the position of the past Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp of Buddha. However, Buddha Maitreya's strength and Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp's position were similar, so even though he coveted it for a long time, he was still unable to obtain it!    


However, now that the Ancient Buddha by Fire Lamp was on the Divine Seal Decree, the position of Buddha had been vacated. Then, there would be a chance for Maitreya Buddha in the future! However, in the future, Maitreya Buddha didn't bring up this matter, he only watched the development with a face full of smiles!    


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Uh, this chapter has been updated a bit earlier. Plus, that chapter might be a bit late.    


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