Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C758 The Power of One Axe

C758 The Power of One Axe

1After seeing Yang Feng's mesmerizing seven colored palm strike, Guo Xiaotian had never been as eager for power as he was now, nor had he ever been as crazy as he was now. Facing the unceasingly gushing streams of Great Sun Divine Powers' astral energy from War God Xing Tian's skull, Guo Xiaotian continuously absorbed them crazily.    1


Following the flickering of the golden light on his body, Guo Xiaotian was unable to feel the pain of the Great Sun Divine Art's energy entering his body, so he was not worried at all when absorbing the energy. Furthermore, after the energy entered his body, it immediately fused with the energy in his body, which also made it easier for Guo Xiaotian to absorb even more crazily!    


Guo Xiaotian revolved the Great Solar Divine Gale with all his might and devoured the energy that was gushing towards him. However, the golden skull of the War God Xing Tian seemed to contain an endless amount of gale as it gushed out one after another, without any intention of drying up.    


However, this was a good thing for Guo Xiaotian. The thicker the Great Sun Divine Powers gale contained within the golden skull, the more power he would be able to obtain. He wished that the gales contained within the golden skull would never stop, so Guo Xiaotian didn't care about anything else and continued to absorb them with all his might.    


However, War God Xing Tian's golden skull naturally did not contain the endless amount of Divine Sun Aura, and there were also times when it was completely channeled cleanly. After Guo Xiaotian crazily absorbed for nearly half a month, the Divine Sun Aura contained in War God Xing Tian's golden skull had finally dried up.    


As the Divine Sun Aura within the golden skull was completely absorbed by Guo Xiaotian, the two balls of flames that were condensed from the golden aura extinguished as well. The moment the two balls of flames extinguished, the golden skull that was formed with a radius of tens of thousands of miles suddenly exploded as well.    


The golden skull was turned into gold powder in an instant, but the gold powder that filled the air did not float along with the wind and did not land on the ground, but rushed towards Guo Xiaotian instead, and wrapped him up inside. The golden skull with a radius of tens of thousands of li, after turning into gold powder, wrapped Guo Xiaotian up, and formed a golden egg with a diameter of over ten thousand Li!    


Looking at the giant egg formed from gold powder wrapped inside, Yang Feng, Guo Meimei and the others were stunned. They couldn't understand how such a thing had happened, but Yang Feng thought that nothing would happen even after he absorbed such a huge amount of Great Sun Divine Spirit Qi.    


In fact, it was just as Yang Feng had thought, Guo Xiaotian was fine, it was just that the situation was not that good! At first, Guo Xiaotian could still endure it, but in the end, when Guo Xiaotian felt that the blood in his body was about to boil, he could no longer hold it in.    


At the same time, Guo Xiaotian also felt the golden skull turning into a golden powder that drilled into his body through the pores of his body. That kind of feeling was like millions of ants crawling into his body, even though there wasn't any pain, it was still unbearable.    


The numbing feeling made Guo Xiaotian feel like he was about to collapse, he hoped that the process would end as soon as possible, but what Guo Xiaotian did not know was that the gold powder that covered his body would reach a diameter of 10,000 Li, if he wanted to end the process, it would be a very long process.    


Guo Xiaotian endured the numbing sensation that made him wish he were dead, and thought that he must obtain a strong power, and that he must stand in front of Yang Feng. If not for this thought supporting him, Guo Xiaotian knew that it would be impossible to persevere through such pain.    


After the golden powder poured into Guo Xiaotian's body, it began to combine with every cell in Guo Xiaotian's body. This type of powder poured into Guo Xiaotian's cells, causing his every cell to swell up a little.    


As each of his cells continued to expand, his body, which had been split into pieces by the Great Sun Divine Force, also started to assemble. The internal organs of Guo Xiaotian's body were being restored one by one, and every single one of them was glowing with a golden radiance, containing an extremely surging amount of energy.    


However, Guo Xiaotian's reassembled body did not stop changing just like that, because there was still metal powder that endlessly poured into Guo Xiaotian's body, and then poured into every single cell in Guo Xiaotian's organs. Following the continuous infusion of metal powder, Guo Xiaotian's body also began to expand unceasingly.    


Golden powder continuously poured into Guo Xiaotian's body as his body continuously grew bigger. In the process, however, Guo Xiaotian had to endure the pain of numbness that made him collapse. Finally, after ninety-nine eighty-one days, the golden powder that formed into a giant egg wrapped around Guo Xiaotian disappeared, and Guo Xiaotian's pain also disappeared.    


What appeared in the air was a sky-upholding giant whose entire body was shining with a golden light like a war god, but this sky-upholding giant was thousands of miles tall, and under the golden light, his body contained an extremely terrifying power, and the man who looked like a war god was Guo Xiaotian. After enduring so much pain, he finally came out.    


At this time, Guo Xiaotian had finally broken through the fifth stage of the Great Sun Divine Art and reached the sixth stage, which was equivalent to the Sixth Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. However, the power of the Sixth Stage of the Great Sun Divine Art was a little stronger than the Sixth Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique.    


When Guo Xiaotian's body had reached the sixth stage, it had finally broken through its previous limits and he was able to obtain the Appearance Mantra's golden body. Previously, Guo Xiaotian was already very envious of Yang Feng's magnificent golden body, but now, he also possessed the golden body.    


Guo Xiaotian who was seated cross-legged in the sky suddenly opened his eyes, two rays of golden light flashed past his eyes, and his eyes returned to normal. At this time, Guo Xiaotian saw his own body and immediately became excited, he did not first feel the energy in his body, but just seeing his current flawless golden body made him extremely excited.    


Only after Guo Xiaotian recovered from his eye-catching Golden Appearance Mantra did Guo Xiaotian start to investigate what kind of power was in his body. This inspection made Guo Xiaotian even more excited, and when he felt the unimaginable strength in his body, he couldn't help but roar out loud.    


Rolling waves of sound came out from Guo Xiaotian's mouth, shaking the entire surrounding mountains, causing huge rocks to roll down one after another. For a moment, it actually caused the area within a hundred kilometers to become chaotic, and the entire place was boiling over.    


However, following Guo Xiaotian's shout, two streaks of silver light shot out from the distant White Tiger. As it moved forward, it continuously grew bigger, and shot towards Guo Xiaotian. Guo Xiaotian looked at the continuously growing silver light and laughed out loud again. An enormous tyrannical aura exploded out from Guo Xiaotian's body.    


After Guo Xiaotian's incomparably overbearing aura was released, the sky and the clouds in the area around Guo Xiaotian changed color. The black clouds in the sky roiled, and violent gales wreaked havoc, while Guo Xiaotian stood within the heaven and earth, reaching out his hand to grab the two incomparably enormous streaks of silver light. After grabbing the silver light, what appeared in his hands were the Heaven Punisher Great Axe and the enormous shield.    


Guo Xiaotian stood there with the Heaven Punisher Axe and the giant shield in his hand, unbridledly laughing in the air. At this time, everyone who saw Guo Xiaotian being so overbearing, started to admire him incessantly, even Yang Feng was the same. Yang Feng who had been incomparably respectful to Guo Xiaotian since he was young saw him obtain such a powerful strength, was also very respectful towards him.    


But at this time, Guo Xiaotian did something no one expected, he was holding the Heaven Punisher Divine Axe high up in the air and then actually cleaving it towards the sky. Streams of golden colored Great Sun Divine Aura condensed in front of the Heaven Punisher Great Axe, and only finally shot out after forming a pillar of light.    


The golden pillar of light was like a furious golden dragon that shot towards the sky, and the space it passed through crumbled as well. The pillar of light pierced through the space of the Celestial Realm, arriving at the second stage of the 33 Layered Heavens, not stopping for even a moment.    


In front of the pillar of light, each of the Layered Heavens was like a layer of paper as they were pierced through. In the end, the pillar of light arrived at the same one as the Heavenly Court, then it directly charged towards the Heavenly Court and bombarded the South Heaven Gate!    


Through the layers and layers of space that had been penetrated, Yang Feng saw the South Heaven Gate collapse due to being struck by the pillar of light as the entire Heavenly Court started to shake from the strike! The power of this strike caused Yang Feng to be secretly shocked in his heart, but of course, he was also excited that Guo Xiaotian possessed such a powerful strength.    


After Guo Xiaotian used his axe, his entire body looked like he was dehydrated, he quickly became smaller, and finally recovered to his normal body, while Guo Xiaotian who had returned to his original form was gasping for breath, while laughing loudly, "Haha, this is awesome!" Xing Tian, did you see that?! I helped you break the South Heaven Gate in the Heavenly Court, and I almost died of exhaustion. I don't owe you anything in the future, but I'll think about the matter of you making me the lord of the Heavenly Court! "    


heard Guo Xiaotian mumbling some nonsense, and naturally felt it was strange. Seeing how weak Guo Xiaotian was at the moment, Yang Feng naturally did not care about such things, and immediately went forward to support the crumbling Guo Xiaotian, before flying back to the group of people.    


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Hmm, there was originally a fifth update which was already halfway through, but the flowers didn't seem to grow crazily enough, and one of the brothers even voted for the update, so it was set for tomorrow. No matter how small the mosquito leg was, it was still soft.    


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