Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C1044 various abilities

C1044 various abilities

3Seeing that golden-armored man did not dare to tell him what was going on and only indicated for him to follow, Yang Feng did not think anymore about it, and followed behind the golden-armored man, following the twelve old men inside. Although he had doubts in his heart, Yang Feng knew that this was not the time for him to inquire.    


In front of them was a very tall city gate, there were no guards at the gate either, so the twelve old men walked inside, while golden-armored man and Yang Feng followed inside, and just as they passed through the tall city gate, a warm current suddenly rushed towards Yang Feng, causing him to immediately be drenched in sweat!    


The outside of the city gate was terrifyingly low temperature, but after entering the city gate, it was actually at such a terrifyingly high temperature. With this exchange of cold and hot temperatures, Yang Feng's body immediately underwent a change.    


But after training for the past few months, Yang Feng's body had become even stronger, although the sudden change had caught Yang Feng by surprise, but after a while, Yang Feng had regained control of his body, and he had regained control of his own strength, allowing him to feel slightly at ease.    


It was just like a warm spring day. It was just that Yang Feng, who had been bitterly cultivating in the terrifying cold outside for two whole months, had now suddenly entered such a warm environment, and his body was naturally not used to it.    


In that moment, Yang Feng felt as if he had fallen into a furnace, and while his body was in a very warm and comfortable environment, it would naturally produce a lazy state, and all the strength in his body would relax. Only then would Yang Feng be able to have the power in his body dissipate, and it was fortunate that Yang Feng's body became even stronger, and he quickly adapted to this sudden change.    


Yang Feng watched as the twelve old men in front of him walked directly from the terrifying cold into this warm environment, but their bodies didn't seem to have changed at all. Even golden-armored man was only covered in a bit of sweat, unlike, whose body was completely drenched.    


Seeing the twelve old men already walking forward, Yang Feng didn't waste any more time, and followed closely behind them! A wide street appeared within the city. On both sides of the street, there were rows of houses. It was no different from a normal house.    


Those were all disciples of the Pangu Clan. Yang Feng had thought that he would see Pangu Clan working hard to cultivate, but what he did not expect was that what he saw was a scene of a normal life, children chasing each other and people chatting on the streets. On the streets, there were also a few people doing some small business.    


This made Yang Feng feel very strange, he did not understand what was going on! Not everyone in the Pangu Clan was a strong warrior, there were still some normal people. Although there was blood in their bodies from the Pangu Clan, there were still a lot of people who had not awakened their sacred art, and only those who had awakened their sacred art would become warriors in the Pangu Clan.    


However, even if it was an ordinary person, Yang Feng could feel that every single person's body that he passed by possessed extremely powerful strength, and that was purely the strength of their flesh! Every single person that Yang Feng passed by carried the aura of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. This made Yang Feng understand that every single person here was cultivating the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and it was just that their realms were relatively low.    


But even if it was the first stage of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique's transition, Yang Feng still felt that the strength of his fleshly body was much more terrifying than the strength he could currently use! The gravity in the cloud star was simply too terrifying. Even if Yang Feng reached the ninth circulation realm of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, since he was cultivating in the Pangu Genesis World, he was able to create such a change. After entering the cloud star, he became extremely miserable!    


If it wasn't in the cloud star, Yang Feng believed that his physical strength was definitely much stronger than the ordinary people in the Pangu Clan, but in the cloud star, Yang Feng had become the weakest, but luckily Yang Feng had already gotten used to the gravity, so as long as he continued to cultivate in the future, there would be a day when he would be able to become the strongest even in the cloud star!    


Passing through the locations of the Pangu Clan's normal people, a tall palace appeared in front of them. The area it occupied was extremely wide! The world that Yang Feng had seen was not small, but when he saw the palace in front of him, he was shocked, because the impact that the palace brought was too great!    


But standing in front of this palace, Yang Feng felt wave after wave of vigorous domineering aura being emitted from the palace, making Yang Feng feel that it was not the palace, but the Devil God of Heaven and Earth that possessed the power to destroy the heavens and earth!    


However, Yang Feng still forcibly endured it. As he looked at the tall and big palace, even though the pressure on his body was increasing bit by bit, Yang Feng was still able to stand straight from the beginning to the end without showing any signs of bending!    


Yang Feng clenched his teeth and endured. Originally, as the descendant of the Great God Pangu, even worshipping and bowing to this extremely imposing palace was nothing much, but Yang Feng didn't know why he had such a strong conviction in his heart. He just wanted to persevere and not bend his body a little!    


Just as Yang Feng sensed the tyrannical aura, the twelve elders in front of him suddenly stopped, but they did not stay for long, and immediately headed back into the palace. Yang Feng who grinded his teeth and endured against the terrifying imposing auras did not discover anything unusual about the twelve old men.    


Just when Yang Feng felt that he could not hold on any longer, his body suddenly loosened, and he could not feel any kind of aura that was being emitted from the tall palace anymore. The aura that suddenly disappeared made Yang Feng's body stagger, and he fell forward.    


After stabilizing his body, Yang Feng looked at the gigantic palace in front of him and frowned. Towards the terrifying aura he felt a moment ago, he suddenly disappeared, which made Yang Feng confused and confused, he did not understand what was going on, but seeing that the twelve elders in front of him had already entered the palace, Yang Feng followed them!    


And when Yang Feng followed the twelve elders who were in front of him into the palace, the situation inside the palace surprised Yang Feng yet again, because what appeared in front of Yang Feng was not a hall, but a boundless plain! Yang Feng had already stepped on the green grass!    


The feeling of standing on solid ground let Yang Feng know that it was not an illusion! Yang Feng did not expect that the interior of the palace was a completely different world. Looking at the clear sky and white clouds as well as the endless green land beneath him, Yang Feng's mood improved as well, but the twelve elders in front of him did not have any intention of stopping and enjoy the beautiful scenery, and they continued to walk forward.    


Reaching this point, the twelve old men started to move even faster, causing Yang Feng to have no choice but to hurry up and run forward. Along the way, Yang Feng saw many people from the Pangu Clan cultivating, and he knew that these were the core disciples of the Pangu Clan.    


In this vast land, there were twelve different living places, which were the twelve branches of the Pangu Clan. Yang Feng saw that the disciples of the Pangu Clan's branches not only cultivated the strength of their flesh, but also cultivated their respective abilities, and various types of dazzling light constantly flashed in the sky, which was extremely spectacular.    


Seeing those disciples cultivating in various divine powers, Yang Feng really wanted to stop and take a look. Because up until now, although Yang Feng had awakened twelve divine powers, they were rarely used. But that was because Yang Feng could only use a few simple techniques, and even more profound divine abilities, so Yang Feng simply didn't know of them.    


However, seeing that the twelve elders in front of him did not have the intention to stop, Yang Feng did not dare to stop, and could only follow the twelve elders as they walked forward. After walking for a long time, they finally arrived in front of a small valley.    


An old man walked out from the twelve elders and said to golden-armored man, "You did well this time. Go to the Martial Exhibition Hall and choose a martial skill that you like!"    


The old man was the patriarch of one of the twelve branch families of the Pangu Clan, considered the patriarch of the golden-armored man, and he said that the Martial Arts Practice Hall was where the Pangu Clan collected all sorts of martial skills. All the disciples of the Pangu Clan wanted to get this kind of reward, so after hearing this, the golden-armored man immediately expressed his gratitude, then happily rushed towards the Martial Arts Practice Hall.    


When the golden-armored man left, the Clan Leader of the Jin Clan said to Yang Feng, "Follow us!"    


After the old man finished speaking, he went into the little valley with the other elders. When Yang Feng heard the old man, he naturally followed him in, although he was not clear about the intentions of the twelve old men, but Yang Feng did not worry about anything and just followed him in. Because, no matter what happened, with the protection of the Nine Layered Heavens Ring s and the Rainbow Sword s, Yang Feng did not need to worry about his own life.    


Right at the instant when Yang Feng followed the twelve old men into the small valley, the twelve old men's bodies flickered with a ray of light.    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


This book is almost finished by the end of the month, so I would like to request for Brother's support in making the final attempt at the list of flowers. Thank you!    


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