Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C993 To be caught in a vicious battle

C993 To be caught in a vicious battle

4A huge wave of energy continuously surged out from Yang Feng's heart, as if there was no end to it. Then, following the circulation of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, it poured into every cell of Yang Feng's body. Even though Yang Feng had to endure endless pain during this process, he was still willing to do so!    


Yang Feng gradually immersed himself in this painful and happy feeling, his entire mind was completely focused on the cultivation of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and the pain was not that intense. And in this situation, Yang Feng was waiting for the moment the cultivation of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to finish, and that moment was also when he used his own strength to become a The Great Saint!    


The energy ripples emitted by the attack from the Daofather Hongjun and the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar annihilated the surrounding space. This kind of momentum caused the six The Great Saint s to be extremely shocked, and they looked at the Daofather Hongjun s who were not affected in the slightest under this kind of energy ripples, with grave expressions on their faces!    


The Pangu's Diabolical Avatar held onto the ancient halberd in his hand, and looked at Daofather Hongjun, his blood red eyes flashing, following that, a blood red light shot out from his eyes, straight towards the chest of the Daofather Hongjun who was just inches away from him. This sudden change caused the six The Great Saint who were watching from afar to feel a chill in their hearts!    


However, the Daofather Hongjun seemed to have already known of Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's intentions, his figure flashed, and dodged the blood red light. As for the blood red light, it flew towards the distance, and when it disappeared into the horizon, it actually came out from the horizon with a series of rumbling sounds.    


The six The Great Saint s were all extremely shocked as they looked at Pangu's Diabolical Avatar in shock. The damage caused by the blood red light was simply too great, listening to the rumbling sounds and feeling the tremors between heaven and earth. All of the The Great Saint s looked at each other in dismay, thinking to themselves, Is this the power of a Asura Demon Eyes?    


Looking at the space that was constantly collapsing and being destroyed, the six The Great Saint s were speechless. This Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was really too strong, so strong that even the The Great Saint felt fear!    


After all, the Daofather Hongjun was still fighting. Although the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar that possessed the Asura Demon Eyes was extremely powerful, even up till now, he was still unable to do anything to the Daofather Hongjun.    


As long as the Daofather Hongjun was still here, they did not have to worry too much. They only needed to do their best to help the Daofather Hongjun deal with the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar! Every single The Great Saint knew that right now, they didn't have any choice to escape. The only choice they had was to help Daofather Hongjun defeat the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, and eliminate him!    


This was because the responsibility of the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was to eliminate the world. If he defeated the Daofather Hongjun, then the next unlucky ones would be them, the The Great Saint, and with the strength of the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, it would be too easy to take care of them. If the Daofather Hongjun died, then the only thing left for them would be destruction!    


Therefore, they could only do their best to fight and help the Daofather Hongjun to eliminate the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar in order to keep their lives. At this moment, all the The Great Saint had already forgotten that they were helping Yang Feng become a saint and they were already fighting for their own survival!    


Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu slapped his forehead, and a burst of green Qi soared into the sky, following that, it transformed into Daoist Three Purities in the air, and then rose up the Heaven and Earth Exquisite Mystical Yellow Pagoda above his head, releasing rays of golden light that enveloped Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu.    


With a flip of his palm, Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu summoned out his Tai Chi Diagram. Then, he activated his Tai Chi Diagram and flew into the air, after which, the Tai Chi Diagram fluctuated and became millions of li in size. On the Tai Chi Diagram, a Eight Trigrams of Yin and Yang appeared, following which rays of light shot out from the Tai Chi Diagram and headed straight for Pangu's Diabolical Avatar!    


At the same time, Daoist Three Purities, who was standing above Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu, formed hand seals at the same time. Streams of Supreme Purity Divine Lightning flashed and shot towards Pangu's Diabolical Avatar as well, and at this moment, Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu was already using all his powers to fight.    


After activating the Immortal Slaying Array, under the control of the Immortal Slaying Array, the Four Swords of Immortality immediately formed the Immortal Slaying Sword Formation. Four gigantic swords that seemed to transform into thousands of miles long floated around the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, as streams of Sword Qi continuously flew towards the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!    


The Sage of Heaven is allowed to lift held the Seven Treasures Wonder Tree and continued to attack the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar. This was because the was sitting cross-legged on top of the thirty-six golden lotuses and was chanting a scripture. One gigantic swastika word after another was formed on the top of his head and was soon after bombarding the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar.    


As for Mother Nuwa, she raised her red silk ball and smashed it towards Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, while the six The Great Saint did their best to draw upon the energy of heaven and earth. All of their attacks were filled with tremendous amounts of natural energy, and multi-colored light enveloped Pangu's Diabolical Avatar.    


Watching the attacks of the six The Great Saint s, the corners of Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's mouth curled into a smile. His blood-red eyes flickered, and then the ancient halberd in his hand danced, a blood light floated, the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was enveloped, and all the attacks of the six The Great Saint s were blocked by the blood light, they were unable to break through the blood light's defense!    


All of the The Great Saint's attacks started to dissipate under the protection of the bloody light, and in the end, they disappeared without a trace. Pangu's Diabolical Avatar stopped his dance with the ancient halberd, and looked at the six The Great Saint, as his mouth revealed a cold smile.    


At this time, Pangu's Diabolical Avatar threw the heavenly halberd in his hand into the air, and in a flash, the heavenly halberd turned into a ten million mile long blood colored dragon. The dragon roars resounded throughout the world as a berserk and bloodthirsty aura surged from the blood dragon.    


The transformed Blood Dragon bared its fangs and brandished its claws as it pounced towards the six The Great Saint, while Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's body pounced towards him in a flash. Although he did not have the ancient halberd in his hands, the power of heaven and earth that Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was only channeling with his hands and feet was still extremely terrifying.    


Daofather Hongjun also threw a palm towards Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, and in the instant the two palms collided, another huge wave of energy exploded outwards. However, this time, something unexpected happened, and that was that Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was actually pushed back a few steps by Daofather Hongjun after this exchange, while Daofather Hongjun remained motionless.    


Although they had only taken a few steps back, it was still a very exciting thing to do. The six The Great Saint s who were busy dealing with the blood dragon saw that Daofather Hongjun had been forced back with his palm strike, and immediately became more confident. They immediately used all their power to attack the blood dragon.    


Even though the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was strong, he was still unable to compare to the Daofather Hongjun who walked the path of cultivation! Even if he was any stronger, in terms of borrowing power from heaven and earth, he was still not Daofather Hongjun's match. Therefore, under this attack, Daofather Hongjun who had some power from heaven and earth had the upper hand.    


When the six The Great Saint s who were being chased by the Blood Dragon saw that the Daofather Hongjun had gained the upper hand, their confidence rose instantly, and the treasures in their hands continued to attack the Blood Dragon, only that the Blood Dragon that was formed from the ancient halberd in Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's hand was actually able to block the attacks of the six The Great Saint s!    


The six The Great Saint s continued to use their own treasures and borrowed the force of heaven and earth to attack the Blood Dragon. However, the Blood Dragon, who had withstood the attacks of the six The Great Saint s, was still fine.    


The Blood Dragon did not care about their attacks at all, which caused the The Great Saint to be shocked. They did not expect that it was just a treasure, how could it be so powerful! However, this was not the time to investigate this matter. Seeing the baring fangs and brandishing claws at the blood dragon, the six The Great Saint s could only once again attack fiercely.    


After Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was pushed back with just one palm from Daofather Hongjun, he looked at Daofather Hongjun with a smile on his face. Although he had suffered a huge loss with this attack, Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was not injured at all.    


Looking at the Daofather Hongjun in front of him, Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's figure flashed and swatted towards Daofather Hongjun yet again. Daofather Hongjun's figure also started to battle with Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, causing both of them to instantly disappear from the void, and only when the energy ripples that exploded out again and again destroyed the surrounding space for billions of miles, would people know that they still existed!    


The six The Great Saint s fought with all their might against the blood dragon that the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar had transformed into, while the Daofather Hongjun and the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar engaged in a close combat. Both sides were immersed in a fierce battle, although the battle was not very intense, but it was still extremely dangerous.    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


It was updated today, and the next one would be at 12 o'clock. Thank you for your support!    


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