Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C991 Pangu's evil

C991 Pangu's evil

4Looking at the nine drops of Great God Pangu's blood essence in the center of Daofather Hongjun's palm, if one would not be excited, it would definitely be a lie. Yang Feng looked at the nine drops of blood essence, and felt his entire body trembling.    4


Their eyes burned with passion as they looked at the nine drops of blood essence in the Daofather Hongjun's palm. Even though they understood that it did not belong to them, this did not stop them from daydreaming about obtaining the Great God Pangu's blood essence. The six The Great Saint s stared at the blood essence in the Daofather Hongjun's palms as they fantasized about what would happen if they obtained the Great God Pangu's blood essence.    


Of course, every The Great Saint was just imagining things for a while, after which they retracted their heated eyes, their expressions returning to normal. Daofather Hongjun looked at Yang Feng, whose eyes still revealed traces of excitement. He waited for the moment Yang Feng regained his calm, and after a while, Yang Feng finally regained his calm once more.    


Although Yang Feng had finally regained his calm, everyone still understood Yang Feng. After all, no matter who it was that obtained the twelve drops of blood essence from Great God Pangu, they would still be excited when there was a chance to use their power to prove themselves. After all, if they used their power to prove themselves, the power they would receive would definitely be unimaginable!    


Daofather Hongjun looked at the Yang Feng who had recovered his calm, and then said to Yang Feng, "Your body has already been cultivated to the point where it can withstand the energy of twelve drops of blood essence, and today, I will help you become a saint. Although it is very dangerous, as long as you do not give up, you will definitely succeed in the end.    


Hearing Daofather Hongjun's words, Yang Feng did not reply, he only nodded his head heavily. Yang Feng had also heard some information from the Daofather Hongjun, which allowed him to have more confidence in becoming a saint, and thought that after he became a saint, if he could defeat the Heavenly Dao, then he could control the Heavenly Dao. For the sake of such huge benefits, Yang Feng was willing to gamble!    


Seeing Yang Feng nod his head, the Daofather Hongjun waved his hand, and the nine drops of Great God Pangu's blood essence flew towards Yang Feng, while Zi Xiao Palace disappeared at the same time. Daofather Hongjun, six The Great Saint s, and Yang Feng all appeared in the depths of the Primal Chaos, while Daofather Hongjun and six The Great Saint's figures flashed, distancing themselves from Yang Feng and encircled him.    


After the Daofather Hongjun and the six The Great Saint surrounded Yang Feng and protected him well, the nine drops of Pangu's Blood had already shot to Yang Feng's chest. Even with the strength of his body, Yang Feng was actually unable to stop the nine drops of blood essence from advancing forward, and the nine drops of blood essence entered Yang Feng's body from Yang Feng's chest without any obstructions!    


After entering Yang Feng's body, the nine drops of blood essence immediately entered Yang Feng's heart, which was the heart of the Great God Pangu who was sealing the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, and fused with the three drops of blood essence Yang Feng had obtained in the past. In this process, Yang Feng once again felt a heart-wrenching pain!    


The nine drops of Great God Pangu's blood essence gradually fused with the three drops of blood essence Yang Feng had obtained earlier, and the golden blood gradually filled Yang Feng's heart. Moreover, more and more golden blood began to flow, through his blood vessels, towards every part of his body, causing Yang Feng's entire body to be filled with golden blood!    


In the past, Yang Feng's entire body did not have a single drop of blood, and only the heart of the Great God Pangu had such a pitiful three drops of blood essence. However, after obtaining the remaining nine drops of the Great God Pangu's blood essence, the golden blood continuously expanded, filling up every part of Yang Feng's body completely!    


Yang Feng felt himself being wrapped up by a warm energy, the sound of blood flowing all over his body made Yang Feng feel extremely comfortable, he enjoyed this moment very much, but while Yang Feng was enjoying it, his heart suddenly jumped, and he was shocked awake.    


His beating heart was a reminder to Yang Feng, and now was not the time to enjoy the wonderful feeling, because the twelve drops of blood essence had fused with the seal on the Great God Pangu's heart, and the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar would unseal it, so at this time, Yang Feng had to be even more careful.    


Even though the Great God Pangu's heart had saved Yang Feng many times in the past, it was because the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar didn't want Yang Feng to die. He still wanted Yang Feng to gather all twelve drops of blood essence to help him remove the seal, but the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was going to destroy the world.    


Without anything of value, Yang Feng believed that the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar would just abandon him like the majority of people did. At that time, it was very possible that they would attack him, so Yang Feng had to be on guard, in case the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar attacked him when he was breaking the seal.    


After Yang Feng's heart began to beat violently, the gap of time between them shortened once more to beat once more. After that, Yang Feng's heart began to beat intensely without pause, which also caused Yang Feng to become nervous.    


Following the violent beating of his heart, rays of golden light shot out from Yang Feng's heart, turning Yang Feng's entire body into a golden color. The golden light actually penetrated through Yang Feng's body and shone outside of it, causing his body to release rays of golden light.    


The Daofather Hongjun and the six The Great Saint s felt a chill in their hearts as they watched bursts of golden light burst out from Yang Feng's heart. They knew that the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was about to break through the seal and come out, so they became cautious as well.    


And at that moment, under the continuous beating of Yang Feng's heart, the golden light became brighter and brighter. Looking at the golden light that burst out from his heart, Yang Feng himself was extremely nervous, looking at his heart, Yang Feng felt like he was looking at a ticking time bomb, feeling that the ticking time bomb would explode at any time, and he himself would be smashed into pieces!    


Just at this time, Yang Feng's heart suddenly stopped beating, the sudden calmness caused Yang Feng to be shocked, but before Yang Feng could react, Yang Feng felt another burst of excruciating pain, and then a red light shot out from Yang Feng's heart!    


After that beam of red light shot out from Yang Feng's heart, it did not stay in Yang Feng's body for long, but directly shot out of Yang Feng's body and arrived in the void of primal chaos. After that beam of red light exited Yang Feng's body, it actually transformed for a while, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into someone who looked exactly like the Daofather Hongjun.    


There was no need to introduce him, everyone knew that this was the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar! Daofather Hongjun's eyes flashed with light. He looked at Pangu's Diabolical Avatar and then said to him, "You finally made it out. Alright then, we'll completely eliminate you this time. There won't be any more troubles in the future!"    


Hearing Daofather Hongjun's words, the blood-red eyes swept across the surrounding six The Great Saint s., who was seen by Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, suddenly felt a chill all over his body.    


This caused the six The Great Saint s to tremble in their hearts. It was only then that they realized the power of the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar; They had only experienced this kind of feeling from Daofather Hongjun before. In other words, Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was truly someone of the same level as him.    


It was just that although the six The Great Saint s were shocked by Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's gaze that made them feel fear, with him here, they were not too worried. All they needed to do was to follow him and destroy Pangu's Diabolical Avatar together.    


After sweeping a glance at the six The Great Saint s, he once again looked at Yang Feng. When Yang Feng saw those blood-red colored eyes, his heart shivered, and he knew that it was to let himself possess the eyes of a Asura Demon Eyes.    


Seeing the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar looking at him, Yang Feng did not feel any fear, because at this time, he already had no time to feel fear. This was because after the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar broke through the seal and left Yang Feng's body, a huge amount of energy surged out from Yang Feng's heart.    


Following the continuous release of enormous amounts of energy from his heart, the circulation of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique caused Yang Feng's body, which had already been cultivated to the color of glass, to immediately be dissolved into particles. After that, he was washed by the huge amount of energy that surged out from his heart and started to feel endless pain coming from his body. At this time, Yang Feng could only train in the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique with all his might, how could he possibly have time to care about the fact that the look in the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's eyes when he looked at himself would not cause him to feel fear!    


An extremely pained expression appeared on Yang Feng's face. Everyone saw that Yang Feng's body was fluctuating like flowing water under his skin, and this let everyone know that Yang Feng was cultivating in the ninth transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. If he succeeded, he would prove his strength and become an existence similar to the Great God Pangu.    


The Pangu's Diabolical Avatar looked at Yang Feng but did not express anything. He then said to the Daofather Hongjun, "I have my mission and you have your mission. Since this is fated by the heavens, there's no need for us to speak any further.    


After saying that, Pangu's Diabolical Avatar flipped his hand and an ancient halberd appeared in his grasp. He immediately rushed towards Daofather Hongjun!    


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