Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C987 Mysterious Cultivation Method

C987 Mysterious Cultivation Method

3After hearing what the Daofather Hongjun had said, although Yang Feng did not have much confidence in fighting the heavens, he still nodded his head. At this time, Yang Feng could not help but nod his head. The six The Great Saint s had already decided to help him deal with Pangu's Diabolical Avatar when he became a saint. It would be a little unwise for Yang Feng to not say that he was confident.    


Seeing Yang Feng's expression, Daofather Hongjun also saw his worry, and revealed a smile on his face, then he said to Yang Feng: "You don't have to worry, although you will have to endure the trial of the heavens, since heaven's will allowed you to become a saint, then maybe you can complete the tasks Great God Pangu did not complete! Your current body probably cannot endure the Great God Pangu's blood essence. You need to go back and cultivate properly! "    


Hearing Daofather Hongjun's words, Yang Feng nodded his head, but he did not think about anything else in his heart. It was already extremely rare for Daofather Hongjun and Liu Wei to help him deal with Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, and that way, the challenge of becoming a saint would be reduced by a lot, which allowed Yang Feng to feel a lot more at ease.    


The said to the six The Great Saint s after he finished talking, "When you all return, go back and train in closed doors. The strength of the Great God Pangu's evil thoughts clone is not something you can imagine, even though he had always been sealed, the place that sealed him was at the heart of the Great God Pangu. His cultivation in the Great God Pangu is not much weaker than mine, I do not wish for you all to make any mistakes when the time comes!"    


After saying these words, the Daofather Hongjun waved his hand and golden lotuses appeared one by one in front of the six The Great Saint's eyes. After that, the lotuses drilled into the foreheads of the six The Great Saint's, and before the six of them even had time to react, the golden lotuses had already entered their minds.    


However, this sudden change made every The Great Saint extremely excited, because the golden lotus contained the Daofather Hongjun's comprehension of the heaven's way. That extremely mysterious heaven's way of understanding immediately made every The Great Saint feel as if they were bathed in spring wind, and their entire body felt warm, indescribably comfortable!    


The reason why Daofather Hongjun did not give Yang Feng those Heavenly Dao comprehensions was because Yang Feng had already obtained the fortune jade plate s from him, and the dao essence contained within the fortune jade plate was much stronger than what the Daofather Hongjun had comprehended. Furthermore, all of them had been absorbed by Yang Feng, it was just that Yang Feng had not had the time to comprehend them yet.    


Although the Daofather Hongjun's comprehension of the Heavenly Dao would allow the six The Great Saint s to cultivate even faster and it would be a shortcut, while Yang Feng would need to comprehend it himself, this way, it would be much slower. But in the long run, the things that he comprehended would be a little better, after all, the things that he comprehended would be the most suitable for him.    


The Daofather Hongjun understood this very well, but in order for the six The Great Saint s to improve their own strength more quickly, in the future, there would be no other way to help him deal with the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar.    


After passing his own comprehension of the heavenly laws to the six The Great Saint s, Daofather Hongjun had let the six The Great Saint s go back and cultivate in seclusion, but let Yang Feng stay behind. Then, he said to Yang Feng, "Your Primordial Spirit has already been nurtured, right?! Furthermore, the yin and yang twin infants in your body needs to increase your cultivation as fast as possible. They are the key to your victory over the Heavenly Dao! "    


Although Yang Feng had long known that the yin and yang twin infants was not ordinary, he had never thought that the yin and yang twin infants would be the key to his struggle against the heavenly dao. This made Yang Feng a little suspicious, after all, the yin and yang twin infants was something that he obtained from cultivating the Nine Yin Meridians and the Nine Yin Meridians, so how could it have such power?!    


Nine Yin Meridians and Nine Suns Divine Art were both secular martial arts of China on earth. Although they were the top cultivation techniques in the mortal world, no one had ever cultivated both of them at the same time, and Yang Feng was the first person to ever try to cultivate both of them together.    


The appearance of the yin and yang twin infants was already a very surprising thing for Yang Feng. After all, ordinary Cultivator only had one nascent soul, but Yang Feng had two, and their attributes were completely opposite. From the yang to the yang, to the yang, and from yin to yang, to the most gentle, but being able to coexist peacefully, there had never been any conflicts in Yang Feng's body.    


Yang Feng had long since seen how powerful the yin and yang twin infants was, but Yang Feng had always mainly trained in the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and the strength of the flesh that he gained from cultivating the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique was also the most important part of Yang Feng's abilities. Furthermore, even if he became a saint, he would need to obtain the Nine Revolutions Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, so Yang Feng had always believed that his physical body's strength was the greatest reliance on which to fight the Heavenly Dao.    


After all, in terms of strength, the power of the yin and yang twin infants was still a bit inferior to the eighth transition of Yang Feng's Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. After all, after Yang Feng had reached the eighth transition, he had experienced so many transformations of the energy of heaven and earth.    


Then, he said to Yang Feng, "You don't need to doubt anything. The Nine Yin Meridians you cultivate is not a simple cultivation technique, if you cultivate it separately, it would be a top tier cultivation technique, and can also help people become saints. But if you practice it together, it would not be as simple as just becoming a saint.    


Yang Feng was shocked when he heard Daofather Hongjun's words. He never thought that the Nine Yin Meridians he cultivated with himself would actually have this kind of history. It was originally one cultivation technique, but was split into two by the Daofather Hongjun, and was passed down in China. Originally, the people said that the people who created the Nine Yin Meridians and Nine Suns Divine Art were all fake. The one who actually created these two techniques was actually the Daofather Hongjun.    


What was even more shocking was that the Daofather Hongjun only split the cultivation technique that he had gone through so much trouble to obtain into two parts, the Nine Yin Meridians and the Nine Suns Divine Art were originally meant to be cultivated at the same time! And just by looking at Daofather Hongjun's intentions, it seemed like the future achievements of both the Nine Yin Meridians and the Nine Yin Meridians would be even greater than when he cultivates the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique!    


The shock in his heart made Yang Feng speechless for a long time, after a long while, Yang Feng finally raised his head and said to the Daofather Hongjun, "Teacher, you said that the Nine Yin Meridians I cultivate was originally a cultivation technique and that Great God Pangu painstakingly obtained it, so where did Great God Pangu obtain it from?! "What realm is my current cultivation technique at?"    


Yang Feng had always been cultivating the Nine Yin Meridians and the Nine Suns Divine Art at the same time, and only at the very beginning did he know of his realm. But after he had cultivated the yin and yang twin infants, the realm of the yin and yang twin infants had already surpassed the realms recorded in the Nine Yin Meridians and the Nine Suns Divine Art, but as long as Yang Feng continued to cultivate, the yin and yang twin infants's power would continue to increase.    


When Daofather Hongjun heard Yang Feng's words, he first revealed a trace of a smile on his calm face that never changed, and then said to Yang Feng, "You don't even need to know where this Great God Pangu obtained this cultivation method from. You will know about it after you reach that realm. As for your current realm, it seems that you have not even reached the first realm of that technique! "    


Yang Feng was dumbstruck when he heard Daofather Hongjun's words. yin and yang twin infants's current realm had not even reached the first stage of that cultivation technique, then what would the first stage of that technique be like?! This shocked Yang Feng, but at the same time also made him look forward to it.    


Although Yang Feng didn't have any news about that cultivation method from Daofather Hongjun and didn't know where he got it from, Yang Feng believed that if he cultivated the Nine Yin Meridians together with it, his future achievements might actually be much greater than that of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique!    


After all, after reaching the ninth circulation, the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique was used as a proof of strength. Although the power obtained was also heaven-defying and was not tolerated by the heavens, Yang Feng still hadn't even reached the first stage of the cultivation method and he already had the strength he had today. Then, if Yang Feng was able to break through several stages of the cultivation method in the future, he would definitely be much stronger than the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique.    


Thinking that the yin and yang twin infants was the key for him to deal with the Heavenly Dao when he becomes a saint, Yang Feng naturally did not dare to delay any longer, and made up his mind to go back and cultivate first. However, Yang Feng still had some questions, so he asked the Daofather Hongjun, "Teacher, what is the name of the cultivation technique I am training? How many levels were there in total? The contents of the Nine Yin Meridians that I am currently training in and the Nine Suns Divine Art, are the complete contents of that technique?! "    


"The name of the technique is Nine Yin Nine Yang, a total of nine stages. Of course, right now you are only training in the first stage, so after you break through to the first stage, that will also be when you defeat the heavenly dao. At that time, I will naturally pass on the contents of the technique to you."    


Hearing Daofather Hongjun's words, Yang Feng's heart was moved once again. When he defeated the Heavenly Dao, it was when he had broken through the first stage of the Nine Yin Nine Suns, what does that mean?! Wait until he had defeated the Heavenly Dao, then he would be imparted the rest of the information from the Nine Yin Yang, could it be that the Daofather Hongjun knew that he would definitely be able to defeat the Heavenly Dao?!    


These questions lingered in Yang Feng's mind, but looking at Daofather Hongjun's unfathomable smile, Yang Feng did not ask. Instead, he bid farewell to Daofather Hongjun and returned to his closed doors cultivation.    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


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