Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C971 elementary primordial spirit

C971 elementary primordial spirit

2After Bao Zheng sealed the last of the True Gods in the Heavenly Court, he watched as the God Slaying Whip and the Divine Seal Decree flew towards the Heavenly Court. Yang Feng, on the other hand, was nervously looking at the sky, waiting for the arrival of the golden light from the Heaven Merit Art.    


This situation caused Yang Feng to think that he would not receive any sort of heavenly dao merits in the Conferred God Battle this time. Just as he was about to return, beams of golden light tore through the sky and shot out from nowhere. Seeing this situation, Yang Feng's eyes immediately lit up as he stared at the lotus flowers that were slowly drifting down from the golden light of heavenly dao.    


The golden light of the Heaven's Path Merit Art this time around was even more tremendous, streams of golden light continued to appear, and then, they turned into golden lotuses. However, they were not all falling towards Yang Feng, but were flying in different directions.    


However, most of them landed towards Yang Feng. Amongst them, there were a few lotus flowers that floated towards Bao Zheng, and Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng, Chi Zheng, Witch Houyi and the rest also obtained a golden lotus.    


As for the remaining golden lotuses, they all fell towards Yang Feng. Seeing the golden lotuses that were formed from the Heaven's Path Merit Golden Light rush towards him, Yang Feng was extremely excited in his heart. He thought to himself, I should be able to give birth to my own primordial spirit this time, right?! If he could not give birth to it this time, it would really leave him speechless!    


Other The Great Saint s had only obtained the Heaven's Path Merit Golden Light once when they became saints, but Yang Feng had already obtained it four or five times, yet he still had not nurtured his own primordial spirit. This made Yang Feng a little crazy, this time he had obtained the Heaven's Path Merit Golden Light again, if he was still unable to produce his own primordial spirit, then Yang Feng would truly be speechless.    


Yang Feng no longer cared about other things as he focused all his attention on absorbing the golden lotuses. He absorbed all the golden lotuses that were falling down from the sky into the spirit planet in his brain.    


And after the soul planet protected by the Merit Gold Wheel had absorbed the golden light, it began to tremble violently, as though its heart was beating at a constant rate. Yang Feng nervously observed his own soul planet, which contained his own three souls and seven souls, and had to be careful!    


If there really was a problem, then it was very likely that his soul would be destroyed, thus Yang Feng was extremely nervous. He stared at his own soul planet, and carefully absorbed each and every golden light of the Heaven's Path Merit Art, and his own soul planet, after absorbing the golden light of the Heaven's Path Merit Art, jumped even more vigorously!    


This time, his reaction was even more intense than before, and it made Yang Feng know that it was very likely that he would give birth to a Primordial Spirit. This made Yang Feng excited, as he carefully watched, he absorbed one golden lotus after another, but until the very end, Yang Feng's soul planet only throbbed intensely, and there was no intention for it to give birth to a Primordial Spirit!    


Seeing this situation, Yang Feng felt that he would definitely be disappointed once again. He couldn't understand why he had been absorbing so much golden light from the Heaven's Path Merit, and with the endless amount of incense fire force, no matter what, he should be able to produce a Primordial Spirit, but why did he keep failing?    


However, this time was a bit different. The previous few times the soul planet had vibrated, it would always stop after absorbing the gold light. But this time, the soul planet was still throbbing intensely after absorbing the gold light.    


Looking at the soul planet that was still beating non-stop, Yang Feng really hoped that his own primordial spirit would be born inside the soul planet. However, no matter how anxious Yang Feng was, his spirit planet would always be throbbing non-stop, which made Yang Feng feel a little helpless, wishing that he could directly go up and knock his spirit planet away, so that his primordial spirit could come out from inside.    


However, just as Yang Feng was anxiously waiting, the fortune jade plate inside the Black Tortoise Sacred Ring suddenly flew out, entered Yang Feng's brain through the Hundred Meetings Acupuncture Point above his head, and then arrived above Yang Feng's soul planet, quietly floated above it. There were no longer any movements!    


The fortune jade plate was bestowed to Yang Feng by the Daofather Hongjun, and there were countless records of the Great Way of the Buddha inside. Until now, Yang Feng had only absorbed one billionth of the Great Way of the Buddha, and there were still many things that Yang Feng needed to comprehend and absorb.    


had once tried to refine a fortune jade plate, and with that, he was able to directly absorb all of the fortune jade plate's true essence. However, Yang Feng did not succeed, as he was stunned and did not manage to refine the fortune jade plate.    


Since he was unable to refine the fortune jade plate, then he could only absorb the essence of the Great Dao little by little from within. But now that the fortune jade plate had suddenly entered his body, Yang Feng was naturally surprised, and did not understand what was going on.    


However, right at this moment, the fortune jade plate actually released a hint of faint white light, and circular ripples began to spread out from the fortune jade plate's body. Then, one could see the fortune jade plate actually start to break down, turning into little white light, and then, it started to descend toward Yang Feng's Soul Star.    


As for that little bit of white light, it was immediately absorbed by Yang Feng's soul planet after it landed on his soul planet. However, after absorbing that little bit of white light, Yang Feng's soul planet actually throbbed even more violently, and that intense throbbing caused Yang Feng's body to involuntarily tremble.    


Yang Feng's soul planet was violently jumping as if it had eaten a stimulant. As the fortune jade plate continued to decompose, it turned into specks of white light and was absorbed by Yang Feng's soul planet. Yang Feng suddenly felt that the Great Way of the Soul Refining, which was contained within the fortune jade plate, was crazily surging towards his own soul planet, deeply engraving itself onto Yang Feng's soul!    


Originally, he had felt that it was too slow for him to comprehend the essence of the Great Way of the fortune jade plate. But now that such a situation had occurred, it naturally caused Yang Feng to be incomparably happy, and looking at the appearance of the spirit star, it seemed as if absorbing the essence of the great Way of the fortune jade plate, would probably allow his own primordial spirit to be born even faster.    


As the fortune jade plate broke down, Yang Feng absorbed more and more of the Great Way's essence, and the incredibly profound essence of the Great Way of the Buddha actually caused Yang Feng to be unable to stop himself from becoming intoxicated in it, temporarily forgetting about nurturing his own Primordial Spirit. His heart was entirely focused on the essence of the Great Way!    


After who knows how long, when the last bit of fortune jade plate broke down into little white light and landed on Yang Feng's soul planet, Yang Feng finally absorbed the Great Way's essence inside the fortune jade plate. It was just that the Great Way's essence was all-encompassing and Yang Feng had only absorbed all of it.    


When he woke up from the incredibly profound feeling, Yang Feng's mind had still been observing the violent pulses, but he still hadn't nurtured a soul planet with a primordial spirit, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Originally, he had watched the fortune jade plate s being decomposed and absorbed by the soul planet, causing it to pulse so violently, that Yang Feng felt as if his own primordial spirit was about to be nurtured out, but he didn't expect it to fail in the end!    


Yang Feng didn't know what was happening either, it didn't matter that he still hadn't given up, and was waiting for something else to happen! Yang Feng had a premonition that his own primordial spirit would definitely be born this time, it was just that he did not know how his primordial spirit would be born!    


Just as Yang Feng was about to wait, Yang Feng's body suddenly trembled. Following that, the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune in Yang Feng's dantian suddenly rushed out from Yang Feng's dantian and entered Yang Feng's brain space from the meridians in his body. Finally, it stopped at the bottom of Yang Feng's Soul Star Realm!    


As expected, the matter wasn't over! Yang Feng sighed with emotion in his heart. He watched the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune fluctuate and change, constantly growing larger within the space in his brain. Then, it slowly rose up from underneath Yang Feng's soul planet, swallowing Yang Feng's entire soul star into the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune!    


Just at this moment, nine Divine Dragons formed from True Dragon Purple Qi appeared within the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune and continuously circled around Yang Feng's soul planet. From time to time, they would spew out a mouthful of purple Qi towards Yang Feng's soul planet, and then, it would be absorbed by Yang Feng's soul planet!    


At the same time, the spirit water within the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune that was unknown how much energy was also being absorbed by Yang Feng was also being absorbed by Yang Feng's soul planet. Even the incense fire force that was connected to the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune was being absorbed by Yang Feng's soul planet as well!    


As the last drop of spirit water was absorbed by Yang Feng's Soul Star Realm, the divine dragon formed from the nine True Dragon Purple Qi suddenly let out a dragon's roar, and unexpectedly all of them entered Yang Feng's Soul Star Realm. And at this time, Yang Feng's Soul Star Realm's Merit Gold Wheel that surrounded it also swayed, before being immediately absorbed by Yang Feng's Soul Star Realm.    


The soul planet that had absorbed so much seemed to finally be full, it violently trembled and stopped moving, after that, threads of golden light blossomed out from Yang Feng's soul planet, followed by the sound of shattering egg shells, one after another, rang out from Yang Feng's soul planet.    


The golden light grew brighter and brighter, and in that dazzling golden light, a tall silhouette stood up from the gradually shattering spirit planet. Because the golden light was really too dazzling, no one could see the face of that gigantic body, but two blood-red lights shot out from its two eyes!    


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The next one will be at 4 o'clock, thank you for your support!    


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