Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C812 Pan Gu Kaitian

C812 Pan Gu Kaitian

4After this round of cultivation, Yang Feng's yin and yang twin infants had finally reached the realm of the Profound Immortal. Although it was not easy, it was still a very happy thing to have finally reached this realm. And now, it was time to see just how powerful the yin and yang twin infants would be after breaking through to the lower level of the Profound Immortal Realm.    2


It was just that this time, something strange happened. Originally, every time he finished cultivating, he would wake up from his meditation, but this time, he did not show any sign of waking up, but continued to cultivate. Of course, the cultivation of the yin and yang twin infants had already caused Yang Feng to absorb all the Yin Yang Qi on the sun star, so Yang Feng was only absorbing the dense Sky and Earth aura inside the sun star.    


In the previous cultivation session, Yang Feng had only absorbed the Yin Yang Qi contained within the The Essence of the Grand Sun Primordial Flame, but he had not absorbed any of the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth that was thousands of times thicker and thicker than the exterior of the entire sun star, and now that the yin and yang twin infants had made a breakthrough, Yang Feng's body started to automatically absorb them.    


Of course, the nature's spirit energy that was continuously surging into Yang Feng's body was stored within his flesh, and was used to cultivate the next transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. All of this was done in Yang Feng's unconscious body, so he was still in a state of unconsciousness, and was unclear about what was happening to his own body.    


However, right at this moment, the chaotic clock above Yang Feng's head, which was in the middle of the three red lotus with karmic acid s, released an extremely melodious bell chime. Following the sound of the bell chime, Yang Feng's body started to tremble violently, but in the midst of the chaotic clock s, a strand of gray mist was released, enveloping Yang Feng within.    


And just as the chaotic clock's bell rang, when Yang Feng's body was violently trembling, Yang Feng's state of mind seemed to have been pulled out of his body violently, and then, it was as if he had been brought to an inexplicable space. Yang Feng, who was in a state of emptiness, instantly woke up.    


Yang Feng felt that the mysterious space he had entered was filled with a strong sense of danger, because Yang Feng had discovered that gray clouds had actually appeared around his body, and that gray fog was actually the chaotic energy that Yang Feng had seen in the Book of Earth.    


Yang Feng had already experienced the power of the Primal Chaos Qi. Although Yang Feng's Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique had only reached the Sixth Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique at that time, it was still the body of the Ancestral Shaman. However, the Chaotic Qi was still able to easily split Yang Feng's body apart.    


When he was in the Book of Earth, Yang Feng only faced a lump of chaotic energy, but that ball of chaotic clock already made Yang Feng feel tired from handling it. However, Yang Feng discovered that in this space, all of those layers of grayish mist were actually chaotic energy, with no end in sight, filling the entire space.    


Yang Feng tried to fly forward a distance, carefully avoiding the grayish chaotic energy, as he was afraid of being touched by the chaotic energy. Although it could be said that Yang Feng had already reached the realm of a treasure body, in the face of the chaotic energy, Yang Feng still did not have much confidence.    


It was just that the Primal Chaos Qi was simply too tyrannical. Even though Yang Feng was careful to avoid the Primal Chaos Qi, the Primal Chaos Qi was still pouncing violently towards Yang Feng. Clumps after clumps of Primal Chaos Qi instantly submerged Yang Feng within, giving him a fright.    


It was just that Yang Feng was a little surprised that he did not feel the pain of being cut by the primal chaos energy. Although the balls of primal chaos energy pounced towards him, they passed through his body and did not cause any harm.    


At this time, Yang Feng finally realized that the thing that entered this space wasn't his physical body, but his mind entering this space. Therefore, although the balls of chaos energy were pouncing towards him, they wouldn't cause any harm to his body.    


It was just that Yang Feng did not understand why his mind would enter such a space filled with chaos energy, or who had brought him into this space. This space was simply too strange, and there was nothing else other than the chaos energy that was present everywhere.    


If it was an endless starry sky, at least there should be a few stars, but in this space, there was nothing else other than the energy of primal chaos. This entire place was a world of chaos energy, this situation was naturally very strange to Yang Feng, hence he flew ahead, hoping to probe something.    


Even if he did not know why he was brought to such a space, Yang Feng believed that there must be a reason. As long as he could find out the reason, he would naturally be able to leave.    


As he flew forward, the vastness of this space was beyond anyone's imagination. Even though Yang Feng's mind was traveling tens of thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye in this space, he was unable to reach the end of this space no matter what. This inexplicable space seemed to extend indefinitely, so no matter how Yang Feng flew forward, he was unable to reach the end.    


However, just as Yang Feng wanted to stop, he discovered that there was an incomparably tall figure standing within the space in front of him. Seeing this figure, Yang Feng immediately flew forward, and quickly arrived in front of the incomparably large figure.    


However, the closer they got to the figure, the more they felt his height! Yang Feng had initially thought that his current appearance in the Appearance Mantra was already the highest in the entire Heaven Realm. When Yang Feng executed the Appearance Mantra, he had a body of over a million Li, but compared to this huge figure in front of him, Yang Feng's body was like a grown man's compared to a child's.    


Yang Feng's mind stopped at the distant part of the enormous body, and looked at the incomparably gigantic body that stood tall between heaven and earth. There were no undulations from this incomparably gigantic body, but he was just casually standing there, causing Yang Feng to feel a wave of pressure emitting from his body, pressing down on Yang Feng's mind, making him feel as if he was unable to breathe.    


In his hand was an incomparably large axe. When Yang Feng looked at the face of the gigantic body, he discovered that the face had a faint smile on it, and that smile seemed to be blooming on him.    


Looking at that smile, Yang Feng instantly felt an incomparably familiar feeling, and even though Yang Feng was currently existing in a state of mind, he could still feel that strange heart of his throbbing once, and the moment that eerie heart jumped, that incomparably large body actually slowly raised the incomparably large axe in his hands!    


Pangu opening the sky! When he saw the gigantic body slowly raising up the gigantic axe, Yang Feng finally understood that the gigantic body in front of him was the Great God Pangu, and he had actually come to the space where the Great God Pangu was at at the time he created Heaven and Earth!    


Although Yang Feng did not understand why he would appear in such a space, he was very clear that this was a massive opportunity. To be able to witness the creation of the Great God Pangu, what benefits would it bring him, Yang Feng did not dare to guess.    


Great God Pangu slowly raised the Heaven Splitting Axe, and then slashed out with a bizarre axe that was like an antelope hanging at an angle. Although Yang Feng was only staring at Great God Pangu's movements, he was still unable to comprehend anything from the axe, but Great God Pangu's axe had directly engraved itself onto Yang Feng's mind, and was unable to be removed.    


Chaotic energy turned into yin and yang energy under the axe, and the yin and yang energy also gave rise to the five elements' spirit energy. Earth, water, fire and wind appeared, and the space under the axe gradually appeared. "Rumble!"    


Under the axe of the Great God Pangu, the Pangu Circulatory World suddenly appeared. The Pure Qi rose up into the primordial sky, and the turbid Qi sank down to the primordial earth. Then, like the legends, the Heaven Splitting Axe transformed into the Primal Chaos Diagram, the Pangu's banner and the chaotic clock after the axe was chopped down by the Great God Pangu.    


At the same time, the entire Pangu's World also began to produce countless Innate Spirit Treasures. Yang Feng saw all sorts of Innate Spirit Treasures being produced, including the Demonic Knife in his hands, the nine cauldrons and the Deicide Spear, but there were no broken swords, which made Yang Feng feel very strange.    


It was just like the legends said, after the Great God Pangu created Heaven and Earth, he died of exhaustion. His body became one of the living creatures in the Pangu Genesis World, embellishing the Pangu Genesis World with vitality. The Great God Pangu's primordial spirit became the Pangu Three Purities, and his blood essence became the Twelve Ancestral Magi.    


Perhaps it was in an instant, or perhaps it was tens of millions of years, Yang Feng's mind quietly watched as Great God Pangu transformed into all things within the Pangu's World, and watched as life force after life appeared in front of him. This caused Yang Feng's heart to be inexplicably moved, and his respect for the Great God Pangu became even deeper.    


When Yang Feng had witnessed the entire process of Great God Pangu splitting the heavens and earth apart, a melodious bell sound brought Yang Feng's attention back to Yang Feng's body, but Yang Feng, who had opened his eyes, discovered that his vision was already blurry!    


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