Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C759 Jade Emperor thought

C759 Jade Emperor thought

3Jade Emperor and Royal Mother were enjoying the singing and dancing while enjoying the good wine and delicacies at the same time. However, right at this moment, a loud explosion rang out and the entire Heavenly Court started to shake, and all the fairies who were dancing started to sway back and forth. The good wine and delicacies on the table in front of Jade Emperor and Royal Mother were also scattered all over the place.     1


This made Jade Emperor and Wang Mu, who were originally in a good mood, turn gloomy. An invisible pressure was emitted from Jade Emperor's body, and the dancing fairies immediately knelt down in fear. However, although Jade Emperor was angry, he knew that he couldn't blame these fairies for his actions. He waved his hand and dismissed these fairies.    


After that, Jade Emperor got up and walked inside, Wang Ma also followed closely behind him, arriving inside the house. Jade Emperor extended his hand, and a copper mirror appeared in his palm, the copper mirror floated in the air and continued to enlarge itself, then he pointed at the copper mirror, and what Jade Emperor wanted to know about the copper mirror immediately appeared.    


The thing summoned by the Jade Emperor Haotian was naturally the Clear Sky Mirror, and what he needed to know was why the Heavenly Court was in shock! The Clear Sky Mirror flickered with a green light, following that, Guo Xiaotian's shocking axe that seemed to be able to shake the world appeared!    


Seeing the golden pillar of light that was hacked out by the Heaven Punisher Axe in Guo Xiaotian's hands, which broke through layers of sky and finally smashed onto South Heaven Gate, causing the image of South Heaven Gate to explode, Jade Emperor's pupils suddenly shrank. He was able to recognize the axe and shield, as well as the golden light, because that was the most terrifying nightmare he had ever had!    


Seeing Guo Xiaotian standing in the heaven and earth with his gigantic axe and shield in his hands like a devil god, Jade Emperor's expression changed drastically, and in Jade Emperor's mind, he very naturally thought of a person. This person was War God Xing Tian, and thinking about how War God Xing Tian had slaughtered the deities of the Heavenly Court, Jade Emperor's body couldn't help but tremble.    


Even though War God Xing Tian had escaped in the end, not even the Jade Emperor knew how many Immortals and Gods were killed by the Heaven Punisher Axe, and the Jade Emperor didn't want to know either. This was because that number represented the shame of the entire Heavenly Court, and it was also the matter that the Jade Emperor didn't want to talk about the most.    


If it wasn't for War God Xing Tian slaughtering all of the deities of the Heavenly Court, not only did he slap Jade Emperor's face and disgrace the Jade Emperor, more importantly, War God Xing Tian's battle had caused the Heavenly Court to lose soldiers. Without the help of the Immortal God to help the Jade Emperor and Wang Mu manage the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor and Wang Mu had become nothing.    


In this situation, the Jade Emperor had no choice but to look for the Daofather Hongjun. This was why they were taught a lesson, where they signed the Divine Seal Decree together, and began the Conferred God Battle. They taught a lesson, where they entered the Divine Seal Decree and became the gods of the Heavenly Court. Although this solved the problem of Jade Emperor and Wang Mu at the moment, it brought them even more trouble.    


Whether it was the disciples of the hermeneutics or the interceptors, they were all the disciples of saints who wanted to cultivate and comprehend the Dao, and did not wish to become any kind of god. Jade Emperor's request to Daofather Hongjun had caused them to have no choice but to step into the mortal world to face the calamity.    


As a result, although the Jade Emperor had been helped by the God of Heaven to manage the Heavenly Court, he had also formed a great causal relationship with the hermeneutics and the interception, causing his luck as a gatekeeper to decrease day by day. The more he sat, the more unsettled his position became, and in order to scheme for his luck, he caused chaos in the Heavenly Palace.    


However, the Jade Emperor didn't have a choice either. If he didn't hold back, then he, as the leader of the Heavenly Court, would lose his position even more quickly. He would be able to endure this for a while, and with the help of a lot of luck, he might even be able to sit for a little longer.    


If War God Xing Tian did not slaughter all of the deities of the Heavenly Court in that battle, then Jade Emperor Haotian wouldn't have had to go to Daofather Hongjun for help and didn't need to set up a Divine Seal Decree to carry out the Conferred God Battle. This way, the Jade Emperor wouldn't have had to deal with such a huge cause and effect with the teachings and tactics of the Evil Realm.    


The thing that Jade Emperor didn't want to talk about the War God Xing Tian the most was the matter of him. However, today, seeing the gigantic axe and shield, as well as the golden pillar of light that pierced through the heavens and finally destroyed the South Heaven Gate, Jade Emperor once again thought of War God Xing Tian.    


Resisting the fear in his heart towards War God Xing Tian, Jade Emperor looked carefully at the person whose entire body was shining with a golden light, and finally discovered that it wasn't War God Xing Tian. However, what caused Jade Emperor's pupils to constrict once again was, when Guo Xiaotian's figure became small and his body returned to normal, the person who had appeared in Guo Xiaotian was actually Yang Feng.    


Originally, when Jade Emperor saw that the person holding the Heaven Punisher Giant Axe and giant shield was not Xing Tian, he had actually secretly let out a sigh of relief. Right when he was about to plan how to kill Guo Xiaotian, he saw that Yang Feng had suddenly appeared beside Guo Xiaotian.    


For the sake of being able to sit as the leader of the Heavenly Court for a long time, Yang Feng was someone that the Jade Emperor Haotian had to rope in, because the luck that Yang Feng grasped was simply too great, and also, Yang Feng wanted to become the seventh saint in the world. This way, the Jade Emperor Haotian would have to rope Yang Feng in even more.    


Although the Jade Emperor Haotian was designated as the master of the Heavenly Court by the Daofather Hongjun, because he was once the gatekeeper of the Daofather Hongjun, none of the Heaven and Earth Saints thought highly of him.    


This was also the reason why the Jade Emperor Haotian would rather make friends with the two Saints from the West and allow the Buddhist Sangha to cross the East, rather than Pangu and Sanqing. In comparison, although the two Saints from the West despised the Jade Emperor Haotian, they had never shown it to the people from the East. Unlike Pangu and Sanqing, their contempt for the Jade Emperor Haotian was always very obvious.    


However, even if the Jade Emperor had befriended two Saints in the west and borrowed a bit of the Qi of Heaven and Earth, it was still far from enough to make the Jade Emperor Haotian sit on the seat of the Heavenly Court's leader more securely. He still needed to borrow an even stronger heaven's luck, and Yang Feng was the best candidate.    


Ever since the Jade Emperor Haotian knew of Yang Feng's existence, he had been paying close attention to his every move, and had finally confirmed that Yang Feng was the seventh saint mentioned by the Daofather Hongjun. Furthermore, Yang Feng had grasped nine cauldrons, and the luck he had was incalculable.    


It was precisely because of this that Yang Feng had to be roped in by the Jade Emperor Haotian, but when he saw Yang Feng appear in front of Guo Xiaotian, the person wielding the Heaven Punisher Axe and the Heaven Punisher Divine Shield, and heard Guo Xiaotian's words about thinking about becoming the master of the heaven, the Jade Emperor Haotian's expression became ugly.    


Yang Feng was someone that the Jade Emperor Haotian had to rope in, and those related to the War God Xing Tian were people that the Jade Emperor Haotian had to eliminate. When he thought about War God Xing Tian's battle against the Heavenly Court, Jade Emperor Haotian's heart was filled with anger and fear.    


All along, Jade Emperor Haotian had been worried that War God Xing Tian hadn't died, that he might come to the Heavenly Court again one day. Even though Jade Emperor Haotian's strength was no longer as unbearable as it was before, even when facing War God Xing Tian, Jade Emperor Haotian was confident that when he met War God Xing Tian again, he would definitely wash away his shame.    


It was just that the battle with the War God Xing Tian had left too much of a shadow on Jade Emperor Haotian, so Jade Emperor Haotian was looking forward to the appearance of War God Xing Tian and did not want to see War God Xing Tian again. Such a contradictory mentality had always tormented Jade Emperor Haotian, but when he saw Guo Xiaotian holding the Heaven Punisher Axe and the giant shield in his hand, he finally confirmed that War God Xing Tian no longer existed.    


However, what made Jade Emperor Haotian extremely furious was that Guo Xiaotian actually said that he had destroyed the South Heaven Gate because of War God Xing Tian, and he was even considering whether he should take the position of Heavenly Court's Master. This made Jade Emperor Haotian immediately sentence Guo Xiaotian to death, and list him as someone that he had to eliminate.    


But Yang Feng appearing by Guo Xiaotian's side made it difficult for Jade Emperor Haotian. He never thought that Guo Xiaotian had such a close relationship with Yang Feng, so he made a move against him right? This made it difficult for Jade Emperor Haotian to make a decision, so he asked the Queen Mother, "What do you think?!"    


There were many legends in the Heavenly Court that the Jade Emperor was very afraid of the Queen Mother, and was typically under the control of his wife. However, when the Jade Emperor asked the Queen Mother about this, he did not look humble or humble, and there was even a hint of commanding tone in his tone, which was clearly different from the rumors in the outside world. From this, it could be seen how profound the performances of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were.    


Since he wants to become the Heavenly Emperor, then let him do it. It's not like there's only you, the Heavenly Emperor, in the Heavenly Court, the The Great Saint can grant their disciples the title of Heavenly Emperor, and Yang Feng is also a person who wants to become a saint. Why can't his friends be the Heavenly Emperor?!    


When Jade Emperor heard his mother, he immediately understood what she meant. She was referring to Emperor of the South Pole, who was previously a disciple of the Yuqing Yuan Shizhiren but was bestowed the title of Emperor of the South Pole, being the one in charge of a part of the Heavenly Court.    


Since the Yuanshi Heavenly Sovereign could confer the title of Heavenly Emperor to his own disciples, then his Jade Emperor Haotian could also confer the title of Heavenly Emperor to others. And this way, he could also rope Yang Feng in.    


Thinking of this, Jade Emperor Haotian's face finally revealed a smile, but in his heart, he was calculating how he would be able to bestow the title of Guo Xiaotian!    


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