Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C1020 Nine Layered Heavens Ring

C1020 Nine Layered Heavens Ring

4Yang Feng looked at the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune floating inside his dantian's Zifu, and the fist-sized world seed had already disappeared, replacing it was a small tree that had completely sprouted up. Although this was only its most basic state, as long as it started to grow in this state, Yang Feng's World Tree would be able to grow smoothly, and he did not have to worry about anything like today anymore!    2


This was the only time the world seed had leaked the power of the world during its sprout. When the World Tree evolved and grew again in the future, this situation would not happen again! Originally, even if the world energy had leaked out when the world seed sprouted, it would not have caused too much harm to the person who possessed it. However, Yang Feng was so unlucky.    


And it was precisely because of this that Yang Feng had to endure an enormous amount of pain during the process of the world seed's sprout! Of course, this time, the pain he had to endure made Yang Feng realize that he could still cultivate the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique after reaching the ninth circulation.    


In truth, the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique could still be cultivated after reaching the Ninth Cycle, it was just that Yang Feng did not know about it. Furthermore, the method of circulation was not as it was now. Yang Feng's current condition of cultivating the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique was completely different from before.    


After reaching the ninth transition, Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique could be used to prove the dao, and after using strength to prove the dao, he would be able to open up his own world seed and world, and the next step to continue cultivating was to use the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to absorb the world's spirit energy into the world seed, causing the world within the world seed based on the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to continuously grow.    


However, Yang Feng's world seed was based on the Nine Yin Yang Art, although the world inside was the Pangu Circulatory World, because when the world seed sprouted up, the world power that frantically surged out from the world seed, along with the Azure Dragon, White Tiger and the others, were squeezed together by the world power that poured into Yang Feng's body. This allowed Yang Feng to channel the world power into the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique and pour it into every single cell in his body.    


This kind of change was completely different from the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique's original circulation method, only that this situation did not harm Yang Feng at all, because Yang Feng's world seed was formed using the Nine Yin Nine Yang cultivation technique. So in order for Yang Feng's Pangu's world to continue to grow, Yang Feng would need to continuously cultivate the Nine Yin Nine Yang cultivation method!    


However, as Yang Feng's world seed continued to grow, sprout, grow, and eventually become a towering tree, the power of the world that it produced would grow larger and larger. This also required Yang Feng's body to become stronger and stronger, in order for him to be able to endure the powerful force of the world.    


So under this situation, Yang Feng trained his Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique and focused all of the nature's spirit on every single cell in his body, allowing Yang Feng's body to grow stronger bit by bit. In this way, he would be able to endure the need for the world seed to grow, and would not have to worry about his body exploding because of the world's energy being too powerful!    


The world seed had finally completely sprouted, and the world energy that was frantically gushing out had finally stopped. Yang Feng looked at the sprout of the small tree that was less than a foot long, and the Pangu's World that was contained in the sprout. He was extremely excited in his heart, as he did not expect himself to break through to the God Realm so quickly!    


The world seed sprouting meant that Yang Feng had reached the realm of a god, and his Nine Yin Yang Technique had also reached the second stage. However, these were not the reasons that excited Yang Feng, but rather, the reason that excited Yang Feng was because after the world seed sprouts, its defensive power would become much stronger!    


The newly formed world seed was very fragile, so as long as the person who owned it received too serious of an injury, the world seed would also be affected. In that case, the world inside the world seed would naturally be affected as well, which was not what Yang Feng wanted to see.    


Now that the world seed had sprouted, it made it less vulnerable. Finally, it had some resistance, and that way, no matter how severe the injuries Yang Feng received were, it would have a much less impact on the world seed. And when the world seed becomes the World Tree, no matter how serious the injuries Yang Feng received, they would not affect the world inside the World Tree!    


After the world seed sprouted, its resistance had increased, which was the reason why Yang Feng was so excited. Looking at the sprout of the small tree, which was giving off a bright light, Yang Feng then continued to circulate the Nine Yin Yang Art to absorb the profound yellow energy into his body, and then infused it into the sprouting world seed. He then transformed it into chaos energy and entered the Pangu's World, allowing the budding world seed to slowly stabilize.    


At the same time, Yang Feng was also channeling the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, absorbing the dark yellow energy and pouring it into every single cell in his body. Even though his physical body's strength and strength had not increased as fast as the World's power, it was still constantly increasing.    


It was unknown how much time had passed before the sprouting world seed finally stabilized completely. Only then did Yang Feng stop his cultivation, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird and Black Tortoise standing right in front of him, looking at him with wide eyes. Then, when they saw that Yang Feng had woken up, the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and White Tiger actually spoke two words at the same time to Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng was baffled, what did he not do?! What made Yang Feng feel strange was that Black Turtle did not stutter when he said the word abnormal. This made Yang Feng feel very surprised, and he just could not comprehend why the four of them called him abnormal.    


But the reason why the Azure Dragon, White Tiger and the others called Yang Feng an abnormal monster was because Yang Feng's cultivation this time had actually broken through in less than ten years! It had to be known that it had taken the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise millions of years of cultivation to break through from the realm of Elementary God to the realm of God. And such a speed was already considered a heaven-sent genius in the God Realm! As for the Vermilion Bird, there was no need to talk about it. Although it had talent, it was too lazy, which was why its cultivation was so low.    


However, Yang Feng had actually used less than ten years to break through from the realm of Elementary God to the realm of God. This was naturally a huge blow to the Azure Dragon, White Tiger and the others, even though they knew that Yang Feng's situation was a little special, the Pangu Circulatory World had already developed for hundreds of millions of years, so they had already expected Yang Feng to quickly break through to the realm of a God. It was just that they had not expected him to break through so quickly!    


Yang Feng heard the Azure Dragon and the others saying that he had actually cultivated for more than ten years this time, which made Yang Feng feel especially surprised. In Yang Feng's mind, a very short time had really passed, but ten years had actually passed! In order to not worry them, Yang Feng had not communicated with them for ten years. He hurriedly used his mind to enter the Pan Gu world and told them his current situation.    


After telling Guo Meimei and the others what she had done, Yang Feng finally withdrew her mind from the Pangu's Circulatory World. Looking at the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and the other two who were staring at him, Yang Feng understood that they wanted him to activate the Nine Layered Heavens Ring's ability to travel through space as soon as possible.    


Yang Feng also did not hesitate anymore, and used the millions of line of confidence connected to the sprout to draw out the world energy from the Pangu's Circulation Realm, and then pour it into the Nine Layered Heavens Ring. Because only when Yang Feng reached the realm of a god, would he be able to activate the Nine Layered Heavens Ring's abilities, so Yang Feng had to pour all the world energy he could extract into the Nine Layered Heavens Ring!    


After reaching the Divine Realm, Yang Feng could use the power of the world within the Pangu's World, which had naturally increased by multiple times. Sensing the world's power that was continuously being extracted from the Pangu's World, Yang Feng was also very happy.    


Following the infusion of the world's power, the black Nine Layered Heavens Ring on the ring finger of Yang Feng's left hand slowly flickered with traces of light. When Yang Feng was about to pour all the world's power he could extract into the Nine Layered Heavens Ring, a light ding sound suddenly rang out in Yang Feng's mind.    


Although Yang Feng was surprised by the sudden change, Yang Feng did not panic. He allowed the Nine Layered Heavens Ring to absorb his mind into the Nine Layered Heavens Ring, because he knew that this could be an opportunity for him to make contact with the Nine Layered Heavens Ring.    


However, what made Yang Feng a little disappointed was that after Yang Feng's mind was absorbed into the Nine Layered Heavens Ring, what appeared in front of him was actually an enormous light barrier! This light screen was also hundreds of millions of kilometers in length and width, and such a huge light screen was right in front of Yang Feng!    


Yang Feng appeared at the edge of the light screen. After Yang Feng patiently waited for a while, the Nine Layered Heavens Ring did not have any intention of contacting him either. From the description given by the White Tiger, the Nine Layered Heavens Ring and the other Rainbow Sword were all very intelligent.    


Could it be that with his current strength, he was still unable to obtain the Nine Layered Heavens Ring's acknowledgement? Yang Feng thought in his heart that perhaps after his strength increased a little, the Nine Layered Heavens Ring would contact him. So he did not pursue the matter further, but instead followed along the edges of the huge screen of light and observed it.    


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