Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C31 Suspect Identity

C31 Suspect Identity

4After Yang Feng had recuperated from his injuries in seven days, not only had his damaged meridians recovered, the two types of True Qi in his body had become purer. Now that their bodies were recovered, they had to continue cultivating. Here, they only had half a year to go, and then they would have to take the graduation exam, so the most important thing was to increase their own strength!    


After his body recovered, Yang Feng accidentally discovered that his strength had increased by a lot as well, and his body had become even more tenacious. He could actually withstand five times the gravity, which made Yang Feng secretly rejoice once again.    


In the afternoon every day, Yang Feng would train in all sorts of fist techniques that he could currently cultivate. Of course, at this time, Yang Feng would leave the valley to go to a place where he couldn't find Dongfang Xue or Kong Kim to cultivate. He had found this place by Xiao Qing and brought Yang Feng there by Xiao Qing, because Yang Feng's current strength was far from being able to reach that place.    


Furthermore, Yang Feng would not waste the time to cultivate the Nine Suns Divine Art in the morning and evening, although this island was located in the Arctic Ocean, and although the Yin Qi between heaven and earth was extremely dense, and there was a relatively small amount of Yang Qi, since this island was a volcanic island, the Yang Qi underground was extremely rich, so even if Yang Feng was unable to absorb the Yang Qi in the air, the Yang Qi emitted on the island was more than enough for Yang Feng to cultivate with.    


At night, Yang Feng would naturally return to the mountain valley to rest, and at that time, Dongfang Xue would ask where Yang Feng had gone to. As the time they spent together grew longer, Yang Feng also felt that although Kong Kim was a bit reckless, but in the end, he was still a good person, so his requirements for Kong Kim were still satisfied. However, every time they sparred, Kong Kim's defeat would be the end of the match, which took a huge blow to his young heart.    


However, although Kong Kim was always hit by's punches, his enthusiasm for finding Yang Feng and sparring with him did not decrease at all. Furthermore, he was also very interested in Yang Feng's various fist techniques. In the end, Yang Feng had no choice but to teach him the Great Demon Subduing Palm. Only this palm art walked the fierce path and was more suitable for King Kong. As for the top grade fierce fist art of the Decapitation Dragon's Eighteen Palms, even Yang Feng could not learn it, so naturally he would not teach it to King Kong!    


As days passed, the strength of Yang Feng and the other two rapidly increased. The duels between them also made them understand each other better, and their relationship was no longer as cold as it was before.    


"Hey, stingy brat, where did you go?!" I followed you today, but you just disappeared when you reached the cliff over there. You didn't jump off that cliff did you?! " When Yang Feng returned to the cave at night, Dongfang Xue walked forward and asked Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng slightly smiled, but did not reply. He said in his heart, "That's right, I went to jump off the cliff, if you want to go, you can jump with me."    


When Dongfang Xue saw that Yang Feng did not answer him, she immediately pouted, her face written with the words "I'm very unhappy". Her crystal-like eyes stared at Yang Feng, and her sharp gaze continuously pierced Yang Feng, wishing that she could stab thousands of holes into his body!    


"Haha, Dongfang Xue, you're bickering with Number 1 again, haha, you guys are really interesting! "# 1, come, let's spar again. I've already learnt the Great Demon Subduing Palm that you taught me. Let's see who's stronger!" At this time, King Kong interjected and said to Yang Feng and Dongfang Xue.    


After hearing what King Kong said, Yang Feng nodded his head and followed King Kong to the side to spar. During this period of time, Yang Feng could already withstand six times the gravity and his body's strength had increased a lot, so after removing the gravity, he could defeat King Kong easily even without using the True Qi in his body.    


Although the results obtained by King Kong during this period of time was very great, it had already gone from three times its original gravity to five times its current gravity. Furthermore, after learning Yang Feng's Great Subduing Demon Palm, each of its punches had a strong momentum. However, this kind of strength was completely useless in front of Yang Feng, because Yang Feng's strength was even greater than his. Every time they exchanged pointers, Yang Feng would not even need to use his Qing Gong and would just directly punch King Kong until he knocked him down.    


Yang Feng was very satisfied with the battle today, because King Kong was able to endure another minute under his fist, causing him to be addicted to another minute. After taking care of Kong Kim, Yang Feng returned to the cave. At this time, Dongfang Xue had already finished roasting the ice bear meat, and was waiting for Yang Feng and Kong Kim to come back to eat. Although Dongfang Xue liked to bicker with Yang Feng, he would not forget to do things that she should do.    


"Un, not bad. Today, the big and silly guy held on for another minute. He has improved!" Dongfang Xue said to Yang Feng who had walked in.    


"Hur Hur, another minute passed. This is great. King Kong's skin is really thick. No matter how I hit it, it's fine!" Yang Feng was still willing to interact with Dongfang Xue on these issues. As long as Dongfang Xue didn't ask about the things he didn't want to say, Yang Feng was still willing to talk to her.    


"Hmph, stingy brat, you only know how to bully honest people. Why don't we compare notes to see if my Frozen Ice Palms are stronger or your nine yin white claw is!" Dongfang Xue said to Yang Feng.    


In the face of such a strong killing intent, Dongfang Xue felt as if she had fallen into a cave of ice, her entire body felt ice-cold. also had a killing intent towards Dongfang Xue, because a skill like the nine yin white claw was his greatest secret, and that was something only the core disciples of the Yang family could learn, and since Dongfang Xue knew about it, she must be connected to the Yang family, so she must not let anyone who knew she was still alive tell the Yang family about it, which was why Yang Feng had a killing intent towards Dongfang Xue.    


"Stingy guy, you. What are you trying to do?! I mean nothing else, really! " Dongfang Xue felt Yang Feng's killing intent, and immediately tried to defend herself.    


"Speak, how did you know about the nine yin white claw?!" "What is your relationship with the Yang family?" After all, they had been together for so many days. If Dongfang Xue had no relationship with the Yang family, he didn't want to kill her by mistake.    


"I don't have anything to do with the Yang family. That bastard Yang Wen showed off to me on purpose. I really have nothing to do with the Yang family!" Dongfang Xue said to Yang Feng.    


"You know Yang Wen?!" Yang Feng asked Dongfang Xue, Yang Wen was the eldest son of the Yang family in this generation, and according to seniority, she was Yang Feng's cousin, the son of Yang Feng's eldest uncle. At the same time, Yang Wen was also one of the people who bullied Yang Feng the most, and this Yang Wen relied on his clan's power to do things that bullied both men and women, but because he was the eldest son of the Yang family in this generation and received the clan's special nurture, he had started to train in the clan's martial arts since he was young, and his strength was not ordinary, so he often did some outrageous things outside, but the Yang family always turned a blind eye to these kinds of things.    


"What's your relationship with him?!" Yang Feng asked Dongfang Xue.    


"I don't have anything to do with that bastard! "He was the one who wooed me and relied on the family's influence to pressure us, the Dongfang family, to marry him. If I don't agree, he will force me. I had no choice but to register to come here. Believe me, what I said is true!" Dongfang Xue said to Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng actually believed more than half of what Dongfang Xue said, because if it wasn't for what Dongfang Xue had said, the Dongfang family's strength alone wouldn't be enough to let the core disciples of the family participate in this kind of training.    


"I believe your words for now, but you'd better not reveal anything about me to the Yang family, or you will regret it!" Yang Feng said to Dongfang Xue. After she finished speaking, she withdrew her aura, took a piece of ice bear meat, and sat down to eat.    


"Hmph, what's there to be fierce about? If it's strong, then it's impressive. Using your aura to scare others, you're truly stingy!" Seeing that Yang Feng no longer had any pressure, he muttered.    


Half of the reason why he gave up on the idea of killing Dongfang Xue so easily was because he believed her words. The other half was because he had placed another type of parasite on Dongfang Xue when she was down and out, allowing this parasite to be able to listen to his thoughts at any time. So long as she wanted to one day tell others about herself, then that would be the day the parasite would take effect!    


"Hey, you stingy bastard, are you really a member of the Yang family?!" "Why do I see that you have such a huge grudge with the Yang family?!" Dongfang Xue was still not satisfied, and continued to closely investigate Yang Feng's identity.    


"I don't care who I am, and it's best if I don't get involved. Considering that we know each other, I advise you not to go together with the Yang family, otherwise we will be enemies. I won't be as lenient as I am today!" Yang Feng did not look up as he lowered his head to eat the ice bear meat and said to Dongfang Xue.    


Hearing Yang Feng's words, Dongfang Xue stared at Yang Feng, he did not know what to think, but in the end, when Dongfang Xue saw that Kong Kim finally recovered from the pain of being ravaged by Yang Feng, he ran into the cave and started to eat, and then sat at the side, silently eating the ice bear meat.    


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