Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C29 Late night attacks

C29 Late night attacks

4After King Kong walked out of the cave, he immediately headed out of the valley. He wanted to quickly bring that ice bear into the valley, as that was their prey and was something that would keep him from starving for a period of time.    


As he walked out of the valley, King Kong saw Dongfang Xue standing in front of the gigantic ice bear. It was unknown what he was thinking, but even when he walked in front of, he did not notice anything, which made King Kong very strange. This was because Dongfang Xue had always been very sensitive and cautious.    


, what happened to you?! "What are you thinking about?" Kong Kim said loudly to Dongfang Xue.    


Kong Kim's voice was as loud as his body made people scared, Dongfang Xue felt like his ears were filled with thunder, he was nearly scared senseless. He turned around and kicked Kong Kim and said, "You idiot, why are you shouting so much, you're even shouting so loudly for your ears!"    


"Hehe, I'm sorry, I saw that you were so engrossed in your thoughts. I just wanted to remind you that if the enemy came, you would be in danger!" Kong Kim said to Dongfang Xue honestly.    


"Don't worry, big dumb guy. The person who tried to ambush me hasn't been born yet!" By the way, what happened to that stingy guy? Is he seriously injured?! " Dongfang Xue asked King Kong.    


"Number One said that he was severely injured and needed seven days of treatment. He told us that we must not disturb him for seven days. If he were to be disturbed, his injuries will worsen." "Alright, let's stop talking about this, let's take the ice bear in. Haha, this time we can eat. Number 1 is really strong, he can even kill such a big ice bear!" Vajra said to Dongfang Xue while staring at the two ton ice bear on the ground.    


"Hmph, big dumb guy, you're still not admitting it even though I said you're stupid? This ice bear isn't killed by that stingy little bastard. Didn't you hear him call that Xiaoqing in the end?" This stingy fellow is really mysterious, what is that cyan light?! " Dongfang Xue said to Kong Kim.    


"Green light?!" What green light?! "Why didn't I see that? I saw Number 1 beat that guy to death at the very end, then I would have meat to eat King Kong. I don't care about that green light, as long as I have meat to eat King Kong!" After saying that, he grabbed onto the ice bear's leg and dragged it into the valley. The two ton ice bear felt like it weighed nothing as it was dragged by Kong Kim, and was soon inside the valley.    


After Dongfang Xue heard King Kong's words, she muttered a few sentences before she followed King Kong into the valley. King Kong dragged the Ice Bear's body into a corner of the valley and quickly dissected it with a dagger. The Ice Bear's internal organs were all thrown to the side. King Kong cut the Ice Bear's meat into pieces and then placed them on a patch of snow. She took out a few pieces that she wanted to eat later and covered the rest with snow.    


After all of this was done, King Kong went out to find firewood. Although they had the tools to start a fire, it was still useless without firewood. The meat of an ice bear was a delicacy, but it was still cooked, and the raw meat of an ice bear was still inedible.    


Dongfang Xue didn't have anything to do. She just sat at the entrance of the cave and watched King Kong take care of the ice bear, and when King Kong finished taking care of the ice bear and went out to find firewood, she saw Yang Feng who was meditating inside the cave.    


The entire valley had already fallen into darkness, but Dongfang Xue was a person who had cultivated in True Qi, and her realm was not low either, so she could still see things clearly in this kind of darkness. But just when Dongfang Xue was bored, he suddenly heard light footsteps from far away. Although it was light, it could not escape her ears, and Dongfang Xue knew that it was not the footsteps of Kong Kim, because the sound of his footsteps could not be that light. That big dumb guy's footsteps were always like an earthquake, and most importantly, it was not the footsteps of a single person.    


Dongfang Xue found a place to hide and looked at the people who were slowly walking into the valley. She realised that there were a dozen or so people and all of them were yellow people, and the two who led the way were the yellow people beside Yang Feng and him, and at this time, Dongfang Xue also found out their identities from their conversation, they were speaking the language of the ghosts on the island in the east of China. No wonder when Carl had asked him about the things regarding China on the helicopter, the two of them would be unhappy.    


The remaining dozen or so people that the two of them brought with them were all scum as well. It seemed like the two of them would gather a group of scum in the camp outside of the snow very quickly, but what were they doing here? Dongfang Xue thought to herself, but quickly got her answer.    


"Hey, Master Yamada, do you think that roar just now was really that of an ice bear?!" That means someone was attacked by an ice bear?! " One of the two scumbags said to the other scumbag, and the one who spoke was obviously very flattering to that guy called Yamada.    


"Hehe, Matriarch Song, that voice is definitely that of an ice bear. Furthermore, it must be a battle with someone else because I could hear the anger in that roar." The guy called Yamada said to the one who had spoken earlier.    


"Then from my point of view, who was the one fighting the Ice Bear?!" The guy called Matsushita said to Yamada.    


"Heh heh, who else could it be? It must be those three fellows. Only those three fellows came over. Furthermore, from the roar of the ice bear, I know that those three fellows are definitely injured. Hehe, this is a good opportunity for us to make our move! " Yamada said to Panasonic with a smile.    


"Those three fellows?!" Hehe, that Huaxia Pig and Black Devil are fine, but that little girl is not bad. If we find her later, you can't have it all by yourself, Lord Yamada! " Matsushita said to Yamada with a smile that was full of obscenity.    


"Of course, we're good brothers. We have something good to share with everyone!" Yamada also said to Panasonic with a smile.    


Dongfang Xue who was hiding at the side heard the conversation between the two, her face immediately flushed red, her small fists clenched tightly, she pulled out a sharp dagger from her leg, with a flash, she used the lightness skill that was passed down in her family, and disappeared into the night.    


As they were scattered, and it was already late at night, and they only had a few flashlights in their hands, it was inevitable that there would be places and people that could not be seen. This gave Dongfang Xue the chance, the little girl clenched her teeth tightly, and moved like a ghost, picking out those that were not lit and making her move. The little girl's Qing Gong was quite good, at least she was able to land on the ground in silence, and just like that, she quietly ended the lives of all the devils.    


But Dongfang Xue was quickly discovered, because right when she was covering one of the Spirit Demons' mouth and placing the dagger on her neck, a ray of light suddenly turned around and shone onto her body. Dongfang Xue saw that she had been exposed, and did not feel any panic, and raised her blade.    


"Chase, quickly chase, don't let her escape!" Yamada loudly shouted at the surrounding evil spirits. The other evil spirits all took out their daggers and chased after them. When they first arrived at the island, all their guns were taken away. Each of them only had a dagger in their hand as their survival weapon.    


The scumbags pulled out their daggers and chased after them, but before they could even run a few steps, they were tripped by something on the ground. The scumbags pulled out their daggers and chased after them, but before they could run a few steps, they tripped over something on the ground.    


"Don't bother with them, they are just trash. To actually be killed by a woman, chase after her! If we catch her, I will definitely make her suffer a fate worse than death!" Yamada clenched his teeth as he looked at the corpse on the ground.    


As for Yamada and Panasonic, they also ran out of the valley, not staying in the valley for long. Fortunately, if they continued to stay in the valley, they would be able to find the small cave that Yang Feng and the others were in, and at that time, Yang Feng would definitely be disturbed, which would mean that Yang Feng would be in an even more dangerous situation.    


Fortunately, Dongfang Xue was smart enough to kill off a few scumbags, then ran out of the valley to lure the little scumbags away so that they wouldn't disturb Yang Feng's recovery.    


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