Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C26 polar ice bear

C26 polar ice bear

3Yang Feng brought the black man, Kong Kim and the little girl, Dongfang Xue, and flew forward. Finally, after walking for a long distance, they found a valley that was completely empty of people. The three sides of the valley were all very tall mountains of snow, and only one side could be passed through.     3


Yang Feng felt that this island was extremely huge. Yang Feng and the others were directly brought to the snow place by helicopter, so he didn't really know how big the warm, spring grass area was. However, he had a rough understanding of the size of the island. Other than the active volcano in the middle of the island, there were a dozen or so snow mountains of different sizes on this side of the snow island. Yang Feng and the others were placed on the outskirts of the snow mountain, and then they kept walking forward towards the center of the snow mountain.    


After finding a valley suitable for cultivation, Yang Feng and the other two started to split up to search for a cave that could accommodate people. Fortunately, the area of the valley wasn't very big, and very quickly, they found a cave. After tidying up the cave, the three of them found a place to rest and started cultivating.    


The clearing in front of the valley was covered with snow, if one wanted to cultivate here, they would have to clear the snow first. Yang Feng and the black man, Kong Kim, had contracted this job, two men couldn't possibly let a little girl do such things, right? Luckily, using gravity while doing this kind of work could be considered a type of cultivation, so Yang Feng didn't complain.    


"Hey, # 1, you're so strong, you're actually using four times gravity, I'm only three times gravity, oh my god, is your tiny body able to withstand four times gravity?!" It's really unbelievable! " The black Vajra shouted out with an exaggerated look of disbelief when he saw that Yang Feng was actually driving four times the gravity.    


Yang Feng didn't care much about King Kong's loud shout, he continued to clean himself, but in his heart, he felt helpless. This King Kong was too much of a fuss, what does it mean that with my small physique, my current size is way too much stronger than ordinary people. Indeed, Yang Feng's constant cultivation of the Muscle Meridian Rebirth Scroll had caused his height to increase again. Now, he was already close to 1.85 meters, and the muscles on his body were also becoming more and more obvious.    


In that small valley in China, because Yang Feng had started to grow taller and heavier when he started to cultivate the Muscle Meridian Rebirth Scroll, the muscles on his body bulged bit by bit. However, when he started to absorb the floating ice cold air to cultivate, he disappeared bit by bit.    


However, as he trained on Central and South America Island, his muscles grew again bit by bit. Moreover, as his height and weight increased, his appetite also grew larger and larger. When they were on that island in Central and South America, the small animals in the eastern region had basically all entered Yang Feng's stomach.    


However, although Yang Feng's current body was much stronger than a normal person's, it couldn't be compared to the black man King Kong's. The black man King Kong Guang was only 2.2 meters tall, his arms and legs were as sturdy as metal pillars. When King Kong saw that Yang Feng actually activated four times the gravity and that he could only adapt to three times the gravity, he couldn't help but take the blow. Thus, he also increased the gravity to four times the gravity!    


Who knew that the moment he transferred over, his entire body would be crushed to the ground with a loud rumble, sinking deep into the snow. This strike was heavy enough, and it took Kong Kim a long time to support himself on the ground before he managed to turn around. After he had recovered three times the gravity, Jin began to pant heavily.    


"Oh my god, four times gravity is too scary. Number 1, you're so powerful!" The black man Kong Kim looked at Yang Feng with a gaze of worship and said.    


"Hehe, take it slow. You can do it too." Yang Feng comforted the black man. Although the black man followed him shamelessly, he was still a good person and his thoughts were simple. Therefore, Yang Feng had a good impression of the black man.    


"Haha, # 1, just you wait, I, Kong Kim will definitely catch up to you!" "Aiya, just exercising makes me hungry. # 1, clean up here, I'll go and find something to eat." The black man Kong Kim smiled honestly at Yang Feng, and then walked towards the outside of the valley.    


Yang Feng nodded to the black man, King Kong, before he continued to clean up the snow on the ground. When he was almost done, he suddenly heard a voice from outside the valley, which was even King Kong's voice. Yang Feng immediately removed the force of gravity and rushed out in a flash. Behind him, there was the sound of something tearing through the air, and when Yang Feng turned around to see that it was Dongfang Xue, it seemed like she had also heard King Kong's cry for help.    


The two of them ran out of the valley one after the other. When they arrived outside, they saw King Kong's black figure leaping towards the valley, while jumping and shouting for his life, while a huge creature followed closely behind him.    


"# 1, save me, I'm going to be eaten!" When the black Vajra saw Yang Feng and Dongfang Xue's figures, he immediately shouted for help.    


Yang Feng hurried forward a few steps, but when he was near, he took in a breath of cold air. So it turns out that he saw what was following behind King Kong! It was a white polar ice bear, but this polar ice bear was way too big. It was running forward on all fours, and even so, it was almost two meters tall. Its entire body was four meters long, and it was running forward like a tank!    


Damned King Kong, how could he have provoked such a thing? Could it be that the thing he said to find something to eat was this huge thing?! Yang Feng cursed in his heart, but he still had to go up and save Kong Kim, otherwise, Kong Kim would become the Ice Bear's dinner.    


Kong Kim sprinted to Yang Feng's front and hid behind Yang Feng like an injured little girl, causing Yang Feng to feel extremely helpless. Someone was looking at you from behind, you're just lying to yourself! However, King Kong was indeed injured. His clothes had already been torn to shreds, and on his chest, five deep gashes were gushing blood. The flesh of the wound was flopping outwards, and one could almost see King Kong's ribs; it was clear how deep the wound was.    


Yang Feng hurriedly pressed on a few acupuncture points on King Kong's chest and stopped the bleeding. Otherwise, even with his huge size, he would die from the bleeding. King Kong saw that Yang Feng only touched his chest a few times before it stopped bleeding. He started to worship Yang Feng again.    


"Wah, # 1, how did you do that? It's too amazing, how did my blood stop flowing?!" King Kong shouted out in an exaggerated manner.    


"Alright, if you don't want to die, then shut up. Go and stay at the side. Tell me, why did you provoke such a monster!" Yang Feng glared at Kong Kim and said.    


After being glared at by Yang Feng, Kong Kim looked like a wronged wife as he said with a wronged expression, "Didn't I say I wanted to give you guys something to eat? Who would have known that this guy would be so powerful!"    


Just as King Kong said this, that polar bear had already arrived in front of Yang Feng and the others. It stood up straight after arriving in front of them, and started roaring at them.    


The ice bear stood up straight and was five meters tall. On its two forelimbs was a team of giant paws, and each of those claws was emitting a cold light. The ice bear roared again, and then raised its front paw to swipe at Yang Feng and the other two.    


If Yang Feng wanted to escape, it would be possible as well. With his current speed, it would be impossible for him to catch up with the ice bear, and Dongfang Xue might not even have a problem with that, but it might be possible for King Kong to do so. Firstly, it was because he was injured, and the ice bear's speed was not slow either.    


Yang Feng thought about it for a while and still decided to fight the ice bear, so as to test the fruits of his training from before, and see what kind of strength he had. Even if he wasn't able to beat the ice bear in the end, he could at most expose Xiao Qing.    


With that thought in mind, Yang Feng turned and charged towards the ice bear.    


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There was still one more thing to do tonight, so he asked his brothers to support the mouse a lot. Thank you!    


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