Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C24 Arctic Iceland

C24 Arctic Iceland

3On the last day of the initial training, Yang Feng finally took action. He killed the only person he had ever killed in his three months of training, and became the only person left in the first group to survive.    


With this experience, Yang Feng had finally overcome his fear of killing others. Being able to calmly face death and take it as an extremely normal thing, of course, was someone else's death and not his own.    


Yang Feng followed Carl inside the building. There, he saw the other six groups of people who survived, and surprisingly, among the few people, Yang Feng saw the three people he first saw on the island: a white man, a black man, and also the yellow person girl. The remaining three people were not recognized by Yang Feng, but there were two yellow people and one white person.    


Carl indicated that Yang Feng should stand together with the seven instructors, and then he walked over to the other instructors. Yang Feng was surprised to find out that those instructors all nodded slightly when they saw Carl, and they seemed to all be very respectful when they saw him, even the white chief instructor was not an exception.    


Carl walked in front of the chief instructor, and after saying a few words to the chief instructor, he turned around and walked away. The chief instructor always looked towards Yang Feng when Carl was giving his instructions, and the corner of his mouth revealed a trace of an inexplicable smile.    


"Alright, that's all for our basic training. Next, you will be taken to our main base for training for half a year. After you pass the assessment, you can become a member of our Black Ice Mercenaries." But I have to remind you guys, after all you guys came out of this base, so don't embarrass us when you get to the main base. Perhaps you think that the training here is already very cruel, but compared to the main base, our place is just a child's play, and I believe that after this period of training, your hands are already stained with blood, but when we arrive at the main base, you will be infected with more blood, and the people there will not be afraid of you just because you were recruited. If you want to survive there, then you will think of yourself as a wild beast, no, even more than a wild beast! " The Caucasian chief instructor grumbled for a long while.    


"Now, go back and pack up. Gather here!" The chief instructor finally said.    


The seven of them quickly returned to the room they had originally been assigned to gather their stuff, but Yang Feng did not have anything much to pack, he only went out to look around, summoning Xiao Qing who was left outside the entire time for training, and then went to the plaza to gather. At this moment, there was a rumble in the sky and a huge helicopter landed on the square. After Yang Feng and the rest boarded the helicopter, the helicopter did not leave. Instead, it stayed at its original position until finally, Carl walked up to it and started moving.    


Carl walked up the helicopter and sat by Yang Feng's side. He smiled at Yang Feng and did not say a word. Yang Feng did not care about Carl, and immediately closed his eyes and started to meditate, because this was his first time riding on a helicopter. He was still not used to it, and was extremely nervous.    


Carl saw that Yang Feng did not even bother with him, but he did not care either, and only thought that Yang Feng's character was like that. However, if Carl knew that Yang Feng was too nervous because it was his first time being a helicopter, what would he think?!    


After the helicopter started moving, it quickly flew through the sky. The helicopter flew very smoothly and Yang Feng quickly adapted to it. After adapting, Yang Feng calmed himself down and opened his eyes. Seeing that Carl was still looking at him, he smiled.    


"Haha, miracle number one, are you Chinese?!" Carl said to Yang Feng, but what he said was the authentic Chinese language. This made Yang Feng feel that it was a bit strange, but he soon understood, if one could become a instructor for Black Ice, how could he even know Chinese?    


After hearing Carl's question, Yang Feng only lightly nodded his head and did not speak. The huge explosion from the helicopter made Yang Feng feel very uncomfortable, so he only nodded his head and did not speak. But Carl was obviously more interested in Yang Feng, so when he saw Yang Feng nod his head, he immediately became excited.    


"Oh, really? Are you really that mysterious person?! "Great, why don't you tell me about the magical China. My old man is too strict in his management, and he strictly forbids me from going to the East China Sea. This is too depressing!" Carl excitedly said to Yang Feng.    


The two white men and the black man who looked like towers didn't look any different, but looked like they were listening. It was obvious that they were interested in the miraculous Hua Xia as well, even though their hands had been dyed with blood all this time, they were still a group of eighteen and nineteen year old children after all. They were still very interested in the unknown.    


His eyes were filled with a look of disgust, and the gaze he looked at Yang Feng with was filled with hostility. It seemed that these two were not Chinese people, but from their appearances, they were either the evil spirits of the island or the Koreans.    


As for the other yellow person girl, when she heard Carl's words, her cold and pretty face unexpectedly revealed a trace of a smile, and her eyes had a proud expression. From this, she seemed to be a Chinese!    


Yang Feng did not care about the expression of the others, he suppressed the uncomfortable feeling the helicopter's roar gave him, but when Carl asked him this question, he could not help but answer it, and could only force himself to introduce some of the more famous things in China.    


Oh, no, magical number one, I've read all of these online. I understand, I want to know what's different, I heard that you have many magical things in China, like that snake in your embrace, how did you make it listen to you so well?! Carl asked Yang Feng with a face full of curiosity.    


When Yang Feng heard this, he immediately frowned, and his expression sank. Little Green was his secret and he usually hid it carefully, but he never expected that Carl would actually discover it.    


"Oh, miraculous # 1, don't be angry, I don't have any other intentions, I'm just very curious, why would that little snake listen to you like that?!" Carl hurriedly explained to Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng also felt that Carl did not have any malicious intent, so he told him that he raised this pill since he was young, and that's why he was so obedient. But Carl started to ask other questions after asking Xiaoqing, it was simply like a nagging crow, causing Yang Feng's head to hurt.    


Yang Feng could only close his mouth and eyes at the end of the conversation. No matter how Carl asked, he was unable to say anything, so in the end, Carl could only helplessly give up. At this time, Yang Feng could feel that the air outside the helicopter was getting colder and colder, the air was filled with more and more cold air, and all of them came from the Southern Hemisphere, and their clothes were extremely thin, at this moment, they were already shivering from the cold.    


Because Yang Feng had once experienced a winter's ordeal in the small valley, his body had already adapted to it, so he didn't feel anything. Other than Carl, who was perfectly fine on the helicopter, the only thing that didn't feel cold was the Chinese girl's body.    


After a long time, the helicopter finally started to descend. When Yang Feng and the others got off the helicopter, they realised that they were already inside the Arctic Circle. The place they had landed on was also an isolated island, but this island was clearly larger than the island they were training on.    


On one hand, the grass was being affected by the warm currents on the sea, and the air was relatively warm. On the other hand, there was a large volcano in the middle of the island, and it was active as well. From time to time, smoke would come out from the mouth of the volcano, emitting a huge amount of heat.    


This mystical island was precisely the place where Yang Feng was going to undergo training for the next half year.    


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Today, at the second night watch, those brothers with votes in their hands should not forget to cast their bets on Lao Shu. Thank you!    


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