Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C21 gravity belt

C21 gravity belt

0Yang Feng followed the group into the inner part of the island, where there was a prison like building. The four walls of the huge courtyard had towers, and each tower was equipped with a heavy machine gun. The walls of the yard were all high voltage electricity grids. It could be said that it would be extremely difficult to get out after entering.    


Entering the tall and big iron gate, Yang Feng discovered that the entire structure took up an extremely wide area, almost occupying half of the entire island, and was split into two parts, one for the training area and the other for the resting area. Yang Feng and the others were first brought to the resting area, then they distributed the things they needed for their daily lives. Since less than five hundred of them were able to make it to the island alive, they were considered elites. Therefore, they were given one night of rest, and on the second day they would receive the cruelest of training.    


Yang Feng learnt about the training camp's situation from the daily necessities that he had distributed. It turned out this training camp was the training base for the Black Ice Mercenaries. The Black Ice Mercenaries were the most powerful mercenary group in the world and were the most powerful. Every single mercenary had great strength and every single one of their missions had been completed without a single failure. In addition, the Black Ice Mercenaries had many training bases throughout the world to recruit students. Anyone who trained here would be able to obtain great strength, so even though the tuition was shocking, many people still participated.    


However, they were all the same as Yang Feng, the concubines of those families that were sent here to train. If they could obtain great strength, then they could give their families a great amount of power. It wouldn't be a pity if they died here!    


Furthermore, Yang Feng also understood that training here was equivalent to joining the Black Ice Mercenary Group. After graduation, he would be a member of the Black Ice Mercenary Group and couldn't betray for the rest of his life. Of course, after joining the Black Ice Mercenaries, you can also borrow the strength of Black Ice to help you obtain what you want. However, the help you can get from Black Ice is dependent on your level.    


The Black Ice Mercenaries were divided into six grades: S, A, B, C, D, and E. The highest grade was S, and the Black Ice Mercenary Group only had one S ranked mercenary, while the A ranked mercenary group only had twelve. They were named after the twelve constellations, and these thirteen people were the core strength of the Black Ice Mercenaries. The reason why the Black Ice Mercenaries could become the world's top mercenaries was because of their existence. Other groups could at most have one or two [A] class mercenaries, but never [S] class mercenaries.    


Yang Feng was secretly surprised after reading the introduction of the Black Ice Mercenary Group, he never thought that this organization would be so powerful. Although training here was equivalent to selling him to the Black Ice Mercenary Group, if he could borrow Black Ice's power, then dealing with the Yang Family would become a huge help in the future. However, the most important thing right now was how to survive in this place for two years and survive in the end. Only then would he be able to become a mercenary of the Black Ice Mercenary Group and borrow the strength of the Black Ice!    


After Yang Feng thought about all these, he began to rest up, sitting cross-legged on his bed quietly meditating, he allowed the Qi in his body to circulate through his meridians, although he was unable to cultivate at this time, unable to absorb any Yin Qi or Yang Qi to increase the Nine Yin Meridians and Nine Suns Divine Art's Zhen Qi, the Qi in his body could still be circulated in his meridians to help Yang Feng recover from his fatigue.    


Waiting until Yang Feng was almost done adjusting his breath, Yang Feng suddenly heard the whistle of a group of people. Yang Feng did not take off his clothes at all, so he immediately got up and ran towards the group location. When they arrived at the meeting place, they discovered that they were the first to arrive, while the others hadn't even arrived yet.    


Very good, you are the first to arrive. From now on, you will be number 1. Forget your previous name. A white man who was around two meters tall and looked like a tower stood in the middle of the plaza and spoke as he looked at Yang Feng. Behind him, there was a group of soldiers holding onto their spears.    


After saying that, the white instructor looked at the watch in his hand, then looked at the people who came here one by one, giving them their code names as well. When the white instructor reached 350, he waved his hand, and those soldiers holding guns charged towards the place where they lived previously.    


The people in the plaza, including Yang Feng, were all horrified when they heard this. Although they were already prepared to kill people here, they did not expect it to be at this kind of level. Could it be that they would throw their lives away if they were to say it was too late? Then, they saw the group of soldiers dragging out the corpses of the people who failed to arrive at the square on time, like dragging a dead dog, and the fresh blood that flowed on the ground was extremely eye piercing. When Yang Feng saw this shocking scene, he felt his heart trembling, as cold air rose from the bottom of his heart.    


"Alright, I've finished clearing the trash. From today onwards, if you three hundred and fifty of you can't gather here in a minute, you will end up like this trash." The white instructor said to the crowd.    


"I believe you already know that from the moment you set foot on this island, you have no relationship with your original family. From now on, your lives belong to Black Ice. Here, you can only obey orders and complete your training, or else you will die!" The white instructor continued.    


"I won't say too much. I'm your chief instructor. From now on, you will be divided into seven groups based on your number, each with 50 people." Each team will have an instructor to train you, and they will teach you how to kill. Only one in fifty will survive, so work hard for your own lives! " After saying that, he turned around and left.    


After that, seven instructors came out, went to each of the seven teams that had been assigned, and took their respective team members away. Yang Feng was number one, so he belonged to the first group of the top fifty. This group of instructors was a somewhat skinny white man who was around 1.9 meters tall, and he did not look too healthy either.    


This man brought Yang Feng and the others to the east side of the island. There was a training area here too, and Yang Feng would begin his training here in the near future.    


My name is Carl, don't worry, I will not be as brutal as the other instructors. I will teach you all things that I should, but only one among you will be able to survive. As for how you are going to survive, that is your own business. There are many hidden weapons on the island, and you can look for them yourselves. You can also challenge me, which is permissible on this island. Of course, the prerequisite is that you think that you have the ability to do so! " Carl said to the rest.    


Yang Feng stood in front of Carl and listened quietly, after hearing that, he did not look left and right, but kept on looking at Carl, while the others that had heard Carl's words looked left and right, looking at the people beside them, they were all filled with enmity towards each other.    


"Alright, now you all can take this with you. We will begin today's training!" Carl took out 50 something that looked like a wide belt from a bag on his back and handed it over to everyone. Then, he let everyone wear it on their waists.    


Yang Feng looked at the belt-like item that he was already wearing, and couldn't tell what material this was made of, but there was a round thing on top of this one, it looked like a adjustment button, and there were even ten numbers, from zero to ten, marked on the side of this adjustment button.    


"This is the belt of gravity, it's the latest technology, the biggest gravity can reach 10 times. From today on, you will have to train with this belt of gravity. Alright, now double the belt of gravity, and then start running around the beach on the island!" Carl gave his first order.    


After hearing Carl's order, the fifty of them immediately doubled the gravitational belt on their waists and started running around the beach with difficulty. When Yang Feng increased the gravity of his belt by one fold, the pressure on his entire body increased greatly, it was like a huge mountain pressing down on his body, every step of the way, was extremely difficult, but Yang Feng still kept on running, one step at a time, because if he did not run, then he would not follow orders, and would very likely die in the next second!    


Only then did he feel a bit less pressure and run easier. However, Yang Feng quickly stopped circulating his inner force, because he thought that this kind of training was a good opportunity to increase the strength and strength of his body. If he used his inner force to counteract a little, he might not be able to achieve any results.    


After Yang Feng withdrew his inner force, he felt the pressure once again increase greatly, but he still gritted his teeth and persevered, silently chanting the Nine Yin Meridians's Muscle Meridian Bone Forging Manual, and slowly borrowed the force of gravity to forge his own body, becoming more and more perfect, and laying a more solid foundation for cultivating his inner force in the future.    


Just like this, Yang Feng began the first step of his career as a mercenary, and it was the training here that laid the foundation for him to become the next King of Mercenaries!    


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Today's first and second update would be uploaded at night.    


3000 words, oh, give me a few tickets!    


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