Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C11 Monoclinic Python

C11 Monoclinic Python

3Because he had reached the realm of one Yin and one Yang, the perception of Yang Feng's body had greatly increased, and he could even clearly feel the slight changes in the wind direction in the cave. Along with the changes in the wind direction, Yang Feng also constantly changed his direction and flew forward at a rapid pace, yet in his heart, he was silently praying that the giant python would not chase after him, so that he could escape successfully.    1


However, this was not the time for a life-and-death battle, so there was no need for him to use it. All he needed to do was to quickly fly forward, and using the [Spiral Nine Shadow] technique would only save his life, so Yang Feng would not use it unless it was absolutely necessary.    


However, Yang Feng's speed was now extremely fast as well. When he used the [Spiral Nine Shadow] technique, he flew past them like the wind, and other than a few shadows, he could almost see everything else. Yang Feng unleashed his full strength. Very soon, he saw light in front of him, and that would be the exit!    


Seeing the exit, Yang Feng immediately became excited, he rushed forward, and when he reached the cave entrance, Yang Feng stopped to look, and realised that the outside of the cave was not any sort of cliff, it was a normal small mountain, and the cave entrance was located halfway up the mountain. Yang Feng was ecstatic, he had finally escaped and quickly ran out.    


After exiting the cave, Yang Feng suddenly felt the abnormally dazzling sunlight, and almost couldn't open his eyes anymore. Originally, he had been inside the cave for too long. Yang Feng's eyes had already gotten used to the darkness inside the cave, and now that he had suddenly come out, he naturally felt a little uncomfortable seeing the sunlight. Thus, Yang Feng closed his eyes and adjusted his body's condition. Only when he felt that he could almost adapt to the outside world, did he open his eyes.    


But the moment Yang Feng opened his eyes, he was stunned by the thing that had appeared in front of him. That thing was none other than the green python in the cave, currently blocking in front of Yang Feng, staring at him with its two blood-red eyes!    


This sudden change of events made Yang Feng feel at a loss. Although the past year's experience had made him more resolute, he was still seventeen years old, so he had not experienced a lot of things. Furthermore, he had never experienced something like this before, so even if he had learnt the Nine Suns Divine Art and the Nine Yin Meridians, as well as some of the skills above, under these circumstances, Yang Feng seemed to have forgotten about it.    


In the cave, Yang Feng could only see the python's body that was around five to six meters long, but now, he could see the python's body that was around thirty meters long. The python's body was as thick as three adults together, the green scales on its body glimmering under the sunlight, the blood red tongue kept on swallowing and spitting, causing people to shiver!    


However, this python only stared at Yang Feng with its blood-red eyes, without releasing any attack. This caused the terrified Yang Feng to slowly calm down and look at the python in front of him, thinking about how to deal with the current situation. At this time, Yang Feng finally remembered that he knew martial arts. Although he might not be a match for the python in front of him, escaping shouldn't be a problem.    


Yang Feng looked at the python in front of him staring at him. After looking for a long time, he still did not see any reaction from it, so he decided to fight it out. Suppressing the fear in his heart, Yang Feng first looked at where he was and identified his direction. After that, he suddenly activated the Spiral Nine Shadow Light Technique and started running toward the west.    


This time, Yang Feng used the time it took for the Spiral Nine Illusions to transform into a Fenshen. In front of the giant python, there was still a Yang Feng standing there, but the real Yang Feng already appeared tens of meters away. This was already the limit of what Yang Feng could do with the Spiral Nine Illusions. After escaping dozens of meters away, more than half of the Nine Yin Meridians and internal energy within Yang Feng's body had already been used up. This made Yang Feng sigh at the miraculous effects of the Spiral Nine Illusions, and at the same time, silently sigh that his own strength was still too low, if he were to be chased by that giant python again, he would truly be done for. Thus, he did not dare to stay behind, and quickly ran towards the west.    


On the other side, the giant python was still looking at Yang Feng who was standing in front of it. However, after a few seconds, the giant cyan python suddenly realized that Yang Feng had started to slowly dissipate, and in the end, disappeared. This situation confused the huge cyan python. Although the eyes of the giant python as a snake was not very good, it still felt that its aura was very strong, but just now the giant python clearly felt that Yang Feng's aura was still there, why did it disappear so quickly!    


The giant python tilted its head and looked at the place where Yang Feng was standing a moment ago, revealing a look of thought. The giant green python's expression looked extremely human, if Yang Feng saw it, he would be surprised, but he would also be surprised. Unfortunately, Yang Feng had already run far away and the giant python's intelligence did not seem to be that high, he pretended to think for a while, but he still could not figure out what was going on.    


However, after the giant python continued to swallow and spit out its blood-red tongue a few times, it caught up with Yang Feng's aura. It swung its huge tail, and in a flash, it chased after Yang Feng, who was fleeing in the direction he went in. Furthermore, its huge body was even faster than Yang Feng's speed, if Yang Feng's speed was comparable to that of Qingfeng, then the speed of the green python should be as fast as a tornado!    


Although Yang Feng had already run several kilometers away by this time, the green python still managed to catch up to Yang Feng quickly, and then, it blocked Yang Feng's path once again. However, the giant python still did not attack Yang Feng, but only blocked his path, and then, it continued to stare at Yang Feng the same way as before. However, the giant python had clearly become more cautious this time, as if it was afraid that Yang Feng would escape again.    


Yang Feng who was in his way sighed, he knew that with his current strength, he was not a match for the python, thus he stopped running, after taking a breath, he stared at the python like the python did. However, after the two of them looked at each other "affectionately" for a long while, Yang Feng was the first to lose his cool.    


"Hey, why are you blocking me, what's wrong with me admitting you?!" Yang Feng feigned a fierce look and said to the python.    


The python seemed to be very happy when it saw Yang Feng talk to it. It immediately raised its huge python head, its blood-red eyes seemingly emitting a joyful light. However, the giant python's actions caused Yang Feng to jump in fright. He thought that the giant python was going to attack him, so he hurriedly picked up a branch that was half a meter long and took a few steps back.    


However, when the giant python saw Yang Feng pick up the branch, and thought that Yang Feng wanted to play with it, it pounced towards Yang Feng, completely scaring him. Looking at the python's head that was getting closer, Yang Feng's heart immediately started to panic, the palm holding the branch started to sweat profusely, and he stared at the giant python with widened eyes.    


When the giant python was about to land on Yang Feng's body, Yang Feng finally used the Spiral Nine Shadow Movement Technique. With a twist of his body, he dodged the giant python, and then used the Yu Xiao Sword Technique which he had practiced countless of times, hitting the giant python's body in an instant. Yang Feng's current strength was extremely great, and adding that the python's body seemed to have an extremely strong resistance against blows, after this strike, the branch in Yang Feng's hand had snapped, but the giant python had not received any injury at all. Instead, it had become excited and turned around to pounce towards Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng was shocked, he immediately pushed his feet off the ground and retreated, then picked up a slightly thicker wooden stick from the ground and used his Yu Xiao Sword Technique and the Spiral Nine Shadows Movement Technique to fight with the giant python once more. The giant python didn't seem to have the intention of harming Yang Feng, it only pounced towards Yang Feng again and again.    


Yang Feng gradually realized that the giant python did not seem to have any hostility towards him, so he relaxed and played with the python for real. In the past, Yang Feng was always training alone, so he did not have any actual combat experience at all. Now that there was an additional free training partner, Yang Feng naturally had to train hard.    


Because he had reached the realm of One Yin and One Yang, the power of Yang Feng's nine yin white claw was even greater, but the nine yin white claw that could penetrate the stone wall was still useless on the giant python's body, which made Yang Feng feel extremely at ease, and allowed him to use it even more unrestrainedly.    


Repeated practice of his own martial arts with the giant python had caused Yang Feng's understanding of the Yu Xiao Sword Technique, nine yin white claw, and spiral nine shadows to become even deeper and more proficient, especially his use of the spiral nine shadows. After receiving such benefits, Yang Feng was even more unwearisome as he sparred with the giant python again and again, allowing his own strength to improve once again!    


In this kind of practice, Yang Feng and the giant python's relationship gradually became closer and closer, and in the end, they became good friends who could not be beaten. This world was truly full of wonders, but it was also a good thing for Yang Feng.    


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Today, in the second chapter, if the mouse wants to go out later, it might come back a little later, but in the third chapter, there will definitely be one!    


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