Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C8 Water bottom of small pond

C8 Water bottom of small pond

0Yang Feng had been in the small valley for an entire year, and the once sixteen year old youngster had now undergone a tremendous change. Although his appearance was still ordinary and handsome, his current expression revealed incomparable perseverance, and he was no longer that frail youth who had already grown up to be someone who could take charge of himself.    2


It had been a year, and Yang Feng was already seventeen years old. It was now late autumn, and as Yang Feng looked at the cliff in front of him, he began to climb. This was already the tenth time he had climbed up, and the first nine times had been a failure. Although Yang Feng had trained in the high levelled [Spiral Nine Shadows] technique, he still could not fly up the cliff at once, and could only climb up bit by bit.    


At this time, the nine yin white claw that Yang Feng was cultivating in played a key role, clawing out simultaneously, climbing up time after time. Unfortunately, this cliff was just too high, Yang Feng used up all of his strength, and adding on the tiny bit of True Qi in his body, he had only used up half of his strength, and was no longer able to go another step forward.    


The tenth attempt still failed! Yang Feng sighed, he leaned on the cliff and rested, thinking why doesn't the cliff have vines and things like that, if there were those, he could use them to climb up, sigh, there was no other way.    


Yang Feng looked at the pond in front of him quietly. It was already late autumn, so the rain had lessened, and the water flow inside the waterfall had become smaller. It was no longer as turbulent as it was before, and was gradually being poured into the pond.    


Seeing this, Yang Feng suddenly thought of a problem. That was, when there was a lot of rain in the summer, the water in this small pond was also this much, and he had not seen it rise before. However, now that the rain had subsided, the water level in this small pond was still the same, and it had not dropped either. What was going on? What about the water that comes out when the rain is heavy? And where did the rain replenish the water in this place when there was less rain?    


Yang Feng thought for a long time that the only explanation he could come up with was that this small pond was probably connected to the underground river. When there was more rain, the water in the small pond would flow into the underground river, and if the water in the small pond decreased, the water would be replenished by the underground river. When he thought about it, Yang Feng's eyes lit up. He thought that he could use this small pond to leave this place.    


However, this method was much more dangerous, because Yang Feng was not sure if the small pond was connected to the underground river, and where did the underground river lead to?! However, Yang Feng decided to give it a try, because if he did not, he could only sit here and wait for death.    


If Yang Feng did not take the risk, he might have stayed back to wait for his death, because there was no food left, and it was impossible for him to climb the cliff. Unless his strength improved greatly in a short period of time, maybe he could use his lightness skills to climb the cliff, but how could the growth of his inner strength be that easy, I reckon that before Yang Feng's strength improved greatly, he would already be dead.    


Therefore, the only choice he had was to take the risk. Yang Feng took a deep breath, and immediately dove into the water, catching fish in the water multiple times had already made Yang Feng's water flow much better, and with the help of his Qi, he could see things even though he was in the water.    


Yang Feng kept diving towards the bottom of the small pond. What surprised Yang Feng was that this small pond didn't look very deep, but even after he had swam underwater for a long time, he still had not reached the bottom. The oxygen in his body was already insufficient, and the pressure and buoyancy of the water was also increasing, causing Yang Feng to be unable to hold on for much longer, however, this small pond still had not reached the bottom.    


With no other choice, Yang Feng could only swim upwards and quickly float to the surface of the water. Yang Feng took in a few large gulps of air, and at the same time, exhaled the foul air in his lungs. After resting for a while and recovering some of his strength, Yang Feng found a large stone on the side of the small pond.    


This time, Yang Feng dived very quickly, and only used a little effort to reach the place he went before. After that, he clenched his teeth, endured the pressure from the water, and quickly dived downwards. Yang Feng held in that breath of his and kept going downwards for an unknown amount of time, only feeling that he was already starting to lose consciousness. Just as he was about to lose consciousness, a huge suction force came from the bottom of the small pond, causing Yang Feng to be swept away.    


At this time, Yang Feng was still hugging onto the huge rock, but that suction force had still effortlessly swept over Yang Feng and the rock. Yang Feng only felt that the sky was spinning and he could not figure out what was happening, but he could faintly feel that he had passed through a very, very long waterway, and in the end, that the suction force had disappeared.    


The moment Yang Feng felt the suction force disappear, he threw away the stone in his embrace and then used all his strength to dive upwards. He swam upstream for a long time before finally reaching the surface of the water. When Yang Feng reached the surface of the water, he immediately took in a few breaths of air. At this time, he felt that being able to breathe this much air was really too blissful, he had held it in in the water for too long, he had almost lost his consciousness. Fortunately, the suction force stimulated Yang Feng, allowing him to wake up, otherwise, he would probably die in the water.    


After breathing in a few breaths, Yang Feng concentrated his vision and saw that there was a concave rock wall above his head. Yang Feng had to admit that he was extremely lucky as the location to go upstream was right here and if he was somewhere else, there wouldn't be any air for him to breathe in.    


While sighing at his luck, Yang Feng used his heart to experience the direction of the water below him, and then fiercely inhaled a few breaths of air before diving into the water below him. He wouldn't wait here forever, even though this place had air that made people feel extremely happy, staying here would only result in death, so Yang Feng had to find the exit of the underground river as soon as possible, while he still had strength left.    


Yang Feng swam forward quickly in the direction of the current, and under the support of his Spirit Qi, he was able to see the path ahead clearly. The water in this underground river flowed very quickly, and its speed was extremely fast, just when Yang Feng was about to exhaust his last breath, he finally saw the exit!    


Of course, Yang Feng also followed the flow of the water and entered the cave. At this time, Yang Feng realized that he was actually brought to a gigantic cave by the water current, the cave was extremely big, but most of the cave was made up of water, and only a very small piece of the water which was emitting a faint white light floated on the surface of the water.    


Yang Feng, who was washed into the cave, quickly floated to the surface of the water. After taking a few breaths, he swam towards the place that emitted the white light, because Yang Feng's entire body was sore and weak, and he needed to find a place to rest.    


However, what made Yang Feng curious was that the more he swam towards that place, the lower the temperature of the water became, and gradually, he felt a bone-piercing coldness, but that place was the only land in the place, Yang Feng had nowhere else to go, and could only swim towards that place.    


When he got to the front, Yang Feng saw clearly that the thing that was emitting a faint white light was not some land mass, but a huge floating block of ice that was approximately three meters in diameter. No wonder Yang Feng felt such a cold sensation, it was actually this thing doing something!    


However, Yang Feng felt that it was weird, this place was already in the southern part of China, how could there be ice here. Furthermore, the temperature inside this cave wasn't low, why didn't this piece of ice melt?    


Even though it was strange, Yang Feng still managed to climb onto the floating ice. Fortunately, the floating ice did not sink into the water because of Yang Feng, and could still withstand the weight of Yang Feng's body. Although it was very cold while lying on the floating ice, Yang Feng, who had almost collapsed, could not care about anything else.    


= = = = = = = = = = = = = =    


Today, the second chapter, seek PP, brothers more support, thank you!    


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