Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C5 initial practice of spiritual arts

C5 initial practice of spiritual arts

3Yang Feng saw all of the scenes in his mind and took a deep breath. He never thought that he would be chased by the Yang family, and in the end, it was actually saved by the Yang family ancestors, and the change in the world was actually so strange. However, this did not affect Yang Feng's determination to become strong.     1


Yang Feng still did not have much strength left, so he could only lie by the pool. However, his mind was working quickly, organizing all the martial arts in his mind from the simplest to the most profound, then deciding on the steps to cultivate these martial arts.    


Inner force cultivation naturally required Nine Suns Divine Art and Nine Yin Meridians to cultivate together, although Yang Lao had speculated that these two types of cultivation techniques could be cultivated together, and the power one had after cultivating them would definitely be stronger than cultivating either the Nine Suns Divine Art or the Nine Yin Meridians alone, but he had never personally experienced it before, so Yang Feng needed to be extra careful and careful in order to cultivate these two types of divine arts at the same time.    


The Nine Yin Meridians was written by Huang Chang from the Northern Song Dynasty. Huang Chang was originally a civil servant, and because of studying the? Dao Repository?, she understood the meaning of martial arts. Later on, Huang Chang was sent out to destroy the Ming Dinomination, and the soldiers were defeated. Huang Chang refused to accept it, and single-handedly killed many people in the Ming Dinomination, which attracted many people from the same sect to seek revenge. Huang Shuang was not a match for him, her family was all killed. For Xue's deep hatred, Huang Chang lived in seclusion for more than 40 years, racking her brains to crack the enemy's martial arts. After 40 years, she reappeared. By now, the Chou family had all died. As for the other girl, she had also aged. Huang Chang, who had seen this, was deeply moved by her obsession for the sake of revenge. She wrote down what she had learnt in her lifetime as "Nine Yin Meridians" and passed it down to the future generations.    


Legend has it that the Nine Suns Divine Art was created by the ancestor of the Damocles. When one practices this technique, dense purple qi can be produced, and it can freely spread to the body and outside of the body. It can be invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, poison gas, and other substances.    


The Nine Yin Meridians was a main attack, but the defense was made up of countless mystical techniques. They were extremely powerful, but when the Nine Suns Divine Art was refined, it was not something that could be harmed by any of the world's martial arts. It was for these reasons that Yang Feng decided to cultivate these two divine arts at the same time.    


However, because Yang Feng was a bastard child of the Yang family, he did not have the qualifications to cultivate the family's martial arts, and he had even secretly learned the Free and Unrestrained Palm Technique, but he could only learn it in such a way that he was unable to unleash the true power of the palm technique. Furthermore, he had to start training the inner force technique since he was young, and since Yang Feng was already 16 years old, he did not have any foundation in the inner force, so it was even more difficult for him to cultivate.    


Yang Feng searched through the two cultivation methods of the Nine Yin Meridians and the Nine Suns Divine Art for a long time, before finally deciding to cultivate the "Muscle Meridian Bone Forging Scroll" in the Nine Yin Meridians first, and cultivate his own body well. As long as he mastered this book, then he would have a foundation for cultivating it, and this book was from the outside, so cultivating it was easier.    


Although he had chosen a cultivation direction, Yang Feng was still unable to train in it at the moment, because he did not have the slightest bit of strength on his body right now.    


Yang Feng quietly laid by the pool, and only at noon did he finally regain some of his strength, and after that, he turned his body, and crawled towards the shore bit by bit. He did not stop at all until he reached the shore, but continued to climb towards a fruit tree on the shore, because underneath the tree there were a few ripe fruits that fell down, although they were a little rotten, but they could still save Yang Feng's life!    


After using his final bit of strength, he finally climbed under the fruit tree. Yang Feng leaned on the tree and struggled to pick up two fruits, one in each hand. He didn't care about the rotten parts anymore, he directly stuffed the fruit into his mouth and started to chew.    


No matter how firm his mind was, he was still a sixteen year old youngster. When the slightly sour fruit entered his mouth, he could not help but recall all the suffering he had endured over the years and ruthlessly wiped the tears off his face with his sleeves. Yang Feng clenched his fists tightly, and swore in his heart that he would turn himself into the strongest person, and would never be bullied again!    


After eating a few more fruits, Yang Feng closed his eyes and rested, recovering his strength. When dusk approached, Yang Feng was finally able to stand up, and began to search through the small valley for a place to stay. Therefore, it was relatively easy for Yang Feng to search for it. However, what disappointed Yang Feng was that he did not find a place to stay like the one in the cave. The small valley was surrounded by cliffs and cliffs, and there was no shelter to stay at.    


There were a lot of branches in the small valley, so Yang Feng collected the branches and branches. Then, he built a shed, and picked some dried up grass from the valley to cover the shack with. Furthermore, there was also a layer of straw in the shack, so a simple place like this was born.    


Yang Feng sat next to his own little nest, first thinking of where he was right now. When he was being hunted down in the south of the mountain, he wanted to return to the Little Miao Village where he was born, and then return to his mother's side. From what he could remember, this place seemed to be a mountain in the middle of China, the specific location was not very clear, but after leaving the valley, he would be able to head west and return to the little village he was born in.    


Therefore, after resting for a while, Yang Feng began to cultivate. He had to grasp a strong power as soon as possible, only then would he be able to protect himself, and not let himself be harmed.    


Yang Feng began to cultivate the Muscle Meridian Bone Forging Scroll of the Nine Yin Meridians, this time from the outside, focusing on training his own body, constantly tempering his own body, and slowly changing the strength of his meridians and bones, after laying a good foundation, he would be able to increase his cultivation speed by leaps and bounds.    


Yang Feng, who had never had any sort of cultivation basis before, had suffered a lot when he was cultivating this, but he had always clenched his teeth and persevered on. He found the thickest tree in this small valley and started to kick and punch this tree. Not only that, he also used his shoulder to hit, his back to hit, and his chest to hit. He only stopped when he ran out of strength.    


At this time, Yang Feng's fists, legs and legs were already drenched in blood, and his entire body was covered in a bluish-purple color. The enormous pain caused Yang Feng's forehead to continuously drip sweat as he panted heavily.    


Just like this, Yang Feng continued to train his body day and night. If he lacked strength, he would lie on the ground and rest. If he was hungry, he would find a few fruits to eat. Just like that, days passed, and after a month, Yang Feng made great progress. After a month of training his body, his originally weak and weak body had become a bit fuller, and although the muscles on his body weren't too obvious, one could already see that there was a little bit of it.    


The most important thing was that even though Yang Feng had only mistreated the tree every day and its entire body was purple, he did not see any more blood coming out of it. This kind of progress made Yang Feng even more crazy, and every day, he would use this opportunity to abuse the tree even more, as if the tree was his greatest enemy.    


Just like that, Yang Feng continued to train his body, and when he was resting, he would organize the martial arts in his brain, and over and over again, he would familiarize himself with the martial arts, and continuously demonstrate them in his mind. However, Yang Feng was not in a hurry to cultivate, because he had not mastered the Altering Muscle Bone Forging Manual of the Nine Yin Meridians yet.    


Yang Feng's mind was still very firm. Although the enticement of the martial arts in his brain was great, Yang Feng had always endured it because he knew that it was impossible to obtain the strongest power without a good foundation. Even if a person could obtain an extremely strong power in a short period of time, if their foundation was not good, then he would have no choice but to stop there and not make any more achievements.    


Yang Feng wanted to be strong not for a moment, he wanted to be able to stand on top of someone else forever, and no one could be on his back anymore. Therefore, no matter how strong the temptation was, he would still persevere and train his body.    


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Today, in the second chapter, those brothers who have tickets in their hands can just pour them all out. Lao Shu's new book needs the support of those brothers!    


The other brothers that have seen it must remember to collect it!    


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