Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C475 To quell civil

C475 To quell civil

0The Prime Minister of the Tianyuan Empire, Zhang Can, launched a coup, turning the emperor into a prisoner. However, this did not mean that he had succeeded, because there was still the huge threat of the Yang family. If the Yang family was not eliminated, he would not be able to safely sit on the throne of the emperor.     2


Before the coup, Zhang Lao informed his cousin who was cultivating in Mount Shu Sword Sect, and asked his cousin to help him transfer the Yang family away. Although this plan was successful, but the Yang family still had a chance to return, in order for the Yang family to not pose any threat to the Zhang family even if they were to return, Zhang Lao led his people to attack the loyal manor.    


Although Yang Yong and the rest were not in the Yang family, Yang Yong's wife, Yang Long, Yang Hu and the others' mothers were still in the Yang family. Zhang Chou wanted to capture Chi Ling and use him to threaten Yang Yong and the others.    


Only, to Zhang Lao's surprise, the loyal duke's mansion was easy to enter, but Chi Ling's small courtyard was impossible to enter. It seemed like there was an invisible wall around Chi Ling's courtyard that was preventing them from advancing, preventing them from entering the courtyard at all. They grabbed Chi Ling who was right inside the courtyard.    


Facing this invisible wall, Zhang Wen had a very bad feeling, so he ordered his men to break in, just that those normal people, no matter how high their martial arts were, they were unable to break through the protective array that Yang Feng had set up, and some people were even killed by the force of the formation!    


This made Zhang Cambodia feel even more uneasy, so he called his cousin over. Just in case, before the coup, Zhang Can Zhi had also called his cousin over, and had promised his cousin that if the coup was successful, he would send more talented disciples to the Mount Shu Sword Sect in the future.    


With these conditions, Zhang Kui's cousin finally came out of Mount Shu Sword Sect to help Zhang Kuang start his rebellion. However, everything went smoothly at the beginning, so he didn't have to take action. He just didn't expect such a thing to happen in the end.    


Zhang Xun's older cousin, who looked even younger than his son Zhang Song, stood in front of Chi Ling's courtyard and observed the situation around the courtyard. He could tell that there were array formations laid around the courtyard, and they were very powerful ones too, causing him to inwardly complain, knowing that he had provoked someone he shouldn't have.    


Although he was a disciple of the Mount Shu Sword Sect, if it were not for the Zhang Family sending valuable gifts to the Mount Shu Sword Sect all this time, he would never have possessed his current status. It was precisely because of this that he agreed to Zhang Mo's request.    


Initially, he thought it would be an easy thing to do, although Zhang Xie and the rest had talked about Yang Feng being extremely powerful, but he thought that with his current cultivation level of the late stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, dealing with Yang Feng would be enough. However, when he saw the formation around the small courtyard, he knew that he had gotten into big trouble this time.    


However, at this point, it was impossible to save them. The best course of action was to destroy the formation and capture the woman inside. This way, with the hostages in hand, they might still have a chance of survival!    


But when Zhang Zi's cousin brother summoned his own flying sword and controlled it to cut down Chi Ling's small courtyard, and was preparing to rush into her courtyard, a cold snort came from midair, "Hmph, courting death!"    


When Zhang Zi's cousin heard this cold snort, he was startled. He raised his head and saw that there was already a person standing in the air above the small courtyard. Seeing this person standing in the air, Zhang Zi's cousin immediately realized that this was the person he should not have provoked!    


The person who had come was naturally Yang Feng. When he detected someone barging into his mother's courtyard at the western border, Yang Feng had rushed back with his fastest speed! If Yang Feng were to fly with his physical body, then if he were to use his full strength, he would be able to fly a few times faster than Xiao Qing Fei. Therefore, even though he was quite a distance away from the western border, Yang Feng still managed to hurry back in less than two hours.    


When Yang Feng rushed back and saw that her Mother Chi Ling was safe and sound in her courtyard, he heaved a sigh of relief. It was at this time that Zhang Xie's cousin was preparing to use his flying sword to attack the courtyard. Yang Feng's figure flashed and arrived beside Zhang Lao's cousin, and punched towards his Dantian and Violet Palace Realm.    


Zhang Xie's cousin did not expect Yang Feng's speed to be so fast, and before he could even react, Yang Feng had already appeared in front of him. Furthermore, the power of that one punch was simply too terrifying. Zhang Chan's cousin only felt waves of energy surging towards him.    


With a series of crackling sounds, Zhang Wen's cousin brother was completely turned into powder by Yang Feng's punch, and following that, a black and red flame started to burn on his cousin brother's body, burning his soul, who had already been turned into fine powder.    


After Yang Feng dealt with Zhang Wen's cousin, he looked coldly at the people around him, and upon seeing Yang Feng's gaze sweep past him, he felt his entire body turn cold, and thought about how Yang Feng easily killed his cousin who was like a god in his eyes, and knew that he was done for this time.    


Seeing Yang Feng looking at them, he waved his hand, and then his son Zhang Song brought the Emperor and Princess Zhao Linger up, then said to Yang Feng, "I know everything that has happened today is probably over, but I do not want to die. As long as you let us go, I will let them go, and if you do not let us go, then let them die with us."    


After Yang Feng heard Zhang Can's words, he smiled and said to Zhang Xie, "You captured the Emperor, so it seems you want to become the Emperor yourself. Originally, this matter was none of my business. You all are allowed to become emperors however you wish. However, you should not have come to disturb my mother.    


After Yang Feng finished speaking, balls of black and red flames emerged from the bodies of everyone in the Prime Minister's bloodline present. Afterwards, they vanished into nothingness, and only the Emperor of the Empire and Princess Zhao Linger remained standing in front of the courtyard. However, the two of them were so frightened that they fell limply to the ground.    


Although Yang Feng had saved their lives, their hearts were still chilled as they looked at the crowd who were all burnt to ashes by the black and red flames to the point that not even dregs were left. The gazes they used to look at Yang Feng were also filled with fear. In the end, the Emperor, who had been in a high position for many years, was the first to calm down. He stood up and said to Yang Feng, "Many thanks to State Grandmaster for your help."    


After Yang Feng heard the Emperor's words, he said to him, "This is none of your business. I did not deal with them to save you, it was them who disturbed my mother's peace.    


Although Yang Feng had killed Zhang Xie and his men, they were only the leaders, and there were still a lot of people involved in the betrayal, so there were still a lot of things that needed to be taken care of. The Emperor listened to Yang Feng's words. Even though he was very rude to Yang Feng, he still left with a smile after hearing Yang Feng's words.    


Although Yang Feng had not acted because she saved him, as long as the relationship between the imperial family and the Yang family became closer, then when something happened to the empire in the future, would Yang Feng still not act?! After seeing Yang Feng's true terror, the Imperial Emperor had already made up his mind to firmly hug Yang Feng's thigh without letting go.    


When the Emperor brought Zhao Linger, whose entire body was still trembling from the events that happened today, and left, Yang Feng turned and walked into Chi Ling's courtyard. At this time, Yang Feng was glad that he had set up such a formation, otherwise with her mother's current strength, she would not be a match for the Mount Shu Sword Sect disciple just now.    


At this time, Yang Feng finally understood why the beasts would attack humans at the western border. It turned out that their goal was to divert him away, which made Yang Feng extremely angry in his heart. He had never intended to get entangled with the Mount Shu Sword Sect of this world, but they had actually come to provoke him.    


Fortunately, nothing had happened this time. If anything happened to the Mother Chi Ling, Yang Feng would definitely not forgive herself. At this time, Yang Feng started to wonder, when would it be time to pay a visit to the Mount Shu Sword Sect?!    


Entering Mother Chi Ling's courtyard, Yang Feng saw his mother who was smiling at him, walking forward, asked Mother Chi Ling, "Mother, you're not scared right?!"    


After hearing Yang Feng's words, Chi Ling shook his head, and then said to Yang Feng, "I'm fine. I know that you will definitely rush back in time, so I'm not the least bit afraid. "Alright, they've all disappeared. I'll go cook for you!"    


After Chi Ling finished speaking, she walked inside and started cooking for Yang Feng, while Yang Feng also went in to help Chi Ling cook. The two of them did not take this empire coup seriously at all, as if it had never happened before.    


This time, the Tianyuan Empire coup quickly subsided. All the officials participating in the coup were exterminated, and the Prime Minister Zhang family's power was completely uprooted.    


Of course, when the Emperor issued the imperial edict announcing to the world, he specifically pointed out that the reason for calming down the rebellion was because of the loyal Yang family, and of the eight, State Grandmaster Yang Feng had contributed the most!    


Towards the Imperial Emperor's announcement, the Loyal Yang Family's position in the Tianyuan Empire was even higher, and after Yang Feng heard about the edict, he only smiled, and did not pay much attention to it.    


When Yang Yong and the rest finally reached the Yang Family, Yang Feng went to Mount Shu Sword Sect to visit them!    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


Thank you, Yeye, for your gift, for your support of the mouse!    


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