Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C497 Deicide into Body

C497 Deicide into Body

4When Yang Feng first saw the mountain on the sea, he felt that it was like a weapon. However, he did not expect that after the Demonic Knife and the broken sword had slashed the mountain apart, there was actually a spear inside, and upon seeing the spear, Shi Feixuan had actually called it the Deicide Spear!    


Deicide Spear?! Hearing the name of the Deicide Spear, Yang Feng felt that it was still full of imposing manner, but Yang Feng had also seen a lot of treasures, many people had obtained their own treasures with a special imposing manner, such as slaying immortals or exterminating deities, these things were all very common, this way, the name of the Deicide Spear would be more or less like a street commodity!    


However, Shi Feixuan's last sentence made Yang Feng feel shocked, because Shi Feixuan had actually said that the Deicide Spear was an Innate Treasure! Xiantian treasures were the most supreme existences' treasures. Since Pangu had created the world, there had only been a few Xiantian treasures. She had not expected one to appear here!    


Yang Feng looked at Shi Feixuan, as well as Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji who were behind him. Although Shi Feixuan had called out the names of the Deicide Spear and also said that the Deicide Spear was a treasure that was born in heaven, none of them actually went up to fight over it. Although Yang Feng was very surprised with the appearance of the Deicide Spear, it was only limited to shock. With a tranquil and indifferent expression in his eyes, Yang Feng had no intention of fighting over it. However, the expressions of Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji showed that they wanted to go up and fight for it, but did not dare to. Furthermore, they revealed traces of fear on their faces.    


Looking at their expressions, Yang Feng was very clear that they all knew the origin of this Deicide Spear. Only, Yang Feng and Li Xiaoyao, the two Zhao Wuji did not have any kind of relationship, and although Shi Feixuan also did not have a relationship, but when Shi Feixuan took the initiative to greet him, it meant that Shi Feixuan did not have any enmity towards him. Thus, Yang Feng asked Shi Feixuan about the history of this Deicide Spear.    


Seeing Yang Feng asking him about the origin of the Deicide Spear and not hiding anything from him, Shi Feixuan told him about the origin of the Deicide Spear. After hearing about it from Shi Feixuan, Yang Feng finally understood how extraordinary this Deicide Spear was.    


When Pangu had created Heaven and Earth, Protocosmic treasures and Protocosmic spirit-treasures had been born from the heavens and the earth. However, they were extremely rare, and these Protocosmic treasures all had their own intelligence.    


Great God Pangu also had two precious Innate Treasures, one was the Heaven Splitting Axe and the other was the fortune jade plate. The Heaven Splitting Axe disappeared after Pangu established Heaven and Earth, while the fortune jade plate shattered during the opening of the sky. The largest part of the axe was obtained by the Daoist Master Hong Jun later on, and he used the fortune jade plate to comprehend the heavenly dao.    


He had also traveled the entire Great Wastelands before Daoist Hong Jun was able to join the Dao. He had collected many Protocosmic spirit-treasures and Protocosmic treasures, as well as countless other treasures of other grades. When he was at the peak of the Divided Treasure Cliffs, he had distributed these treasures to the six individuals under his tutelage who would become saints.    


Forget about other people's treasures, The High Priestess had obtained the Four Swords of Immortality s among them. Although the Four Swords of Immortality was also an Innate Treasure, it could not suppress one's destiny. Of the six people who became Saints, only the The High Priestess did not have an Innate Treasure that could suppress the destiny of their sect.    


Although Four Swords of Immortality s were unable to suppress the destiny of their sect, they were primarily killed, so their power was unquestionably strong. During the Conferred God Battle, The High Priestess had used Four Swords of Immortality s to set up the Immortal Slaying Sword Formation, and they actually needed the cooperation of the Four Saints to break it.    


The reason why Four Swords of Immortality were so powerful was because their nature was for them to kill their enemies, but there was something else that was stronger than their killing powers, and that was the Deicide Spear. Of course, this was a secret knowledge from the ancient times, something only the disciples of the six saints' direct descendants knew.    


The six Saints naturally heard it from the Daofather Hongjun. Back then, when the Daofather Hongjun still hadn't joined the path, they had to travel the vast wastelands and collect countless treasures. However, when they were collecting the Four Swords of Immortality, they met with trouble, because the Deicide Spear at that time was also with this Deicide Spear.    


At that time, although the Daofather Hongjun had not reached the Path of Body, he had become a saint. His mana was extremely strong, but he could take the Four Swords of Immortality, but not the Deicide Spear! The Deicide Spear was emitting an aura of slaughter that even the Daofather Hongjun s could not resist. It could be seen how heaven defying the Deicide Spear was!    


At that time, the purpose of Daofather Hongjun taking the treasures was simply to give the six Saints under his tutelage to suppress the fates of their respective sects, so towards treasures that could not be suppressed, Hong Jun did not care at all. If he did not guess that Four Swords of Immortality was something fated to be with The High Priestess, then Hong Jun would not have come to collect this kind of killing item.    


It was just that Daofather Hongjun did not expect that he would not be able to collect the Deicide Spear with his own strength. Furthermore, after a few rounds of sparring, the Deicide Spear actually escaped, and Daofather Hongjun was unable to predict where the Deicide Spear would go, so he could only leave it alone in the end.    


This matter was mentioned when the Daofather Hongjun was distributing the Four Swords of Immortality to the The High Priestess, so the six The Great Saint s knew about the existence of this Deicide Spear and told their disciples about it. Although the Daofather Hongjun said that the Deicide Spear could not suppress the luck of others, but to have this kind of Innate Treasure that was so powerful that even the Daofather Hongjun could not do anything about, it would increase their chances of winning when fighting with others. Thus, the six Saints told their own disciples that they were supposed to look for the location of the Deicide Spear.    


What was unexpected was that the Deicide Spear that the six Saints had searched for millions of years for was actually here. Furthermore, the appearance of the Deicide Spear was simply too heaven-defying, it actually caused a change in the sky's phenomena. Although it was not the lightning tribulation of the heavenly tribulation, the Deicide Spear was still able to create such a grand show of power.    


Yang Feng found out about the origin of the Deicide Spear from Shi Feixuan's narration. Although he still felt that the name of the Deicide Spear had some value to it, he still knew its power, and Shi Feixuan had also told Yang Feng that before she came to this world, the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai of the Heaven Realm had told her that she had to search for a secret in this world. Shi Feixuan had told Yang Feng that this could very likely be the Deicide Spear.    


Yang Feng was surprised to hear what Shi Feixuan said, these things were all the secrets of the sect, he never thought that Shi Feixuan would actually tell him about it, and what made Yang Feng even more confused was that after Shi Feixuan told Yang Feng about it, he turned and flew towards the depths of the Storm Sea, and it seemed like he was going back to the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai of this world.    


Shi Feixuan's actions made Yang Feng admire him slightly, the Innate Treasure remained unmoved even in front of him, there was no intention to fight for it at all. His expression had always been indifferent, as if it was not an Innate Treasure, but a very ordinary thing.    


After Shi Feixuan left, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji took a glance at Yang Feng, and then at the Deicide Spear in the distance. Their faces showed unwillingness to accept this, but in the end, they had no choice and also left.    


Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji left helplessly. Other than Yang Feng's strength and the power of the Deicide Spear, it was also because the broken sword and the Demonic Knife that appeared in Yang Feng's hands, these two things were actually able to easily shatter a mountain that couldn't even be touched by lightning. Furthermore, they came out as a way to save the Deicide Spear.    


In the past, Yang Feng had fought with them barehanded. If Yang Feng had used these two Innate Treasures, then they would have already died in Yang Feng's hands. Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji no longer had any intentions of fighting with Yang Feng, even if they were unwilling, it was better than losing their lives.    


Of course, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji did not understand why the broken sword and the Demonic Knife were thinking like this. Whether the broken sword was an Innate Treasure or not, Yang Feng did not know, but because the energy that the broken sword required was too great, Yang Feng would not easily use it.    


Seeing that Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji had left, Yang Feng turned around and continued to look at the Demonic Knife, broken sword and Deicide Spear in the distance. At this time, the Deicide Spear in the sea was already beginning to shrink upwards until it was only as thick as a finger and nearly ten feet. It was floating in the air.    


At this time, Yang Feng was finally certain that these three fellows were definitely people he had met before, because after the Deicide Spear was floating in the air, these three fellows had actually started chasing after each other excitedly, as if they were good friends playing around.    


After chasing for a while, Yang Feng saw that the broken sword seemed to have said something to the Deicide Spear, and the Deicide Spear's spear tip was actually ignited like a human. It looked as if the broken sword was its boss, and was talking to its younger brother.    


After that, the broken sword flew towards Yang Feng with the Deicide Spear and the Demonic Knife. The broken sword shot into Yang Feng's right wrist, and the Demonic Knife returned to Yang Feng's Black Tortoise Sacred Ring. Only the Deicide Spear was left floating in front of Yang Feng.    


The Deicide Spear floated in front of Yang Feng for a very long time, as if it was observing him. In the end, as if it had made a decision, it turned into a ray of black light and drilled into Yang Feng's left wrist, disappearing completely.    


Yang Feng was caught off guard, and immediately used his mind to look at his left wrist, only to discover that the Deicide Spear, which was only as long as a thumb, was attached to the meridian on Yang Feng's left wrist, and was absorbing the Yin Yang Pellet's Qi like a broken sword.    


After looking inside for a long time, Yang Feng finally recovered his senses, but his mind was still a little muddled. He never thought that such a precious Innate Treasure would actually enter his body. This was a weapon that even the legendary Daofather Hongjun could not subdue, yet it had so easily entered his body?!    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


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