Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C520 god-eyed monstrosity

C520 god-eyed monstrosity

2The gigantic blood-red eyes seemed to belong to a real person. From those huge pupils, one could see that the person who possessed the ten thousand Li giant eye was currently getting angry, and the feeling was extremely weird. It was as if Yang Feng was a real person.    2


Yang Feng stared at the huge blood-red eye that appeared in the sky, his heart was filled with a strange feeling. From the huge blood-red eye, Yang Feng also saw the meaning of anger, but Yang Feng did not understand, who was the source of the anger for? 'Me?!? ' It can't be, I didn't offend it, right?!    


The blood red giant eye that appeared out of thin air filled Yang Feng's heart with suspicion. He really wanted to know who the owner of this blood red giant eye was.    


The Tianyuan Empire's capital city was around a circumference of five thousand kilometers, and when the blood-red eye opened, it covered a circumference of five hundred kilometers. This meant that the entire Tianyuan Empire's capital city was under the gaze of the blood-red eye, and the people of Tianyuan Empire had also seen Yang Feng's blood-red eye.    


The people from the Tianyuan Empire were naturally unclear as to why such a huge blood-red eye appeared in the sky, nor did they know what the blood-red eyes would do to Yang Feng. Because there was a connection with the line of confidence, the people from the Tianyuan Empire revered Yang Feng with their eyes, and were extremely nervous about Yang Feng's safety.    


Yang Feng looked at the huge blood-red eye above his head, his heart faintly sensing a dangerous aura, thus letting Zhang Wuji, Zhao Min and Guo Xiang to leave his side first. Yang Feng knew that this huge blood-red eye was directed at him, no matter what it was doing, as long as it was not by his side, it would be safer.    


Zhang Wuji and the others knew of Yang Feng's strength, and that they would be a burden to him if they stayed by his side, so they did not say much. Yang Feng saw that after Zhang Wuji and the others left, he raised his head to look at the huge blood-red eyes in the sky, secretly being on guard.    


The blood red giant eye was still staring at Yang Feng furiously, making Yang Feng puzzled. Just where did he provoke this blood red giant eye, why was he so angry at himself?    


The Sky Law God Eye was obviously angry, because Yang Feng had done something heaven defying twice in a row. The first time was when Yang Feng used his thunder controlling abilities to destroy Zhang Sanfeng and the others' tribulation clouds, and heavenly tribulation was originally a test for heaven defying cultivators. Now that Yang Feng had done this, the tribulation clouds all disappeared immediately.    


After that, the Heavenly Dao descended to accept the divine light and wanted to bring Zhang Sanfeng and the others who had not gone through the heavenly tribulation to the Heaven Realm. However, because Zhang Wuji, Zhao Min and Guo Xiang didn't want to go to the Heaven Realm, Yang Feng used the Demonic Knife to destroy the divine light that was trying to escort them to the Heaven Realm.    


Sky Law God Eye s did not appear that easily. If no one did something that caused the heavens to become especially angry, the Sky Law God Eye would not appear. On the other hand, Yang Feng had done two other things that made the heavens furious.    


If Yang Feng had only done something heaven defying today, perhaps he would not have brought out the Sky Law God Eye s. After all, this Sky Law God Eye had never appeared since the creation of Pangu's World, and the only ones who knew of its existence were the Daofather Hongjun s and the six The Great Saint s.    


However, it just so happened that Yang Feng did two heaven defying things consecutively today, that's why the heavens were enraged, and used Sky Law God Eye to punish Yang Feng! Of course, the Heavenly Dao was also fair. Previously, when the Jizhou Wang Ding broke through the barrier of this world, it caused this world to be under the protection of the Heavenly Dao's luck and was a great achievement for this world.    


If you have merit, then reward it; if you want to go against the heavens, you must be punished. This was the meaning of the existence of the Heavenly Dao! It was just that no one knew what kind of merit or heaven-defying retribution would be rewarded. It all depended on the judgement of the Heavenly Dao!    


Yang Feng didn't know at all what heaven defying things he had done, but when facing this enormous blood-red eye, Yang Feng instinctively felt a trace of danger, so Yang Feng had long since been on his guard, and raised all of the power in his body to the maximum. As long as there was any movement from this enormous red eye, Yang Feng could retaliate immediately.    


The furious blood red giant saw Yang Feng for a moment before moving. In the black eyes of the blood red giant eye, a black light suddenly flickered for a moment, and then, a black light instantly shot out from its black eyes, silently carrying an aura that seemed to be able to destroy the heavens and the earth, as it charged towards Yang Feng.    


The moment the black light appeared, Yang Feng felt that he was being locked down by an unknown force. The sense of danger became stronger and stronger, and when he wanted to dodge, he couldn't even move a single step. It was as if his body was bound by something, and he couldn't move at all!    


He had already broken through the Ancestral Shaman's realm, how powerful was his body? Yang Feng, who was extremely confident in his own strength, had thought that he wouldn't lose to anyone in terms of strength, but in front of that mysterious power, Yang Feng felt that he was like an ant, unable to even compare to the power that was binding him!    


It was normal for Yang Feng to have such a feeling, because the power he was facing was the power of the heavens. Even though he had reached the realm of the Ancestral Shaman, and the strength of his body was extremely strong, he was still unable to compare to the power of the heavens. In front of the power of the heavens, the strength of the body of the Ancestral Shaman was just a joke!    


Yang Feng's body was bound, and when he saw that the black light was about to land on him, and felt the destructive aura of the black light, Yang Feng believed that even his Ancestral Voodoo Gold Body might not be able to resist this black light. It was just that he could not escape even if he wanted to, which made Yang Feng extremely anxious.    


Right at this moment of extreme urgency, Yang Feng's eerie heart suddenly jumped, Yang Feng's mind was shaken, and he fainted, his head drooping down, but very quickly, Yang Feng raised his head again, and when he raised it again, Yang Feng was actually already under the control of the Asura Demon Eyes!    


A pair of similar blood-red eyes appeared in Yang Feng's eye sockets. Following that, a black light shot out from the Asura Demon Eyes's eyes towards the black light that shot out from the giant blood-red eye in the sky.    


The enormous eye in the sky, no matter what, had a pupils that were tens of thousands of meters wide, and the black light emitted from such a large eye would also have a diameter of tens of thousands of meters. However, Yang Feng's current condition was the size of a normal person, so the two black lights that shot out from his eyes were not comparable to the black light that descended from the sky!    


However, something unexpected happened! When the two streaks of black light shot out from Yang Feng's eyes and intersected with the black light shot out from the giant blood-red eye, there was no sign of the black light being shot out from the giant blood-red eye. Instead, it instantly swallowed the black light that was shot out from Yang Feng's eyes, and then it shot towards Yang Feng, shattering his soul!    


This did not happen! Although the two black lights that shot out of Yang Feng's eyes were much smaller than the black light that shot out from the giant blood-red eye in the sky, what was truly unexpected was that the two small black lights were actually able to resist the black light that was several tens of thousands of meters in diameter!    


This kind of thing was a little too strange, but what was even more strange was that the two rays of black light in Yang Feng's eyes not only blocked the tens of thousands of metres long beam of black light, but what was even more inconceivable was that the two rays of black light actually pierced through the tens of thousands of metres long black light bit by bit!    


As the two tiny streaks of black light were pushed back the several thousand feet of black light, the black light on both sides was dissipating bit by bit until it finally completely dissipated.    


This was the divine light used by the Heavenly Dao to punish those who committed heaven defying acts. It had the power to destroy the heavens and earth, but it was countered by the two tiny streaks of black light shot out by Yang Feng's Asura Demon Eyes. This kind of thing made the huge eye in the sky to be extremely shocked, as it revealed an expression of disbelief.    


Back then, when Yang Feng met the Thirteen Blood Guards, the Thirteen Blood Guards had told him that the Asura Demon Eyes had two functions. The first was that the scene that anyone would be able to see in the Asura Demon Eyes would eventually come to fruition, and the other was to emit the World Exterminating Divine Light!    


It was just that no one could understand why the same Sky Law Divine Light was able to resist the several tens of thousands of meters wide Sky Law Divine Light with just the two of Yang Feng's tiny Divine Light of Punishment, and why the two of them were able to cancel it out in the end.    


The thousand Li huge eye in the sky seemed to be pondering about why such a thing had happened, and after that, the huge eye seemed to have thought of something, and following that, the huge eye's pupils turned. It glanced at Yang Feng, and then slowly closed its eyes, no longer attacking Yang Feng.    


The battle between the Sky Law God Eye stopped just like that. There was no clear victor, but seeing that the ten thousand li away Sky Law God Eye had taken the initiative to disappear, it was likely that the Asura Demon Eyes had gained the upper hand!    


Of course, Yang Feng still did not know about any of this. This time, he was controlled by the Asura Demon Eyes, and when he finally regained his senses, all of this was already over!    


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1. I would like to request for this month's basic flowers and recommended votes, thank you brothers for your support!    


Thank you, Big Brother Supreme Treasure, for your gift. Thank you for your support of the mouse!    


Today is Children's Day, although the brothers are not children, but the mouse still must wish the brothers children's day happy, hope that the brothers will always keep a young and kind heart!    


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