Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C521 soul effusion

C521 soul effusion

0When Yang Feng woke up, everything was already over. Yang Feng was unclear about what exactly had happened while he was unconscious. He did not know that her own Asura Demon Eyes had engaged in a confrontation with it, and even held a slight advantage over it. When Yang Feng woke up, he saw that the thousand Li wide eye in the sky had already disappeared, and he was still perfectly fine!    4


Although he did not know what had happened while he was unconscious, Yang Feng knew that he was being controlled by the Asura Demon Eyes again. As for the things that had happened during the time that he was under the control of the Asura Demon Eyes, Yang Feng did not want to investigate them too deeply.    


Yang Feng flew towards the loyal house of the Duke. He did not care about the things that happened while he was unconscious, but seeing the scene of the showdown between Yang Feng and the ten thousand Li giant eye in the Tianyuan Empire's capital, all of them were extremely shocked. Seeing that the giant eye had left on its own, the admiration for Yang Feng grew even deeper, allowing Yang Feng to obtain even more incense fire force.    


Yang Feng returned to the small courtyard in the back of the loyal manor. Mother Chi Ling, Yang Yun and the others nervously surrounded him, both of them anxiously checked on Yang Feng's body, and only after seeing that he was truly unharmed, did they heave a sigh of relief! They had naturally seen the scene of Yang Feng facing the Thousand Li Giant Eye, but they couldn't go over, because they knew their own strengths. Even going over to Yang Feng's side could only cause trouble for him, so they could only worry about him.    


Yang Feng looked at Mother Chi Ling and Yang Yun's worried expression and gently smiled to them. Without saying anything, he returned to his own room to cultivate. It wasn't that Yang Feng didn't want to console Mother Chi Ling and Yang Yun, it was just that Yang Feng didn't even have the strength to speak anymore!    


Although Yang Feng did not know what had happened while he was unconscious, the things that happened in that period of time were still on him! The two black lights released by the Asura Demon Eyes did not appear out of nowhere, rather, they required energy to support them, and the place where the Asura Demon Eyes requested for energy was Yang Feng's body!    


Although the two black lights that the Asura Demon Eyes released were small, it contained all the energy within Yang Feng's body. Not only was the energy within the yin and yang twin infants drained, even the energy within Yang Feng's body was sucked dry, leaving not a single strand of energy behind. Yang Feng even felt a wave of dizziness from using up all of his energy.    


So it wasn't that Yang Feng didn't want to console his mother and Yang Yun, it was just that he told them that he was fine, and was fine. But now, Yang Feng didn't even have the strength to speak, and could only smile as Mother Chi Ling, Yang Yun, and the others returned to his room.    


The eight-mirror mirror flew out from the Black Tortoise Sacred Ring and flew above Yang Feng's head, beginning to emit a bit of the Grand Sun Primordial Flame for the Blood Wings to absorb, and the Black Tortoise Sacred Ring also began to emit the energy of the immortal stones inside continuously. Under such circumstances, Yang Feng's situation finally improved a little.    


The Nine Yin Meridians circulated with the Nine Suns Divine Art, refined a little bit of Yin Yang Dan Qi and sent it into his dantian and Zifu, where it was absorbed by the yin and yang twin infants. The dispirited yin and yang twin infants finally recovered a bit, and following the circulation of the Nine Yin Meridians, the refined Yin Yang Dan Qi nourished Yang Feng's body, causing his sore and weak body to slowly recover.    


The power of the yin and yang twin infants and his fleshly body were easy to recover from, but the exhaustion of Yang Feng's mind had never disappeared, which made Yang Feng feel that he was always in a daze. In this situation, Yang Feng felt somewhat helpless, and knew that he could not rush this, and could only recover bit by bit.    


Yang Feng calmed his heart and focused on cultivation, and his entire being entered a state of emptiness. Three blood lotuses appeared above Yang Feng's head, and threads of dense blood mist enveloped Yang Feng, and the blood mist continued to expand, covering the entire room Yang Feng was in.    


Although they were a little worried that something had happened to Yang Feng, they knew that they couldn't disturb Yang Feng at a time like this, so they waited outside Yang Feng's room, waiting for the moment Yang Feng came out of seclusion.    


After waking up, Yang Feng looked around to find himself in the midst of an endless starry sky. Looking at the endless starry sky around him, Yang Feng was a little confused, he was obviously cultivating in his room, why would he be here?!    


It was at this moment that a strong suction force appeared out of nowhere, causing Yang Feng to fly up towards the endless starry sky with no resistance. Yang Feng only felt that a planet was constantly passing by him, and a point of light suddenly appeared in front of him.    


The specks of light grew bigger and bigger, and finally, Yang Feng's entire person passed through the specks of light, and then arrived at a world of blood red mist. There was blood red fog everywhere, and within this blood red fog, there were three blood red lotuses floating inside, and what Yang Feng saw next made him extremely shocked!    


Because after Yang Feng saw the three blood lotuses, he saw himself underneath the blood lotuses! That's right, he was using his Blood Wings to absorb the energy from the Grand Sun Primordial Flame and the Immortal Stone! This caused Yang Feng to be dumbstruck, he did not understand what was going on? If he was the one sitting cross-legged on the floor cultivating, then what was with his current condition? Why was he able to see himself in such a state of cultivation?    


One by one, questions appeared in Yang Feng's mind, but he did not know the answer to them! His body was clearly there, but what he felt was himself in the air, sitting cross-legged and cultivating. This kind of feeling made Yang Feng feel extremely strange.    


Looking at himself, who was cultivating cross-legged, Yang Feng was stunned for a long time. His thoughts quickly spun, and finally, he thought of a possibility. This possibility was that his soul had left his body, and only this explanation was the most reasonable, and only this explanation was acceptable to Yang Feng.    


When Yang Feng first awakened, the boundless starry sky that appeared before him, Yang Feng knew that it was his upper dantian and Violet Palace, that the starry sky was the location of his own soul, and that the spirit star was right there. But he was not sure why it was that his spirit star had actually transformed into his current state, and appeared outside his body.    


After thinking about this, Yang Feng was relieved. Although he did not understand why such a thing would happen, Yang Feng knew that it would be better if his soul was not outside, and that it would be safer to return to his own body. Thus, he thought about returning to his own body.    


However, what frightened Yang Feng was that no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to enter his body again. This made Yang Feng anxious, if his soul could not return to his body, then there would be a huge problem!    


And just as Yang Feng was panicking, a powerful suction force suddenly appeared out of nowhere, pulling Yang Feng's soul towards the sky. This suction force made Yang Feng unable to resist, he only felt himself being instantly sucked into the sky, and after leaving his room, he sped towards the sky. In the blink of an eye, the entire capital of the Tianyuan Empire became nothing more than a dot in Yang Feng's eyes.    


Then, Yang Feng felt his own soul rush out of the planet, and continue flying forward. The planet where the Tianyuan Empire was on was also becoming smaller and smaller in Yang Feng's eyes, and finally became a small dot as well, with planets that constantly passed by Yang Feng's side. Yang Feng was also not clear on how fast he was either, he only felt that the scenery around him had already started to become blurry.    


After his soul left his body, he was unable to return. This already made Yang Feng very anxious, but now such a thing had happened again, causing him to feel like crying!    


He knew that this force that was carrying him forward was not one that he could resist. Hence, he decided not to resist and allowed this force to carry him. Yang Feng wanted to see just where it was bringing him to!    


At this time, Yang Feng had a faint feeling that someone was scheming against him. If that wasn't the case, then how could such a strange thing have happened?! For no reason at all, his soul left his body and was brought to some unknown place by such a mysterious power.    


However, although Yang Feng guessed that he had been schemed against, he was still powerless. If his own body was still here, Yang Feng might be able to resist, but in this kind of soul state that Yang Feng himself thought was a little illusory, Yang Feng could do nothing!    


He let that surge of energy carry him forward. He didn't know how many planets he had passed through or how many spaces he had passed through, but eventually, that surge of energy gradually slowed down. Yang Feng, who felt that something was amiss, opened his eyes and saw an azure colored planet in front of him!    


When he saw this planet, even Yang Feng, who was in his soul state, couldn't help but tremble because Yang Feng had already recognized that this azure colored planet was the Earth he had been longing to return to day and night!    


Yang Feng didn't understand why that surge of power brought his soul back to Earth, but it wasn't important anymore. What Yang Feng wanted to do was to return to Earth as soon as possible to see his grandfather, Chi Zheng, his elder brother, Guo Meimei, Zhang Fei and the others.    


There was no longer a need for that energy, Yang Feng himself had already pounced towards that beautiful planet!    


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2. I would like to request the basic flowers and recommended votes, thank you brothers for your support!    


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