Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C578 red lotus fire

C578 red lotus fire

2Yang Feng, Wang Ming, and the others hugged each other for a while. Although they did not say anything to express their gratitude, Yang Feng, and Wang Ming, the two people who had come to the Heaven Realm to protect Zhang Fei, were firmly engraved in Yang Feng's heart. The joy of finally reuniting with him, caused Yang Feng's face to reveal a rare sincere smile.    


Wang Ming was already in the middle levels of the Sky Immortal Stage and amongst Zhang Fei, Dongfang Xue and the rest of them had the highest cultivation. Seeing that Yang Feng was actually still in the lower levels of the Earth Immortal Realm, Wang Ming immediately said to Yang Feng with a smile, "Brother Feng, you haven't worked hard these past ten years that you've been in the Heaven Realm?! "Just a few years have passed and I'm already at the intermediate level of the Heavenly Immortal Stage, while you are only at the low level of the Earth Immortal Stage. Haha, I really didn't expect that I, as your disciple, would be able to surpass you, master!"    


After Yang Feng heard this, he smiled and said, "What, do you want to see how my cultivation is going to compete against me?! Come to think of it, ever since I imparted my martial arts to you, I have never fought with you. Why don't we compete today to see if you have surpassed me! "    


After hearing Yang Feng's words, Wang Ming immediately retreated a step, then shook his head and said to Yang Feng, "Brother Feng, stop joking, how could I dare make a move against you, you don't even need to make a move to smash my body into pieces, if I make a move against you, then that would be looking for a beating, I'm not that stupid, if I wanted to look for you, I'll look for Gu Tian, he's a little dumb!"    


When Wang Ming and the others saw that Yang Feng did not even use his hands, they did not know what method he used to eliminate the water tribe people who surrounded the small island. Also, that unfathomable man named Xu Zuo was still killed by Yang Feng before he could even make a move.    


After hearing Wang Ming's words, Gu Tian laughed and scolded him, "Fuck you, you're the fool! Am I being honest, do you understand?! Furthermore, if we fight with Brother Feng, anyone who isn't a fool will become a fool! "    


Because Gu Tian was training in the nature energy and Nine Suns Divine Art, he looked even more refined and refined than before, and now that he was wearing a long robe, he did have the charm of an ancient scholar. Standing there, he looked like he was otherworldly, and amongst the few of them, the one who looked the most carefree and carefree was Gu Tian.    


After hearing Gu Tian's words, Wang Ming laughed loudly, "I say, Junior Brother, when did you learn to flatter?! How can you call this righteousness?! Stop teasing me! "    


Gu Tian remained calm after hearing Wang Ming's words, and spoke to him with a scholarly look, "Jealous, undisguised jealousy, you yourself are jealous of me because you can't cultivate the Nature Energy, and this is obviously a slander. When did I start flattering you, it's the truth, so if you don't believe me, you can go and fight Brother Feng!"    


Because such obvious flattery, when it came out from Gu Tian's mouth, was actually so serious and earnest, causing Yang Feng and the others to laugh. They did not expect the most upright Gu Tian to have such a side to him, and this was something no one expected.    


However, after hearing what Gu Tian and Wang Ming had said, Yang Feng's joyous mood grew even stronger. Yang Feng's mood had also become a lot more relaxed, because he had been worrying about their safety for a long time, Yang Feng's heart had always been in suspense, and only now did he finally relax a lot. The next thing was to look for Guo Xiaotian and the rest, and with Guo Xiaotian's protection, Yang Feng was not too worried about their safety.    


In the next period of time, Yang Feng told Zhang Fei and the others what had happened after he left Earth. Those things had also astonished Zhang Fei, Dongfang Xue and the others quite a bit, they had all thought that Yang Feng had come to the Heaven Realm, but did not expect that Yang Feng had went to the planet where the Tianyuan Empire was located, and even found Yang Feng's mother.    


When Yang Feng told Zhang Fei and the others about all of these things, Yang Feng said to them, "Alright, let's leave this place. When we find Mei Mei and Big Bro, we can go back to Earth."    


Everyone nodded their heads when they heard Yang Feng's words, and followed behind Yang Feng as they prepared to leave the island. However, when they were about to leave, they saw that Zhang Fei was still grabbing onto some rocks non-stop, and was working as a guard to fill up the sea. The reason why Zhang Fei and the other three were able to wait until Yang Feng's arrival was all thanks to the guard who told them to come to the island.    


With the four of them, the Divine Bird Guard had saved Zhang Fei and the other three's lives, which meant that they had formed a great karma with them, and that they had to repay the debt of saving their lives. With the four of them, with their current strength, Zhang Fei and the rest would not be able to repay the Divine Bird Guard.    


Since Zhang Fei, Dongfang Xue and the other two did not have the power to repay the debt, then this cause and effect had fallen onto Yang Feng, so Yang Feng had to repay the favor of saving the Divine Bird elite guards, and Yang Feng listened to the Prime Minister's story with extreme sympathy, wanting to help the guard. It was just that Yang Feng did not know how he could help the guard at all.    


As he watched the elite guards on the small island pick up rocks and throw them into the sea, Yang Feng pondered on how he could help the elite guards. The elite guards were those who, after the death of the girl, did not enter the reincarnation of the Six Paths of Samsara, but instead became the avatars of the divine bird, which meant that there must be something that could imprison the female child's soul and soul, which prevented her from reincarnating and could only be the avatar of the divine bird.    


However, what had imprisoned the little girl's soul and spirit, preventing her from being reincarnated? This confused Yang Feng, as he did not know how to help the elite guards. As for Zhang Fei and the others, they felt it was a little strange seeing Yang Feng staring at the Divine Bird Guard in a daze, hence they asked Yang Feng what was going on.    


Therefore, Yang Feng told the four of them about the reinforcements. As girls, Zhang Fei and Dongfang Xue naturally felt pity for the reinforcements that had charged into the sea and demanded Yang Feng to help the guards so that she could return to his original state. Yang Feng also wanted to help the guard, but he didn't know how he could help her.    


However, just as Yang Feng was thinking about how to help the little girl recover her original appearance, Yang Feng's eerie heart jumped again. Following which, a stream of information appeared in Yang Feng's mind.    


The information that appeared in Yang Feng's mind was about red lotus with karmic acid. What surprised Yang Feng was that her red lotus with karmic acid had such powerful uses, and the more Yang Feng looked at it, the happier he was, and the smile on his face became thicker.    


The red lotus with karmic acid, an Innate Treasure, was mainly used for defense, and its defensive capabilities were not any weaker than the Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu's Exquisite Mystical Yellow Treasure Pagoda. Being able to withstand an attack from a Saint, just this point made Yang Feng extremely happy.    


What made Yang Feng even more happy was that the karmic sinflames on the red lotus with karmic acid were the same as the ones that the Cultivator had to endure during the final stage of the heavenly tribulation! Furthermore, the great power of the Heavenly God's hellfire was that it could manifest all of the Cultivator's karma. Regardless of whether it was the good or bad results, they would all be revealed under the effects of the Heavenly Dao's hellfire.    


In the end, their souls would be destroyed by the demonheart tribulation, and those with many good fruits would safely pass through the demonheart tribulation, and successfully pass through the tribulation. This was the effect of the Heavenly Dao's hellfire, and the red lotus fire also had the same effect.    


And this was only one of the red lotus fire's uses. Using the red lotus fire's ability to attack people could cause cause and effect problems for the person, all sorts of good and evil causes and effects were revealed, and ultimately, the person being attacked would have his or her soul shattered by the karma and then disappear from the world.    


The red lotus fire also had another function, and that was to eliminate all of one's karma, causing that person to lose all of his karma. It could also increase the Cultivator's mental state, and could also remove all restrictions! This was a heaven-defying ability!    


Eliminating cause and effect was something that was absolutely against the heavens, because no matter who it was that did it, the good deeds and evil deeds, the Heavenly Dao would always remember it, and that was the person's good and evil, and the red lotus fire could remove a person's cause and effect, which meant no matter how many evil things a person did, as long as they used the red lotus fire's ability, then that person's evil effects would all be eliminated, turning into a white paper ordinary person. And no matter how many good deeds a person did, or how many merits they accumulated, using the red lotus fire could also turn a person into a white paper, without any merits!    


This was equivalent to eliminating all the good and evil causes and effects recorded in the Heavenly Dao. What else could it be if not the ability to resist the Heavenly Dao, then what else could it be?!    


However, what made Yang Feng happy was the red lotus fire's ability to remove all restrictions, because this ability seemed to be able to help the Divine Bird Guard regain their human form!    


Yang Feng guessed that the reason the little girl was unable to enter the reincarnation cycle of the Three Souls and Seven Souls after her death was because she was affected by some Inhibition Formation. This was why the little girl had turned into a Divine Bird Guard.    


Yang Feng never thought that his three red lotus with karmic acid s would actually have such abilities, and was instantly overjoyed. Following the information that appeared in his mind, he chanted a hand technique and three red lotus with karmic acid s slowly rose up from the top of Yang Feng's head.    


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Today's update is over. Brothers, have flowers to support the mouse, thank you!    


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