Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C588 Ventilation Grand Sage

C588 Ventilation Grand Sage

4Yang Feng and the others arrived at the vicinity of the East Victory, but did not enter the East Victory, and instead followed Demonic Master Kun Peng to meet his sworn brother. This was because when Demonic Master Kun Peng and the others received news of her sworn brother, Demonic Master Kun Peng, and the others, he did not specifically inform them where Guo Xiaotian and the others were, so she had to go to Demonic Master Kun Peng's fifth brother first to clarify this matter.    


Demonic Master Kun Peng's fifth brother was also a demon saint and held a large amount of power. However, his power was not in the East Victory, because within the boundaries of the East Victory, because the East Victory was the territory of the Three Purities Sect, they were not allowed to develop their power in the East Victory.    


Although Demonic Master Kun Peng's fifth brother was a Demon Saint, she still could not match up to the Dao Gate in terms of strength. Thus, she could only bear with it and develop her own forces outside of the East Victory.    


Yang Feng followed Demonic Master Kun Peng and flew in the direction of his fifth brother. Demonic Master Kun Peng's fifth brother was also on an island in the Eastern Ocean, which was very close to the East Victory. Furthermore, the size of the island was actually much larger than the island on Ying Prefecture and Penglai Island combined, which meant that this island was actually as big as three islands of Hua Xia.    


Such a large island had been occupied by Demonic Master Kun Peng's fifth brother, which could be considered a huge territory. Of course, compared to the vastness of the East Victory and Demonic Master Kun Peng's North Ju Lu Chau, there was still a huge gap.    


Yang Feng followed Demonic Master Kun Peng and landed on the island, then walked towards the center of the island. Although the island's spirit energy was not as dense as the spirit energy of the East Victory's heaven and earth, it was still not very different from the East Victory's beside him. Even if there was a slight difference in cultivation, it was already pretty good to be able to cultivate on this island.    


There were countless strange flowers and herbs on the island, as well as a variety of strange spirit fruits. There were many rare things in the world of cultivation that grew here and there like weeds. There were also a variety of spirit beasts on the island, and of course, the most were demon beasts! Just like the North Ju Lu Chau, the Spirit Demon beings here all had strange appearances, either human or beast bodies.    


Yang Feng had already seen this kind of situation in the North Ju Lu Chau, so he was not very surprised. However, it was the first time Gu Tian, Wang Ming, Dongfang Xue and Zhang Fei had seen this kind of demon.    


When a girl faced with such a thing, no matter how strong her strength was, she would at least display a little fear. Moreover, there was even Yang Feng, their beloved, here, so it was natural that they would display an even greater fear.    


As for Wang Ming and Gu Tian, although it was the first time seeing a Goblin Tribe, they had a very good impression of them, as if they were visiting a zoo. Their eyes were filled with curiosity and they looked around from time to time.    


When the demon clan on the island saw Demonic Master Kun Peng bringing Yang Feng and the others to the island, they naturally went inside to inform them. As for the rest of the demon clan members, they all lined up to welcome Demonic Master Kun Peng, because they all knew that Demonic Master Kun Peng was their King's third brother.    


followed behind Demonic Master Kun Peng, and very quickly they arrived at the center of the island. At this time, there was a person who had already been waiting there with his subordinates a long time ago, and when he saw the demon beast Kun Peng come, that person was obviously very excited. He strode over, walked to Demonic Master Kun Peng's side, hugged him, and then said while laughing loudly, "Third Brother, you're finally here.    


Yang Feng observed the person who was hugging Demonic Master Kun Peng from the back. Just by listening to his words, one could tell that this person was extremely outspoken and straightforward, and looking at her appearance, it caused Yang Feng to be a little shocked. This person was dressed in a white robe, although she was a little skinny, her body could still be considered tall.    


However, what surprised Yang Feng was that this person had six ears, with three on each side of his face. Although he knew that this person was also in demon form, upon seeing that Demonic Master Kun Peng was no different from a normal person after he transformed, Yang Feng thought that all demon forms would look normal after transforming, but he never expected that he would actually have six ears!    


Just as Yang Feng was observing that person, Demonic Master Kun Peng, who was being embraced by that person, also started laughing loudly. Then, he said to that person, "Haha, Fifth Brother, it's been five hundred years since we last met, no?! Could it be that your alcohol tolerance has improved again?! How dare you say you're drinking in front of me?! Fine, today I will take care of you! But before that, third brother has to introduce someone to you! "    


After Demonic Master Kun Peng finished speaking, he released the man with six ears and led him to the front of Yang Feng. She first introduced him to Yang Feng and said, "Brother Yang Feng, this is my sworn fifth brother, she has a nickname called the Ventilator Great Sage and her ability is not small. If Brother Yang Feng needs any help in the future, feel free to find him!"    


After Demonic Master Kun Peng finished introducing herself to Yang Feng, she pulled the person standing beside him who was nicknamed the Heavenly Great Sage and said, "Fifth brother, why aren't you coming over to greet Brother Yang Feng? Get closer to Brother Yang Feng!"    


The person called the Ventilator, after hearing Demonic Master Kun Peng's words, did not immediately greet him, but stood in front of Yang Feng and sized him up. The first thing she looked at was naturally Yang Feng's cultivation, and upon realising that Yang Feng was only at the lower level of the Earth Immortal Realm, she could not help but frown.    


Seeing his third brother introduce Yang Feng so, and that he seemed to have a special respect for Yang Feng, it made the Great Sage Ventilator think that Yang Feng must have an outstanding cultivation, but he did not expect Yang Feng to only have a cultivation of the lower level of the Earth Immortal Stage, which made the Great Sage Ventilator puzzled.    


However, the Great Sage Ventilator did not look down on Yang Feng just because of his low cultivation, because he knew that his third brother would not easily praise someone so much. To be praised so well by his third brother, Yang Feng must be special, and it was just that he could not see through Yang Feng.    


Great Sage Vengeance could not see through Yang Feng, so he used his own Inherent Skill. He started to check on Yang Feng, only to see that the six ears on both sides of his face suddenly twitched, which was the sign that Great Sage Vengeance had used his Inherent Skill. Demonic Master Kun Peng watched from the side and did not stop him from doing so.    


With Yang Feng's cultivation level, it was natural that he aroused the suspicions of the Windy Great Sage, so it was understandable for the Windy Great Sage to use his Inherent Skill to understand Yang Feng, and Demonic Master Kun Peng also wanted to know Yang Feng's true origins, so he did not stop the Windy Great Sage!    


Even though he had been with Yang Feng for such a long time, other than knowing that Yang Feng had the nine cauldrons, held the destiny of China in his hands, and was a Witch clan member who had struck the Ancestral Shaman, the master of the dragon clan of the four seas, Demonic Master Kun Peng knew nothing else. That was why he wanted to borrow his fifth brother's Divine Abilities to get to know Yang Feng better.    


Demonic Master Kun Peng knew clearly about Yang Feng's background, but she could not say it out loud. However, the Fifth brother's Inherent Skill that he used to become sworn brother with was different, for he could use this Inherent Skill to understand different things!    


The Great Sage Ventilated's innate ability was to listen! Using this godly ability, he would be able to hear everything about anyone in the Three Realms. Because he heard it, he did not see it with his own eyes, nor did he count it as investigating the heavens, so it would not be a problem to leak it out. He would not be like Baize, who would not be met with heavenly retribution.    


Therefore, even if he took human form, he would still have six ears to listen to. The reason why the Great Sage Vengeance possessed such a heaven-defying Inherent Skill was because of his background. The main body was Six-Eared Macaque, who was one of the four strange monkeys in the world.    


The Five Immortals were all Gods, but the Five Insects were able to defeat Yu Kun. However, there were four strange monkeys that were not in the top ten groups. The second is the Red Hedgehog Monkey, which knows how to deal with people, is kind to go in and out, and avoids death and prolongs life. The third was the Armored Ape. It held the sun and moon in its hands, shrank the mountains, and could distinguish the culprit from the others. The fourth was Six-Eared Macaque. He was good at listening and could understand everything. These four monkeys were not among the ten types of monkeys and did not have two names.    


The Ventilator was one of the four mystical monkeys, Six-Eared Macaque. His innate divine ability, when listening to it, was innate, knowing both the front and back, everything was clear, this type of divine ability was considered extremely heaven defying, and the Great Saint Six-Eared Macaque's ability was not limited to just these, if not people like Demonic Master Kun Peng would not become sworn brothers with him.    


That was why he was using his own Inherent Skill to listen and investigate Yang Feng. However, what surprised the Windy Great Sage the most was that when he used his Inherent Skill, he could actually hear nothing at all, as if there was a busy tone calling him. This was the kind of busy tone that was transmitted from the six ears of the Windy Great Sage.    


Of course, he did not think that his own Inherent Skills had failed, and it was actually the first time Six-Eared Macaque had seen someone who could make it so that he could not find the origin of the person he was talking to, and he could not help but understand why his third brother thought so highly of Yang Feng.    


It was just that the Great Sage Six-Eared Macaque was not stupid, he could not figure out his background from Yang Feng, could it be that he could not find out about him from other people?! Thus, the Ventilator used his own Innate Skills to probe towards Dongfang Xue, Zhang Fei, Wang Ming and Gu Tian.    


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