Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C643 Break through the formation and enter

C643 Break through the formation and enter

3The Two Elements of Dust Formation was created by the Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu for the ancestor of the Mount Shu Sword Sect, long-browed ancestor. The two gigantic pillars were refined by my Innate Yin and Yang Qi, and when activated by the Supreme Purity Qi, they can form a primordial yin yang diagram as well as a guard of the Innate yin and yang energy!    


Once this Two Elements of Appearance Formation was activated, anyone who entered it would be turned into dust by the innate energy of yin and yang. This was why it was called the Two Elements of Appearance Formation! This Two Elements of Dust Formation was also the reason why Mount Shu could stand for thousands of years as no one had ever been able to break through it.    


The purpose of the formation was only to stop Yang Feng for a while, allowing him to have the time to bring their Mount Shu Sword Sect's ancestor out to deal with Yang Feng. Although Li Xiaoyao did not think highly of their ancestor, the long-browed ancestor, too, was nothing much, but their ancestor's power was still better than theirs. Letting their ancestor deal with Yang Feng was still better than letting them deal with him.    


As a result, after Li Xiaoyao activated the Two Elements Dust Formation, he flew up the Green Jade Cliff to invite their Ancestor, while the rest of the Profound Immortals were a little dumbfounded. They didn't understand why a mere lower level Heavenly Immortal would come to the Mount Shu Sword Sect to cause trouble, but Li Xiaoyao actually used the Two Elements Dust Formation.    


Those Profound Immortals watched as Yang Feng walked into the formation, step by step, and then, no longer had any life left in them. This made those Profound Immortals think that Yang Feng had already been devoured by the yin and yang energy and turned into dust, but what happened next stunned them very quickly.    


Yang Feng walked into the dense Yin Yang energy that shrouded the entire Jadeite Cliff, his face carrying a deep smile. If Yin Yang energy was a nightmare to others, then to Yang Feng, it was the happiest thing ever! Yang Feng was just worrying about not having enough Yin Yang Qi for him to cultivate, he never thought that he would encounter such a thing here.    


Once he entered the dense Yin Yang Qi, Yang Feng opened the meridians in his body, and quickly absorbed them, and Yang Feng knew that time was of the essence and that he could not afford to waste time here, hence he increased his speed in absorbing the Yin Yang Qi. Every single meridians in Yang Feng's body began to spin at the fastest speed!    


Whirlpool after whirlpool formed around Yang Feng's body, and then, all of the Yin and Yang energy that shrouded the entire Jadeite Cliff quickly gathered towards Yang Feng. Because he could not waste any more time, if he did not save Huang Yaoshi and Huang Yaoshi after staying here for too long, it would be terrible for him.    


Layers of the surrounding Yin Yang Energy was quickly absorbed into Yang Feng's body, causing the Condensed Jade Cliff to appear once more. And Yang Feng, standing in front of the two gigantic pillars, looked at the huge pillar that was still continuously emitting the Yin Yang Qi, and the primal chaos between the two gigantic pillars, and slowly raised the Demonic Knife!    


At this time, the runes on the Demonic Knife had already lit up after absorbing the blood, flesh and soul of so many Mount Shu Sword Sect disciples. Yang Feng ruthlessly slashed the Demonic Knife downwards, and a blood-red blade light shot out from the Demonic Knife!    


Although Yang Feng could also directly infuse his own strength into the Demonic Knife, allowing it to release such a blood-red sword light, the difference in power was simply too much compared to the blood-red sword light that the Demonic Knife would automatically release after absorbing the flesh and soul of tens of thousands of Mount Shu Sword Sect disciples.    


Blood red blade light shot out from the Demonic Knife like a blood dragon baring its fangs and brandishing its claws towards the primal chaos between the two enormous pillars. As the blood red blade light moved forward, there was actually a rumbling sound like thunder, and then it directly collided with the Yin Yang Tai Chi.    


Yang Feng originally thought that this strike would be enough to destroy this Yin Yang Tai Chi, and then, this Dual Element Dust Formation would be broken. Naturally, Yang Feng would be able to enter the Jadeite Cliff to save Huang Yaoshi and Zhang Sanfeng.    


The crimson colored blade light was like a pebble thrown into the ocean, it disappeared without any sound into the black and white Primal Chaos Diagram, causing Yang Feng to be shocked. Yang Feng knew very well how powerful the blood red sword light of the Demonic Knife was, but it had no effect against the Primal Chaos Diagram at all.    


Looking at the Tai Chi diagram formed from the light emitted by the two gigantic pillars, Yang Feng could not understand why the Demonic Knife's blood-red blade light did not have any effect on the Tai Chi diagram at all, while the Demonic Knife's sword light was actually absorbed by the Tai Chi diagram.    


Of course, Yang Feng did not understand, how could the skills of a saint be seen through so easily? Although the Yin Yang Tai Diagram in front of him was formed from the two giant black and white pillars, these two pillars were refined by the Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu. This black and white light that formed the Tai Chi Diagram looked ordinary, but it was actually a clone of the primal chaos diagram.    


After the Great God Pangu created Heaven and Earth, the Heaven Splitting Axe transformed into the three great treasures of Primal Chaos, Pangu's banner and chaotic clock. The Pangu's banner created the Earth and the primal chaos created the Earth, the water, fire and wind formed the primal chaos while the chaotic clock roamed the Three Realms, suppressing primordial flames! The three great treasure, the Tai Chi diagram, was obtained by this father, the Pangu's banner was obtained by Yuanshi Tianzun, and as for the chaotic clock, it appeared together with the ancient Demon Clan Demon Emperor, then disappeared along with Tai Yi's death!    


As a result, it became a treasure that I can suppress the destiny of others. When Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu was refining the Two Elements Dust Formation, he also fused a bit of the Tai Chi Diagram's power into the Two Elements Dust Formation, allowing it to not only get the yin and yang energy, but also condense the yin and yang primal chaos diagram!    


Although the gathered Yin Yang Tai Chi diagram only possessed a power of one billionth of the true Yin Yang Tai Diagram, it was more than enough to deal with the Demonic Knife. This was because no matter how powerful the Demonic Knife's blade light was, it belonged to the category of energy.    


That was why such a situation like this occurred. It was just that Yang Feng did not understand the crux of the matter, nor did he understand why the Demonic Knife's blade light was useless in the slightest. This was the reason why the blood red blade light was so useless in such a situation.    


While Yang Feng absorbed the Yin Yang energy emitted from the two gigantic pillars, he also looked at the Yin Yang Tai Diagram in front of him.    


Huang Yaoshi and Zhang Sanfeng were trapped in the Demon Sealing Pagoda, and Yang Feng had already found out about the dangers of finding the Demon Sealing Pagoda from Li Yi. Although he wasn't sure if Huang Yaoshi and Zhang Sanfeng were still alive, he knew that he had to find the Demon Sealing Pagoda at the earliest possible time.    


Looking at the Yin-Yang Tai Diagram that was condensed from the light emitted from the two black and white pillars, Yang Feng, who was extremely anxious, suddenly thought of a way to solve the predicament before him. This was because the Tai Chi Diagram in front of him was formed from the light emitted by the two black and white pillars, and the source of the light lay on the two huge pillars.    


Yang Feng kept the Demonic Knife and then walked in front of the huge white pillar within the black and white pillar. Raising his fist, he gathered all of the power within his body and then smashed down with his fist. This time, Yang Feng used his full strength.    


However, what Yang Feng did not expect was that his fist would only cause the white pillar to shake violently a few times, and not shatter into pieces like he expected. This made Yang Feng surprised, although the power of his punch would not be able to destroy heaven and earth, it should still be able to shatter such a pillar!    


However, Yang Feng's fist merely shook the huge pillar a few times, and not only was it not shattered, it did not even have a single crack. Seeing that the huge white pillar was still undamaged, Yang Feng got closer to it and smashed the pillar once again with his fist, which caused the huge white pillar to be unable to withstand Yang Feng's punches after punches.    


A crack appeared on the gigantic white pillar and an even thicker amount of yin and yang energy flowed out from it. Seeing that it had finally worked, Yang Feng continued to smash it with his fist as he quickly absorbed the yin and yang energy. With a loud boom, the gigantic white pillar shattered under Yang Feng's punch.    


Endless amounts of yin and yang energy erupted from within, and wildly rushed towards Yang Feng. After that, Yang Feng walked towards the other black pillar, and smashed it again and again with his fist. After smashing it countless times, the black pillar was also smashed into pieces by Yang Feng!    


The black and white gigantic pillar crumbled, and the Yin-Yang Taiji diagram, which was made up of the light emitted from the two giant pillars, naturally disappeared. The Two Elements of Dust Formation was also destroyed by Yang Feng just like that! All of the people who were previously watching the Two Elements of Smooth Dust Formation were all dumbstruck. They looked at Yang Feng as if he was a monster.    


Yang Feng was able to absorb Yin Yang Qi, and also break two gigantic pillars that supported the sky with his bare hands, destroying the Two Elements Dust Formation. The shock that was brought to them was just too big, they didn't know how to react.    


Yang Feng did not care about the shocked Profound Immortals, and began flying up the Jadeite Cliff!    


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