Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C681 Nether Source

C681 Nether Source

1Now that Yang Feng had obtained the blood essence of the Ancestral witch and completely awakened the Earth Controlling Technique, he could finally use the strongest Earth Controlling Technique, the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth. Not only was there an additional attacking method, but because the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth contained a strong life force within it, if Yang Feng was injured in the future, other than the Wood Controlling Technique, there would also be another healing method.    


After familiarizing himself with the method of controlling the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth, Yang Feng put away the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth, and then stood respectfully by Grandma Meng's side, listening for any other instructions from Grandma Meng. This time, Yang Feng had come to pay his respects to Grandma Meng, but he did not expect to receive such a benefit, which made Yang Feng extremely happy.    


Then, she said to Yang Feng, "When you reach the Sixth Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, the following cultivation will be even more difficult. You will need an even larger amount of spirit energy to be able to cultivate the next transition, and that year, my brothers and I were stuck at the Sixth Cycle. I hope that you can cultivate your Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to the highest level, and let me see how powerful the highest realm of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique can be!"    


Although his Primordial Spirit had turned into Grandma Meng, he could no longer cultivate the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. To the Witch clan, who revered combat and power, they naturally wanted to see what the highest realm of Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique their clan could cultivate, and now, they could only place their hopes on Yang Feng. Yang Feng was the only one who had the most hope of reaching the highest realm.    


In Yang Feng's heart, he naturally hoped that he could cultivate the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to the highest level as soon as possible. This way, even if he had to face the The Great Saint s in the future, he would still have the strength to fight them, but what made Yang Feng depressed was, the amount of nature's spirit energy needed to cultivate the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique was just too great, and had the intention to cultivate it to the highest level, so he temporarily did not have the power to do so.    


After Grandma Meng saw Yang Feng's nodding appearance, she seemed to have seen through his thoughts, and said to Yang Feng: "I know the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique requires a very large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy, it requires you to slowly accumulate it yourself, and I can't help you with too much, but it's still possible for me to help you with something small. Seeing that you were able to absorb the netherworld's energy just now, it's just right that you can absorb some of the netherworld's origin energy here.    


When Yang Feng heard Grandma Meng mention the power of the Netherworld Udumbara Flower, he recalled that the one Ten Yama Kings had used the Hades' Medallion to draw out was the power of the Netherworld, which meant that the black aura was equivalent to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. If Yang Feng could absorb enough of this kind of spiritual energy, it would be pretty good, so he nodded to Grandma Meng.    


Grandma Meng, seeing that Yang Feng nodded, immediately pointed at his feet. A huge black hole instantly appeared under Yang Feng's feet, and Yang Feng also fell down along this huge black hole. After Yang Feng disappeared, that black hole slowly closed up.    


When the others saw Yang Feng being sent by Grandma Meng to absorb the netherworld's energy for cultivation, they did not show any reaction and only stood to the side quietly, waiting. Only Sun Wukong saw Grandma Meng sending Yang Feng to absorb the netherworld's energy for cultivation, and a weird smile appeared on his face.    


No one knew what the Sun Wukong was rejoicing in his misfortune, only the Sun Wukong himself knew, he was quietly waiting for Yang Feng to cultivate and come out, but the Sun Wukong was even more looking forward to see what kind of expression Grandma Meng would have after Yang Feng cultivation!    


After Yang Feng fell into the black hole, he did not know how long he had been falling but he finally landed on solid ground. His surroundings were still pitch black and even Yang Feng was unable to see within five feet of him.    


In this space, what Yang Feng felt was nothing else other than the thick netherworld spiritual energy, but the netherworld spiritual energy here was thicker than the spiritual energy of the world that he had felt from Flower Fruit Mountain. Yang Feng felt that this thick netherworld spiritual energy, even if it could not help him cultivate to the seventh transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, would allow his own strength to progress further.    


Yang Feng sat cross legged on the ground excitedly and took out the clear glass bottle first. Although Yang Feng's current mission was to absorb the netherworld's energy to store the energy of the Seventh Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, he still could not waste time in this period of time. Yang Feng could also absorb the clear glass bottle's energy from the Yin and Yang to increase the energy of the yin and yang twin infants.    


He placed the clear glass bottle in front of him and drew out the energy of Yin and Yang from within, increasing the yin and yang twin infants's power. Then, the black and red color of the Nanming fire and the burning white, and the blue and dark purple colored divine water of three lights intertwined together as well as a layer of yellow colored light suddenly appeared on Yang Feng's body.    


Yang Feng had used the Fire Controlling Technique, the Water Controlling Technique and the Earth Controlling Technique to temper his body, allowing his body to become even stronger. After he finished all of these things, Yang Feng finally started to absorb the endless amount of netherworld power that was contained in this space.    


The space that Yang Feng was in was the origin of the entire Underworld, and the entire Underworld was formed from the flesh of the Ancestral Witch, but what supported the Underworld was the power of the Netherworld. As long as the power of the Netherworld still existed, then the Underworld would continue to exist forever, and this space was the source of the power.    


However, only Grandma Meng knew where the source of the netherworld's power was, and only Grandma Meng could open this place. Whether it was the Ten Yama Kings s, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva s, or the Patriarch Styx s, none of them knew where the source of the netherworld's power came from.    


Yang Feng began to absorb the netherworld's power. All 365 acupoints in his body opened, and the yin and yang energy in his meridians began to revolve at their maximum speed. The netherworld's power in the entire space was being extracted unceasingly, and then, all of it was injected into Yang Feng's body.    


This space was not that vast, so Yang Feng did not care about it as he absorbed it wholeheartedly. The speed at which Yang Feng absorbed all kinds of Sky and Earth aura was extremely terrifying, especially now, where he needed to store the netherworld's power in his body. There was no need to refine it, as such, the rate at which Yang Feng absorbed it became even more terrifying.    


Grandma Meng was naturally aware of the situation in the space. Seeing how fast Yang Feng was absorbing the netherworld's energy, Grandma Meng was shocked and gratified at first, but this sort of shock and gratification quickly caused Grandma Meng's expression to change, because the speed at which Yang Feng was absorbing the netherworld's energy was simply too terrifying.    


Although there was still an endless amount of netherworld power in that space, and even if it was reduced, it would still automatically be produced, but the speed at which Yang Feng absorbed it was still somewhat unbearable for Grandma Meng, and her expression became more and more unsightly. Of course, with Grandma Meng's entire person covered in a black robe, no one could see even her unsightly expression.    


And at this time, Grandma Meng also understood why Sun Wukong was smiling so gleefully at her misfortune. She was the one who had asked Yang Feng to go in and cultivate, so she couldn't possibly ask Yang Feng to come out so quickly, right?! Thus, Grandma Meng could only endure the pain and allow Yang Feng to continue absorbing the medicine in that space.    


Just like that, another month passed. Grandma Meng could no longer hold it in, and with a wave of her hand, a black hole appeared beside her. Soon after, a person was pulled out from the black hole, and it was naturally Yang Feng. Seeing that Yang Feng was still cultivating, Grandma Meng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


During this month, Yang Feng crazily absorbed the energy of the Netherworld Udumbara Flower, causing the power of the Netherworld Udumbara Flower to decrease rapidly. The originally dense and dense power of the Netherworld Udumbara Flower had become extremely thin, and if Yang Feng continued to absorb it, the entire space would be devoured by Yang Feng. If that happened, the Underworld would collapse as well.    


What shocked Grandma Meng the most was that Yang Feng had not yet reached the requirements to cultivate the seventh circulation of Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique after absorbing such a huge amount of netherworld energy. This made Grandma Meng feel a chill in her heart, even though she knew that it would become harder and harder to cultivate the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique the further it went, she had not expected it to be so difficult.    


Grandma Meng had originally thought that her words would be able to help Yang Feng break through a whole realm of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique with the help of the Netherworld Udumbara Flower's power. However, she hadn't thought that it would still be a failure, causing Grandma Meng to feel a little regretful that Yang Feng had absorbed so much of her power.    


It was just that even if she did not see Yang Feng reaching the seventh transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, being able to see such an outstanding junior of the Witch Clan made Grandma Meng feel gratified. Furthermore, Yang Feng had grasped the fate of the heavens and protected the Witch Clan.    


Only then did he wake up from his cultivation state. When he opened his eyes, he saw Grandma Meng, Sun Wukong, Shi Yong, Shi Yong, the Ghost King and the others, who were looking at him.    


Yang Feng first examined his own body. Although he did not meet the requirements to cultivate the Seventh Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, the energy stored in every single cell in his body had increased by many times, which let Yang Feng know that he was still one step closer to mastering the Seventh Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique.    


After inspecting his own body, Yang Feng stood up. Although he did not know how long he had trained for, Yang Feng felt that it was time to leave!    


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