Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C737 yin power

C737 yin power

4After receiving the Innate Spirit Treasure medicine bowl, Jade Rabbit hopped in the direction that Yang Feng had gone in high spirits. As for Gui Mu, he looked at Jade Rabbit's figure that had been flying for a very long time, and still, saw her jumping in front of his eyes. He felt helpless in his heart, but in the end, he simply closed his eyes and started to fight with Yang Feng for the Sky and Earth aura.     1


Even though Jade Rabbit had promised Gui Mu that he would drive Yang Feng and the others away and even obtained such a powerful medicine from Gui Mu, she was not stupid. From the moment Yang Feng had rescued Witch Houyi from his predicament, she had already seen that Yang Feng was not a simple person and knew that he would definitely suffer a loss if he were to clash with Yang Feng.    


However, since Jade Rabbit had already taken things from Gui Mu and agreed to chase Yang Feng away, this matter had to be done. However, Yu Bai only said that she would definitely help Gui Shu drive Yang Feng away, but she did not say that she would be able to drive Yang Feng away very soon.    


Thus, the intelligent Jade Rabbit skipped and hopped all the way forward, and the Lunar Star was simply too vast. When Jade Rabbit finally slowly finds Yang Feng and the others, that would already be a month later! When Jade Rabbit saw the natural spirit energy that had gathered in a hundred mile radius around Yang Feng, she was shocked.    


Jade Rabbit naturally knew that the natural energies of the planet were extremely dense, but the amount of natural energies required to cultivate Jade Rabbit, who had mastered the source energy of the planet, was not much. She had to rely more on the power of the moon to cultivate, so Jade Rabbit wasn't too concerned about how much natural energies the planet had.    


But when Yang Feng gathered all of the natural spirit energy of the entire Lunar Star into one place, the scene became a little scary! The surging and roiling nature spirit energy formed a gigantic spirit energy ball within a hundred mile radius around Yang Feng. The spirit energy ball was completely formed by the spirit energy of the world and as it continued to compress, it had already congealed into liquid form.    


Yang Feng's figure kept appearing and disappearing in the huge ball of spirit energy, and the ball of spirit energy was constantly shrinking and condensing. Such a huge amount of spirit energy caused Jade Rabbit to be extremely shocked, she could not imagine that Yang Feng could actually absorb such a large amount of nature's spirit energy.    


Seeing that Yang Feng's body wasn't really that big, Jade Rabbit couldn't understand where that enormous amount of nature's spirit energy had gone to. Was it all absorbed by Yang Feng?! But how could that be possible?! With such a huge amount of spiritual energy, it wouldn't even be a problem for a mortal to be promoted to a Golden Immortal, or even a quasi-Saint.    


But looking at the mana fluctuations from Yang Feng's body, Yang Feng was actually still a Heavenly Immortal in cultivation, isn't this just too unbelievable?! Jade Rabbit couldn't understand what was going on, but she could understand that Yang Feng was definitely not that simple a person, so Jade Rabbit, who had originally thought that Yang Feng would be chased away after dawdling for so long, gave up on this idea.    


Not to mention whether Jade Rabbit could chase Yang Feng away, even if Jade Rabbit had the strength to do so, Jade Rabbit wouldn't do so because she and Chang'e were sisters. The two of them had been together for millions of years, and it was very obvious that Yang Feng was very important to both the Chang'e and the Witch Houyi.    


As long as no one else competed with Yang Feng for the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth after he left, it wouldn't be a big deal. Therefore, Jade Rabbit wasn't worried about the unhappiness that Gui Shu would have at that time, as Gui Mu was just a kid anyway, as long as Yu Bai coaxed him a little, it would be fine.    


Jade Rabbit and Chang'e stood together, watching Yang Feng absorb the nature's spirit energy from inside the enormous spirit energy ball from afar. During this period of time, Chang'e and Witch Houyi had long gotten used to Yang Feng absorbing the spirit energy from heaven and earth.    


The Witch Houyi was actually filled with excitement in his heart, because he knew that the reason why Yang Feng absorbed such a huge amount of nature spirit energy was so that he could cultivate the seventh transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. This was a realm that even the ancient Twelve Ancestral Magi had not reached before, so it would truly be too exciting if he could see Yang Feng reaching this level.    


As people who had been transformed by Pangu's Blood, they had inherited the Great God Pangu's physical body and sacred art. They also had a unique talent for cultivation, but without exception, no one in the Twelve Ancestral Magi was able to break through to the seventh transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique!    


When the Saints were not out, the Twelve Ancestral Magi would be able to rule the world just by relying on the Sixth Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. Only those with peerless treasures would be able to threaten the Twelve Ancestral Magi, but when the Saints were born, the Sixth Cycle of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique could no longer be invincible in the world.    


And it was also because of this that Twelve Ancestral Magi had thought of all sorts of ways to cultivate to the seventh transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. However, in the end, all of them were disappointed that no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to break through into the seventh transition!    


No matter how much spirit energy the Twelve Ancestral Magi absorbed, they were only able to increase their physical body's strength a little, but were unable to reach the realm of Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique's Seventh Cycle. Until the outbreak of the Lich War, no one was able to break through to this realm.    


Witch Houyi followed Water God and naturally knew of the efforts Gonggong had put in to reach the seventh transition of Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, but in the end, he did not manage to break through this realm, and Witch Houyi also trained diligently. After millions of years of cultivation, he had already reached the peak of the Senior Magus Realm, but was still unable to break through to the Ancestral Mage Realm.    


When he saw that Yang Feng had hope of reaching the seventh transition, Witch Houyi was naturally extremely excited. His heart was filled with anticipation, hoping that Yang Feng would reach the seventh transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, just what kind of power would he have!    


After sparring with Patriarch Styx and the other two, Yang Feng understood how huge the gap between him and the The Great Saint was. He had thought that with such a powerful ability, he would be invincible, and that he would even be able to protect himself when fighting against Saints.    


However, in a situation where there was too much of a disparity in cultivation experience, no matter how unrivalled a divine ability was, it was useless. In a situation where there was too much difference in cultivation experience, no matter how unrivalled a divine ability was, it was useless.    


And for Yang Feng to increase his cultivation, not only would he increase yin and yang twin infants's cultivation, he would also need to increase her own Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to a breakthrough. Breaking through yin and yang twin infants was evidently too difficult, and breaking through Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique was also very difficult, but it was relatively easier.    


As long as there was sufficient Spiritual Qi and Energy, he would be able to cultivate. It was not like the yin and yang twin infants, where only by absorbing Yin Yang Pellets could he increase his cultivation and level, and the amount of Yin Yang Pellets that the yin and yang twin infants required was not less than that of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique.    


It was also because of this that Yang Feng decided to cultivate the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique first, because if he could cultivate the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to the Seventh Cycle, then Yang Feng could rely on his own physical strength alone to deal with the Quasi-Saints who could slash out two clones of the Good and Evil, and then continue to cultivate the yin and yang twin infants. Once the yin and yang twin infants had reached a certain realm, Yang Feng would truly have the ability to protect himself.    


However, just having the ability to protect himself was not enough, because Yang Feng did not need to protect himself, and there were still many people left who were too heavy for him to handle. Yang Feng needed to have an even more powerful strength, and only with that, no one would be able to threaten him, so he could do whatever he wanted.    


In the huge spirit energy ball condensed from all the spirit energy of the Lunar Star, Yang Feng was absorbing the spirit energy of the heaven and earth hungrily. The spirit energy of the heaven and earth did not waste anything and absorbed into his body, the spirit energy of the heaven and earth that the Lunar Star contained could be said to be one quarter of the entire universe, the remaining sun took up a quarter, the heavens took up a quarter, and the rest of the universe took up another quarter. From this, it could be seen how much spirit energy Yang Feng was absorbing!    


Witch Houyi, Chang'e, and Jade Rabbit watched quietly as Yang Feng absorbed the spirit energy of heaven and earth. At this time, a small sapling appeared from the ground beside the jade rabbit. This small sapling turned into a tall laurel tree in the blink of an eye, and a little face appeared on top of the trunk of the laurel tree.    


However, this child's face had an extremely aggrieved and resentful expression. His eyes were tightly staring at the enormous spirit energy ball that Yang Feng had gathered, and his eyes were filled with anger and jealousy. Of course, there was also deep helplessness as he finally turned around to look at Jade Rabbit.    


As for Jade Rabbit, it was as if she did not notice that a osmanthus tree had appeared beside her, and was staring at Yang Feng who was inside the huge spiritual energy ball. However, at this moment, something happened that caused Jade Rabbit's eyes to widen!    


A streak of silvery-white light suddenly drilled out from the ground within a hundred mile radius around Yang Feng. What caused Jade Rabbit's eyes to widen was, that streak of silvery-white light was the source of power for the Lunar Star that she controlled!    




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