Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C527 Bandits on the road

C527 Bandits on the road

3Yang Feng was simply unable to distinguish the direction in which he was going, and thus, he decided not to go in any other direction. After determining a direction, he headed in that direction, but what Yang Feng did not expect was that the direction he casually chose, was actually the wrong direction!    0


What Yang Feng did not know was that the direction he chose was directly towards the north, and what Yang Feng thought was right, was that this place he landed at was the North Ju Lu Chau of Heaven Realm. If Yang Feng were to choose another direction, he might even be able to leave the North Ju Lu Chau, but he chose to walk in the direct north direction, and the deeper he went, the deeper he went into the North Ju Lu Chau!    


Of course, this could not be blamed on Yang Feng, because the mist that was covering the sky was simply too dense. Yang Feng was really unable to differentiate between the directions, so he casually chose a direction and walked down, and Yang Feng also did not know why he chose this direction.    


When Yang Feng had just appeared in Heaven Realm, it was because he was not adapted to the gravity here which was much stronger than Earth, so he fell in such a miserable state. Therefore, after he had chosen a good direction, Yang Feng had already slowly moved forward and adapted to the gravity in Heaven Realm.    


Yang Feng had experienced a series of things after breaking through to the Ancestral Wu Realm, he had not truly familiarized himself with the power of his Ancestral Mage's body. Now that he was in the Heaven Realm, he had to look for Guo Xiaotian and Guo Meimei.    


When he broke through the Ancestral Shaman Realm, Yang Feng felt that the strength of his own body had increased millions of times compared to when he was a Senior Witch. This made him understand why he needed to absorb such a large amount of energy in order to break through to the Ancestral Shaman Realm.    


Now, taking advantage of this situation, as Yang Feng walked forward, he was also experiencing the strength of his own body. Yang Feng used his mind to explore every single cell in his body and felt the powerful strength contained within them.    


However, this was only a preliminary understanding. He wouldn't be able to understand the effects of his current physical strength without fighting with others. Only through actual combat would he be able to understand his own strength. It was just that in this desolate place filled with dense fog, it would not be easy for Yang Feng to find an opponent.    


Yang Feng was not in a hurry to find an opponent, and calmly adapted to the gravity of the Heaven Realm. Only when the gravity of the Heaven Realm had no effect on Yang Feng at all, did he start to fly towards the sky. The ground was covered in a thick mist that contained a boundless baleful aura, causing Yang Feng to be unable to determine his direction. Yang Feng thought that he would probably be able to find a direction in the sky.    


But what surprised Yang Feng was that he did not know how high he had flown, and was still unable to pass through the thick fog. He was still in the middle of the thick fog that covered the sky. Yang Feng did not give up and continued to fly up into the sky. However, what made Yang Feng depressed was that he did not manage to fly out of the range of the thick fog!    


In the end, Yang Feng had no choice but to land on the ground once more and continue walking forward in the direction he had chosen earlier. Because he had already adapted to the gravity in the Heaven Realm, when he advanced once again, Yang Feng used the Spiral Nine Shadow Movement Technique. His body was like lightning as he shuttled through the dense fog.    


Yang Feng didn't know how long he had traveled through the dense fog, but what made Yang Feng pleasantly surprised was that the further he walked, the thinner the boundless dense fog became, which made Yang Feng think that he had chosen the right direction. As long as he continued to walk forward, he would be able to walk out of the dense fog and find Guo Xiaotian, Guo Meimei and the others.    


Of course, Yang Feng could walk out of the world shrouded in a dense mist, but the direction he was going was truly in the wrong. If he was not walking directly towards the north, then as he walked out of the dense fog, no matter which continent of the Heaven Realm he went to, he would be able to see the place where humans were gathered.    


However, the direct north direction that Yang Feng was heading, was the deepest part of the North Ju Lu Chau! Yang Feng wasn't sure what kind of dangerous existence existed deep in the North Ju Lu Chau, but Shi Feixuan had clearly told Yang Feng that there were absolutely no humans living in the North Ju Lu Chau, and no one who lived in Hua Xia on Earth would appear here.    


So even if Yang Feng passed through this dense fog, in the end, he still could not come to the place where the Heaven Realm human beings lived to search for Guo Xiaotian and the others. It was just that Yang Feng did not know about this matter right now.    


After the lightning-like figure of Yang Feng finally traversed the range of the dense fog in the last step, the area before his eyes had become completely bright. After staying in the dense fog for so long, Yang Feng was not used to such a bright world! After narrowing his eyes and adapting for a while, Yang Feng finally started to observe the world that appeared before his eyes.    


Although the sky was still a little gray, it was already an extremely beautiful world compared to the world inside the dense fog. Furthermore, the world that appeared in front of Yang Feng was normal.    


He turned his head to look at the world of dense fog behind him. This mist was just like the one that was on the planet where Yang Feng was at the Tianyuan Empire, the Dreamy Cloud Swampland. There was a boundary between the boundless mist and the Misty Peak which was deep inside.    


In the Tianyuan Empire's Dreamy Cloud Swampland, Yang Feng could pass through the world of mist in a few hours, but in the Heaven Realm's misty world, Yang Feng used the speed of a Ancestral Mage to pass through. It also took him nearly half a month to walk out of the misty world.    


Yang Feng no longer cared about the boundless fog. He turned around and walked forward, and in front of Yang Feng appeared a vast plain, on which flowers, plants, and trees were blooming to their heart's content. Yang Feng did not know the direction, so he followed the small path forward.    


Travelling like this, Yang Feng's mood became much better than before. As he quickly walked forward, he admired the scenery around him as well. Yang Feng's heart was filled with anticipation, as he hoped to be able to see Guo Xiaotian, Guo Meimei, and the others earlier.    


Filled with anticipation, Yang Feng's body became even more dynamic, and his body advanced forward even more quickly. And at this moment, Yang Feng's spiritual sense detected that there was a group of people in front of him. Yang Feng slowed down his speed and slowly walked forward, wanting to see exactly who it was that had arrived.    


Amidst the loud rumbling sounds, Yang Feng saw a group of a few hundred people appear in front of him. This group quickly arrived in front of Yang Feng, and Yang Feng also saw their appearances, but when Yang Feng saw their appearances, he was truly shocked.    


Because these people's appearances were simply too strange. No, the word strange was praising them, Yang Feng already did not know how to describe their appearances!    


There were many that Yang Feng could not call out, but Yang Feng did not pay much attention to any of these mounts. Instead, he was extremely shocked by the people on top of the mounts, and did not know if they were humans or not, so why did they look like this?!    


Other than the three meter tall leader riding a tall mammoth was normal, the rest of the group were too strange. However, this normal giant was also very different from normal humans, the most obvious difference was his head of hair, full golden beard, and bloodshot eyes, he looked terrifying!    


But no matter how sinister or terrifying they were, they were still the most normal ones out of the group. Yang Feng didn't know how to describe the others, because they were truly too strange. Among these people, some had human heads, but their four limbs resembled that of a wild beast. Others had the head of a wild beast, but their limbs and body belonged to a human!    


This caused Yang Feng to be filled with curiosity; he had never seen such a strange thing. All these monsters that said they were human beings, demonic beasts and not demonic beasts, Yang Feng had really never seen them before.    


However, regardless of how strange their appearances were, they were all extremely sturdy, their figures extremely tall, and the weapons in their hands also looked extremely heavy. Furthermore, their mounts were all huge beasts that looked down on Yang Feng, with eyes that seemed as if they were looking at prey.    


The giant man leading the group looked down at Yang Feng, and then blew his nose, his face revealing a look of pleasant surprise as he said, "What a fragrant smell of fresh blood! Humans?! Haha, This King's luck today is really good. It has been hundreds of years since I last tasted a human. I never expected that I would be able to taste one today! "    


After Yang Feng heard the giant man's words, he frowned. He thought to himself, don't tell me I'm so unlucky? The first group of people they met in the Heaven Realm were actually a group of robbers that wanted to eat people?!    


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