Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C515 The Demonic Knife entered the body

C515 The Demonic Knife entered the body

4Yang Feng had only used a single move to completely wipe the three Da Lou Golden Immortals from this world. If this was in the past, Yang Feng would definitely not dare to imagine this, but now, he had done it, and even done it so easily!    


After the three Da Lou Golden Immortals disappeared in front of Yang Feng, Yang Feng's body was trembling. Was this the power of the Ancestral Shaman?! Yang Feng was also shocked by this power. He never thought that when he used his full power, the three Da Lou Golden Immortals would not even have the ability to resist him!    


This was the power of an Ancestral Magus, this was the difference between a quasi-Saint level human and a Golden Immortal?! Yang Feng's body was violently trembling, not because he was afraid of this power, but because he was excited about this strong power. With this strong power, he could then protect his family and friends one more time in the future!    


had never experienced the defense of his own body before, but Yang Feng had heard from him that with the Ancestral Wu's body, it was not a problem to fight against an Innate Spirit Treasure head-on. With this, Yang Feng's overall strength would be much stronger.    


Yang Feng was excited in his heart, but he quickly calmed down from his excitement. Yang Feng was never a person who would become arrogant just because of a single victory. Although he was excited about the power he had now, Yang Feng was very clear that there was a element of luck in being able to kill off the three Da Lou Golden Immortals with a single slash.    


The three Da Lou Golden Immortals had also taken out their treasures, but because they were not clear of Yang Feng's current strength, they thought that Yang Feng was still as strong as the Da Lou Golden Immortal as he was in the past, and that the three of them had a high chance of winning if they were to take just one of them. Thus, although they had their treasures in their hands, they were not prepared in their hearts.    


It was precisely because of their contempt for Yang Feng that they were unable to prepare for battle at the first possible moment. Thus, when Yang Feng launched his attack, they were unable to react in time and were killed by one slash from Yang Feng. If they had been able to prepare themselves at the first possible moment when Yang Feng was about to attack and put up a resistance, then with their strength as Great Firmament Golden Immortals, even if they would still lose in the end, it would not have been so easy for Yang Feng to win.    


Yang Feng was very clear about this matter, so he did not feel complacent after killing the three Da Lou Golden Immortals with just one slash. He felt that he was invincible, he knew that he still had a lot of ways to go, to be able to defeat the Da Lou Golden Immortal was not something amazing. Although they were considered experts in the Heaven Realm, but above them, there were still many strong people.    


After calming his emotions, just as Yang Feng was about to leave this place and return to the Tianyuan Empire, Yang Feng suddenly felt the Demonic Knife in his hands become boiling hot and start trembling violently. Yang Feng lowered his head to look, only to realize that the Demonic Knife in his hand was undergoing a drastic change.    


The Demonic Knife was originally about 1.5 meters long, but it had now grown to about 2 meters. Its width had also increased a lot, to the size of an adult's palm, but now, it was the width of an adult's palm! The handle of the saber had also become a lot larger. Such a large long saber looked as strange as one could imagine.    


The body of the blade was still very straight. Other than a slight curve where the tip of the blade connected with the blade, the body of the blade of the Demonic Knife was like a straight ruler. The number of runes on the blade had increased, and they were all maintained in a blood-red state. It was not like before, when the runes needed to absorb energy, they would turn blood-red.    


Yang Feng's height had always been the same, without any change. Even though he could be considered big and tall in the eyes of ordinary people, his current appearance of holding onto a Demonic Knife seemed a little laughable. This was because the length of the Demonic Knife was much higher than Yang Feng's height. This way, holding onto the Demonic Knife, Yang Feng felt a little bit out of place.    


However, although the Demonic Knife had become like this, Yang Feng could feel that it had evolved again, and become even stronger. The reason for such a change in the Demonic Knife was because it had devoured the flesh energy and soul of the three Da Lou Golden Immortals. Yang Feng was not too clear about how powerful the energy of the three Da Lou Golden Immortals was, but looking at the change in Demonic Knife, the amount of energy that the Demonic Knife had absorbed was definitely not little.    


After the Demonic Knife had completely changed its shape, Yang Feng gently caressed the blade of the Demonic Knife. It was just that Yang Feng could no longer caress the blade of the Demonic Knife from its hilt to the tip of the blade like he used to. After the transformation, the Demonic Knife seemed to become even heavier. Yang Feng's Ancestral Shaman's strength when holding the Demonic Knife, actually felt a little heavier.    


It was just that this kind of feeling, which was a little bit heavy, made Yang Feng feel that it was easier to use Demonic Knife. Gently waving his blade forward, a blood-red blade light shot out from the Demonic Knife, charging towards the ground far away. In an instant, it disappeared into the ground, but immediately afterwards, a loud rumbling sound rang out.    


At the place where the Demonic Knife's blood-red blade beam drilled into the ground, a mushroom cloud that was comparable to an atomic bomb had suddenly risen up. The entire ground started to shake, and circles of earth started to spread out to the surroundings, as if it was a shocking tsunami. Yang Feng was also stunned for a moment.    


Because Yang Feng had just casually waved her Demonic Knife, he did not use much strength nor did he use any true essence. However, the blade beam that flew out from the Demonic Knife was able to achieve such an effect, which made Yang Feng a little uncomfortable. Looking at the slowly calming mushroom cloud, the huge crater that had been blasted out, Yang Feng thought, if he used his full strength, what kind of effect would he have?! Would it destroy the entire planet?    


Yang Feng happily caressed the Demonic Knife's blade, he did not expect that the Demonic Knife that had undergone another evolution would actually have such a strong power, which made Yang Feng more confident in the battles that he would encounter in the future. Although the Witch Clan always used their own body as their own weapon and only used their fists to fight, Yang Feng did not think that way.    


In the ancient times, the Twelve Ancestral Magi did not have any treasures, so during the Lich War, they would be defeated by the Demon Emperor who possessed the Innate Treasure chaotic clock, the Demon Emperor Tai Yi, and the Emperor Jun who possessed the Innate Soul Treasure Luo Book. In the end, they would have to self-destruct to kill both the Tai Yi and Di Jun.    


Now that Yang Feng possessed three Innate Treasure level Magic Treasures, he naturally had to make good use of them. With a method that could easily destroy the enemy, Yang Feng would naturally not be so stupid as to insist on using his fists to fight the enemy.    


Looking at the Demonic Knife in his hand, Yang Feng nodded his head in satisfaction. The newly evolved Demonic Knife made Yang Feng extremely satisfied with its power. But this time, when Yang Feng tried to use his consciousness to communicate with the Black Tortoise Sacred Ring to accept the Demonic Knife, it was rejected by the Demonic Knife.    


In the past, Demonic Knife would always automatically enter the Black Tortoise Sacred Ring, but this time, Yang Feng tried a few times, but the Demonic Knife did not enter. Yang Feng looked at the Demonic Knife in his hands, then used his mind to connect with the blade spirit within the Demonic Knife. This was the Zhi Tianxinchang he had subdued back then, but now, he had obediently assumed the role of a blade spirit.    


Yang Feng's state of mind sank into the interior of the Demonic Knife. He saw that the Demonic Knife was floating in midair and was still tied up by countless lightning chains, and asked why the Demonic Knife was not willing to enter into the Black Tortoise Sacred Ring. However, Zhi Tianxinchang's answer made Yang Feng very happy. He told Yang Feng that the Demonic Knife could now be absorbed into his body, so he didn't need to enter the Black Tortoise Sacred Ring anymore.    


Before this, Yang Feng had thought about why Demonic Knife could not receive it into his body like the broken sword and the Deicide Spear. It turned out that the Demonic Knife had not evolved to such an extent, and the Demonic Knife that had evolved yet again could already be absorbed into his body.    


Yang Feng withdrew his consciousness from the Demonic Knife, and then released the hand he was holding the Demonic Knife with. Then, he saw the Demonic Knife turning into a black ray of light and shot towards Yang Feng's chest, entering his body and disappearing.    


After taking off his clothes, Yang Feng looked at his chest and was shocked to discover that there was a Demonic Knife tattoo on his chest! And this gigantic Demonic Knife was held in the hands of the Divine Dragon Xiaoqing, who was in front of Yang Feng's chest! With its huge dragon claws holding onto the Demonic Knife, it seemed even more tyrannical and invincible.    


Looking at the Demonic Knife in Little Qing's hand, which was closely connected to Yang Feng's mind, Yang Feng nodded his head in satisfaction. Today, Yang Feng had encountered quite a few good things, firstly, he broke through to the sixth transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and then, he reached the realm of Ancestral Mages. Then, the yin and yang twin infants reached the realm of the lower levels of True Immortals, and with a single slash, he killed three Golden Immortals.    


One good thing after another, they all rushed towards Yang Feng, causing him to feel extremely happy in his heart as well. )))) Glancing once more at the Demonic Knife in front of him that was grasped in Little Green's hands, Yang Feng finished arranging his clothes, and then, he flew in the direction of the Tianyuan Empire.    


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Hmm, it's already the end of the month. Brothers, you still have fresh flowers in your hands. Please go and support the little rogue's < Hedonist Teacher > >. Thank you!    


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