Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C492 ancient anecdotes

C492 ancient anecdotes

3Yang Feng realized that he actually didn't understand anything about this world he came to, so he came to the Tianyuan Empire Palace and asked the emperor of the Tianyuan Empire for some information about the history of this world. The emperor of the empire didn't reject Yang Feng and brought him to the royal family's secret treasury.    


The secret treasury, which contained not only the historical records of the world, but also many collections of the imperial family, was the place with the greatest wealth other than the imperial treasury. Of course, all the wealth here belonged to the emperor of the empire. However, when Yang Feng said that he wanted to borrow the historical materials, the Emperor let Yang Feng in without hesitation.    


Of course, this was not because the Emperor trusted Yang Feng so much that he could allow Yang Feng to enter such a place. This was because Yang Feng was an immortal in his eyes! For a deity, not to mention borrowing some historical data from him, even if he saw anything in the secret treasury, the Emperor would be able to give it to Yang Feng easily.    


This was because in the heart of the empire's emperor, he believed that if he could satisfy Yang Feng, then he might be able to get some benefits from Yang Feng. And the benefits that the deity gave were naturally more valuable than the things in the secret treasury.    


Yang Feng did not care about what the Emperor was thinking, and directly entered the Imperial family's secret treasury from the golden door. Both sides of the tunnel were illuminated with fist-sized Night Pearls. This made Yang Feng very curious, why was it that every time he entered the secret room's tunnel, he would be able to see such a large Night Pearl?! Where did this habit come from?    


Yang Feng only walked for a short while before he reached the end. In front of Yang Feng was another gigantic steel door, just that this metal door was much more precious than the golden door outside, because this black door was completely made of black iron.    


Looking at the gigantic black colored profound iron gate, Yang Feng estimated that if not for the Cultivator with aurine stage, it would be impossible to open this iron gate. However, Yang Feng did not need to waste any effort, because before Yang Feng came in, the Emperor had already given him the key to the black iron door.    


After opening the black iron door, Yang Feng walked into the true secret treasury, and the inside was much larger than what Yang Feng had imagined. They were divided into several areas, the largest of which was of course the piece of gold, silver, and jewelry. There were also some armors and the like.    


It was just that Yang Feng was not interested in these things, he directly went over to the few rows of bookshelves and started to search for information regarding the history of this world. On these rows of bookshelves, there were many books on various historical materials. Most of them were historical records.    


Yang Feng found the first book that was recorded on the bookshelf, and started to read it. When Yang Feng saw the contents written on it, he was stunned, because the first generation emperor of this world that was recorded to be written on the book was actually called Flame Emperor!    


Yang Feng was very clear who the Flame Emperor was, it was the Earth Emperor Shen Nong who was ranked amongst the three emperors. Before he became one of the three emperors, he was called the Flame Emperor, and Yang Feng was very clear about the Flame Emperor's achievements. However, what surprised Yang Feng was that the Flame Emperor that was recorded in this book was actually the same as what he knew!    


Yang Feng carefully looked at the records on the book, and realised that it was actually exactly the same as what he remembered about the Emperor of Earth, Shen Nong, in his memories. This made Yang Feng confirm that the humans in this world were the Flame Emperor's tribes, and also gave Yang Feng a very clear confirmation later on in the book.    


In the book that Yang Feng was holding, it was written that the Earth Emperor, Shen Nong, had not been placed as one of the Three Emperors, and was even the Flame Emperor who had made various contributions to the human race. At the end, it was Yang Feng who found out about the Nine Li Tribe's attack on the Flame Emperor's tribe that Chi You had led.    


After Chi You had reached the Senior Magus level, he had gathered all the witches and formed the Nine Li Tribe, expanding their power in the southern part of the prehistoric land, gradually occupying the entire southern part of the continent. Afterward, Chi You, who wanted to fight for hegemony, started to attack the northern part of the prehistoric land.    


However, Chi You's first attack was not the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan's tribe, but the Flame Emperor's tribe. The Flame Emperor's tribe and the Yellow Emperor's tribe were both on the fertile ground in the northern part of the continent. However, the Flame Emperor's tribe was in the west while the Yellow Emperor's was in the east.    


Chi You led the Nine Li Tribe to attack the Flame Emperor's tribe first. The power of the Witch Clan was not something that the weak human race could resist. Therefore, the Flame Emperor's tribe had to retreat step by step, and in the end, they could only ask the Emperor's tribe for help. At that time, the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan was much stronger than the Flame Emperor's tribe, so when the Flame Emperor was beaten up by Chi You, he could only ask the Yellow Emperor for help.    


It was just that in the beginning, the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan was defeated by Chi You one match after another. In the end, if it wasn't for the help of the God of Heaven, the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan and the Flame Emperor's tribe would have been wiped out by Chi You!    


Therefore, with the help of the God of Heaven, the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan and the Flame Emperor's tribe defeated Chi You's Nine Li Tribe, and Chi You eventually died as well. Furthermore, after the victory of the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan and his people, the Sky God who had come to help the Yellow Emperor defeat Chi You, continued to chase after and kill the Witch clan.    


If it weren't for the fact that the Senior Magus Xing Tian charged into the Heavenly Court alone and killed everyone in the Heavenly Court, the Gods would have continued to kill the Witch clan, and the Witch clan probably wouldn't have left even the last trace of their bloodline.    


After the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan defeated Chi You's Nine Li Tribe with the help of the Heavenly Court's God of Heaven, the friendship between the two tribes became even closer due to the two tribes fighting together. And at this time, because the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan defeated Chi You from the Nine Li Tribe, Flame Emperor's achievements were also complete, so he was bestowed the fruit of the Heaven's Path and was given a place in the Fire Cloud Cave thirty-three days away, becoming an indestructible existence.    


After the Flame Emperor ascended to become the Earth Emperor, the Flame Emperor's tribe lost its leader. This way, the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan would take the opportunity to integrate the Flame Emperor's tribe and fuse it with his own tribe. This was the elementary form of the Yan Huang Nation. Of course, due to the fact that the two tribes were fighting against each other, the process of fusing the two tribes was very smooth.    


They only believed that their leader was the Flame Emperor. Although the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan had helped them in dealing with Chi You, they could not accept the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan as their leader.    


Thus, this group of people who were extremely loyal to the Flame Emperor moved away from Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan's tribe. Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan was a kind-hearted person, so he did not make things difficult for this group of people and allowed them to leave safely. This portion of people who were extremely loyal to the Flame Emperor moved from the northern part of the Prehistoric Continent to the southern part of the continent.    


At that time, most of the Nine Li Tribe which was led by Chi You had already been exterminated, so there was no danger when this group of people moved to the southern part of the Great Desolate Continent. But of course, because the number of humans in this region was extremely small, the rate of development was extremely slow.    


However, after the Flame Emperor's remaining tribes fused with the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan, the Yan Huang race developed at an incredible speed and quickly grew stronger. After the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan became the human emperor, the three emperors were finally successful and they entered into the era of the five emperors of the Yan Huang race. And after Da Yu, it became the first Xia Empire.    


The people of Yan Huang were developing at such a rapid pace, while those that had left were still slowly developing towards the humans that were loyal to the Flame Emperor. Such a comparison caused the saints that were paying attention to the destiny of the Heavenly Dao to focus all their attention on the merged people of Yan Huang. As for the humans that were loyal to the Flame Emperor, very few people were paying attention to them.    


When the Conferred God Battle began, the The High Priestess set up the Immortal Slaying Sword Formation, which attracted the Four Saints to break through the formation. In the end, the prehistoric continent was destroyed and turned into a wasteland, a large portion of the Yan Huang race people were killed by the Ancient Desolation Fragment.    


However, the part of the human race that was loyal to the Flame Emperor and had not been noticed by those who were paying attention to the destiny of the Dao of the Heavens was located on a piece of ancient fragment, far away from the continent that had been reunited afterwards.    


This was something that was recorded in the book in Yang Feng's hands. Of course, there were still many things that were not recorded, and these things were things that ordinary people had no way of knowing about.    


And those things that were not recorded were that after this fragment of the prehistoric continent had turned into this planet, a barrier had been formed outside the planet, and then a precious light that could only be emitted by Xiantian treasures had blossomed on this planet. This way, the six saints who had collected the fragment and reorganized it would be able to see this planet.    


The six Saints naturally understood the difference in this world very quickly. However, when they arrived in this world to search for the treasure that emitted the glow of a Xiantian treasure, they gained nothing in return. Thus, the three Saints who had won the Conferred God Battle at that time had left a path in this world, allowing them to continue searching for what they didn't know was a Xiantian treasure.    


Because these things were not recorded in the historical records, Yang Feng naturally did not know about it. However, it was already shocking to Yang Feng that the people in this world were descendants of the Earth Emperor, Shen Nong.    


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In addition, the brothers have flowers to help the mice's little brother, the innocent little hoodlum's "Hedonist Teacher", cast the flowers, thank you for your support!    


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