Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C495 strange mountain peak

C495 strange mountain peak

1Yang Feng met Zhang Sanfeng and Huang Yaoshi at the edge of the Storm Sea in the eastern part of Tianyuan Empire, as well as Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji of Mount Shu Sword Sect. They had also seen the changes in the sky, so they all came over to check what was going on.     2


Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji did not provoke Yang Feng, but instead, flew straight towards the gigantic mountain peak that suddenly appeared in the sea of tornadoes. Yang Feng also did not pay attention to them as he and Zhang Sanfeng also flew towards the mountain peak.    


This huge mountain, which had suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea, stood there all of a sudden. On the top of the mountain, many black clouds were gathering and lightning would occasionally strike from the clouds, striking on the mountain peak, but the rocks on the mountain peak seemed to be extremely tough, not a single piece of them would shatter under the bombardment of the lightning.    


The closer they were to the mountain, the stronger the pressure was, the harder it was for them to advance. However, this pressure did not cause Yang Feng to feel any discomfort, but because Zhang Sanfeng and Huang Yaoshi were no longer able to resist the huge pressure, they did not continue to advance.    


Yang Feng, Zhang Sanfeng, and the others stood far away, watching the mountain peak. However, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji did not. They were both sent here from the Heaven Realm. Before they came here, their sect elders had told them that there was an important secret in this world and told them to search for it with all they had.    


After Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji arrived in this world, they did not manage to find the secret, but they were simply unable to find it either. They only knew that they were punished to come here, and that they wouldn't be able to return to the Heaven Realm before reaching the level of Great Firmament Golden Immortal!    


However, the change in the sky today, as well as the sudden appearance of this mountain peak, made them feel that the secret they were looking for must be related to this mountain peak, which was why they were able to keep flying forward through it. If it was really as they thought, then they had discovered the secret of this world, then they might not need to be punished in this world anymore, and they might be able to return to the Heaven Realm.    


Just as Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji was flying forward with all their might, Yang Feng saw another streak of light flying in from the depths of the Storm Sea. When this streak of light appeared before them, it was a woman. This woman was naturally Shi Feixuan from Tzu Yi Jing Zhai. She had also rushed over because she had sensed the change in her constellation.    


The Tzu Yi Jing Zhai of this world was located in the deepest part of the Storm Sea, and the area of the Storm Sea wasn't any smaller than the Saint Origin universe. Thus, although Shi Feixuan could feel the abnormality of the sky, he wasn't the first to come here. But when Shi Feixuan saw Yang Feng, she was obviously stunned for a moment. From her expression, Yang Feng knew that Li Xiaoyao had not told him the news that she had come to this world.    


Although Shi Feixuan was stunned for a moment when she saw Yang Feng, she immediately recovered and even nodded at him. Although Shi Feixuan had followed the order to deal with Yang Feng last time, in Shi Feixuan's heart, she still deeply admired Yang Feng who charged into the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai without hesitation for his sake.    


Although at that time when Shi Feixuan was dealing with Yang Feng, Shi Feixuan did not hold back due to her master's orders and had also attacked Yang Feng with all his might, after that incident, even though Shi Feixuan had been punished and sent to this world, she did not hold any resentment towards Yang Feng at all. Furthermore, her days here made Shi Feixuan feel extremely good, and she was willing to remain in this world forever.    


Looking at this tall mountain that suddenly appeared on the ocean surface, Shi Feixuan guessed that the appearance of this mountain might be related to the matters told to it by their masters, but because Shi Feixuan lived a good life in this world, she did not desperately fly towards the mountain peak like Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji did. Instead, she followed Yang Feng and stood in the distance and watched from the side.    


Yang Feng never thought that Shi Feixuan would greet him, this made Yang Feng a little startled, but he still nodded and replied to his. Honestly speaking, Yang Feng did not hold much hatred towards Shi Feixuan, even though she had indeed went to stop him from bringing Guo Meimei back. At that time, compared to Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji, Shi Feixuan had been lenient, at least she did not put her life on the line like Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji had been.    


The clouds in the sky were getting thicker and smaller. The clouds that used to cover the entire continent were now compressed to only cover the mountain peak above the sea. However, the compressed black clouds were now as black as ink, and the lightning contained within the black clouds was becoming more concentrated and violent.    


When the black clouds in the sky finally stopped converging, the black clouds on top of the mountain started to descend continuously with lightning, continuing to strike at the mountain peak. Streams of lightning continued to strike at the mountain peak, causing Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji who wanted to reach the mountain peak to no longer be able to move forward.    


The dense rain of lightning continued to bombard the mountain peak, but what was out of everyone's expectations was that under such a violent and concentrated attack, the mountain peak was completely unharmed. Not even a single stone was cut off.    


This was because the surface of the mountain looked like an ordinary mountain peak and there was nothing special about it. However, under the bombardment of this lightning, nothing happened. This was a bit strange. Such a thing also made Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji even more certain that this mountain peak must be related to the matter their sect had told them.    


This caused Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji to be extremely excited. They never thought that they would be able to find out what their sect had told them after coming to this world for just a few years. If they could handle this matter well, then their return to the Heaven Realm would be just around the corner. The one who made Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji worry was Yang Feng.    


No matter what the last thing that appeared on the mountain was, as long as Yang Feng did not interfere, then everything would be fine. They were afraid that Yang Feng would intervene at that time, and the two of them didn't have the strength to fight with Yang Feng over it.    


Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji were observing the changes in the mountain while secretly discussing how to take care of Yang Feng who would get a foot in the coffin at that time. Unfortunately, after discussing it, they still did not have any good ideas, and all of the schemes were pale and powerless in front of absolute strength. Although the two of them had thought of the right methods, when they thought about Yang Feng's extraordinary strength, they felt that those methods would not work.    


Looking at Shi Feixuan who was watching from afar, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji started to consider whether they should join hands with Shi Feixuan, but because Shi Feixuan was normally too proud and aloof, he did not have any connections with them, unless it was her own sect's orders, it was impossible for Shi Feixuan to join hands with them, thus they had given up on this idea.    


Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji who did not have any good methods thought about it in the end, because if any treasures really appeared at that time, they would just have to snatch them with all their might. Even if they did not manage to get the treasures in the end, but they could only report this news to their own sect.    


After making up their minds, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Wuji no longer cared about anything else, they focused on watching the black cloud strike the mountain peak. They wanted to see what exactly was on the mountain peak, to actually receive such a powerful lightning strike without incident, but regardless of what was inside, it must be something extraordinary!    


He watched as the dark clouds in the sky bombarded the tall mountain peak again and again. However, even after many rounds of attacks, the mountain peak was still completely unharmed. This caused the dark clouds that had been bombarded to become angry.    


Not long after, the black clouds that were originally thousands of feet in size had already gathered to a size of only three hundred meters by then, and the lightning contained within them was no longer silvery-white like before. The lightning that continuously drilled in and drilled out of them was now emitting a dark red light.    


After brewing for a while, an enormous dark red lightning bolt, with a diameter of around two meters, directly smashed down. After brewing for a while, an enormous dark red lightning bolt, with a diameter of two meters, directly smashed down.    


That kind of dark red lightning, Yang Feng already felt that it was more or less the same power as his own lightning tribulation from nine Heavenly Tribulations away, but it had merely struck down a fist-sized rock on the mountain peak!    


This also caused Yang Feng to become interested in what was really happening inside the mountain. Could it be that it really was the same as what he felt, that there was a weapon inside?! However, a weapon with the protection of such a mountain was simply too heaven-defying!    


When the black clouds in the sky saw that a rock had finally fallen from the mountain peak, they became even more interested. Several more dark red lightning bolts landed and stone after stone fell from the mountain peak.    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


In order to keep getting stronger during the annual meeting, Lao Shu could only do it twice a day for the next few days.    


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