Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C465 wind wave

C465 wind wave

4Although Yang Feng had scared Zhang Song away and did not want to look at any imperial edict, Yang Yong wanted him to go with him to the Imperial Palace to meet the emperor of this world, so Yang Feng agreed. After all, the Yang family was the loyal duke of the Tianyuan Empire, one who fought for the empire and the other who was loyal to the empire. It would not be good if the Yang family fell into a difficult situation because of him.     3


When Yang Feng returned to Chi Ling's room, he saw that Chi Ling had already packed everything and was sitting at the side waiting for Yang Feng to come in. When he saw Yang Feng coming in, Chi Ling smiled and said to Yang Feng, "anemofeng, tell me more about Mei Mei, Zhang Fei and Dongfang Xue. Hmm, our anemofeng is really powerful, to actually find three daughter-in-laws for me, hehe, I wonder when I can hold my grandson!"    


However, he still told Chi Ling about herself and Guo Meimei's matters. Chi Ling, on the other hand, listened with a face full of smiles, and even after Yang Feng had finished telling him all the things related to Guo Meimei and the others, her face was still brimming with smiles.    


After Yang Feng finished speaking about Guo Meimei and the others, he looked at Mother Chi Ling's still somewhat weak body and said to him, "Mother, I'll teach you how to cultivate. This way, your body will be better."    


Chi Ling smiled and nodded after hearing what Yang Feng said. Chi Ling didn't have any requirements right now, as long as she could be with his own son, Yang Feng, then she would be satisfied. And when she could go back and see her father, Chi Zheng, she would have no regrets in her life.    


Chi Ling knew that his son Yang Feng was already an amazing person, to think that he had actually cultivated the Witch Clan's Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to the Fifth Cycle. This kind of realm could allow him to live for tens of millions of years, so in order to be able to be together with his son, he needed to cultivate.    


Chi Ling had also once cultivated the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to the third transition realm. If it wasn't for the fact that she had used her own blood essence to cultivate the golden silkworm, Chi Ling wouldn't have died at all. It was just that at that time, because of Yang Ming's departure, Chi Ling had also received a huge blow, shshehad missed Yang Ming day and night, and her body had only collapsed day by day. In the end, even though she had raised Yang Feng, he did not have the power to protect Yang Feng anymore.    


And because of Yang Ming's departure and his own body getting worse day by day, Chi Ling decided to cultivate the golden silkworm. And after cultivating the golden silkworm with his own blood essence, Chi Ling's life had finally come to an end.    


Now that he saw his son in this world again, Chi Ling naturally wanted to live with him forever. So when Yang Feng said that he wanted to teach her cultivation, Chi Ling also agreed. Chi Ling's body was no longer part of the Witch Clan's bloodline, so he could no longer cultivate the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, but could cultivate other cultivation techniques.    


According to the body constitution of the Mother Chi Ling, Yang Feng passed on the Nine Yin Meridians to the Mother Chi Ling, and even passed down the Jadeite Immortal Art to his mother, that was cultivated by the disciples of the Kunlun Faction. After passing all these down to his mother, a maid walked in with a new set of embroidered robes in her hands.    


Yang Feng knew that Yang Yong was bringing him to the palace. After changing into a new set of clothes, he bid farewell to his mother and headed outside. Because the loyal manor was really big, Yang Feng had to get lost walking on his own. Hence, he got a servant girl to lead him to the gates of the manor.    


In front of House Zhong Yong was a huge carriage, with Yang Yong already sitting inside, waiting for Yang Feng. Yang Feng also sat on the carriage. As this was Yang Feng's first time riding on a horse carriage, it made Yang Feng feel very new.    


The inside of the carriage was extremely spacious. Yang Feng sat opposite of Yang Yong, and looked at the armoured Yang Yong, while Yang Yong closed his eyes, not looking at Yang Feng. Yang Feng also knew that Yang Yong was still unable to accept the fact that his son had been killed, so he understood Yang Yong's feelings.    


However, Yang Feng still had something to say to Yang Yong, and that was the vicious expression that Yang Feng had seen in Zhang Song's eyes. Combined with the Prime Minister, the Zhang Family and the Yang Family had always been at loggerheads with each other, Yang Feng felt that the death of Yang Feng in this world might have something to do with the Prime Minister Manor.    


Yang Feng said to Yang Yong who was seated opposite him, "Investigate the people from the Prime Minister's Estate, I think they might be related in the matter of your son's death."    


After Yang Yong heard Yang Feng's words, he still did not open his eyes. He closed his eyes and said to Yang Feng: "The people from the family's secret hall have already investigated them, if it really is them."    


Yang Yong didn't finish his sentence, but when he said that, the murderous intent that burst forth from his body clearly showed his attitude. Seeing that Yang Yong had also taken action, Yang Feng did not say anymore. He quietly sat on the carriage and waited for the arrival of the royal palace.    


The imperial edict the emperor of the Tianyuan Empire gave to Yang Feng today also did not say anything else, it was to allow Yang Feng to meet him at the Imperial Palace. At that time, Yang Feng had used the power of the finger flicking ability to pierce Zhao Linger's body and sealed several of her acupoints, so the sealed acupoints would not automatically be removed, and the person who casted the technique had to do so.    


Yang Feng was very dissatisfied with Zhao Linger's viciousness, so he taught her a lesson and sealed her mute acupoint. He must have asked someone to cure it when Zhao Linger returned, but no one was able to, which was why the emperor of the Tianyuan Empire wanted Yang Feng to come to see him.    


The loyal Yang family controlled the majority of the army in the empire, so the Emperor would naturally not dare to rashly make a move on the Yang family. Even if Yang Feng had gone overboard, he had to think about it carefully and see if it was worth being loyal to the Yang family just for a princess.    


Soon, the horse carriage arrived at the gates of the imperial city without anyone stopping it. The horse carriage headed into the imperial city without any obstructions. This was the position of the loyal official within the empire.    


Of course, even though he could do this, Yang Yong had never allowed his horse carriage to directly travel to the front of the palace. He would always make the horse carriage stop at a very far distance before entering the main hall.    


After Yang Yong and Yang Feng got off the carriage, they walked towards the main hall of the Tianyuan Empire. At this time, it was not the time for the assembly, so when Yang Feng followed Yang Yong to the main hall, he did not see the emperor seated on the dragon throne.    


The Tianyuan Empire was also split into the Six Division Nine Sisters and the civil and martial officials were also close to a hundred people. Although this Procedural Hall was very spacious, but with so many officials standing there, it was enough to make one dizzy. Wen Chen stood on the right, while the general stood on the left. They stood in two distinct rows.    


Yang Feng followed behind Yang Yong and walked to the front of the group of generals. Most of the generals were Yang Yong's subordinates, so when they saw Yang Yong bowing to him, Yang Yong also nodded in response. Yang Feng followed behind Yang Yong. Looking at the respect the generals had for Yang Yong, he knew that Yang Yong had a very high status among the warriors.    


Although they did not know why Yang Feng would follow them, they still nodded their heads in respect. Yang Feng also nodded in response to them, although they were not the Yang Feng of this world, they had to pay their respects to him, and you could not ignore that right?    


Walking to the front of the army general, Yang Yong stopped and looked to the right. Yang Feng followed Yang Yong's gaze and saw that it was a middle-aged man who was around forty to fifty years old with a white face and no beard. He was skinny and had bright and spirited eyes, seeming to have noticed Yang Yong's gaze and also turned to look at Yang Yong.    


The middle-aged man was the prime minister of the imperial court, Zhang Xun. He was the head of the civil officials, and was in charge of all the civil officials in the empire.    


Because of this, he would always oppose the Yang Family, because the Empire's six divisions and nine vassals were basically in his hands, so the Imperial Army's battle requirements could only be obtained with his approval. Therefore, many times, Zhang Xun would make things difficult for the Yang Family in this regard, causing the conflict between the two sides to intensify.    


Yang Yong only took a glance at Zhang Xun before he turned around, waiting for the Emperor to arrive. Before long, the emperor of the Tianyuan Empire came to court accompanied by an old eunuch. After the emperor sat on the dragon throne, the officials and generals all knelt down as the old eunuch called out, "The imperial court" like a duck's voice.    


It was just that one person did not kneel down, and that person was Yang Feng! Although Yang Feng was very interested in this world's ancient times, but to make Yang Feng kneel and worship the emperor of this world, Yang Feng did not have this kind of carefree and elegant attitude. Looking at the kneeling civil officials and generals kowtowing to the emperor, Yang Feng could only watch silently, as if it was none of his business.    


The civil officials who were kneeling and cheering also quickly discovered that Yang Feng did not kneel down. Yang Yong naturally noticed that Yang Feng did not kneel down to the emperor, but Yang Yong did not care about Yang Feng and only knelt down, yelling for ten thousand years before standing up again.    


When the generals led by Yang Yong saw that Yang Feng did not kneel down to the emperor, they anxiously looked at Yang Feng and started to worry for him. On the other hand, the officials leading by Zhang carelessly waited to see how the emperor would punish Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng merely stood there calmly, looking at the emperor of the Tianyuan Empire who was seated on the dragon throne!    


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