Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C442 Strong Enemy Appearance

C442 Strong Enemy Appearance

3Yang Feng raised his head and looked at the three blood-red lotuses above his head, as well as the traces of dense Qi which drooped down. This was the first time Yang Feng had seen him perform the Three Flowers Aura, and in the past, he had only heard Chi Zheng and the others talk about how he had reached the top of the Three Flowers Aura, but he had never actually seen it before.    4


When three blood colored lotuses appeared above Yang Feng's head, and just as Yang Feng was unable to withstand the energy of the fourteenth lightning tribulation, the energy of the fourteenth lightning tribulation surged violently towards Yang Feng. Yang Feng originally thought that he would definitely die under this lightning tribulation, but something unexpected happened!    


However, when he arrived in front of the three blood lotuses, he was completely unable to advance at all. It was as if there was an invisible and powerful force that had supported the lightning bolts, and was simply floating a foot above the three blood lotuses!    


However, in a split-second, the fourteenth tribulation lightning automatically split into three. It then shot towards the three blood lotuses and was absorbed by them! And after the 14th thunder tribulation was absorbed by the three blood lotuses, the blood lotus that was originally blooming with three petals actually bloomed with another petal!    


Yang Feng blankly looked at the three blood lotuses above his head that were enveloped in a dense blood mist. He saw that they were actually absorbing the energy of the tribulation lightning with such ease that they did not waste any energy.    


What was even more miraculous was that after the three blood lotuses absorbed the power of the tribulation thunder, they actually turned into four petals that bloomed! From this, Yang Feng could already understand that these three blood lotuses had evolved after absorbing the energy of the tribulation lightning! This made Yang Feng feel very strange, the three flowers at the top was only an embodiment of a person's essence, energy and divine as one, it was not a real lotus, how could it evolve on its own?    


Moreover, according to grandfather Chi Zheng, among the three flowers that had gathered in the heaven and earth, other than the snow lotuses from the daoists or the golden lotuses from the buddhist faith, there were no other lotuses. But why did three blood lotuses appear on his three flowers instead? Furthermore, it was condensed into three blood lotuses that could evolve like physical entities!    


Yang Feng didn't understand any of these things, and Chi Zheng didn't tell Yang Feng that when he first gathered all three flowers, he also gathered all three snow lotuses. It was just that after Yang Feng mutated in the process of absorbing Chi You's blood essence, such strange blood lotuses appeared!    


Other than Chi Zheng, Guo Meimei and a few others who had experienced the phenomenon of Yang Feng's three flowers gathering together, the rest of them were also extremely surprised. Some people knew what the three flowers above Yang Feng's head were and were extremely envious of Yang Feng's three flowers gathering together, while some people did not even know what was going on with the three flowers above Yang Feng's head, and thought that it was a treasure of Yang Feng's!    


However, no matter whether they were envious or not, they all knew very clearly that with these three blood lotuses, Yang Feng should be able to pass through the heavenly tribulation. This was because the three blood lotuses were absorbing the energy of the tribulation lightning so easily, so it shouldn't be a difficult task for them to help Yang Feng pass through the heavenly tribulation.    


However, just when everyone saw the top of the three flowers appearing above Yang Feng and thought that he could safely pass through the heavenly tribulation, Chi Zheng, Guo Xiaotian, Kuang Lang and the rest of the strongest people heard an extremely soft surprised voice, which came from the distant sky. Chi Zheng and the others were shocked, as Chi Zheng was the first to fly towards the source of the voice in a flash.    


Soon after, Guo Xiaotian grabbed his Heaven Punisher Axe and shield, called out for the White Tiger to also rush up into the sky, then Kuang Lang, Thirteen Blood Guards, and the rest of the Qin Shi Huang to rush towards the source of the sound. The remaining people looked at Chi Zheng and the others who were rushing out, and immediately knew that something was wrong.    


Chi Zheng's figure flashed and arrived ten thousand kilometers up in the sky. He saw three people looking down from above, and seemed to not have expected that he would arrive in front of them so quickly. Chi Zheng didn't care if they were shocked or not. Now that Yang Feng was undergoing heavenly tribulation, he didn't want anything bad to happen during this crucial time.    


Chi Zheng stared at the three men and asked: "Who are you people?! Why are you spying on me?! "    


The three people here were two men and one woman. Two of the men were dressed as Daoists and wore the attire of the Eight Trigrams Immortal. They looked like sages, but the only difference was that one of them was on a cloud while the other was on a flying sword. The other woman was dressed as a nun and was also flying on her sword.    


The energy fluctuations of these three people were very obscure. If they weren't thousands of miles in the air, then people would have thought they were ordinary Taoists and nuns! However, these three people were Mount Shu Sword Sect from Heaven Realm. Kunlun Faction and Tzu Yi Jing Zhai had sent the three of them, who were lower levelled than the Da Lou Golden Immortal, to deal with Yang Feng.    


However, they didn't expect to be sent to Earth to deal with someone who hadn't even ascended yet. Originally, they didn't want to come, but because the three disciples that were sent to fight them were all defeated, only people of their level had come. Moreover, these were the orders of their respective Sect Leaders, so they had no choice but to comply.    


Originally, they wanted to immediately go find Yang Feng and kill him before returning. However, Kunlun Faction's Yi Chenzi, Xiao Yaozi's Xiao Yaozi and Tzu Yi Jing Zhai's Lady Mystery had stopped them from doing so, and the reason was because they were worried that they wouldn't be Yang Feng's match!    


These words almost made the three of them puke out blood in anger. Even though their cultivation realm was only one level higher than Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Wuji and Shi Feixuan, the difference between the upper level of the Profound Immortal Stage and the lower level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal was not only one of a single level. The difference between the two could be said to be like heaven and earth!    


A lower level Da Lou Golden Immortal would not have any problem dealing with three higher level Spirit Master Cultivators, so when they heard that the Yi Chenzi and the rest were obstructing them, they were all very angry. However, when they heard about the power Yang Feng had displayed, they all became silent, because the strength Yang Feng had shown was something that even the Yi Chenzi and the rest did not have.    


Furthermore, according to the reports of the three disciples who were sent to the Cultivation World, Yang Feng had already reached the level of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal. At that time, they thought that the three disciples were making up an excuse for their failure, but they never expected that the people here would say the same thing, which made the three of them believe it.    


It was just that even if Yang Feng was a Da Lou Golden Immortal, he was still only one person. It was more than enough for the three of them to deal with a Da Lou Golden Immortal, but Yi Chenzi told them that was also a Da Lou Golden Immortal, and there was even a Chi Zheng who was not weaker than a Da Lou Golden Immortal! If that was the case, then these three Golden Immortals from the Heaven Realm wouldn't have the confidence to kill Yang Feng in one fell swoop.    


If the three of them were to fight against one person, they would be confident, but if the other side also had three Golden Immortals of the Da Lou Realm, then the three of them would not have much confidence. Thus, after listening to Yi Chenzi's suggestion, they did not immediately go to find Yang Feng, but waited for an opportunity to deal with him.    


And today, the three of them felt the pressure of the heavenly tribulation at the same time, so the three of them came to the place where Yang Feng was undergoing the heavenly tribulation. With their cultivations at the Da Lou Golden Immortal level, no one would notice them hiding tens of thousands of kilometers in the air.    


When the three from of the Heaven Realm, Tzu Yi Jing Zhai and the Mount Shu Sword Sect saw the tribulation clouds that covered an area of several tens of thousands of kilometers below them, they were also shocked. They were all born and bred in the Heaven Realm and had cultivated for millions of years to reach this realm. However, in the thousands of years that the Heaven Realm had existed, they had never seen someone undergoing such a great tribulation while transcending tribulation!    


And such a massive tribulation cloud could only be reached by nine heavenly tribulations. How could they ever have imagined that someone would be able to pass through nine heavenly tribulations in a place like Earth!? This kind of thing was too shocking for them. And when they saw that the one who was going through the tribulation was actually Yang Feng, they became even more convinced of the fact that Yi Chenzi and the others were talking about Yang Feng's strength!    


Although Yang Feng was only at the level of someone who had just transcended the heavenly tribulation, there was no need to explain how powerful someone like him, who could attract the nine heavenly tribulations, was!    


When the three of them saw that Yang Feng had endured the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, they were shocked and at the same time secretly rejoiced in their hearts. They admitted that Yang Feng was indeed very strong, so strong that they felt that they didn't have the confidence to defeat him, but Yang Feng had endured the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation. Although they had never seen the power of the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, they had never heard of anyone who could survive the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation!    


They saw that if they didn't have to take action, Yang Feng would die under these nine Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulations, they had no reason not to be secretly delighted! However, what they saw next caused them to be even more shocked!    


The first thing they saw was that Yang Feng had actually used his flesh to withstand the first lightning bolt and even absorbed the lightning bolt's energy! Seeing this scene, all of them were dumbfounded, unable to believe what they were seeing!    


Later on, when Yang Feng used the primal chaos diagram, formed some strange hand seals, and absorbed those lightning tribulations, their hearts were so shocked that they were numbed. Only when three blood lotuses appeared above Yang Feng's head did they finally cry out!    


And exactly because they were too shocked and shouted out, that was why Chi Zheng found out and found them!    


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