Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C431 crucifixion

C431 crucifixion

1When Jesus saw Chi Zheng and the Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng being blocked by his Holy Spirit Light Pillar and showing an expression of extreme anxiety and pain, he felt extremely happy in his heart. He liked to see his enemies in pain, not just the enemies, but even his friends and relatives were suffering as well.    


Yang Feng had killed the Constellation Knight in the Cultivator's Meet, and now he brought people to destroy the Church that he had been working hard for tens of thousands of years to obtain. This kind of deep hatred caused Jesus to go crazy.    


But just when he was tormenting Yang Feng again, Yang Feng who was lying on the ground under the cover of the stone slab, was releasing a bit of golden light from his body, and the specks of golden light were emitting out from Yang Feng's body, the painful expression on Yang Feng's face disappeared, the confused look in his eyes also disappeared without a trace!    


What was that?! When Jesus saw the golden light emitted from Yang Feng's body, his pupils suddenly shrank. He could hardly believe that Yang Feng actually woke up under the punishment of the Ten Commandments! Impossible, this is impossible! Jesus bellowed in his heart!    


When Chi Zheng saw the golden light emit from Yang Feng's body, he was shocked for a moment, but afterwards, a pleasantly surprised expression instantly appeared on his face! Maybe Jesus did not know what that golden light was, but Chi Zheng, who had existed since the Primordial Era, did. That golden light was the golden light of virtue, a dream of all cultivators!    


This kind of thing called Gold Medallion of Merit had appeared many times in the Ancient Desolation, so Chi Zheng knew about it, and he also knew about the uses of the Gold Medallion of Merit. The golden light of karmic virtue had the greatest effect of eliminating karma from a person's body. It was also able to protect the cultivator's primordial spirit, causing it to be indestructible!    


The only ones who were naturally born with a moral golden aura were the Three Purities that had been created by Pangu after the creation of Heaven and Earth, and the Twelve Ancestral Magi that had been created by his primordial spirit after his transformation into a primordial being! The Three Purities had gained great karmic virtue through Pangu's creation of the universe, and when they established a sect and passed down the teachings of the Dao to the humans who were the protagonists of the great Dao created by Mother Nuwa, they gained tremendous karmic virtue and became holy on the spot!    


As for the Twelve Ancestral Magi, although they had the Pan Gu Heaven Opening Art, since they did not have the primordial spirit, it was useless for the Ancestral Mages!    


This was a person who was born with great merits. Mother Nuwa, however, had created the main human being of the Heavenly Daos, which was why the golden light of the Heavenly Daos had descended, causing Mother Nuwa to immediately become an immortal saint! It was also because of the founding of the Buddhist Sect in the west that the Taoists and the Daoists in the west had been bestowed the golden light of virtue by the Heavenly Dao, allowing them to ascend to the position of Sage. The Deities were founded by the Deities Deities Deities Doyen, the Deities Deities Doyen, the Deities Deities Deities Deities Deities Sage.    


Only the bodies of these The Great Saint had the limitless gold light, and the rest were all under the tutelage of the Saints, and they were all with great abilities! But now, Yang Feng's body was covered with the gold light of contribution, how could this not make Chi Zheng excited!    


Other than the Pangu Three Purities and Twelve Ancestral Magi that were born with the golden light, the only other way to obtain the golden light was by relying on one's own efforts. However, obtaining a little golden light was even more difficult than ascending to the heavens! The Cultivator wanted to reach the sky as long as she could cultivate the aurine stage, but if she wanted to obtain just a little bit of the golden light, she might not even be able to do so in her entire life!    


This was because the karmic virtue golden light was bestowed by the heavens, not something that could be found. If the Cultivator wanted to obtain a bit of the karmic virtue golden light from the heavens, then she would have to do something that would gain the approval of the heavens, such as when Mother Nuwa refined stones to help the heavens. When she forged humans, she would gain the approval of the heavens, which was why she was able to obtain the limitless amount of karmic virtue golden light from the heavens!    


But how could ordinary Cultivator do what Mother Nuwa did? Even if they wanted to do it, they had to have the power to do it! Therefore, the only thing the Cultivator wanted to do was to accumulate good deeds. Only by persisting in doing good deeds could she obtain the acknowledgement of the Heavenly Dao and a bit of the golden light of good deeds!    


However, even if a Cultivator has always been virtuous and good since the beginning of their training, and has accumulated their own merits, they still might not be able to obtain the golden light of merit. It was just that for the Cultivator that had always been good, his luck would be much better than other Cultivator's. Her cultivation progress would be more smooth, and there wouldn't be many twists and turns!    


It was just that because the gold light was too difficult to obtain, slowly, the Cultivator only sought to be strong and not do anything good in exchange for a blessing. This was precisely the difference between the current cultivation world and the past!    


It was just that Chi Zheng had never thought that Yang Feng would actually possess a Golden Light of Merit. Furthermore, the continuous stream of golden light emitting from Yang Feng's body was already comparable to the golden light of Merit of the disciples of the saints, this kind of thing made Chi Zheng both surprised and happy!    


Seeing the gold light that shone from Yang Feng's body, Chi Zheng knew that Yang Feng would definitely not have any problems with it, thus he did not rush forward anymore, signalling to Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng, the two of them went back to the distance, and watched how Yang Feng would deal with Jesus after he woke up!    


At this moment, even though Yang Feng's body was emitting a little bit of the golden light, Yang Feng did not wake up. Because the attack that he received from the stone tablet was too powerful, and caused Yang Feng's consciousness to sink into a deep sleep for a moment. If he was unable to awaken Yang Feng, then Yang Feng's consciousness would forever be in endless pain!    


But where did this gold light come from? Although Yang Feng had the Witch bloodline, he did not have the Twelve Ancestral Magi transformed from the Great God Pangu's blood essence, so he would not have such a huge gold light contribution point out of the blue!    


Although Yang Feng had never killed a person for no reason and the person he had killed was someone Yang Feng had to kill as well, but no matter what cause you killed, there should be no golden light of achievement on Yang Feng's body!    


But right now, Yang Feng's body was actually emitting a gold light, what was going on?! These gold lights were naturally not bestowed by the heavens to Yang Feng, but were obtained by Yang Feng himself! And the way to obtain these golden light was through absorbing incense fire force!    


Every time Yang Feng absorbed a incense fire force, half of it would be absorbed by the nine cauldrons, while the other half was absorbed by the spirit star in his spatial realm. Furthermore, when the other half of the incense fire force was absorbed into the spirit star, they would turn into many golden specks of light that shone on the purple energy surrounding the spirit star, and these golden lights were the golden light of Merit Golden Light!    


Why would the The Great Saint's people spread their dao among the Chinese, calculated each other's abilities, and fought over the incense fire force? On one hand, it was because the incense fire force could increase their own luck, and on the other hand, it could transform into a golden light due to the incense fire force!    


The most important part of the Merit Golden Light was to protect the primordial spirit, to eliminate karma, and the key to the survival of the The Great Saint's primordial spirit was to entrust it into the endless void, making it impossible for anyone to find it. Furthermore, with the protection of the golden light, even if a Saint's primordial spirit was found, it would not be afraid of being attacked! Of course, only saints of the same rank could find a Saint's primordial spirit!    


In addition, the The Great Saint was most afraid of people owing karma. If they owed karma, they had to repay it, otherwise their own mana would not be able to help them! However, if the Saints wanted to return the cause and effect, they would have to pay an earth-shattering price! Therefore, all the The Great Saint s fought over how to use the incense fire force s of the human race to convert them into gold light, eliminating their own karma!    


The gold light emitted by Yang Feng's body was precisely the result of the gold light he had obtained from the incense fire force that he had absorbed during this period of time. This was because the number of incense fire force Yang Feng had absorbed all came from the Cultivator, and was much more than the number of incense fire force in the ordinary world.    


Under the constant stimulation of the Merit Golden Light, Yang Feng's consciousness that had fallen into a deep sleep finally started to clear up. And because he had the Merit Golden Light as protection, after seeing the golden light emitting from Yang Feng's body, Jesus, whose expression was no longer painful, continued to wave the scepter in his hand, releasing beams of holy light onto the stone slab. He wanted to use the Ten Commandments to attack Yang Feng again, but it was completely useless!    


Opening his eyes, Yang Feng looked at the stone tablet above him, thinking about the pain he had just endured. Yang Feng slowly raised his hands, the Nine Yin Meridians and the Nine Suns Divine Art Core Qi circulated within his body, and then the Nine Yin Meridians Core Qi and the Nine Suns Divine Art Core Qi shot out from the center of his palms!    


The spiralling golden Nine Suns Divine Art Core Qi and the silver white Nine Yin Meridians Core Qi intertwined, and like a huge drill bit, it started attacking the stone slab in the air! This move was created by Yang Feng after comprehending it. He had previously fully used his physical strength to execute it, but this time he was using the Yin Yang Pill Qi!    


The spiral drill bit formed from Yin Yang Dan Qi directly drilled into the huge stone slab in the air. Under the attack of the spiral drill, the huge stone tablet engraved with the Ten Commandments of the Bible was completely crushed like paper and fell to the ground in the blink of an eye!    


Yang Feng stood up and walked towards Jesus with the Demonic Knife in his hand. Yang Feng knew how dangerous he was and almost died again. Although he did not understand why he woke up now, it was no longer important to Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng had already escaped, and he had suffered a lot before, but now was the time of Jesus' suffering!    


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6 more ask for flowers and popular votes, thank you brothers for your support!    


Although it wasn't much, it was Lao Shu's greatest effort. Thank you for your support, brothers!    


Although the temptation was not enough, Mouse would still try his best. He decided that tomorrow would still be the fourth fragment of the night, and in order to thank the brothers who voted for him, he would thank them for their support!    


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