Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C424 Son of God Jesus

C424 Son of God Jesus

1After Yang Feng said the two words "Star Hand", a huge palm appeared out of nowhere on top of the Angel of Saint Force. The palm was entirely silver in color, and its interior was filled with spots of silver light that continuously flickered like stars.    


In that instant, the Star Hand locked onto the Angel wanted to dodge, but realized that no matter what he did, he wouldn't be able to escape it. The Angel felt that no matter which direction he dodged to, he wouldn't be able to escape from the Star Hand's range of dodging.    


Feeling helpless, the pair of wings on the back of the Saint Force Angel suddenly opened up, and every single feather on it began to emit an intense amount of Saint Force. The pair of wings then closed up, enveloping the entire body of the Saint Force Angel.    


The energy essence of their bodies was on their wings, but because the Holy Angel wasn't a real angel, even though they didn't know which angel in the Heaven Realm of the Western Church borrowed their energy from, the fake was still real. The Holy Angel's wings were also condensed from the Holy Energy of the dead Holy Church's followers, they were not inferior in the slightest to the real angel's wings!    


The Saint Angel obviously knew this, but in a situation where he couldn't do anything about it, he could only use this method to resist. Although it wasn't necessarily effective, it was still better than not resisting at all. If it were the real Angel Wings, the Saint Angel wouldn't be so helpless. The real Angel Wings was not only the energy essence of every Angel, but also a treasure that could be used both in offense and defense.    


When Yang Feng saw the Angel of Saint Force spreading her wings and enveloping him within, although he was still surprised, he did not hesitate as he quickly pressed his right hand down. At the same time, the gigantic silver palm in the air suddenly accelerated and rapidly slammed downwards.    


This time, the momentum was not like last time, when Yang Feng was fighting against the Saint Force Angel with all his might, but each time, they were only able to cause a few basins on the ground when they were pushed back! This time, when the huge silver palm struck the Angel's body, the whole earth started to shake.    


Not only did the ground shake, but the earth began to churn around the place where the Saint Angel had stood. It was like a giant boulder had smashed into the water, splashing everything in its path! Wave after wave of earth spread out, and the place where the holy angel had been standing before was now sinking down to the ground.    


Wave after wave of waves rolled outwards. Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng and Chi Zheng quickly brought Great Qin General back with them as the waves moved extremely fast. They chased after Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng and Chi Zheng for almost a hundred li before they finally fell. Only then did Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng and Chi Zheng stop, and they turned their heads and looked at the wave that was chasing them just now with faces full of shock. When they thought about how they were almost buried alive, their hearts became even more shocked.    


And at the same time they were shocked, they were even more excited, because this attack was released by Yang Feng. Although they did not know when Yang Feng had learnt such a powerful move, they believed that Yang Feng's attack had definitely killed the Angel of Saint Force, and even if he did not, he would definitely have been severely injured!    


Compared to the shock and excitement of Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng and Chi Zheng, the Pope was only terrified! As the waves of earth surged towards him, accompanied by the rumbling and shaking of the earth, the Pope was almost scared to death. He did not care about his image anymore as he quickly ran towards the back.    


The waves of earth continued to chase after the Pope, rolling towards the churches that were still standing. The numerous tall churches were like small trees that had met a mudslide. In the blink of an eye, they were swallowed up by the waves and disappeared without a trace!    


The Church's church covered an area of tens of thousands of miles, but due to the rolling of the earth waves, it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Adding to the collapse caused by the shaking of the earth, Yang Feng's attack destroyed a tenth of the Church's church!    


When the wave finally stopped, the Pope turned around and looked down with an ashen face at the submerged church. This was something that the Church had built over the past tens of thousands of years, and it had actually turned into nothing in the blink of an eye. What made the Pope even more furious and terrified was that Yang Feng's attack was actually this powerful! The Pontiff's eyes were fixed on the center of a massive basin. He wanted to know what would happen to the Angel after this one strike.    


In the center of the massive basin that had a depth of a hundred meters and a radius of a hundred meters, Yang Feng was still standing at his original spot. A gold and silver white Tai Chi diagram halo surrounded his body, protecting him, so those circles of earth waves had no effect on Yang Feng!    


Not too far away from Yang Feng was that huge silver-white palm, and although that palm was only a dozen meters long, it wasn't too huge. However, the power generated from the palm caused everyone to be extremely shocked, even Yang Feng himself was a little shocked in his heart, because this was the first time he had used this star hand, and he didn't expect it to be so powerful!    


This Stellar Hand was a move that Yang Feng had recently comprehended after combining various martial arts he had learned. This move was completely executed using the power of the stars that filled the sky, condensing the power of the stars to form the shape of a palm to attack. However, the Stellar Hand wasn't able to unleash any palm techniques that Yang Feng, who knew how to clap with it, could.    


Of course, Yang Feng's strength was still insufficient to use the Stars Hand to perform all kinds of palm techniques. Being able to control the Stars Hand to attack the enemy was already his limit. If he wanted to use the Star Hand to execute the palm art, then he would have to wait until Yang Feng's strength increased.    


The reason why Yang Feng had comprehended this move was entirely because he had seen those things that Constellation Knight had condensed with their star power to attack. Seeing that those things actually had such offensive power, Yang Feng became curious.    


As long as he could make use of the power of the stars, it would definitely be an extremely powerful attack. It was precisely because Yang Feng saw this that he thought about how to use the power of the stars!    


As Yang Feng refined the Star Armor, the energy of the stars in the sky was completely absorbed and absorbed by him. This way, Yang Feng only needed to condense the energy of the stars in the sky and guide his attacks. After a period of closed door cultivation, Yang Feng finally comprehended this Star Hand!    


After Yang Feng comprehended the Stellar Hand, before he even had the chance to test it out, he heard that the Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng was heavily injured. He then rushed to the cultivation world, and cured the Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng before following them to the lair of the Western Church, until they battled against the Angel of Holy Energy.    


Yang Feng had predicted that the power of this Star Hand that he had comprehended would be very strong, and should not be any weaker than the Yin Yang Annihilation that he had comprehended previously. It was just that because he had not used it yet, he was still somewhat unsure of himself.    


Yang Feng's right hand gently rose up, and the ten meter long starlight hand slowly rose up. At this moment, traces of white Saint Force floated out from the fingers of the huge silver-white palm. When the Star Hand was completely lifted up, there was no trace of the Angel of Saint Force under the palm.    


From the white holy energy that floated out from the fingers of the Stellar Hand, it seemed that the Saint Force Angel had been shattered by Yang Feng's Stellar Hand. It was at this moment that a ray of white light suddenly shot out from the spot where the hands of the stars had covered, and it quickly flew towards the sky.    


When Yang Feng saw the white light that was fleeing, his heart was immediately moved. Another stellar hand appeared in front of the white light that was fleeing, blocking the path of the white light, and at the same time, the stellar hand that Yang Feng condensed earlier also smacked towards the white light.    


When the two palms came together, Yang Feng vaguely heard an angry and miserable scream; however, that scream lasted for a moment, so Yang Feng thought that he was hallucinating, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Following that, with a thought from Yang Feng, the two hands of stars in the sky suddenly turned into specks of starlight and poured down like a galaxy towards Yang Feng's body. Then, they were absorbed by Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng slowly flew out of the great basin, and at this time, Qin Shi Huang and Ying Zheng and Chi Zheng brought the Great Qin General s to Yang Feng's side, and followed Yang Feng towards the direction of the Pope.    


In the Great Qin Empire, the people of the Qin Nation were the most valiant, and the experts were the ones with the most respect. Seeing Yang Feng's terrifying palm strike, all the Great Qin General s were filled with admiration towards Yang Feng's might!    


Yang Feng brought the group to fly towards the confused and confused Pope, and just as Yang Feng was about to fly to the Pope's side, a white pillar of light that shot into the sky rose at the back of the Church's lair. After the pillar of light rose, it actually bent downwards in the air, forming a stone arch bridge.    


Slowly walking out from the light pillar bridge, Yang Feng recognized one of the two people; he was the person who was defeated by the last time. And the person who walked out with Mohammad, Yang Feng could actually guess who he was.    


This person who came out with Mohammad was naturally the founder of Christianity, the one known as the Holy Son, Jesus!    


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