Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C320 twin infantile disillusionment

C320 twin infantile disillusionment

2Since splitting one's soul was very dangerous, and any mistakes would be fatal, Yang Feng had to be cautious. Plus, he had two Nascent Souls, so he had one more soul fragment than the others. This meant that he was one more danger than the others!    


Yang Feng used his own spirit sense to feel the soul in his body. A person's soul existed in the human brain, Yang Feng thought that since a person's brain was very small, it would be very easy for them to find the soul, but the moment he let his spirit sense into his brain, he realized how foolish his thoughts were.    


Yang Feng had thought that the first thing he would see after entering his brain would be the appearance of a normal human's brain, but when his spirit sense entered the interior of his brain, the first thing he saw was indeed his own wrinkled cerebral cortex. There were countless of nerves scattered all over the cerebral cortex, and this was exactly the appearance of a normal person's brain.    


However, when Yang Feng entered the core of his brain through the meridian link between his brain and the Baihui acupoint on his head, what he saw was a completely different scene. When he entered the core of his brain, what Yang Feng saw was actually a vast and endless void, this scene caused Yang Feng to be slightly dazed.    


Yang Feng never would have thought that the exterior of his brain looked like a normal human's brain, but at the core of his brain was the appearance of a vast universe. Such a huge difference caused Yang Feng to be truly stunned, his spirit sense blankly stood in the endless void, and only after a long time did he come to his senses.    


No matter what kind of scene was at the core of his brain, his current mission was to find out where his soul was. Only by finding the location of his soul would he be able to divide his soul, and then, be able to infuse the separated souls into the yin and yang twin infants.    


Yang Feng used his spirit sense to observe the endless space inside his brain and discovered that there were countless stars in this space that were above his spirit sense. Millions of stars rained down from the sky, and beams of light passed through his spirit sense, falling into the endless space.    


discovered that the countless stars in the sky were arranged according to the 365 constellations in the universe. From within, Yang Feng easily found the constellation of the Big Dipper.    


How could the vast void within his brain be the same as the void in the universe?! Could it be that the human body was truly the same world? There was a small world within his body, and it corresponded to the great world of all living things in the universe?! Although Yang Feng had heard of such a question before, when he saw it for the first time, he would still be greatly shocked!    


Actually, the space that Yang Feng was in could be said to be his Dantian's Violet Palace, only that it was his upper Dantian, and the Dantian on Yang Feng's lower abdomen was his lower Dantian. The lower dantian was the place that stored all the energy in Yang Feng's body, and the upper dantian was the place that stored all of Yang Feng's consciousness and memories, which was also the so-called sea of consciousness in Cultivator!    


The difference between the Upper and Lower Dantian were that the lower Dantian's Mind Palace was empty. There was nothing else but Yang Feng's yin and yang twin infants, and the unending flow of Yin Yang Pellet Qi. As for the upper dantian's Zifu, there were countless stars. These stars completely corresponded to all living things in the universe. It could be said that the upper dantian's Zifu was a complete world.    


Of course, the small world within the upper dantian's Zifu was only corresponding to the universe and not the real world. Everything within the upper dantian's Zifu was a virtual existence that was automatically simulated by the human brain! However, the only thing that was not an illusion was the human sea of consciousness!    


The sea of consciousness was a place where all one's memories and knowledge were stored, but the place Yang Feng was looking for his soul was in fact the sea of consciousness!    


Yang Feng looked around at the countless starlight falling from the sky. Although he felt shocked, he still had to find the location of his soul.    


Although the space here was boundless, but no matter what, it was all within Yang Feng's body, so with a thought, Yang Feng's spirit perception only needed a short amount of time to circulate around the entire universe. Other than the countless stars, Yang Feng really found a special place.    


This place should be the center of this universe small world, and it should be the largest planet in this universe small world! This planet was purple, and the entire planet was surrounded by layers of purple energy. There was nothing special about it, what was special was that within these layers of purple energy, countless images would always appear, and these images were all related to Yang Feng!    


In the outermost layer of the purple aura on this planet, Yang Feng's spiritual sense could see all of the past events that had occurred since the moment he was born. There were even scenes of Yang Feng accidentally falling a little, and there were records of all the things he ate three meals a day.    


Looking through the outermost layer of his consciousness, Yang Feng saw countless deep impressions that he remembered deeply, just like how when he was young, he was bullied by other children, and then cried in his mother's arms. The matter of his mother's death, all the humiliation he had suffered in the Yang family, everything that happened after his revival, appeared in this layer of purple mist.    


In this layer of purple energy, Yang Feng could still see the scenes of his father Yang Ming destroying his own heart veins not long ago. The scenes were very clear, and every single picture struck Yang Feng's heart, causing him to feel his heart shake violently when he did not see such a scene. Yang Feng originally thought that he had already buried these memories deep within his heart, but now, the scenes that had happened before his eyes appeared one after another!    


Suppressing the waves in his heart, Yang Feng used his spiritual perception to continue to look at the layer of purple aura inside. He realized that there were no scenes here, only all of the knowledge that Yang Feng had learnt since he was young.    


Within this section, there were also the various martial arts that Yang Feng had inherited from Yang, as well as the various martial arts that he had learnt since then.    


When Yang Feng saw this, he already knew that this was where his own soul was located! Although he didn't know why his soul was located on a purple planet, but since the inside of his brain was such a small universe, then it wasn't that rare for his soul to be in a city like this.    


After looking at the first three levels of purple energy, there was still a layer of purple energy inside, Yang Feng used his spirit perception to check the purple energy, but discovered that there was an invisible force blocking him. The spirit sense could see countless of images inside the layer of purple energy, but the images were all extremely blurry and he was unable to see clearly. His spirit sense wanted to move forward a little, but with the invisible energy blocking it, Yang Feng's spirit sense was unable to move forward at all.    


After trying a few times to no avail, Yang Feng didn't try to force it any further. Since he had already determined that this was the location of his soul, then the next thing to do was to divide his soul and give the yin and yang twin infants the same consciousness.    


Yang Feng controlled the yin and yang twin infants to come out of his lower dantian and follow his meridians all the way to the Baihui acupoint above. Then, he followed the meridians connecting the Baihui acupoint and the brain to enter his upper dantian and Violet Palace Realm, and finally arrived at the location of Yang Feng's spiritual sense, which was the side of the purple planet.    


Although the two of them were intelligent, they did not have any consciousness at all right now, and were completely controlled by Yang Feng himself.    


After calming his emotions, Yang Feng began to control the yin and yang twin infants to approach his soul. At the outermost layer of the purple aura, Yang Feng used his mind to control a small image that continuously appeared within the purple energy. Then, he carefully split the image into three parts, allowing the yin and yang twin infants to devour one portion each, leaving the other portion behind.    


Yang Feng realized that the outermost layer of these images were not difficult to split, and it was very easy to complete. But the outermost layer of images, was the most, although simple, but the amount of energy required to create them was just as huge!    


Without patience, it was simply impossible. Fortunately, Yang Feng was very patient, so after an unknown amount of time, Yang Feng finally finished separating all the images on the outermost level and was also engulfed by the yin and yang twin infants. This also meant that Yang Feng's yin and yang twin infants already possessed a portion of Yang Feng's memories.    


yin and yang twin infants who had some memories also opened their eyes a little at this time, and their eyes were even more intelligent!    


These memories were the most important to Yang Feng. At the same time, if he wanted to separate these memories, the amount of energy needed to do so would increase by a hundred times!    


But no matter what, Yang Feng had to continue. These most important memories made Yang Feng become even more careful. Fortunately, everything was completed smoothly, and at this time, yin and yang twin infants had already opened his eyes halfway.    


Therefore, Yang Feng had to be extremely careful as he divided it bit by bit. When the final bit of memories was complete, Yang Feng's yin and yang twin infants finally opened his eyes!    


A pair of golden and silver white eyes shot out a breathtaking ray of light the moment he opened his eyes. After the light passed, yin and yang twin infants's eyes swivelled around, unspeakably lively and adorable, and Yang Feng felt that they shared a connection through their hearts. He could understand their thoughts, and he could also understand his own thoughts!    


This was just like a triplet that was telepathically linked. Moreover, it was a triplet that shared the same thought and consciousness! Looking at yin and yang twin infants's rolling eyes, Yang Feng knew that he had already reached the Spirit Severing Stage!    


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The flower battle this month was very intense, brothers, you have to support the rats, don't let them go out for fun, and when they return, we will fall behind. If that happens, the brothers and the rats will lose all their hard work, hehe, I still wish the brothers a happy day, thank you for supporting the rats!    


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