Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C325 Such a show

C325 Such a show

2Yang Feng heard Chi Zheng say that he did not know what fate was, although he had strived hard for thousands of years to obtain it, but he did not know what it was. This thing called luck was an illusion and had been passed down since ancient times. However, no one would be able to understand what it was like if they were to describe it in detail, other than the few The Great Saint s.    0


Hearing Chi Zheng's words, Yang Feng could only let this matter rest. After all, the nine cauldrons had already been refined, and others could not take it away. As long as he studied it more in the future, he would one day find out what was fate.    


When Yang Feng refined the nine cauldrons, he felt that it was very short, but it had already been two months. In these past two months, other than Chi Zheng, Bai Qi, and Zhao Kuo, Guo Meimei, Dongfang Xue, and Dongfang Xue, the rest of the group were also protecting Yang Feng by his side.    


Now that Yang Feng had finally succeeded in refining the nine cauldrons, everyone finally heaved a sigh of relief. Chi Zheng looked at the three women of Guo Meimei's group and Yang Feng, who had been working hard for his own wish, and felt a little guilty. He then said to Yang Feng, "anemofeng, right now you have already refined the nine cauldrons. There's nothing in the stronghold that needs your help. Bring the beauties and the others and go out to play. As youngsters, you should also have the lives of youngsters. Don't focus all your energy on cultivation and these things. "    


Hearing Chi Zheng's words, Guo Meimei's eyebrows immediately jumped, his eyes bloomed with a look of yearning, Zhang Fei and Dongfang Xue were the same, their faces also filled with anticipation! The reason why they had always worked so hard in their cultivation was entirely for the sake of Yang Feng. For the sake of not becoming a burden to Yang Feng in the future, and even becoming Yang Feng's capable helper.    


When Yang Feng heard Chi Zheng's words, he then looked at Guo Meimei and the other two's faces that were filled with yearning, and thought that besides the last time he accompanied Guo Meimei and the other two women to see the parents, he had never really gone out to play with the three women before. So after hearing Chi Zheng's words, Yang Feng nodded and said, "Mn, Grandfather, I understand."    


When Guo Meimei saw that Yang Feng had agreed to it, she instantly cheered up and jumped up. She hugged Yang Feng's neck, kissed him on the cheek, and then said excitedly, "Brother Feng, you're great! I want to go to Europe, I want to go to Paris, I want to go to the Mediterranean, I've wanted to go for a long time! "    


Yang Feng hugged Yang Feng by the neck, and after listening to his excited words, Yang Feng's mood also gradually brightened. Yang Feng smiled and said to Guo Meimei, "Alright, wherever we go, Fei Fei, Dongfang Xue, where do you want to go?!"    


Zhang Fei and Dongfang Xue's hearts warmed up when they heard Yang Feng asking where he wanted to go. In their hearts, they were very clear about Guo Meimei's position in Yang Feng's heart, so they thought that Yang Feng would definitely go wherever he said he would go. However, Yang Feng was still thinking about them, and wanted to know where they wanted to go to play.    


Dongfang Xue said to Yang Feng, "It doesn't matter where we go to play, as long as we are together."    


After hearing what Dongfang Xue said, Zhang Fei also nodded and said to Yang Feng, "Mn, me too."    


After hearing what Dongfang Xue and her group had said, Yang Feng did not ask any further, and went back into the underground cave. Chi Zheng went back to busy matters of his, while Yang Feng and the other two girls went back to prepare to play matters of their own.    


Guo Meimei suggested that they go to Paris and the Mediterranean Sea, so Yang Feng contacted Carl. After all, most of the regions of Europe were occupied by the Blood Clan, so it would be much more convenient to have Carl make some arrangements. Carl was very excited after receiving Yang Feng's call, he promised Yang Feng everything, he would definitely arrange everything properly.    


Yang Feng was already used to Carl's enthusiasm, ever since he attacked the Blood Clan in the Church and fought against the Pope, Yang Feng had become the idol of the entire Blood Clan of Europe, and almost every Blood Clan was proud to have seen Yang Feng, but Carl had not only seen Yang Feng, he even turned Yang Feng into their Blood Clan's Holy Son's subordinate, thus his status naturally increased greatly amongst the Blood Clan, and Carl's method of communication also made Carl the target of the Blood Clan's young boys and girls, causing Carl's vanity and pride to gain a great satisfaction.    


Yang Feng, Guo Meimei and the other two had first come to Paris. Firstly, because this was the headquarters of the Blood Clan, it would be much more convenient to arrange many things here for Carl. During the two months of time that Yang Feng and the others took to refine the nine cauldrons, Zhang Fei and Dongfang Xue had finally broken through the realm of aurine stage.    


Every girl had a beautiful heart. Although Guo Meimei was naturally lively, she could not stop a beautiful heart, and the main reason she came to Paris was to shop here. It was because there were the most beautiful clothes in the world here.    


Zhang Fei and Dongfang Xue were very much in agreement with Guo Meimei's idea, so when they went shopping in Paris for the first time, not only did the two of them not have any objections, they were even very much looking forward to it.    


Yang Feng could be said to be a famous person in the world now. Although a long time had passed since the events in Mecca, the people's passion towards the unknown did not decrease at all. In the eyes of ordinary people, Yang Feng who was like a superhuman being was naturally worth paying attention to, so Yang Feng could not appear in Paris like he was before.    


After arriving at Paris, Yang Feng contacted Carl, and Carl quickly appeared in front of him. Although he had not seen Carl for a long time, but Carl's appearance had not changed at all, his strength had also increased, reaching the peak of the Grand Duke, just a step away from entering the Prince's realm.    


When Carl saw Yang Feng, even though he had some doubts about Yang Feng's appearance, he could still remember the aura on his body. Thus, other than the initial doubt, Carl quickly recovered.    


Yang Feng and the others had directly appeared in front of Carl's ancient fortress, and only then did they contact him. Yang Feng naturally knew why Carl was suspicious, hence he said to Carl, "Hehe, Carl, this is what I look like after using the Illusory Transformation, it's a type of spell from China. It's not convenient for my original appearance to appear in front of ordinary people."    


After Carl heard what was said, he suddenly realized why Yang Feng had changed his appearance, but he was interested in the Fantasy Spell that had no flaws at all. He turned to Yang Feng and said, "Holy Son, this spell is too mystical, can you teach it to me?"    


Yang Feng laughed after hearing Carl's words, then said, "It's useless even if I teach you. Hua Xia's spells are all cast with our true essence, you're a blood clan, even if you learn it, you won't be able to use it."    


Carl was a little disappointed after hearing Yang Feng's words, but he was only curious about the Chinese spell. Since he could not learn it, it was not a big deal. Carl then brought Yang Feng into the ancient fortress, and the scenery was still as beautiful as ever. Guo Meimei, Zhang Fei and Dongfang Xue were immediately attracted by the scenery here.    


Guo Meimei and the other two then left Yang Feng and went to visit the various places in the ancient fortress. Yang Feng watched as the three girls explored the ancient fortress. Their faces were all brimming with happy smiles, but they were also very happy in their heart, they quietly waited by the side for them to finish playing before following Carl into the ancient fortress.    


Reaching the ancient fortress, Yang Feng was stunned by what he saw, because in the huge living room of the fortress, it was obvious that a party was being prepared. Although there weren't many people at the party, only around a dozen young men and women, the party was extremely grand, and Yang Feng could tell that it was Carl who made it.    


Yang Feng saw that the dozen or so young men and women in the living room were all of the young blood clan. Their strength was normally between a baron and a viscount, and amongst the blood people, they were definitely of the young men and women level, including Lucy. When the British Royal Princess saw Yang Feng and the other two enter, she immediately walked towards them.    


Regarding Guo Meimei, Lucy and Dongfang Xue, Lucy recognized both of them, and although Yang Feng's appearance had changed, his aura had not changed, so Lucy knew that he was Yang Feng. He walked in front of Yang Feng and greeted him with a pious and respectful tone, "Greetings, Lord Holy Son."    


Guo Meimei and the other two knew Lucy, and during the time Lucy was in Tianjing University, they had gotten along quite well with him. They knew that Lucy only worshipped Yang Feng, the holy son of the Blood Clan, and they did not have any "presumptuous thoughts" towards him, so they were very willing to get close to him. After seeing her pay respects to him, they pulled him up and started chattering on the side.    


The remaining young men and women of the Blood Clan had never seen Yang Feng before, so when they saw Lucy bowing to them, and also felt the pure auras on Yang Feng's body that even the most elite Blood Clan could not match up to, they hurriedly went forward to pay their respects to Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng looked at the young Blood Clones crawling on the ground, then looked at Carl. He laughed bitterly, he never thought that Carl would actually make such a scene to welcome him!    


These young Strigoi were all the princes and princesses of Europe and were well-known throughout the world. But now, they were all prostrating themselves in front of him with pious expressions on their faces. This kind of display really made Yang Feng a little uncomfortable.    


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2 more request flowers and recommended votes, thank you brothers for your support!    


I have always forgotten to thank Niwei 309 brother, thank you for sending the mouse villa, thank you for the support of the mouse!    


Every brother who gives a mouse as a gift also thanks you for your support of the mouse!    


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