Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C371 Sellitto's ascension

C371 Sellitto's ascension

4Nirvana! This was the highest realm that cultivators of Buddhism pursued!     0


In the cultivation world, only the meditation of Zen was a buddhist cultivator, and in their sect, the only people who could reach the Nirvana Realm were these eighteen old monks! Of course, Nirvana didn't mean they were dead. There was only one sariras left, and nothing else!    


Don't look at how the bodies of these 18 old monks all disintegrated, all that was left was a sariras, but they did not die, their souls had all been sealed into their sariras! The sariras of those who cultivated Buddhism were the essence of their bodies. To them, their flesh was nothing more than a piece of rotten skin.    


These eighteen old monks had already testified against Luohan Guo. As long as they could reach the Great Perfection Stage, they would be able to ascend to the Western Paradise! In other words, when they ascended in the future, they would also give up their physical body, leaving only their sariras, and let the sariras ascend to the Heaven Realm!    


The reason why Cultivators of Buddhism give up their own bodies is to let their sariras fly to the Heaven Realm. This is because when they Cultivators of Buddhism fly to the Western Paradise, they first have to enter the Western Paradise! And in the Eight Treasures Technique Pool, he would reconstruct their bodies!    


The reconstructed body of the Eight Treasures virtue Pool in the Western World of bliss was naturally much stronger than the body in the mortal world. Therefore, the practitioners of Buddhism would not hesitate to give up their physical bodies when the need arose.    


Of course, this was only possible after the Buddhist cultivator had confirmed the position of the fruit. Cultivators of Buddhism had three rankings: Vajra Luohan Fruit, Bodhisattva Fruit, and Buddha Fruit! The highest realm was naturally the Buddha Fruit, but it was impossible to prove this position in the cultivation world. Even in the Heaven Realm's Western Paradise, it was almost impossible to prove Buddha Fruits. This was because from the ancient era until now, there were only a few Buddha Fruits in the Western Paradise.    


The Bodhisattva Fruit was also a very hard to prove position, but it was much easier to prove than the Buddha Fruit, so there were still some Bodhisattvas in the Western Paradise. As for the Vajra Luohan Fruit, there were many of them, if a buddha wishes to ascend to the Heaven Realm, the first thing he needed to prove was the Luohan Fruit, because only the Luohan Fruit was the easiest to prove!    


He proved that the Luohan Fruit, after being ascended to the Heavenly Realm, was reconstructed in the Eight Treasures Palace to cleanse the mortal world, and then continued to cultivate in the Elysian World to reach the realm of Buddha Fruit and Bodhisattva Fruit. This was the ultimate goal of all Buddhist cultivators!    


However, in the cultivation world, the ascension of the Nirvana is the ultimate goal of the Buddha. These eighteen old monks had already proven the position of the Arhat. As long as they could cultivate to the Great Perfection Stage, they would be able to ascend into the Nirvana Realm! However, what shocked everyone present was that these eighteen old monks actually managed to undergo nirvanic Rebirth at this time.    


Although these eighteen old monks had already proven the Arhat Realm of the Arhat, they had not cultivated this realm to the great perfection realm. Although this was true, one could still ascend through Nirvana Realm, but because of this ascension, their sariras would definitely not reach the perfection stage. Then, when they ascended to the Heaven Realm, it would be very difficult to cultivate again.    


Although he was unwilling, the reason the meditation of Zen had such a position in the cultivation world was all because of these eighteen old monks. If something were to happen to them, then the position of the meditation of Zen would no longer be safe, and in the future, they would be troubled by True Master Miao, making the situation even more difficult.    


Although it was a bit shameful to do this, it was still better than letting those old monks make a mistake. Even if he admitted defeat, it did not stop Tzu Yi Jing Zhai from continuing to fight, it could be said that this was a unilateral matter of the meditation of Zen, and it had nothing to do with the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai, they admitting defeat, and they did not represent the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai in admitting defeat.    


What was unexpected was that before he could admit his defeat, these eighteen old monks had all gone through nirvanic rebirth! This angered the monk greatly, because regardless of whether or not he could win the final victory, meditation of Zen did not have the power to rely on!    


That way, once meditation of Zen obtains a middle grade immortal stone lode, he will be able to leave Tzu Yi Jing Zhai. At that time, not only will he no longer be troubled by True Master Miao, he can even cultivate many experts for meditation of Zen in a short period of time.    


The eighteen old monks, Nirvana, gave up on their physical bodies, fusing their soul and the essence of their entire body into the sariras. Then, they saw the milky white sariras suddenly rise into the air, rushing straight into the 18 dharmas of the Vajra Arhat in the sky, before fusing into the dharmas of the Vajra Arhat.    


When the eighteen sariras merged with the eighteen golden arhats' appearance, the eighteen golden arhats' appearance immediately radiated a golden light, illuminating the entire surrounding thousand miles of the star compass with a golden light! Within the golden light, the eighteen Arhats' Dharma Idol glared at them furiously. At this moment, their appearance looked even more like the real Arhat.    


And this time, the eighteen golden Arhats seemed to have learnt their lesson and were no longer waiting for others to attack. They would retaliate, but when the golden light around their bodies dimmed down, they all started to attack Constellation Knight!    


After fusing with the sariras, the power of the Vajra Arhat's Dharma Idol had increased, and its entire body was emitting extremely pure Buddhism energy! However, although their power had risen by a lot, it was only on par with the power of the things that the Constellation Knight s had condensed above their heads.    


However, at this time, only the Aries, Goat, Pisces, Scorpions, Cancer, Taurus and Leo were going to fight the eight Constellation Knight s, while the King Kong Arhat had eighteen of them. As for the two versus one, there were still plenty left, so in the battle that followed, the Constellation Knight was slowly pushed back by the eighteen Vajra Arhats.    


The fight on the stage was very intense, and the Golden Arhat Dharma Idol had gained the upper hand, but the Chinese Cultivator outside the energy barrier did not let out any cheers. They had already lost all their passion from the sudden rise and fall, and looking at the battle, even though they still hoped that the Golden Arhat Dharma Idol would win, no one cheered because they were worried that something unexpected would happen again!    


However, the more worried he was, the faster things like this would happen! Just when Vajra's Dharma Idol once again gained the upper hand in a 2v1 fight, the Sagittarius Knight who had been standing at the back finally took action!    


The Sagittarius Knight controlled the golden armor that was condensed from the power of the stars, and the archer with the golden bow on his back took a step forward, taking out the golden longbow on his back. He then grasped the bow in one hand and nocked the bowstring in the other.    


With a swoosh, the instant the archer let go of his hand, the holy energy condensed into arrow shot out, heading straight for the Arhat Dharma Idol. The Saint Arrows were extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they had already pierced the chest of the Arhat!    


The white holy energy arrow pierced right into the heart of the Arhat, who lowered his head to look at his heart, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face. Although their bodies were formed from magic, it was after all the magic of the old monks.    


However, such a holy arrow was able to easily break through the body of the Dharma Idol and pierce into his heart. This caused the Arhat to find it hard to believe, but soon after, the expression of disbelief turned into one of fear and unwillingness!    


After the Arhat's Dharma Idol was shot through, it began to shatter bit by bit. In an instant, the entire Dharma Idol turned into a ball of golden light. Within the golden light, a milky white sariras was present. The surrounding golden light was quickly absorbed by the sariras, and then the sariras broke through the Star Compass's energy barrier and disappeared.    


Seeing this scene, the monk's heart trembled, a chill rose up his spine. Looking at the rising sariras, the monk was already regretting why he had sent someone to fight for the Immortal Stone lode, now that it was all over, not only could he not obtain the Immortal Stone lode, the meditation of Zen had lost the power to rely on him!    


Even if he were to admit defeat now, it would be useless. Even if he were to do so, he could only helplessly watch as the sariras ascended!    


The Sagittarius Knight continued to control the huge archer on top of his head, shooting out arrow after arrow of Saint Force! As the arhat like sariras soared, the other Arhat Dharma Idols had already started to pay attention to the Saint Arrows of the Sagittarius. However, no matter how careful they were, they still couldn't avoid the Saint Arrows!    


Because the Sagittarius Knight's Saint Arrows were just too fast, the Arhat Dharma Protectors were unable to dodge them in time. In the end, they could only turn golden one by one, before being absorbed by their sariras.    


When the last sariras ascended, the entire place was still deathly silent. Even though the result wasn't as tragic as that of the Mount Shu Sword Sect and only resulted in eighteen monks ascending, this result was still hard to accept.    


Seeing the rising sariras, the hearts of the Chinese Cultivator s had gradually become numb. Seeing that they had failed yet again, their hearts no longer had any emotions. The only thing they wanted was for someone to come out and beat these Constellation Knight s!    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


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