Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C185 Destroy your spirit vein

C185 Destroy your spirit vein

2Although Siyi felt that it was strange looking at the expression on Guo Meimei's face, she did not give it much thought, she only thought that Guo Meimei was sad to be separated from him, this was human nature, as long as she slowly taught Guo Meimei a lesson in the future, there would be a day when Guo Meimei would forget about Yang Feng, and only remember her as her master!     2


However, Siyi didn't want Guo Meimei to look like she was destroying her own golden pellet, because she knew how dangerous it was to destroy the golden pellet that she had painstakingly cultivated for so long, and it was basically the result of her body exploding. This kind of scene was naturally not something that Guo Meimei could see, so she instructed a disciple to send Guo Meimei to the back of the mountain, where she would cultivate in seclusion by herself!    


Guo Meimei did not resist, she had only glanced at Yang Feng before she left, and that glance contained too many emotions. However, only Guo Meimei and Yang Feng knew the truth, in the eyes of others, Guo Meimei's gaze on Yang Feng was extremely cold, just like the expression on Guo Meimei's face, there was no other expression!    


When Guo Meimei's figure disappeared, Siyi looked at Yang Feng proudly, waiting for him to destroy his own golden pellet. Yang Feng watched as Guo Meimei's figure disappeared before turning his head around to look at Siyi's smug smile. He also gave a disdainful smile, and without saying anything more, he walked to the center of the arena, preparing to destroy the golden pellet he cultivated in.    


They did not want to be innocently affected by the power of that explosion. The people from Demonic Sect and the others looked at Yang Feng who was standing in the middle of the arena and wanted to step forward to try and persuade Yang Feng, but in the end, they did not move forward. Although he did not know how much power the Cultivator's golden pellet had lost, he believed that Yang Feng had already cultivated to the first transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. No matter how powerful his golden pellet was, it would not cause much harm to his body, and the worst case scenario would be that he would be heavily injured without losing his life!    


Yang Feng looked at those people from the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai who were retreating, smiled for a moment, then stopped his advance. He extended his right hand, made a gesture of a nine yin white claw, then focused all of his energy into his right hand, and without any hesitation, he grabbed towards his own Dantian and Violet Palace.    


The force from his five fingers passed through Yang Feng's lower abdomen and directly struck the Jindan in his Dantian's Zifu. The Jindan, which was already the size of a fist, shook under the impact of the force, then started to crack on the surface of the Jindan! Yang Feng's golden pellet was a Nine Transformations Golden Pellet, and its speed of circulation was many times faster than an average Cultivator. Under such a situation, a slight crack was enough to collapse the golden pellet!    


Yang Feng's Nine Revolving Golden Pellet was formed from four flows of True Qi. The moment the Nine Revolving Golden Pellet crumbled, the four strands of True Qi from the Nine Revolving Golden Pellet all broke apart, and the Golden Pellet started to disintegrate like a star exploding! Silver white Nine Yin Meridians true qi, golden Nine Suns Divine Art true qi, colorless Greater Teleportation of the Universe true qi, blood-red colored true qi, four waves of true qi rushed out of the golden pellet like monstrous waves, straight towards Yang Feng's dantian and meridians!    


Yang Feng's Dantian region was like a destroyed building, under the burst of powerful energy, it suddenly collapsed. The four waves of Innate Qi were scattered all over Yang Feng's Dantian, and then started to flow towards Yang Feng's meridians. Wherever the four waves of Innate Qi passed, Yang Feng's meridians would instantly shatter because they could not handle the powerful energy!    


Because the Nine Yin Meridians true qi was originally circulating through the meridians in Yang Feng's body, and the Nine Suns Divine Art true qi was circulating through the meridians in the right half of his body, but because all the meridians in Yang Feng's body had started to fracture, the two streams of true qi were no longer occupying half of the meridians in Yang Feng's body like they were before. Instead, they started to flow through the meridians in Yang Feng's body like the Greater Teleportation of the Universe true qi.    


After that, the four streams of Innate Qi began to spread outside of Yang Feng's body, continuously attacking his body and his internal organs. Yang Feng felt that his body was like a balloon that was being blown away quickly, his internal organs had moved, and the immense pain caused Yang Feng to gradually lose consciousness!    


The hearts of everyone around Yang Feng quivered when they saw Yang Feng poke his fingers into the purple mansion in his dantian. Then, they hurriedly spread the true essence within their bodies to form a protective shield, so that Yang Feng wouldn't be able to experience the impact on them when they exploded.    


However, they did not see the scene of Yang Feng's body exploding. Although Yang Feng's body was blown full like a balloon, what was unbelievable was that even at such a level, Yang Feng's body still did not explode. And just when everyone thought it was inconceivable, a dragon roar suddenly came out, one after another, and reached everyone's ears.    


Then, everyone saw a scene that they would never forget. Nine purple divine dragons suddenly appeared within Yang Feng's body, each purple colored divine dragon was approximately one metre long, and as they circled around Yang Feng's body, they flew around him and then spat out mouthful after mouthful of purple energy onto Yang Feng's body. As for the purple energy, it was quickly absorbed by Yang Feng, and everyone saw that Yang Feng's body slowly decreased in size until it returned to its normal size!    


A divine dragon protecting the body, and it was even nine divine dragons protecting the body! This was simply too unbelievable! Everyone who saw this scene were stunned, especially Siyi, Xuanzhen, Wu Chenzi and the others who had interacted with zingiberis radix before. It was not as if they had never seen the protection of the divine dragon before, but they had only seen three divine dragons protecting one's body, and those divine dragons were all only one foot long. They were completely unable to compare to the meter long divine dragons that appeared in Yang Feng's body!    


When Siyi saw that Yang Feng's life was protected by the nine divine dragons, a trace of unwillingness flashed past her eyes. Originally, when she saw that Yang Feng's body had already expanded to such an extent, her heart had already started to become excited, but she did not expect that the protection of the divine dragon would actually occur.    


And what made the Siyi, and even Xuanzi and Wu Chenzi the most enraged, was that Yang Feng actually had nine Divine Dragons protecting his body, and had even grown to that extent, while the number and growth of Divine Dragons represented the extent of Yang Feng's luck. Seeing such a purple Divine Dragon, they knew in their hearts that Yang Feng's luck was unimaginable. However, now that he had created such a huge enmity between them, he was afraid that he would be in even more trouble in the future.    


At this time, Siyi, Xuan Zhen Zi and Wu Chenzi all wanted to kill Yang Feng right now, so as to not cause huge trouble in the future. However, when they saw Chi Zheng staring at them with flashing eyes, they didn't dare to take any action!    


Chi Zheng watched Yang Feng, who was protected by nine dragons nervously. He was currently extremely excited, he had seen situations where the Divine Dragon's defense appeared in the zingiberis radix before, but he had never seen a Human Emperor possessing nine Divine Dragons.    


Chi Zheng knew what that divine dragon represented! With nine of these purple divine dragons, Chi Zheng already could not imagine what kind of luck his own grandson would have! Looking at Yang Feng, Chi Zheng's eyes were filled with hope, so he would definitely not allow anyone to hurt Yang Feng!    


The people from the Demonic Sect and the Phantom of Fengdu all had the same thoughts. Seeing the scene of Yang Feng protecting the Divine Dragon's body, they all knew what it represented.    


But at this moment, Yang Feng's body had undergone a tremendous change. Yang Feng's Dantian and Mind Palace had already collapsed, and all of his meridians had been broken. The four waves of True Qi that were initially spreading outwards from Yang Feng's body were once again forced back into his body by the True Dragon Purple Qi! However, because of the disappearance of his Mind Palace and Meridians, Yang Feng's body could not contain this huge amount of Innate Qi!    


It could be said that besides the fact that he was wrapped in a piece of skin on the outside, all of the bones and flesh of Yang Feng's body had been broken down once again! This time, what was broken down were Yang Feng's Dantian, his meridians, and Yang Feng's five viscera and six organs. It could be said that other than the fact that he was wearing a piece of skin on the outside, everything else inside his body had been broken down! And all the great amount of Zhen Qi inside Yang Feng's body had already been used by the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to reform Yang Feng's body!    


However, there was one thing in Yang Feng's body that had not been broken down, and that was Yang Feng's strange heart. When the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique started to circulate, his eerie heart began to fiercely beat twice, and these two beats seemed to have come from beside everyone's ears, causing them to inexplicably hear those two heartbeats!    


However, right after the two heartbeats, Yang Feng who had fainted, suddenly opened his eyes. However, those eyes were red! The Asura Demon Eyes appeared again, and this time, after Yang Feng lost consciousness!    


Then, everyone saw Yang Feng's body slowly float up to the sky, and when he was floating, they saw a broken sword appearing in his right hand, followed by a strange smile appearing on Yang Feng's face. Following that, the broken sword in Yang Feng's hand started glowing, and the red, orange and yellow gems on the sword hilt started shining, and then the red, orange and yellow gems on the sword hilt started to shine!    


After that, Yang Feng pointed the broken sword in his hand downwards, towards the direction of the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai's spirit vein, and then released a ray of sword light. It was a scarlet and orange yellow sword light that shot straight into the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai's spirit vein, and it was unknown how long the sword light went downwards, but everyone felt that the entire mountain range had trembled for a very long period of time before it stopped!    


What happened next made everyone even more dumbstruck, because they saw the sword beam Yang Feng shot out was actually absorbing the spirit energy from the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai's spirit vein! The cluster after cluster of milky-white spirit energy was continuously absorbed by the sword beams produced by Yang Feng's broken sword and transferred into Yang Feng's body!    


What was Yang Feng trying to do? Could it be that it wanted to destroy the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai's spirit vein?! The people of Demonic Sect and the other Phantom of Fengdu were all thinking this! However, only Chi Zheng understood what Yang Feng was doing. He knew that Yang Feng was definitely channeling the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique right now, and every single transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique required an extremely large amount of spirit energy!    


Everything happened too quickly, causing the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai to be unable to react. However, the moment she reacted, she immediately became furious, the spirit vein was the foundation of the Tzu Yi Jing Zhai, how could it be destroyed by Yang Feng like this! She took out his Merit Green Willow and was about to attack Yang Feng, but a black whip appeared in front of her, blocking her attack!    


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The eighth update finished today. Thank you brothers for your support. Those with fresh flowers in their hands all came smashing over. Thank you!    


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