Nine Yin And Nine Yang

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C122 Top

4When Yang Feng returned home, it was already almost midnight, but Guo Meimei and the other girls were still waiting for him. When they saw that Yang Feng had returned safely, they finally calmed down.    


"Brother Feng, why have you been gone for so long?! Just who is following us?! " Guo Meimei asked Yang Feng.    


"Hehe, it's nothing. It's just a few little thieves, there's nothing to talk about. Alright, it's already so late, go back to sleep. Tomorrow you have to go to class. You can't always skip classes like this." Yang Feng did not want to talk about these things with Guo Meimei, so he changed the topic.    


Yang Feng, I will go back and send some of the Black Ice Guard over to secretly protect you. Although your martial arts are very high, it is still good to have them secretly take care of you. Besides, there are some things that they can take care of for you, so you don't have to do anything. Dongfang Xue said to Yang Feng.    


Hearing that Dongfang Xue's words made sense, Yang Feng nodded and agreed, then said, "You decide. I don't care, the main thing is that they are beautiful, so send more people to protect them."    


Dongfang Xue nodded after hearing what Yang Feng said, she knew that Yang Feng's strength did not need the protection of others, but someone like Guo Meimei would definitely need to be protected secretly. After saying a few more words, Dongfang Xue stood up and left, Zhang Fei and Lucy followed behind.    


Seeing that the others had left, Yang Feng said to Guo Meimei, "Meimei, you should rest as well. I still need to go to school tomorrow. With that said, he turned around and returned to his room, while Guo Meimei went back to his room to rest.    


After Yang Feng returned to his room, he did not rest at all. Instead, he went straight to the balcony to cultivate. With his current realm, he did not need to rest at all. Yang Feng walked to the balcony and first looked at Xiaoqing. Ever since she gave birth to her blood wings, she had been cultivating on the balcony the entire time, and did not follow beside Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng saw that Xiao Qing was still cultivating, a pair of blood red wings extended from her back, continuously absorbing the energy of the moon and the stars. Following Xiao Qing's cultivation, Yang Feng saw that the scales on Xiao Qing's body had changed from being green to completely silver white! With her silvery-white scales coupled with her blood wings, Xiaoqing's appearance was truly attractive!    


After Yang Feng saw that Xiao Qing's cultivation had gone smoothly, he began to use his blood wings to absorb the energy from the moon. Normally, if Yang Feng did not circulate the Muscle Meridian Bone Forging Scroll when he was absorbing the energy, these months that he absorbed would automatically be absorbed by the bones in Yang Feng's entire body. Afterwards, the strength of his body would increase bit by bit, but if Yang Feng were to circulate the Muscle Meridian Bone Forging Scroll, then these months would be converted into energy to expand Yang Feng's meridians and his dantian.    


What Yang Feng needed the most right now was to expand his Dantian and meridians, so he used the month he absorbed it to expand his Dantian and meridians. The extremely cool month would slowly flow into Yang Feng's Dantian and meridians, and slowly build up the foundation of Yang Feng's Dantian and Violet Palace.    


When the moon was about to set, Yang Feng stopped absorbing the energy of the moon and jumped off the balcony to the mountain behind to train his body. Of course, during this time, he was still continuously circulating the Muscle Meridian Rebirth Scroll, and last time at the Tian An Gate, Yang Feng had actually unknowingly adjusted his gravity to seventy times that of normal person, and was even able to run at a speed so fast that no one could not see him. However, after returning to normal, he was unable to reach that level again.    


After training for two hours, he came back just in time to be back at seven in the morning. Yang Feng went back to his room to shower and change before leaving the room.    


When he arrived outside the villa, Yang Feng found that Lucy was already waiting outside. He didn't know when she came, but she had actually knocked on the door and went in.    


"Lucy, when did you come?! "Why didn't you knock on the door and go in? Why are you standing outside?!" Yang Feng asked Lucy.    


"Lucy wanted to make breakfast for His Excellency. However, when he arrived here, he was afraid that Sir Sheng Zi might not have woken up yet, so he didn't disturb your rest. Thus, he could only wait here." Lucy said to Yang Feng in a low voice.    


Lucy, don't be like this, breakfast is made with beauty, you are not my servant, so you don't need to be like this. If I need your help, I will naturally tell you. Yang Feng said to Lucy.    


"Mm, I understand, Lord Holy Son." Lucy said to Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng also knew that this level of concept wasn't something that could be corrected in an instant, so he didn't hope to change Lucy in an instant. Instead, they didn't force him and walked towards the school together.    


When Yang Feng appeared in his class again, it unexpectedly caused a small commotion. Many of the students in his class looked at Yang Feng with extremely envious and jealous eyes, which made Yang Feng very curious. Didn't the peeping fanatic erase their memories of what happened that day during the military training?    


Yang Feng did not care about the meaning behind those envious and jealous gazes. He walked to the last seat and sat down near the window, the moment he sat down, Wang Ming and Gu Tian both came over and sat down. The two of them looked at Yang Feng with strange expressions, but that look in their eyes made Yang Feng feel a little uncomfortable.    


"What's with your eyes?!" "If you have something to say, just say it." Yang Feng said to Wang Ming and Gu Tian.    


"Hehe, Brother Feng, let me tell you a piece of good news. You're on the list!" Wang Ming said to Yang Feng.    


"Entering the list?!" What list?! " Yang Feng did not understand what Wang Ming was saying. He did not know what kind of name list he would be on.    


"Hehe, Brother Feng, you are on the top of the 'Heaven and Earth' list of famous people. Although you are only in last place, you are still considered a famous person!" Wang Ming said to Yang Feng with a smile.    


"The list of famous people?!" Tell me, what is it all about?! " Yang Feng asked Wang Ming.    


When Wang Ming heard him ask about this, he immediately started talking like he was presenting a treasure, "Brother Feng, there are a total of five on this list, the one ranked first is the senior Yang Wen, I don't need to talk about him, you know him better. The second is the Guo Xiaotian in his fourth year, the first young master of the Guo Family, and the third is the Liu Shengyuan who was beaten into a pig head by me. The fourth is actually two people, one is called Song Gang and the other is Li Yi, these two seem to have come to school on the third day of military training. "Finally, it will be you, Brother Feng, but I heard that you were chosen as a famous person because you had connections with the three girls on the Heavenly Beauty List at the same time!"    


Yang Feng didn't really care about the Wind Cloud List, he only thought that it was something completely senseless. However, and Li Yi had caught Yang Feng's attention, where did the two of them come from?! (TL: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUA))) Which sect's disciple is he from, or is he a descendant of a noble family?!    


There were only a few in the ancient martial arts families in China, and no one had heard of the Song Family or the Li Family. For them to be able to easily defeat a few sky group instructors that were at least level 1 postcelestial, it showed that they were very strong. However, it was impossible for them to be disciples of any sect, because most of the members of the Heaven Teams came from various factions. If these two came from the ancient martial arts sects, they would not be able to do something like defeating the instructors and making the ancient martial arts sects lose face.    


Yang Feng was trying to guess the origins of Song Gang and Li Yi when Wang Ming suddenly spoke up from the side, "Brother Feng, let me tell you, our school's list of beauties is really filled with beauties. This has something to do with you, the Guo Meimei who allowed you to be ranked on the Wind Cloud List, not to mention Dongfang Xue and Zhang Fei, it's said that a few girls even enrolled into the school during the military training.    


"That's enough. If you want to see a beauty, then go and look for yourself. Don't talk to me anymore." Yesterday, I asked you to teach Gu Tian the true meaning of your mental cultivation method, did you?! " Yang Feng interrupted Wang Ming and said.    


"Relax, Brother Feng, will I forget about what you told me?!" I've already passed everything to him yesterday and I've already told him how to cultivate! " Wang Ming said to Yang Feng.    


Yang Feng looked towards Gu Tian, who was seated at the side. Seeing Yang Feng's gaze, Gu Tian nodded, then said to Yang Feng, "Mn, Brother Feng, Wang Ming has already begun to teach me."    


"En, that's good. Your physique is indeed a bit weak, so remember to work hard and build up your foundation first. Don't rush to practice martial arts. Once your foundation is complete, it won't be too late to practice it!" Yang Feng said to Gu Tian.    


"Thank you, Brother Feng, I know what to do." Originally, Gu Tian thought that he wouldn't have any hope of cultivating the Ancient Martial Arts in his entire life, but now that he had met Yang Feng, Yang Feng gave him hope, so from the bottom of his heart, Gu Tian was extremely grateful to Yang Feng.    


When Yang Feng saw Gu Tian's grateful expression, he only smiled slightly, and did not say anything. At this time, the class had already begun, and Yang Feng did not really care about the things that were taught in the class anymore. After all, he did not come here for the two books that belonged to Tianjing University, so he simply closed his eyes and rested.    


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Thank you, my brothers, for the mouse gift. Thank you!    


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