Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C131 Broken Sword Reappearance

C131 Broken Sword Reappearance

1In the past, when Yang Feng used the nine yin white claw, it released waves of Yin wind, causing people's hair to stand on end. But this time, after his cultivation increased by so much, it was a completely different scene when he used the nine yin white claw again!    


The moment Yang Feng unleashed his nine yin white claw, he heard the sound of mournful ghost roars coming from thin air, and then, a cold wind blew in all directions, causing the ground to fly with sand and rocks. The entire sky darkened, and the ghost aura reverberated in the surroundings, as though they were in the Underworld!    


What surprised them was not the power behind Yang Feng's martial arts, but rather, what kind of martial arts did Yang Feng use?! How could he emit such a strong ghost roar and ghost aura, could it be that Yang Feng was the descendant of the Phantom of Fengdu?! How was this possible! How could the True Dragon Purple Qi recognize a Ghost Realm disciple as its master?    


Furthermore, if it really was like this, Song Gang and Jing Yao could not stand aside and watch, because since ancient times, Kunlun Faction, Mount Shu Sword Sect and the others had all been righteous leaders of the cultivation world and had always been irreconcilable with the evil Demonic Sect of the cultivation world. If Yang Feng was really a disciple of the Phantom of Fengdu, then even if he was a zingiberis radix, they had to join hands and get rid of him.    


However, Song Gang and Jing Yao did not attack at this time, they were still observing, because they were not sure if Yang Feng was really Phantom of Fengdu's disciple or not. They still had to wait, and only when Yang Feng and Li Yi had fought to the point where both of them were severely injured, would they stop them, and then, they would know whether or not Yang Feng was Phantom of Fengdu's disciple!    


Yang Feng used the nine yin white claw in his hands, and used the Spiral Nine Shadow footwork, causing ghost roars to resound all over the ground, and then started to attack Li Yi with sharp claws. The combination of the spiral nine images and the nine yin white claw could increase each other's power by more than ten times. This was something that Yang Feng had only figured out a while ago, and now that he had used it, his power immediately increased by a lot!    


Although he himself did not sustain any injuries, the clothes on his body had already been ripped into pieces, which caused Li Yi to be embarrassed. He did not expect that his cultivation level in the aurine stage would actually be broken through the defensive qi barrier by Yang Feng, and even injure his own clothes. This was something that he could not forgive!    


Li Yi let out a cold snort, and with a flash of brilliance, a gown appeared on his body. After the gown appeared on Li Yi's body, Yang Feng's nine yin white claw immediately lost its effect, and the claw images that attacked Li Yi's body had no effect at all, and were all blocked by the robe. It was evident that the gown that suddenly appeared had the effect of defending against Yang Feng's attacks!    


This robe that suddenly appeared on Li Yi's body was bestowed to him by his master, it could counteract above 80% of the opponent's attack, it was a very rare defensive treasure, normally, Li Yi would not be willing to use it, but this time, he was forced to reveal it, this made Li Yi extremely angry, he did not understand how his own aurine stage realm could be destroyed by someone at the Essence Transformation Realm, and he even had to use the Body Protection Immortal Cloak!    


However, Li Yi did not understand, even Song Gang and Jing Yao who were at the side did not understand. In their hearts, they were thinking of letting Yang Feng and Li Yi fight to the death with each other, but in their hearts, they thought that the chances of Yang Feng being injured so easily would be higher, after all, the difference between the aurine stage and the Origin Transformation Stage was not as simple as just the difference in their realms. To break through from the Essence Transformation Stage to the aurine stage, the difference in strength was just too great, so when they saw this situation, they were extremely shocked and could not understand!    


The difference between the aurine stage and the Essence Transformation Stage was like heaven and earth, but Li Yi and the rest did not know that there were four streams of liquid true essence that had already revealed their crystals inside Yang Feng's body. It could be said that Yang Feng's strength could actually be considered to be at least at the Essence Transformation Stage.    


Yang Feng continued to attack Li Yi, but when he saw that the power of the nine yin white claw he had used was no longer enough to break through Li Yi's defenses, Yang Feng gave up on attacking with the nine yin white claw and switched to the Five Poison Palm that he had not used in a long time. This set of palm techniques was something that he had obtained from the Scarlet Refined Fairy, Li Moli, all those years ago.    


Initially, Yang Feng wanted to use it when he was dealing with the Yang family, but now he wanted to use it on Li Yi. After halting the nine yin white claw, the entire flat ground became foggy, and the ghost aura and howls disappeared. However, at this time, Yang Feng's hands turned blood-red, and appeared in front of Li Yi in a flash to attack him.    


Using the Five Poison Palm naturally released the poison gas, instantly causing the ground to be filled with the blood red smoke. All the surrounding flowers and trees started to wither and rot the moment the smoke touched the ground, eventually turning into a puddle of pus. It was clear how strong Yang Feng's Five Poison Palm was.    


Seeing Yang Feng display such skills, Li Yi's and Jing Yao's expression changed. This was definitely an evil way of cultivation technique, looks like Yang Feng is an evil way without a doubt, I never thought that the True Dragon Purple Qi would recognize an evil way person! It seemed that he couldn't keep the zingiberis radix this time, he had to get rid of them as soon as possible. Moreover, if he got rid of this kind of zingiberis radix, not only would he not let his sect's destiny suffer, he would even have merits in his possession.    


However, Song Gang and Jing Yao were not in a hurry to make their move. They saw that Yang Feng was actually so powerful, so they naturally wanted him and Li Yi to fight until they were both injured.    


Although Yang Feng was forced to retreat by the Five Poison Palm, he was still unable to inflict any substantial damage to Li Yi. The reason why Li Yi was flustered and flustered was because they, Mount Shu, were the best offensive martial skills in the cultivation world, but they were not proficient in close combat., on the other hand, was chasing after Li Yi to attack him, preventing him from unleashing his full strength.    


Fighting in the cultivation world was a competition of flying swords or magic techniques, and all of them were fought from a distance away. There was no one like Yang Feng who would attack from a close distance, everyone in the cultivation world thought that close combat was a lowly thing in the mortal world, it couldn't even compare to the cultivation techniques of the cultivation world!    


However, this caused Li Yi to feel extremely humiliated. He was the Cultivator of the aurine stage, and could be considered an expert in the entire cultivation world, but he did not expect that he would be chased and beaten by a mere Essence Transformation Stage cultivator. If this were to spread to the cultivation world, he would not have any way to survive in the cultivation world!    


The gradually growing more and more furious Li Yi, suddenly raised his entire strength and struck out a palm towards Yang Feng. Although it was a palm without any pattern, under the power of the aurine stage, he still forcefully forced Yang Feng to retreat, and immediately after, a flash of azure light appeared in Li Yi's hand, and a dazzling small blade with a blue shimmer appeared in his palm. He immediately brandished the pocket-sized small sword, and it became a three foot long blade, holding onto Li Yi's hand and continuously releasing sword beams!    


Yang Feng had no choice but to dodge, as the spiral nine shadows were activated, and his figure dodged it in a flash. However, Li Yi's palm strike landed on a small mountain not far away, and with a boom, the entire earth started to shake, while only half of the mountain peak that had been struck by Li Yi's palm remained! The mountain peak was left without Yang Feng's control, and the mountain peak that had been smashed by Li Yi's palm was left with only half of its original size!    


Seeing the power of that palm strike, Yang Feng was also secretly shocked, and thought about what would happen if he got hit. It seemed like there was still a gap between Li Yi and himself, but Yang Feng did not retreat.    


But what happened next stunned Yang Feng, because he did not know when, but he saw a sword in Li Yi's hand, but it did not surprise him, even if he did not have a weapon, he would not be much weaker than Li Yi. What shocked Yang Feng was that Li Yi actually threw the sword out, and towards him!    


Even here, Yang Feng would not find it strange. Although the sword that Li Yi threw at him was extremely fast, Yang Feng could still dodge it, but what shocked Yang Feng was that he saw that Li Yi only had his index and middle fingers of his right hand together, the other three fingers were bent, and then, the index and middle fingers were hooked back, the sword that Li Yi threw out, and was dodged by was actually flying back at an extremely fast speed, and was still thrusting towards Yang Feng!    


He had never thought that a sword could fly and attack people so fast, with such a agile speed, and with such a great change in power,. Although Yang Feng could dodge the attacks of the flying sword, every time the sword shot out a ray and struck the ground, or even the surrounding trees, it would either blast a bottomless hole in the ground or shatter a large tree!    


Yang Feng was forced to constantly dodge, and was simply unable to enter Li Yi's body. He could only rely on his extreme speed and the Spiral Nine-Shadow Movement Technique to dodge that flying sword which was only slightly slower than him. Whether it was on the ground or in the air, Yang Feng's figure was everywhere, and there were also the images of Li Yi's flying swords.    


Yang Feng was currently feeling depressed. To actually be chased and beaten like this, he did not know what was going on with the sword to actually be able to fly and attack people. If only he had a sword like this, Yang Feng would think like this in his heart!    


Just as the thought appeared in Yang Feng's mind, a burning sensation appeared on his right arm, he lowered his head to look, only to realize that the broken sword on his right arm was glowing with a rainbow light, and following that, a broken sword appeared in his hand!    


The broken sword's appearance did not change at all. The entire blade was only a foot long, and the tip was broken, moreover it was extremely neat, as if it had been cut off by another sword. On the hilt and body of the sword, there were seven different inlaid gems of red, orange, yellow, green, green, green, blue, and purple.    


Yang Feng looked at the broken sword that suddenly appeared in his hand, and was stunned, he did not understand why the broken sword that was attached to his arm would suddenly appear as the sword he was thinking about?    


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2 more request flowers, the brother that has flowers, please continue to support the mouse, the brother that does not have flowers, please smash the ticket, thank you!    


Thanks to the Youing brothers for their gifts, as well as the other brothers who gave the mouse gifts, for your support of the mouse.    


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