Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C148 golden silkworm soul phagocytosis

C148 golden silkworm soul phagocytosis

2After Yang Feng appeared on the ground, he started to wave the Demonic Knife in his hands, and started to break through the encirclement. Although Yang Feng did not have any sword techniques in his head, he had trained in the sword techniques for a period of time, and although there were many differences between sword techniques, there was no other way, thus he used the sword technique that he had learnt before to use the Demonic Knife.     3


Actually, there was a big difference between sword techniques and blade techniques, but because the shape of the katana and the long sword in Hua Xia's swords were not too different, the katana had an arc and a single blade, while the long sword in Hua Xia had two blades but no arc, so when Yang Feng used the Demonic Knife to release the sword technique, although it was a little awkward, its power was still not bad.    


The Demonic Knife was extremely sharp, so sharp that even Yang Feng was shocked. The skeleton riders in front of Yang Feng were all wearing heavy armors and helmets, but the Demonic Knife in his hands was very easy to break through, it did not take him much effort to break those heavy armors apart. The thick helmet was cut open like paper by the Demonic Knife, and then the soul flame inside the skeleton rider's head was absorbed into the Demonic Knife.    


Yang Feng held onto the Demonic Knife in his hands, and went back and forth freely amongst the Skeleton Cavalry soldiers, leaving behind the corpses of Skeleton Cavalry soldiers at every place he passed by. These Skeleton Cavalry soldiers' Soul fires were much stronger than those of the Skeleton Infantry soldiers outside, and after the Demonic Knife in his hands absorbed the soul fires, the red light on its blade became even more clear, and he did not even need to inject his Innate Qi into it to automatically release the blade light!    


Seeing the change in the Demonic Knife in his hands, Yang Feng immediately became even happier in his heart. However, although Yang Feng was extremely fast, as fast as the wind, and no one could stop him, along with the chaos on Yang Feng's side, more and more Skeleton Soldiers and even the Skeleton Infantry soldiers rushed over. They immediately surrounded the battle arena that Yang Feng and the others were in until not even a drop of water could trickle through!    


Yang Feng was now surrounded. After killing a group of Skeleton Soldiers, more Skeleton Soldiers would rush up to him and Yang Feng would sometimes have to face more than ten cavalry lances at the same time. The situation was getting more and more dangerous. Right at this moment, a white light suddenly flew out from Yang Feng's embrace, followed by the appearance of a colossal object.    


Xiao Qing's body was now one hundred and fifty meters long, and her diameter was three to four meters thick. As soon as she appeared on the ground, she crushed a large portion of the Skeleton Cavalry soldiers, and with a sweep of her huge snake tail, she sent another large portion of Skeleton Cavalry tumbling away, causing Yang Feng's side to become much more spacious!    


Seeing Xiao Qing being so brave and ferocious, Yang Feng immediately rushed forward. At this time, Yang Feng was no longer using any martial arts techniques, the Demonic Knife in his hand was using the basic movements of hacking, slashing, piercing, cutting, etc., but although it was the most basic movements, but the power was much greater than when Yang Feng was using his sword skills just now.    


As he killed, he slowly comprehended something. The corpses of the soldiers beside him became more and more, and the soul fires of the skeleton soldiers that were slashed by the Demonic Knife were absorbed by the Demonic Knife, causing the Demonic Knife to become more and more powerful. Yang Feng also gradually immersed in the pleasure of killing, and in the end, every blade that Yang Feng slashed out was able to kill several skeleton riders!    


Compared to Yang Feng, Xiao Qing was more efficient! Every time Little Blue swept its huge tail, it would sweep across a large area of Skeleton Soldiers. Those Skeleton Soldiers that were hit by its tail would be crushed to pieces, and their Soul Fires would scatter in the air. Sometimes, Little Qing would even spew out cold air, directly freezing the skeleton soldiers into ice cubes. This way, she would directly extinguish the soul fire of the skeleton soldier.    


However, in most cases, Xiaoqing would only use her massive tail to sweep around. But if that was the case, then the skeleton soldier in front of her would be able to take advantage of her and attack her. Only at this time did Xiaoqing spit out a mouthful of cold air, which was used to deal with the skeleton soldier in front of her. But these cold energies were all condensed from the energy within Xiaoqing's body. Every bit of it she used would be reduced. Thus, Xiaoqing rarely used this energy, and tried to use her own body to battle.    


As Little Green's cultivation increased, her body became even stronger. Not only did her strength increase greatly, her defense also increased greatly, the scales on her body truly reached the state of invulnerability. The bone soldiers that stabbed at her spear simply could not break through Little Green's defense, it could not cause him any damage!    


Balls of jumping soul flames floated in the air, and the amount of them increased. Slowly, the top of Yang Feng's and Little Green's head gathered, and then, the soul flames began to combine and eat together, actually forming a human figure that was gathered from the soul flames, and then, it pounced towards Yang Feng!    


Yang Feng was currently immersed in the pleasure of hacking and slashing, so he did not pay much attention to the situation above his head, causing the human form formed by the soul flames to quickly arrive in front of Yang Feng, but Yang Feng still did not feel it.    


Right at this moment, a tearing pain came from Yang Feng's chest. From his chest, a golden beam of light the size of a thumb flew out all of a sudden and after flying out of Yang Feng's chest, it directly flew towards the humanoid monster formed by soul fire.    


It was originally lying motionlessly on top of Yang Feng's heart. However, that meaty head suddenly raised its head, and after sniffing the air like a puppy smelling delicious food, it became extremely excited, directly burrowed out of Yang Feng's chest, and flew towards the sky. Yang Feng's body.    


In addition to needing the Nine Li Holy Blood, the Six-Winged Golden Silkworm also needed a large number of souls for its evolution. Six-Winged Golden Silkworm had a violent personality and it also loved to absorb souls, and the powerful military souls here had evolved from the Six-Winged Golden Silkworm, which was the most delicious for the Six-Winged Golden Silkworm.    


Therefore, when the Six-winged Golden Silkworm smelled the delicacy right in front of it, it didn't care if Yang Feng ordered it to act, it immediately drilled out of Yang Feng's chest and flew towards the delicacy. This caused Yang Feng to experience a heart-wrenching pain for no reason at all! However, this Six-winged Golden Silkworm's larva was also powerful. Even though Yang Feng's body was transformed into a preliminary Shaman's body by the Nine-winged Golden Silkworm's blood, he was still torn apart by it so easily!    


Yang Feng looked at the wound on his chest, then raised his head to look at the golden light that was sent flying out. He knew that golden silkworm had drilled out his body, but Yang Feng did not understand why golden silkworm had moved without his orders. However, when Yang Feng saw golden silkworm flying towards the humanoid monster formed by the soul fire above his head, he immediately saw that the humanoid monster was quickly shrinking, and a large amount of his soul fire was being absorbed by golden silkworm!    


He didn't know that the golden silkworm had already evolved into the golden silkworm's larva. Although he had seen a pair of transparent wings that were as thin as a cicada's wing when he looked inside, he did not care much and thought that the golden silkworm was undergoing a normal evolution. He did not expect that the golden silkworm, who had wings on her back, still had the ability to devour souls.    


Yang Feng was chopping down the skeleton soldiers that were charging up again and again while watching the golden silkworm that was continuously devouring soul fire in the air. This golden silkworm was left to him by Yang Feng's mother. He had always thought that this golden silkworm was only capable of using Gu arts, but he never thought that it would have this kind of ability. But just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly felt his heart go numb. Lowering his head to look, Yang Feng discovered that the wound on his chest had actually already been scabbed off, and not a single scar was left!    


When had his body's recovery ability become so powerful? In less than a minute, the wound had already formed a scab without any trace. It must be known that the last time he was injured, it wasn't ten days or half a month ago that it formed a scab, but now it had actually formed a scab so quickly!    


This made Yang Feng feel that his body was a monster, but fortunately, these things were beneficial to him, so he did not pay any more attention to them and directly slashed at the surrounding skeleton soldiers. As the number of skeleton soldiers he killed increased, the Demonic Knife in his hands also seemed to have a tendency to evolve, and after absorbing the Soul Fire, the originally cold blade emitted a red glow, but as it absorbed more and more Soul Fire, the Demonic Knife's body actually started to turn black, and finally turned into a black, black Demonic Knife!    


Although the color had changed, its power had become even greater. Yang Feng could very easily shoot out a blade beam that was almost a dozen meters long, and this blade beam was actually black! Wherever the black blade-light passed, it was like pulling out dried weeds and rotten wood. It turned all the skeleton soldiers that were hit by the black blade-light into ashes! As a result, the number of skeleton soldiers Yang Feng had eliminated was also no less than Little Green's!    


After completely devouring the monster formed by the soul fire in the sky, the Six-Winged Golden Silkworm let out a cry, and with a flap of its wings, it charged towards the skeleton soldiers below. The Six-Winged Golden Silkworm's speed was extremely fast, and it immediately shot out a golden light. It directly drilled into the skull of the skeleton soldier, and then directly absorbed the soul fire of the skeleton soldier before continuing to search for its next target. For a moment, the entire battlefield was covered in a golden light, and wherever the golden light went, the skeleton soldier would fall.    


When the Six-Winged Golden Silkworm devoured the soul fire of these Skeleton Soldiers, it also didn't forget the soul fire of those skeleton soldiers that Little Blue had swept into the sky. As long as the soul fire in the sky gathered to a certain degree, the Six-Winged Golden Silkworm would let out a happy cry and then rush into the air to devour the soul fire!    


Just like this, Yang Feng, Xiao Qing and the Six-winged Golden Silkworm continued to reap the skeletons' lives, reducing the number of Skeleton Soldiers and Skeleton Soldiers. They would quickly break through the Skeleton Army's encirclement.    


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Seventh chapter, continued to request flowers and recommended votes!    


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