Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C76 Pope of the War

C76 Pope of the War

2Yang Feng was just about to give Yelu another punch, ending his life, and deal with this big trouble that would come later on for the entire Blood Clan. Suddenly, he became alarmed, and knew that he was in danger, so without thinking much, he gave up on fighting Yelu and retreated. The moment he jumped away, a white light bombarded the place where he was just standing!     2


After a loud bang, dust and dust immediately filled the air, blocking all view of Yang Feng and the others. Yang Feng decisively ordered Carl and the others to retreat, while he himself remained in place, watching what was happening. Carl and the others quickly left the place with Princess Lucy, and returned to their castle to invite his father. Carl knew who was coming, and only his own father could settle this matter.    


When the dust and dirt dispersed, Yang Feng saw that the place where he was standing at a moment ago had been smashed into a huge pit with a depth of two to three meters and a diameter of four to five meters. As for Yelu who had fallen beside the big pit, he was wrapped up in a white light, as if he did not receive any kind of injury.    


Yang Feng raised his head and looked in the direction the white light had come from, to see a white robed, white haired, white haired, wrinkled, and slightly frail old man floating in the air. Two sharp eyes shot out from his eyes, staring straight at Yang Feng.    


Looking at the golden scepter in the old man's hand and the golden crown on his head that was stuck on his grey hair, Yang Feng had already guessed who this old man was! He was the Pope, one of the leaders of the Church. In addition to him, the other leader of the Church who held the same status as the Pope was the leader of the Knights of Holy Light, the only Holy Knight!    


Yang Feng also looked at the Pope who was floating in the sky. He estimated the Pope's strength in his heart. To soar through the air in the sky was something that even a master of the Xiantian realm would not be able to accomplish! Even if one practiced the top-notch movement arts, anyone who had reached the Xiantian Full Circle realm would only be able to stay in the air for a short period of time. But the Pope was able to stay in the air forever, what kind of strength was this?    


If Yang Feng wanted to float in the air, it wasn't impossible for him to do so. He only needed to use his Blood Wings, but Yang Feng was still not very familiar with controlling his Blood Wings, so he could rely on his Blood Wings to escape. However, relying on them to fight was much worse than standing on the ground, so under such a disadvantageous situation, Yang Feng could only wait and see.    


The Pope looked at Yang Feng for a while before lowering his head to look at Yelu who was wrapped in white light. Yang Feng paid close attention to the Pope's actions. He still did not know the Pope's strength, and could not act rashly. It was not that Yang Feng did not want to escape, he wanted to escape the moment he recognized the person as the Pope.    


Yang Feng wanted to escape, but every time he had this intention, he could feel a strong pressure attacking him, and a strange power was locking onto him. As long as he turned around to escape, Yang Feng was sure that an indescribable force would strike his body, so he could only look at the Pope, preparing carefully.    


Yelu who was enveloped in white light slowly opened his eyes, seeing the Pope in the sky, a happy smile instantly appeared on his face, and he struggled to speak to the Pope, "Grandfather, he's the Blood Clan's Holy Son, quickly catch him! He ambushed me earlier and injured me, you have to avenge me!"    


Hearing Yelu call the Pope grandpa, Yang Feng suddenly had a ridiculous feeling. He never would have thought that Yelu was the Pope's grandson, no wonder he had such strength at his age, and that armor on him. If not for his sneak attack just now, it would have taken him a lot of effort to injure Yelu with a single punch.    


The Pope nodded after hearing what Yelu said, then said to Yelu, "Good grandson, don't worry. Grandpa will let you handle him after we catch him, you can do whatever you want to him!"    


The Pope's tone was sinister and sinister, the good impression Yang Feng had of the Church lessened slightly after hearing the Pope's words. Originally, he felt a little guilty for killing so many members of the Church, but after hearing the Pope's words, the bit of guilt disappeared, but he did not expect the Pope, who always prided himself as being merciful, to say something like that, it seems like it was not wrong for the Blood Clan to say that the Church was just a group of hypocrites!    


In fact, only the Holy Emperor could say such words due to his anger. If it was in a normal situation, he would definitely say some noble words to cover it up, but seeing how Yelu, his precious grandson was injured to such an extent, the Holy Emperor did not care about pretending, and revealed his true appearance.    


As for the reason why the Pope placed such importance on Yelu, it was because Yelu had been groomed by him to take over the position of leader of the Knights of Holy Light. Although the Pope is said to be the highest leader of the Church, he doesn't have military power. All of the Knights of the Church are under the jurisdiction of the Knights of the Holy Light, so in order to bring the military power of the Church into his hands, the Pope plotted to get Yelu out.    


was indeed a genius, at only twenty years of age he had already reached the level of an aerial knight. Adding to the equipment the Pope had given him, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage even if he were to fight against an expert of the Heaven Knight level. As long as he trained hard in the future, he would definitely become a Holy Knight in the future, and at that time, he would become the successor to the position of the leader of the Holy Knights of Light.    


How could the Pope not be angry? Yang Feng was ruining his plans, adding on to the fact that Yang Feng was the holy son of the Blood Clan, the Pope would definitely not let him off.    


After the Pope said to Yelu, he waved the scepter in his hand, and a ray of white light suddenly descended from the sky without any warning, directly hitting Yelu's body. The white light then carried Yelu up and sent him flying far away.    


Yang Feng did not stop the Pope from doing so. Today, his own punch had taught Yelu a lesson, although it was a pity that he did not kill the Pope, but now that the Pope had appeared, Yang Feng did not have the ability to stop the Pope from saving Yelu.    


After the Pope sent Yelu to a place he believed to be a safe place, he looked towards Yang Feng, and waved the scepter in his hand once more. Every time the golden scepter in his hand waved about, a white light would appear from different directions without any warning, and then, it would bombard towards where Yang Feng was standing.    


Yang Feng had been staring at the Pope the entire time, and had already reacted when he saw him brandishing the staff, his figure flashed and dodged the incoming white light attack. However, the Pope who was standing in the air continued to wave his staff, and another countless white lights shot towards Yang Feng, causing huge craters to appear on the ground, while Yang Feng's figure was also fleeing in all directions, leaving countless of afterimages.    


On the contrary, if he were to absorb a little, it would increase his own power. However, this was a battle, Yang Feng simply did not have the time to absorb it, and the amount of yang energy contained in the white lights was just too great, so even a single white light would be enough for Yang Feng to absorb for a while, let alone the countless number of lines!    


Yang Feng didn't know why the Pope would be able to move such a huge amount of yang energy just by waving the scepter in his hand, furthermore, it was so endless, so he could only constantly dodge, or else being hit by the white light filled with yang energy wouldn't be fun at all. However, Yang Feng was thinking about when he would steal the Pope's scepter, and he would have a much easier time cultivating his Nine Suns Divine Art using the yang energy.    


The Pope who was standing in the air saw the afterimages that Yang Feng had left behind, and was slightly surprised. However, he quickly smiled sinisterly, and continued to wave his staff with his right hand, sending out beams of white light that bombarded Yang Feng, while his left hand reached into his chest and pulled out a golden beetle that looked similar to it. Then, he casually threw the golden beetle towards Yang Feng!    


The beetle that looked like a ladybug was none other than the Holy Beetle of the Holy Church. It had grown to the size of two tables after the Pope threw it out. The holy beetle's body continued to emit a blazing white light, a yang aura that was a hundred times thicker than the one the Pope had used his scepter to emit.    


With a 'shua' sound, the wings on the back of the Holy Beetle expanded, and then rushed towards Yang Feng!    


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If you don't have any flowers, you can just give me a few recommendation tickets! As long as it was a supporting rat, the mouse would be motivated!    


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