Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C25 Benefit Is Not Shallow

C25 Benefit Is Not Shallow

4Having observed the famous giant net fishing, Li Yun drove the car to the local market and purchased some fresh lakefish and prawns. After replenishing the refrigerator stock, he continued to head south.    


An Xi city was a county city with many historical sites around it. The largest shop in the city was the tea shop.    


The two of them parked the car and walked into a market. With his many years of experience in the business world, Li Yun decided that the bigger the store, the more he wouldn't go in. Since he had already come to Tie Guanyin's place of production, he naturally had to bring back some good tea leaves.    


Even though he was still in Wind Continent, where Li Yun had promoted the culture of tea, and asked himself in his heart, he was still a rookie when it came to the tea merchant.    


He walked into a small shop with two doors and only saw a fifteen to sixteen year old girl sitting behind a huge tea table. Although her face was covered with makeup, it could not hide her tanned skin.    


It was obvious from her withered yellow hair that she was in need of maintenance. The qipao she wore did not match her age.    


The little girl saw a man with a graceful bearing and a beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes walk into her shop.    


He immediately stood up and stammered in English, "Alright, Oil, take off as Price."    


Hearing this, Li Yun smiled and said gently, "Let's not talk about English. She is Ukrainian and her Chinese is very good."    


Hearing Li Yun's praise, Natasha smiled sweetly. She was in a good mood and said, "Hello beauty, how old are you this year?"    


The little girl's face reddened. "Sit down first. I'll make you some tea."    


Li Yun and Natasha looked at each other and smiled. Then, they sat down on chairs opposite the tea table.    


The little girl immediately boiled water skillfully and scrubbed the tea set in front of her. Then, she raised her head and asked Li Yun, "You guys like strong and fragrant tea, but it's still light and fragrant."    


"Can you introduce us to them?" Li Yun lightly smiled as he asked.    


"Then I'll let you guys have a taste of the fragrant Tie Guanyin first." The little girl skillfully picked up a teaspoon from the Six Gentlemen and picked up a spoonful of tea while letting Li Yun and Natasha watch on.    


He then started to introduce, "The sweet-smelling Tie Guanyin is a slightly fermented tea type, the tea leaves that are picked are very careful during the process of being dyed green, when the edges of the leaves wither slightly and turn a little red, they start to stir-fry. The best dry-tea patterns are dragonflies' heads and stripes, with green meat and gold edges as the upper color. "    


After saying that, the little girl put the tea leaves in the teapot into the teapot. She skillfully washed the tea leaves and heated them up. His movements were as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water. His slightly immature appearance revealed a trace of an immortal aura.    


Twenty seconds later, two small white porcelain tea bowls were brought in front of Li Yun and Natasha.    


The little girl continued to introduce, "The sweet smell of iron shows three greens. The dry tea green, the tea soup green and the soaked tea leaves are also green."    


Li Yun asked seriously, "Why did you only soak in it for a dozen seconds?"    


The little girl's face revealed a trace of surprise, but she immediately regained her composure: "Sir, it's like this, we are drinking tea because of its fragrance, the fragrance is very strong, the color of the soup is dark green, if it's more than 20 seconds, the tea leaves will be cooked, the astringent taste of the tea leaves will be forced out, the color of the soup will also turn yellow, thus it won't look good, and it won't taste good. This is also why I don't use the teapot, but rather used the lid, in order to heat up faster. "    


With that, the little girl poured the tea leaves from the covered bowl into a basin. "Look, the steamed tea leaves are still green, with a hint of gold on the side. My father made this with his own hands, and it went through a total of eleven stages, from shaking and drying to stir-frying and roasting. In the market, the majority of Tie Guanyin's products were machine fried and roasted, without going through the process of mild fermentation. Therefore, there was no gold edge, and the taste was also not rich and mellow.    


Li Yun was angered by the small bowl in front of him. He gently took a sip, and a delicate fragrance filled his heart. The tea in his mouth was mellow but not astringent.    


Li Yun calmly asked, "How much is one catty of tea?"    


The little girl's eyes lit up when she heard this. She turned around, revealing a childish shrewdness. Not only did he not announce the price, he asked, "Sir, where are you from?"    


Li Yun couldn't help but laugh at the little girl's feigned experienced expression. He said with a smile, "I'm from Shanghai, have you heard of Dongfang Mingzhu's name?"    


"Shanghai." The young lady's face was filled with longing, but it immediately became clear again. "How much does mister plan to buy?"    


"How much you buy depends on the price." Li Yun was filled with interest.    


"In Shanghai, this kind of tea can be sold for 700 to 600 yuan per catty, at least not less than 500 to 600 yuan." The little girl was at a loss, trying to figure out how to bid.    


"Ah, I understand. You are looking at the price. If I were to say that I came from Shanghai, I would be at a disadvantage. Can you change the price?" Li Yun's anxious expression made it seem as if his deduction was true.    


"If you only sell it for one or two catties, it will cost at least four hundred yuan a catty." The little girl finally made up her mind. After reporting the price, she lowered her head, not daring to look at Li Yun. She was like a criminal waiting to be sentenced.    


"What if I buy five hundred pounds? "What's the price?" Li Yun lightly smiled as he asked.    


"Then I'll give you two hundred yuan a catty." The little girl's eyes lit up. "If that's the case, then my brother's college tuition will be settled."    


The little girl's words caused an indescribable pain in Li Yun's heart. The feeling of suddenly coming to an understanding floated in his heart, and Li Yun was unwilling to let it go. He immediately closed his eyes to search for an understanding.    


Seeing that Li Yun had suddenly stopped talking, the little girl immediately became anxious: "How about I give you a cheaper price? In fact, it's not easy for us tea farmers. In order to sell our tea for a good price, we have to pick tea in the scorching sun. But the season for tea is too short, so we have to bring our families together. "    


Seeing Li Yun still sitting there motionlessly, the little girl felt like she had screwed up. She immediately said with tears in her eyes, "Our family of four worked hard and only managed to get 4000 catties of raw tea. For fear that the tea leaves would ferment too much, we couldn't make good tea and couldn't sleep soundly at night. From time to time, we had to get up, turn green and shake green.    


While talking, the little girl was already sobbing uncontrollably, "This year, my brother and I's tuition fees and the lives of our entire family all depend on this thousand catties of tea leaves, so I, I, am a bit too greedy."    


As the little girl chattered on, vivid scenes of the entire family working together appeared in Li Yun's mind. The epiphany had finally arrived.    


Li Yun suddenly felt as if there was a loud bang in his mind, like the evening drum or the morning bell. A spot of white light appeared out of thin air above his head and entered Ren Du and Ren Du meridians, sinking into their dantian.    


When the spiritual energy in his dantian encountered this white light, it was like a drop of milk being dropped into a cup of water. It immediately blended with the water and the golden spiritual energy gradually turned into a milky white spiritual energy.    


Li Yun knew that this process would take a long time, so he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were clear and bright.    


He softly spoke the words of understanding, "To live is to cultivate. The path of life is my path."    


Natasha was stunned when she heard that. "Darling, what did you just say?"    


Li Yun slightly smiled and said, "I say, when a person is alive, they are cultivating."    


"Oh." Natasha nodded, seeming to understand something.    


Li Yun turned his head towards the little girl and said, "Congratulations, you've successfully convinced me. I've decided to buy all one thousand catties of tea from you. The price is a bit too low, I'm sorry for such good tea leaves and your father's insistence on quality. 400 yuan per catty, it seems a little bit too high."    


The little girl immediately said excitedly, "Then three hundred yuan a catty."    


"Such a good suggestion, why didn't you mention it earlier?" Li Yun seemed to blame him.    


The girl's smiling face was covered with tears, just like a lotus flower after a rain, causing people to feel pity.    


Li Yun pretended not to see her tragic appearance and seriously said, "Call your father over. We will talk. I plan to start next year and buy 2000 catties of tea from you every year. With this price and quality, you will be responsible for supervising my quality."    


"Yes." The little girl quickly took out her phone and dialed her father's number. At the same time, she excitedly recounted what had happened today.    


At this moment, Li Yun's heart was at peace. He had only paid a small price, but it had brought so much happiness to this family.    


Furthermore, Li Yun had benefited greatly from this trip.    




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