Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C17 Opening of Ming Ming Xuan

C17 Opening of Ming Ming Xuan

3When Li Yun had just arrived outside the door of the Treasure Pavilion, Hu Yong, with his sharp eyes, had already seen it. He greeted respectfully at the door: "Did Young Master Lee come to ask about the auction?"    1


Li Yun smiled and said, "I have opened a tasting shop and am promoting the Way of Tea to meet up with friends. I came here today specifically to invite Manager Hu and Xiaoyaozi to participate in the opening ceremony tomorrow. "    


Hu Yong cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to Young Master Lee. My uncle and I will definitely come tomorrow to congratulate you."    


Li Yun grinned as he handed over the invitation card. "Then I'll be thanking you. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow at noon."    


Hu Yong received the invitation with both hands and carefully put it away before cupping his hands again: "Good, let Young Master Lee know, the treasures will not be auctioned in this city, Heze City is very popular, so we will auction it under the Heze branch, if it's convenient for Young Master Lee, we can watch it together."    


Li Yun Cheng said, "Thank you for your trouble, Senior Xiaoyaozi and Manager Hu. I'm scared."    


Hu Yong hastily waved his hand, "Young Master Lee, don't be like this. This is part of our mission."    


Li Yun saw that they were almost done with their chat. He cupped his hands and said, "Then this one will bid farewell then. I will wait for you tomorrow."    


After he said his goodbyes, Li Yun returned to the Pinming House and checked the contents of the training for the beauties before starting to arrange a place to stay. Other than the two servants, Chan Juan and Li Yun were staying together with him.    


Indoor temporary new furniture and bedding complete, ten new students Spiritual Maid, named after the spring flowers, autumn moon, plum orchid, frost and snow.    


The ten Spiritual Maid's cultivation had also reached Qi Disciple level 6. Li Yun sent two Peiyuan Pill and twenty Qi Replenishing Pill to each of them, instructing them to cultivate well. He then brought Chan Juan and her servant back to their room to rest.    


Today, the lives of the citizens of Baise were no longer as dull as before. They told each other because today a different shop was about to open.    


The shop would shine all night, its signboard would shine, and there was a moving painting on the wall outside the shop.    


The scenes were like mountains and rivers, the sky and clouds, the flowers of the four seasons, beautiful and bubbling fairies dancing in the middle of the night, and then large essays introducing the contents of the store.    


Through the introduction of people know tea, tea, tea culture and other new terms. He knew that this restaurant's tea and food was not calculated based on the number of people, but by the number of people.    


How foolish of the boss to do business like this? Those who had big appetites would be able to poor him. Those who had small appetites would feel that it was not worth it, so they would not go. Moreover, this hundred spirit stones was a bit too expensive for a single person.    


It wasn't even noon yet when Pinming House s were already open. Outside the gate were many spectators, especially the seventy inch liquid crystal television which was surrounded by people. They all stretched their necks and raised their heads to look at the scene on the television with dumbfounded expressions.    


In order to prevent the television from being accidentally damaged, Li Yun had hung it up a little too high. It was estimated that many people would have twisted their necks today.    


Suddenly, the people looked at the twelve beauties who walked out from the Pinming House gate, wearing the same uniform, standing on both sides of the door.    


She had a face that could be cracked by the wind, and her facial features were picturesque. Her cute little blue hat added a bit of charm to her face. Beneath the short skirt with buttocks, there were straight, black silk legs, which made one's imagination run wild.    


She was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes that were so bright they could show people. As he walked, his figure was swaying back and forth, and it was even more obvious that he was moving in an arc from front to back.    


The white lace high-necked shirt, which was wrapped in a small, high-waisted suit, was bulging as if two living creatures were about to spring out.    


The onlookers were all shocked by the way they were dressed, as they had never seen anything like this before. Although these beauties did not wear much, they gave off a solemn and dignified feeling. Although they all had faint smiles on their faces, no one dared to take a step closer as they watched from a distance.    


At this moment, a series of orderly footsteps came from afar. A bearded man was walking down the long street with more than twenty armored warriors.    


The people recognized this to be the mayor and quickly moved out of the way. When the mayor walked to the Pinming House entrance and stopped, a young man walked out of the shop with a smile on his face, "The mayor is here to pay his respects.    


Tuo Baku laughed. "Little friend Li Yun, I congratulate you. This is a Qi Transformation Pill, it can help you break through to the Aurous Core stage and reduce the suffering. Little friend, please accept it."    


Li Yun received the box with both hands and said, "City Lord, you have a great heart, please follow me."    


With that said, Li Yun led the way. Tuo Baku followed Li Yun to the table in front of the stage and sat down. The twelve Spiritual Maid followed closely behind, carrying the food around as they busied themselves.    


Xiao'er immediately used a skillful technique to help Tuoba Ye into a bright red robe.    


With a sip of the tea, Tuo Baku closed his eyes and sighed, "What you have is indeed something extraordinary."    


Li Yun cupped his hands and said, "City Lord, thank you for your praise. If City Lord has the time in the future, you can come and drink tea often. "There are also a variety of tea leaves, and each one has its own unique flavor."    


Tuo Baku laughed and said, "The arrangement here is strange. It is indeed a good place to go. I will come often. Go busy yourself now and allow me to study this tea ceremony."    


Li Yun said his goodbyes and walked to the door. He saw that Tuo Baku's warriors had replaced the Twelve Beautiful Ladies' standing positions, adding a sense of desolation to the originally festive atmosphere. He was speechless, but he couldn't say anything.    


Coincidentally, Xiaoyaozi and Hu Yong had arrived at this time. After another round of greetings, they were led to their seats by Juan, and gradually, more and more guests arrived. The fifty tables in the hall were also filled.    


Li Yun walked onto the stage, cupped his hands, and bowed as he said in a clear voice: "Seniors, fellow daoists, today's opening of the Pinming House, to be able to invite all of you here, is Li Yun's fortune. Here, I express my heartfelt thanks to all of you seniors and fellow daoists who have come today."    


With that, Li Yun saluted in all four directions and continued, "The tea can calm the mind and help the body. Today, the Pinming House is open for business, and it is our honour to welcome Senior Tuo Baku and Senior Xiaoyaozi here to cut the ribbon, and now, we have the honor to welcome the two seniors on stage. "    


A sonorous and powerful march melody sounded out from the speakers. Tuo Bakang and Xiaoyaozi could not help but follow the rhythm as they walked onto the stage.    


Spiritual Maid carried four big red balls on a tray and stepped onto the stage in order. Between the four balls was a long red ribbon.    


Spiritual Maid carried a handful of golden scissors on a tray and walked onto the stage with the music. Most of the male guests' eyes were attracted by Spiritual Maid's outstanding grace and beautiful legs. Even Tuo Baku and Xiaoyaozi couldn't avoid it.    


Li Yun could only cough lightly and signal them to pick up the scissors and cut off the red silk.    


Under the applause of the guests, Li Yun thanked the two of them and invited them to take a seat. From then on, two Aurous Core stage elders stood behind the Pinming House. Everyone knew that Li Yun had already achieved his initial goal.    


Li Yun then said, "In response to my gratitude to all the seniors and dao friends, I have prepared a film and painting story for everyone to enjoy. Then, Li Yun said," In response to my gratitude to all the seniors and dao friends, I have prepared a film and painting story for everyone to appreciate.    


As the music began to play, the three large words of the Divine Seal Decree began to change from far away to near. They began to grow smaller and larger until they appeared on the big screen …    




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