Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C7 Two Foxes

C7 Two Foxes

4As time passed by, more and more people gathered in the ward. They were all staring at Li Yun's every move with shock in their eyes.    0


Finally, Li Yun's hands left the patient's body. With a pale face, he sat down cross-legged and stuffed two more Qi Replenishing Pill s into his mouth.    


He quietly sat where he was, circulating his Qi to circulate the medicinal pills, nourishing the Spiritual Energy that was missing from his meridians.    


After around ten more minutes, Li Yun indifferently swept his eyes across everyone. He stood up, extended his hand towards the patient's wrist to check, and used the Spiritual Energy to lightly prod the patient's Tan Zhongzhong point, lightly saying: "Still not awake."    


Hearing this, everyone present shifted their gazes from Li Yun to the patient's face.    


The patient's eyelashes trembled a few times. She slowly opened her eyes, adjusted to the light, and looked at a beautiful woman in white OL attire.    


The moment the woman saw the patient awaken, she immediately rushed to the bedside and shouted excitedly, "Dad, you're finally awake! You scared the hell out of your daughter!"    


When Li Yun saw this moving scene, his eyes revealed a look of gratification. Suddenly, his heart moved as if he had realized something, but he was unable to grasp it at the moment. After seeing the cultivation experience left behind by his master, he knew that this was an epiphany and that this was the most rare opportunity in cultivation.    


The opportunity must not be lost, time never comes again. Thus, Li Yunli pushed the crowd away with his hand and walked out in large strides. Right now, he urgently needed to find a place to calm down and meditate. He held on to that thread of feeling in his heart. He walked quickly to the door of the building.    


At this moment, a figure blocked Li Yun's path. An old man with a kind face smiled and said, "Mister, would you mind staying here for a while?"    


Li Yun urgently needed time to meditate and impatiently said, "I'm very tired and urgently need time to recover. I'm sorry."    


As he spoke, he handed over his name card and left. The old man looked at the business card in his hand with a blank look. His eyebrows were tightly knitted into a square, as he puzzledly read: "Communication Coal Public Relations Company?"    


As for Li Yun, he drove fast. When he got home, he sat cross-legged on the bed, silently pondering as he searched for the trace of enlightenment.    


Two hours later, Li Yun's tightly knitted eyebrows gradually relaxed as he slowly recited, "Ask the world what love is, kinship, friendship, love, to break through love and obtain the Great Dao."    


At this point, Li Yun's mental state had greatly improved. His entire person seemed to have an otherworldly temperament and was ethereal and pure.    


Li Yun was overjoyed. He immediately swallowed two Qi Nurturing Pills and started cultivating. Due to his breakthrough in his mental state, Li Yun's cultivation became easier to cultivate. He opened up four meridians in a row and stabilized his cultivation at Qi Disciple level 6.    


In his heart, he had a feeling that he could attempt to open the two meridians and complete a full cycle. Let the Spiritual Energy sink into your dantian and hide in the Qi Sea, in a state that you can call upon at any time.    


After training until dawn, Li Yun drove to the office and looked through the various reports for the past week. It was as though he had called every customer who was in arrears and cared about them.    


Li Yun turned on his computer and downloaded a few movies and TV sets for broadcast on a foreign land.    


"Tat tat," Finance Minister Chen Ya pushed open the door and entered. "Boss, someone wants to see you."    


Li Yun nodded and said, "Call him in."    


Chen Ya turned around and walked out. In a moment, he would welcome a skinny old man with a head full of white hair and dressed appropriately.    


Li Yun recognized the doctor who blocked his way at the hospital yesterday and immediately stood up and said, "I did have an emergency yesterday, I'm really sorry." As he spoke, he invited the old man to sit on the sofa.    


Sitting across from the old man, he said to the old man as he brewed the kung fu tea, "I have yet to inquire of the old man's name."    


The old man politely bowed and said, "My name is Suen Daochun. Director of Surgery, East China Hospital. "    


Li Yun calmly asked, "Director Sun, are you here to denounce us?"    


Suen Daochun quickly said, "I'm afraid Director Li has misunderstood something. Yesterday, Director Li had a brilliant hand in saving a patient in our hospital. I came on behalf of the patient's family to thank Director Li."    


Li Yun extended his hand to signal Suen Daochun to drink tea. He also picked up the small bowl of tea in front of him, sucked the tea into his mouth, rolled it between his lips and slowly swallowed it. Then he said in a casual tone, "That is his good fortune. Elder Sun, this is unnecessary."    


Suen Daochun was stunned when he heard this. He seemed to have understood something as he sincerely said: "Director Li is indeed a master, his words are really like a Zen machine."    


Li Yun lightly touched the empty bamboo on the tea table. With a "dong" sound, the ethereal voice revolved around the room for a long time.    


Li Yun indifferently said, "There's no such thing as a meditation technique. It's his fate that should not have ended. All sorts of coincidences let me appear here, and it just so happens that I found out he was still saved. That's why this karma."    


Li Yun had already gained a lot from this incident, and his cultivation base had also improved greatly. As a result, Li Yun's heart was completely at peace.    


He did not intentionally put on airs. Instead, he gained a deeper understanding of the cause and effect of the battle and felt reverence for them.    


Suen Daochun was a little confused by Li Yun's words, so he went straight to the point, "As a doctor who has been saving the dying and helping the wounded for more than 40 years, I am very interested in the medicine that Boss Li uses. I hope that Boss Li will consider saving the lives of more patients and not cherish them too much."    


These words were said with a sense of righteousness and a sense of justice.    


When Li Yun heard this, he revealed a strange smile. He thought to himself, "The fox's tail has finally been revealed. Let's slowly play with it." However, he said, "Elder Sun, do you specialize in western or traditional Chinese medicine?"    


Suen Daochun groaned in his heart, but he refused to show weakness: "Surgery is western medicine, of course, but this doesn't stop my doctor's parents."    


Li Yun took out a Qi replenishing pill and threw it to Suen Daochun to catch it.    


He casually said, "This pill is for replenishing Qi, it is not that much better than a ginseng. If you think it is all the effect of medicine, take it back and study it."    


Suen Daochun was there yesterday, so he wasn't stupid enough to think that a pill could save a dead person.    


However, he did not dare to underestimate this pill. Thus, Suen Daochun carefully put away the pill and continued saying to Li Yun, "May I trouble Director Li to help me solve my doubts?"    


Li Yun spread out his hands and said, "You study western medicine, how can I explain it to you? I wonder if you have heard of Qigong? "    


"A little." Elder Sun said in embarrassment.    


Li Yun signalled to Elder Sun to pass his hand over, and used his hand to press on the vein on Elder Sun's left hand. A sliver of Spiritual Energy entered along Elder Sun's Taiyin Meridian and instantly went through all 16 meridians, slowly withdrawing.    


Then he smiled and asked, "How do you feel?"    


Suen Daochun said excitedly, "I feel refreshed."    


Li Yun indifferently said, "Then give me the money."    


"What?" Suen Daochun had never thought that Li Yun, who looked so nice just now, would suddenly start talking about money.    


Li Yun said seriously, "Does your doctor not accept money for treating people?"    


Suen Daochun asked, "Then why didn't you collect the money yesterday?"    


"That is fate for me and him, and you came here for benefits. Let's negotiate more, I have indeed cured your liver which is already somewhat fibrotic, and I have also conveniently cleaned up the impurities in your blood vessels. You're a doctor, don't tell me you don't feel it. " Li Yun said righteously.    


Suen Daochun had been a surgeon for more than 40 years, so he was not short of money. Thus, he asked, "I wonder how Boss Li would charge for it?"    


Li Yun retorted, "How much do you charge to treat the patient's cirrhosis?"    


"Uh, cirrhosis is very hard to treat. If it's liver, it would be about 3 million yuan."    


"That's more like it, swapping livers is risky." Li Yun said with a beaming smile.    


Suen Daochun was very clear about his body. After years of hard work on the operating table and eating irregularities, his liver was gradually fibrosis from fatty liver, so he definitely died from cirrhosis.    


Li Yun's actions this time had given him 20 years of life. Normally, he wouldn't even be able to ask for it.    


Thus, he happily took out his phone and transferred 3.5 million to Li Yun through the online bank. As for why he transferred another 500,000, Suen Daochun had a deeper meaning.    


A God like Li Yun was the God of Fortune. As long as they were on good terms with Li Yun, even if Suen Daochun acted as an intermediary in the future, he would be able to earn 3.5 million and perhaps even double that amount.    


At that moment, an old fox and a little fox became old friends. The conversation was not warm, but filled with a feeling of hate for meeting each other too late.    


Li Yun repeatedly reminded Elder Sun in concern, "Then take the pill that I've given you. It's better if you take it yourself to nourish your body. If you really want to go to the lab, you won't be able to get any results. Instead, you've wasted a first-rate tonic, so you can buy it from me if you need it in the future. "    


"Little brother, you're right. Old brother feels the same way. We need to work together more in the future." Suen Daochun had already started calling Li Yun his brother.    


Afterwards, the two foxes, one old and one young, left each other their contact information, and then said their goodbyes.    




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