Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C257 The Flaming Beast's Counterattack

C257 The Flaming Beast's Counterattack

4The night after the war was peaceful. Li Yun was not in a hurry to take back the thousand soldiers, but had them light a bonfire and roast the Flaming Beast's meat for celebration. The cartons of beer were taken out by Li Yun and piled into a wall.     1


Qing held a can of beer and walked to Li Yun's side, blushing. "Husband, what's this? It's not sweet, but it feels good to drink."    


Li Yun looked at her with a smile and said, "This is wine, even if you drink too much you'll get drunk."    


"Hmph, I just like this feeling of floating. It's also very fast to expel this kind of thing from my body." Yang Qing couldn't help but roll her eyes.    


Li Yun took out a beach table and four beach chairs from his ring. He found a relatively flat area and set it down. He called for the pretty sisters and Qing to sit together, and a warrior served them a bowl of roasted meat skewers.    


Li Yun picked up one of the steel rods and lightly bit into the piece of meat. A strange fragrance that he had never experienced before permeated through his lungs and the fat within the meat immediately filled his mouth.    


Li Yun, who always liked to eat food, immediately let go and started to eat. The meat of the Flaming Beast was as tender and fragrant as the meat of the Spiritual Bull. Aside from the different fragrance, the muscles of the Flaming Beast were evenly filled with traces of fat.    


After the barbecue, the fat began to dissolve, so the taste was delicious.    


"Qing, Jiao, Ying, hurry up and try it all. This meat really melted in your mouth and is extremely delicious. With such a great harvest today, Qing deserves the first prize. " Li Yun was in an exceptionally good mood.    


Seeing that Li Yun was in such a good mood, the three girls did their best to flatter him. Therefore, the four of them were in a blissful and harmonious mood.    


Just as they were happily chatting, Li Yun suddenly frowned and said with a serious face, "They're here again, there are quite a few of them."    


Jiao's Divine Sense immediately looked around and cried out: "More than during the day. The number is at least 100 thousand."    


Li Yun smiled faintly: "I'll bring out the other 2000 soldiers as well. Ying, you will be in charge of this battle."    


"Yes." Ying immediately stood up, his face red with excitement. Previously, when the Chan sisters were here, it was not her turn at all. Now that Li Yun had given her command, it was a form of affirmation and trust.    


With a thought from Li Yun, two thousand soldiers and their Dragon Horse immediately appeared in the surroundings.    


Ying shouted to all the soldiers, "Today I am the commander of this battle, everyone listen well, you are not allowed to use white phosphorous bullets and aluminum thermite ammunition in the battle, because these guys' skin is resistant to fire. If they are covered in the flames of the aluminum thermite, charging towards us will only cause us confusion."    


"Yes." Everyone answered in unison.    


Ying continued to speak loudly, "In this battle, we are not fighting a defeat, but a annihilation, so I ordered the first thousand man team to defend where we are, the second and third thousand man team to ride on the Dragon Horse, quickly go left and right, and then to surround and attack the center from the periphery. You must not let any of them run away. "    


"Yes." 3000 people answered together, their majestic voices causing the entire valley to buzz.    


While adjusting his position, Li Yun said loudly, "In the battle, whoever kills the enemy's Flaming Beast leader, I will give him the chance to advance to the Golden Immortal Stage and it will immediately come true."    


"Oh." The soldiers were all excited, the weapons in their hands were the same, everyone's cultivation realm was the same, and the Flaming Beast were weak, so this chance was fair for everyone, but luck played a large role.    


The cheers of the three thousand soldiers caused a commotion among the Flaming Beast.    


All of a sudden, chirps and cries arose from the surroundings, and in an instant, all the sounds gathered together to form a violent wave of sound that surged over from all directions.    


The attacks of the Flaming Beast began, as countless Flaming Beast surged over from all directions. Two thousand-man squads, riding Dragon Horse s, like two long silver dragons, headed towards the left and right.    


The original thousand man team formed a giant defensive circle with Li Yun as the center. All kinds of firearms and bullets shot out, causing the Flaming Beast that were flying over to fall to the ground.    


The soldiers under Li Yun already had one Storage Ring each. Normally, they were used to store firearms and ammunition, but at this moment, they had also turned into weapons, and those two piercing teams used the Storage Ring with their left hands to collect the living Flaming Beast. They kept the Flaming Beast into their storage rings, and with their right hands holding the Seven Star Flowing Cloud Sword, they quickly harvested the Flaming Beast's lives that were pouncing towards them.    


With a few soft puffing sounds, a dozen or so large holes appeared on the surface of the defensive circle. Flaming Beast that came out of the holes came out of the holes one after another.    


However, they never would have thought that there would be at least two warriors waiting for them at each cave entrance. Flaming Beast who had just crawled out of the cave entrance had not made any movements, but had already been swiftly recruited into the Storage Ring. The battle within the defensive circle was a battle without smoke, gunshots and screams. Everything ended in silence.    


"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" Three loud roars suddenly came from afar, and an enormous Flaming Beast stood up from each of the three mountain peaks. These three fellows were nearly two meters tall and stout. After standing up, they rushed down the mountain without hesitation.    


Countless machine gun bullets shot towards the three Flaming Beast s, but they couldn't do anything about it. This mountain top Flaming Beast's defensive capabilities was extremely strong, the moment the bullets hit its body, it only paused for a moment, before immediately charging back.    


At this time, a clever warrior, riding a Dragon Horse, brandishing the Seven Stars Floating Cloud Sword, charged towards one of the gigantic Flaming Beast. He hacked ferociously along the way, causing this gigantic Flaming Beast to become extremely angry.    


This gigantic Flaming Beast, had its full attention focused on this warrior, and was charging towards him with large strides.    


The warrior suddenly waved his left hand, and the gigantic Flaming Beast and the numerous ordinary Flaming Beast around him disappeared from everyone's sight.    


Along the way, they only used the Seven Stars Floating Cloud Sword to kill them. They endured the urge not to use the Storage Ring, and charged all the way until they were five meters in front of the two giant Flaming Beast, and then used the same method to surprisingly load the giant Flaming Beast into the Storage Ring.    


Li Yun had seen the performance of these three warriors. He could not help but smile and say to Jiao, "These three warriors are all talented when it comes to adaptability. They want to be promoted to the position of vice captain of the thousand man team. Each of them will be rewarded with a pot of Seven Treasures Dew. Let them step into the Golden Immortal Stage first."    


"Yes, Jiao has remembered it."    




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