Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C231 Hero Save Beauty

C231 Hero Save Beauty

1In the evening, after Li Yun finished his inspection of the oil fields and refineries, he left Xiang's team to manage the two companies. They returned to the hotel, walked to the elevator and pressed the button for the 38th floor.    


Just as the elevator door closed, it suddenly opened again. A young girl with blonde hair dressed in casual sports attire rashly barged in.    


Her golden hair was tied into a simple ponytail behind her head. She reached out her hand and pressed 38, then turned to Li Yun and Joanna with a brilliant smile, "What a coincidence, you guys are also on the 38th floor."    


Just as the elevator door was about to close, it suddenly opened again. A young man holding a bunch of roses in his hand and blocking the elevator door as he anxiously said, "Jacqueline, I've been waiting for you at the entrance for three hours, why did you leave without saying a word?"    


Jacqueline's face was frosty. "I've already told you this. I'm still young, so my studies are important. I'm not suitable for a marriage negotiation. Why aren't you giving up?"    


His left hand continued to block the elevator door, and his right hand beckoned behind him. "Since you don't know what's good for you, then I can only be rude to you."    


Two men in dark glasses and suits suddenly rushed into the elevator and grabbed Jacqueline's arms from left and right. One of them took out a white towel and held it over Jacqueline's face.    


The elevator door closed again and started moving towards the 38th floor. At this moment, Li Yun started moving and both of his hands came out and patted the two hulks on the back. The two hulks vomited blood and fell to the ground.    


Joanna held onto Jacqueline and a bottle of mineral water suddenly appeared in her hand. She slowly poured it into Jacqueline's mouth.    


The young man's face was filled with terror as he looked at Li Yun. "Who the hell are you people? "What do you want?"    


Li Yun fiercely grabbed the young man's clothes at the chest and fiercely pressed him against the elevator's bulkhead. He then pressed the button on the first floor and said to the young man with a gloomy face, "I still want to ask what do you want to do?"    


The elevator reached the 38th floor. The doors opened and closed, then quickly returned to the first floor.    


Li Yun grabbed the young man's collar with one hand and threw the two unconscious men out of the elevator with the other. He shouted, "Security, where is the hotel security?"    


At this moment, Jacqueline, who had drunk half a bottle of mineral water, slowly woke up in Joanna's arms. With fear still in her eyes, she looked at Joanna who was holding onto her water bottle with one hand and saying with gratitude, "Thank you for saving me."    


Joanna could clearly feel Jacqueline straightening her body, wanting to stand on her own feet. In the end, she softly fell onto her own body and hastily comforted her, "Don't worry, your anesthesia is not over yet. You still can't control your body, just lean on your sister for a while."    


Jacqueline looked at Joanna gratefully and laid her head on Joanna's body without saying a word, like a daughter nestling in her mother's embrace.    


Joanna's maternal nature suddenly exploded. She gently lifted Jacqueline's body with her hands and walked to the lounge in large strides while stepping on her high heels, placing Jacqueline's body on a sofa.    


At this moment, four or five hotel security guards and a hotel manager rushed to the elevator.    


Li Yun looked at them seriously, "These three men, they were trying to kidnap the girl lying on the sofa and used drugs on her. I seriously suspect that your hotel's security measures are correct. There are cameras in the elevator, is there anyone in your control room?"    


The manager bowed towards Li Yun and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lee Yun. This is indeed a mistake on our part. Please allow me to apologize to you."    


Li Yunyu said sarcastically, "What's the use in apologizing to me? It wasn't me who was hurt, it was the girl who was lying on the couch. His parents may not know that their daughter was kidnapped at a five-star hotel. "    


This was clearly arranged by the higher-ups, and they had to let this kidnapping take place smoothly. For this reason, they transferred all the people in the control room, and also evacuated the security guards in the lobby of the hotel, all for the sake of making things easier for the three men in front of them. Right now, the hotel's reputation would be greatly affected.    


This was because there were many guests gradually surrounding them, pointing at them and whispering amongst themselves.    


Li Yun passed the young man in his hand to a security guard and walked towards Joanna in big strides without even looking at the manager who was apologizing.    


Arriving at Joanna's side, Li Yun asked with concern, "You used so much energy to move her body earlier. How do you feel now? Let me check your pulse. "    


Joanna shyly rolled her eyes at Li Yun. "Don't worry, I know my own body very well. There won't be any problems at all. There's no need to check my pulse."    


Li Yun was still worried. He used the Divine Sense to examine Joanna's body, and then shifted his gaze onto Jacqueline.    


He saw a girl in her early 20s, wearing a pink blazer, white tennis shorts and white sneakers. Her whole body was clean and refreshing, and she gave off a youthful and energetic vibe, making Li Yun feel as if he had met a fresh and lovable girl next door.    


Feeling sorry for her, Li Yun asked Jacqueline softly, "You should be better now. I can feel that the side effects of your anesthesia have disappeared. Do you want us to contact your parents?"    


Hearing Li Yun's words, Jacqueline's heart skipped a beat. The aftereffects of her anesthesia had passed, but Li Yun didn't even touch her body and said it out loud. This ability was too amazing.    


Slowly sitting up straight, he gently said to Li Yun, "I'm Jacqueline, I'm much better now. Thank you for saving me, I don't think it's necessary to inform my parents, so they won't worry about me. That's just a suitor from my university."    


When Li Yan heard this, he laughed. "Your charm is not small. The people who pursue you have no choice but to use violence. You can imagine how desperate that would be."    


Jacqueline curled her lips and said, "I just want to study properly. I don't have any feelings for them. Being stared at by people like that all day is annoying. I didn't expect to hide in such a hotel and couldn't avoid them."    


Li Yun was greatly interested when he heard this, "You have conveyed at least two messages to me. One, you are a bookworm. "Secondly, you are very rich. In order to study more, you actually checked in at a five-star hotel."    


Jacqueline smiled sweetly at Li Yun. "When I was alive, my grandfather liked me the most, so he left me with a huge inheritance. I would never be able to spend all of it staying in this kind of hotel."    




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