Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C188 To Wuhuan

C188 To Wuhuan

1Chan quickly flew the drone to the top of the enemy's army. The screen showed two hundred soldiers, their helmets pierced through their armor. They were guarding the entrance of a passage. Their leader, a general, was pacing up and down impatiently.    


The so-called pass, two mountains with a mountain pass between them, has no walls and no doors, but more than 200 people block the pass. However, he was still unable to pass.    


Li Yun looked at the scene in front of him and said to Chan and the rest, "I'm not clear about who's behind Heaven Sect, but I want to eliminate all of Wu Huan and Heaven Sect, in order to warn all the sects and nations. If you want to be someone else's lackey, you first have to consider the consequences that you might have to bear."    


"Yes, young master, using iron blood is the best way to give a warning." Ying said fiercely.    


"This is my plan. I will first release 200 people from the immortal estate. You six take out jeeps equipped with machine guns, use jeeps to charge the front lines, followed by soldiers who will follow up to eliminate these 200 people, then quickly pass through the pass. I will then release all the people, quickly take down the capital city of Wu Huan Kingdom, execute the King and all the members of the royal family, and then take over Heaven Sect. " Li Yun said in a serious tone.    


Ying raised his head. "Other than the official being a Heavenly Immortal, the rest of the soldiers are not even in the realms of the realms of the realms. 200 against 200, I think that's overestimating them."    


Li Yun lightly patted Ying's head and seriously said, "You must not have such thoughts. There is an old saying that goes, a lion fighting a rabbit with its full strength. That way, you won't be affected by any accidents."    


Ying stuck out his tongue: "Gongzi, Ying has learnt his lesson."    


Li Yun continued to speak to Ying, "You will be responsible for driving the caravan, and when the battle is over, you will rush through the entrance as fast as you can. Chan will continue to operate the drone, monitor the entire battlefield, and the situation behind the mountain.    


"Yes." Everyone replied in unison, and a cold murderous aura spread inside the carriage. From then on, Li Yun would no longer keep a low profile. He would use the sword and spear in his hands to make everyone who wanted to kill him hide in the dark and tremble.    


Seeing that everyone was in position, Li Yun and Chan got out of the car. With a wave of Chan's hand, six jeeps equipped with high-speed machine guns appeared in front of the two of them.    


Immediately following Li Yun's command, Juan and 200 armed men appeared beside the jeep.    


Li Yun looked at Juan and gave a brief order, "Kill everyone in front."    


"Yes." Juan cupped her hands in a military salute and immediately arranged for 18 people to board the jeeps. Each vehicle is configured with a machine gunner, an RPG bazooka and a driver.    


The general was not a fool. After seeing Li Yun's movements from a distance, he immediately understood what was going on. He immediately adjusted the soldiers on his side and formed a square formation. He stared at Li Yun's side like a tiger eyeing its prey.    


Li Yun swept his gaze over the enemy's battle formation as he said indifferently to Juan, "Let's begin."    


Juan waved her hand and six jeeps charged towards her. From 500 meters away, six jeeps fired an RPG at the same time. The artillery shell exploded within the enemy's battle formation, immediately blowing up the enemy and causing them to scream miserably.    


At the same time, the jeep's machine gun began to fire. In just a few seconds, the two hundred soldiers, including the commander, had all fallen to the ground.    


Juan waved her hand again, and the remaining 182 soldiers quickly rushed to the bottom of the pass and began to replenish their guns and clear the battlefield. The whole process took less than two minutes, and no one had a chance to escape.    


The Yichen brought along Yun Ying and Yun Lei, spiraling in the sky for a long time before finally landing embarrassedly. He walked to Li Yun's side and complained, "Lady Juan's attack speed is just too fast. None of her opponents can escape."    


Li Yun giggled and said to it, "That officer seems to be a Heavenly Immortal. If you think he's useful for your cultivation, you can go eat him. But it's best if you hide from him, I feel disgusted by it."    


"Got it." The Yichen flapped its wings and flew above the general. It extended its claws to grab him and then flew straight to the top of the mountain.    


Li Yun turned around and walked into the car and said to Ying, "Charge past the overflow and stop. I want to release our soldiers."    


Ying stepped on the accelerator, and the one kilometer journey passed in the blink of an eye.    


Li Yun walked down the caravan and swept his eyes across the wide plain in front of him. With a wave of his hand, the 120 thousand soldiers who were already neatly dressed and rode on Dragon Horse, formed 12 thousand-man army formations, and appeared in front of him.    


Li Yun turned to Juan and said, "Attack the capital city of Wu Huan Kingdom as soon as possible. I will allow you to use multiple rocket launchers to kill off all the royal members of Wu Huan Kingdom without regard for the casualties among the civilians. This will serve as a warning to all those who harbor ill intentions towards me in the Immortal World."    


"Yes." Juan turned around and jumped into a jeep. She drove to the front of the army to lead the way, and all the soldiers started to follow her jeep slowly.    


Li Yun turned around and entered the caravan. Ying started the car and quickly followed behind the army. Chan controlled the drone and flew in front to scout ahead of the army.    


Just as Li Yun sat down on the sofa, Leo ran over eagerly: "Master, did you forget about me just now?"    


Li Yun stared at him sternly: "Master has not forgotten about you. What does the invasion of an army have to do with you? Furthermore, you look like a little brat. Even if you lead troops to war, I still won't accept you. "    


The Leo said grievingly: "Then Master must give me some missions, right?"    


Li Yun shoved the Sea Serpent into the Leo's arms and said, "You asked for the mission yourself. The mission I'm giving you now, is to teach it how to speak human language. You can also get the Ao Guang and the Yu Xia to help you.    


At this time, Jiao Er, who was carrying a small red robe, walked over and helped Sea Serpent put it on. She smiled and said: "Look, Sir, anyone can see it now, no one will accidentally hurt it."    


Li Yun glanced at the Sea Serpent and laughed: "That's right, red is the most eye-catching color in the spectrum. As expected, there is no need to worry about others not being able to see it."    


After saying that, he turned his gaze back to the television, and in the image, the entire army was moving forward at high speed, in an orderly fashion.    




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