Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C156 Cinnabar Fruit with White Flood Dragon

C156 Cinnabar Fruit with White Flood Dragon

2Yun Ying and Yun Xiong excitedly flapped their wings and arrived in front of Li Yun. Li Yun gave each of them an Ascension Pill. He ordered, "Go find an empty place to undergo your tribulation." When the two cranes heard this, they swallowed their Ascension Pills without any hesitation. Flying down from the city walls, each of them found an empty space and squatted down, preparing to withstand the thunder tribulation.    


Seeing that the remaining 3000 soldiers had all taken their positions, Li Yun led Chan and the rest of the 14 soldiers to fly down from the city walls. They were 200 meters apart from each other as they sat cross-legged and shouted, "Begin the tribulation."    


Li Yun swallowed the Feather Transformation Pill first, and after the pill entered his stomach, it quickly melted, turning into a warm current that flowed through his meridians. Li Yun took the initiative to swallow the Feather Transformation Pill, and after it entered his abdomen, it quickly melted, and turned into a warm current that flowed through his veins.    


He repeated this process over and over again until he had completed thirty-six cycles. By now, Li Yun's entire body's meridians had already become ten times thicker. When this warm current passed through the meridians that had been repaired thirty-six times, his meridians could fully withstand the impact and were no longer damaged.    


At this moment, the sky was filled with dense tribulation clouds. More than 3000 lightning bolts descended towards the group. When one of the lightning bolts struck Li Yun's head, Li Yun only felt his entire body shake. There was a kind of mysterious Spiritual Energy that went along the Baihui acupoint above his head and entered his meridians, then followed the Du meridian and went through all the meridians in his body.    


This sliver of Spiritual Energy was golden. No matter where it went, the Spiritual Energy that was previously stored in the meridians would quickly turn golden.    


Following that, the second bolt of lightning struck Li Yun's Baihui point. This time, the amount of golden Spiritual Energy that entered the Du meridian was twice that of the first.    


Just like this, with every lightning strike, the number of golden Spiritual Energy increased by twofold. With the cycle repeated, the nine lightning bolts were all completed.    


At this moment, Li Yun's entire body was charred black. In addition, his entire body was paralyzed, unable to move in the slightest. The golden Spiritual Energy that was flowing in the meridians all over his body gradually began to repair all the tissue and cells in his body.    


However, the damage to Li Yun's entire body was just too great, the golden Spiritual Energy s in his blood channels were almost exhausted, and above his head, a few drops of golden rain floated down, falling onto Li Yun's body and quickly seeping into his blood channels through his scorched skin, immediately transforming into golden Spiritual Energy s, continuing to repair the damaged cells in his body.    


Immediately after, a cloud floated onto Li Yun's body, tightly wrapping around him. Countless golden Spiritual Energy s rushed into Li Yun's meridians, the process of recovery of his body became faster and faster, and the immobile Li Yun could only passively accept the golden Spiritual Energy's cleansing.    


Through his Internal Inspection, he discovered that his own blood had gradually turned gold, Li Yun suddenly realised, this gold colored Spiritual Energy could be the so-called Celestial Power. Everywhere the Celestial Power passed, the body would feel relaxed, the cells in his body would be completely different from the cells in his body, as though they were filled with limitless vitality.    


Suddenly, Li Yun realized that all of the clouds surrounding him had been absorbed by him. Feeling embarrassed, he quickly summoned the golden armor and covered his body. Then he stood up and looked at everyone.    


Everyone was already dressed neatly, and according to their prior instructions, they all immediately teleported into the Immortal estate. Leo floated in front of Li Yun and said smilingly: "Congratulations Master, congratulations Master."    


Li Yun laughed as he scolded, "Where did you learn these words from?"    


The Leo replied respectfully: "I learned it from watching TV."    


Hearing that, Li Yun speechlessly rolled his eyes, and said to the Leo: "Alright, don't be so talkative."    


After which, he turned to the immortal estate and shouted, "Jiao, Ying, come out."    


A shadow flashed in front of them. The two beautiful sisters quickly arrived in front of Li Yun. Li Yun asked them, "Have the eight digital automatic production lines started working yet?"    


"Reporting to young master, the construction has started. There are people watching over them, so they can add materials at any time." Jiao answered seriously.    


Li Yun nodded and continued, "The two of you have the Innate Immortal Body. You won't be rejected by the Heavenly Dao, so you can stay outside. I'll give you a mission now."    


"Please instruct me, Young Master." The two beautiful sisters clasped their hands.    


Li Yun said seriously: "I want to go with the Leo to look for a treasure. I will give you two days time, set up a management system at the base level in every city of Wind Continent, especially to manage my golden body and the collection of faith energy.    


I have to inform all soldiers from the rescue army and the Spirit Fox tribe that if they were to ascend in the future, they have to report to Natasha at the Cloud Sect of the Immortal World. "    


"Yes, Young Master, don't worry. We will do it well." Jiao immediately answered.    


At this time, a message suddenly entered Li Yun's mind: "Celestial Immortal Li Yun, you only have three days left in Wind Continent. I hope that you can complete your affairs as soon as possible, once the time is up, the flight path will immediately open and you will leave this world."    


Li Yun frowned, he knew there was no room for haggling on this issue, so he waved his hand and kept the immortal residence. He immediately summoned the Dragon Horse and leapt onto it with the lightning, saying loudly to the Leo: "We do not have much time, quickly lead the way, we are going to collect the Scarlet Fruit."    


The Leo nodded its head, and through the Divine Sense, it transmitted the location of the brain to Rushing Thunder.    


In a flash, a vast and ancient forest appeared below his feet. The thunder gradually slowed down and fell towards the center of the forest.    


After passing through the clouds, Li Yun saw a huge lake. In the center of the lake, there was an island with an area of three square kilometers. On the island, over thirty peach trees grew like trees.    


The branches of the trees were covered with bright red fruit. Li Yun was ecstatic as he urged his Dragon Horse to descend towards the island.    


Rushing Thunder's four hooves had just landed on the small island when Li Yun immediately felt a powerful pressure coming at him.    


Raising his head, he saw that the originally calm surface of the lake had suddenly become overflowing with huge waves. There was a huge wave that was five kilometers in diameter, constantly rising. When the huge wave had risen to a height of fifty to sixty meters, a ten-meter-long, silvery-white flood dragon came rushing out.    


Why did he say that it was a flood dragon and not a dragon? It looked like a dragon, but it had no antlers on its head. Its tail was also bald, and its limbs were long and thin.    


He opened his mouth and said to Li Yun in human language, "Human, this is not a place you should come to, all the Scarlet Fruits on this island are mine."    




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